package org.warp.jcwdb; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.*; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectBidirectionalIterator; import; import java.nio.channels.SeekableByteChannel; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import; public class FileAllocator implements AutoCloseable { private static final int MAXIMUM_UNALLOCATED_ENTRIES = 50000; private final SeekableByteChannel dataFileChannel; private volatile long fileSize; private volatile boolean closed; private final Object closeLock = new Object(); private final Object allocateLock = new Object(); /** * index -> free space size */ private final Long2IntMap freeBytes = new Long2IntLinkedOpenHashMap(); public FileAllocator(SeekableByteChannel dataFileChannel) throws IOException { this.dataFileChannel = dataFileChannel; this.fileSize = this.dataFileChannel.size(); } public FileAllocator(SeekableByteChannel dataFileChannel, long fileSize, Long2IntMap freeBytes) throws IOException { this.dataFileChannel = dataFileChannel; this.fileSize = fileSize; this.freeBytes.putAll(freeBytes); } /** * TODO: not implemented * * @param size * @return offset */ public long allocate(int size) { checkClosed(); synchronized (allocateLock) { long offset = allocateIntoUnusedParts(size); if (offset == -1) { return allocateToEnd(size); } else { return offset; } } } private long allocateIntoUnusedParts(int size) { Stream> sorted = freeBytes.entrySet().stream() .sorted(Collections.reverseOrder(Map.Entry.comparingByValue())); final VariableWrapper holeOffset = new VariableWrapper<>(-1L); final VariableWrapper holeSize = new VariableWrapper<>(0); sorted.anyMatch((entry) -> { int currentHoleSize = entry.getValue(); if (currentHoleSize < size) { return true; } holeOffset.var = entry.getKey(); holeSize.var = currentHoleSize; return false; }); if (holeOffset.var != -1L) { freeBytes.remove(holeOffset.var); if (holeSize.var > size) { freeBytes.put(holeOffset.var + size, holeSize.var - size); } } return holeOffset.var; } private long allocateToEnd(int size) { long allocatedOffset = fileSize; fileSize += size; return allocatedOffset; } public void close() throws IOException { if (closed) { return; } synchronized (closeLock) { if (closed) { return; } closed = true; } } /** * Frees the unused bytes * * @param startPosition * @param length */ public void markFree(long startPosition, int length) { checkClosed(); if (freeBytes.containsKey(startPosition + length)) { int secondLength = freeBytes.remove(startPosition + length); freeBytes.put(startPosition, length + secondLength); } else { boolean addedToList = false; for (Long2IntMap.Entry entry : freeBytes.long2IntEntrySet()) { if (entry.getLongKey() + entry.getIntValue() == startPosition) { freeBytes.put(entry.getLongKey(), entry.getIntValue() + length); addedToList = true; break; } } if (!addedToList && length > 0) { freeBytes.put(startPosition, length); } } if (startPosition + length >= fileSize) { fileSize = startPosition; } // Remove the smallest hole in the file if (freeBytes.size() > MAXIMUM_UNALLOCATED_ENTRIES) { Stream> sorted = freeBytes.entrySet().stream() .sorted(Map.Entry.comparingByValue()); Optional> first = sorted.findFirst(); if (first.isPresent()) { freeBytes.remove(first.get().getKey()); } } } private void checkClosed() { if (closed) { throw new RuntimeException("Index Manager is closed."); } } }