2018-10-02 15:28:42 +03:00
< ? php
function disjoint_set_find ( & $parents , $x ) {
if ( $parents [ $x ] !== $x ) {
return $parents [ $x ] = disjoint_set_find ( $parents , $parents [ $x ]);
return $x ;
function disjoint_set_union ( & $parents , $x , $y ) {
$x = disjoint_set_find ( $parents , $x );
$y = disjoint_set_find ( $parents , $y );
if ( $x !== $y ) {
if ( rand ( 0 , 1 ) == 0 ) {
$parents [ $x ] = $y ;
} else {
$parents [ $y ] = $x ;
2018-10-28 20:30:47 +03:00
2018-10-02 15:28:42 +03:00
function split_file ( $file , $chunks , $undo ) {
$cpp_name = " $file .cpp " ;
echo " Processing file $cpp_name " . PHP_EOL ;
$new_files = array ();
foreach ( range ( 0 , $chunks - 1 ) as $n ) {
$new_files [] = " $file $n .cpp " ;
$is_generated = ( strpos ( $file , 'td/generate/' ) === 0 );
$cmake_file = $is_generated ? 'td/generate/CMakeLists.txt' : 'CMakeLists.txt' ;
$cmake = file_get_contents ( $cmake_file );
$cmake_cpp_name = $cpp_name ;
$cmake_new_files = $new_files ;
if ( $is_generated ) {
foreach ( $cmake_new_files as & $file_ref ) {
$file_ref = str_replace ( 'td/generate' , '${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}' , $file_ref );
$cmake_cpp_name = str_replace ( 'td/generate' , '${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}' , $cmake_cpp_name );
if ( $undo ) {
foreach ( $new_files as $file ) {
if ( file_exists ( $file )) {
echo " Unlinking " . $file . PHP_EOL ;
unlink ( $file );
if ( strpos ( $cmake , $cmake_cpp_name ) === false ) {
$cmake = str_replace ( implode ( PHP_EOL . ' ' , $cmake_new_files ), $cmake_cpp_name , $cmake );
file_put_contents ( $cmake_file , $cmake );
return ;
if ( strpos ( $cmake , $cmake_cpp_name ) !== false ) {
$cmake = str_replace ( $cmake_cpp_name , implode ( PHP_EOL . ' ' , $cmake_new_files ), $cmake );
file_put_contents ( $cmake_file , $cmake );
2018-11-02 18:30:00 +03:00
if ( ! file_exists ( $cpp_name )) {
echo " ERROR: skip unexisting file $cpp_name " . PHP_EOL ;
return ;
2018-10-02 15:28:42 +03:00
$lines = file ( $cpp_name );
$depth = 0 ;
$target_depth = 1 + $is_generated ;
$is_static = false ;
$in_define = false ;
$current = '' ;
$common = '' ;
$functions = array ();
$namespace_begin = '' ;
$namespace_end = '' ;
foreach ( $lines as $line ) {
$add_depth = strpos ( $line , 'namespace ' ) === 0 ? 1 : ( strpos ( $line , '} // namespace' ) === 0 ? - 1 : 0 );
if ( $add_depth ) {
# namespace begin/end
2019-04-26 16:33:39 +03:00
if ( $add_depth > 0 ) {
$depth += $add_depth ;
2018-10-02 15:28:42 +03:00
if ( $depth <= $target_depth ) {
if ( $add_depth > 0 ) {
$namespace_begin .= $line ;
} else {
$namespace_end .= $line ;
2019-04-26 16:33:39 +03:00
if ( $add_depth < 0 ) {
$depth += $add_depth ;
2018-10-02 15:28:42 +03:00
if ( $is_static ) {
$common .= $current ;
} else {
$functions [] = $current ;
$common .= $line ;
$current = '' ;
$is_static = false ;
$in_define = false ;
continue ;
if ( strpos ( $line , '#undef' ) === 0 && ! trim ( $current )) {
continue ;
if ( $depth !== $target_depth ) {
$common .= $line ;
continue ;
2018-10-28 20:30:47 +03:00
2018-10-02 15:28:42 +03:00
if ( strpos ( $line , 'static ' ) === 0 && $depth === $target_depth ) {
$is_static = true ;
if ( ! trim ( $current ) && strpos ( $line , '#define ' ) === 0 ) {
$is_static = true ;
$in_define = true ;
$current .= $line ;
if (( strpos ( $line , '}' ) === 0 || ( $in_define && ! trim ( $line )) || preg_match ( '/^[a-z].*;\s*$/i' , $line )) && $depth === $target_depth ) {
# block end
if ( $is_static ) {
$common .= $current ;
} else {
$functions [] = $current ;
$current = '' ;
$is_static = false ;
$in_define = false ;
if ( ! empty ( trim ( $current ))) {
fwrite ( STDERR , " ERROR: $current " . PHP_EOL );
exit ();
if ( count ( $functions ) < $chunks ) {
fwrite ( STDERR , " ERROR: file is too small to be splitted more " . PHP_EOL );
return ;
$deps = array (); // all functions from the same subarray must be in the same file
$parents = array ();
foreach ( $functions as $i => $f ) {
if ( preg_match_all ( '/(?J)(create_handler|create_net_actor)<(?<name>[A-Z][A-Za-z]*)>|' .
'(?<name>[A-Z][A-Za-z]*) : public (Td::ResultHandler|NetActor|Request)|' .
'(?<name>complete_pending_preauthentication_requests)|' .
'(Up|Down)load[a-zA-Z]*C(?<name>allback)|(up|down)load_[a-z_]*_c(?<name>allback)_|' .
'(?<name>LogEvent)[^sA]|' .
'(?<name>parse)[(]|' .
'(?<name>store)[(]/' , $f , $matches , PREG_SET_ORDER )) {
foreach ( $matches as $match ) {
$name = $match [ 'name' ];
if ( $name === 'parse' || $name === 'store' ) {
if ( $is_generated ) {
continue ;
$name = 'LogEvent' ;
$deps [ $name ][] = $i ;
$parents [ $i ] = $i ;
foreach ( $deps as $func_ids ) {
foreach ( $func_ids as $func_id ) {
disjoint_set_union ( $parents , $func_ids [ 0 ], $func_id );
$sets = array ();
$set_sizes = array ();
foreach ( $functions as $i => $f ) {
$parent = disjoint_set_find ( $parents , $i );
if ( ! isset ( $sets [ $parent ])) {
$sets [ $parent ] = '' ;
$set_sizes [ $parent ] = 0 ;
$sets [ $parent ] .= $f ;
$set_sizes [ $parent ] += strlen ( $f );
arsort ( $set_sizes );
$files = array_fill ( 0 , $chunks , '' );
$file_sizes = array_fill ( 0 , $chunks , 0 );
foreach ( $set_sizes as $parent => $size ) {
2019-04-26 17:30:13 +03:00
$file_id = array_search ( min ( $file_sizes ), $file_sizes );
$files [ $file_id ] .= $sets [ $parent ];
$file_sizes [ $file_id ] += $size ;
2018-10-02 15:28:42 +03:00
foreach ( $files as $n => $f ) {
$new_content = $common . $namespace_begin . $f . $namespace_end ;
2019-04-26 17:30:13 +03:00
$std_methods = array ();
preg_match_all ( '/std::[a-z_0-9]*/' , $new_content , $std_methods );
$std_methods = array_unique ( $std_methods [ 0 ]);
$needed_std_headers = array ();
$type_headers = array (
'std::move' => '' ,
'std::vector' => '' ,
'std::string' => '' ,
'std::uint32_t' => '' ,
'std::int32_t' => '' ,
'std::int64_t' => '' ,
'std::fill' => 'algorithm' ,
'std::find' => 'algorithm' ,
'std::max' => 'algorithm' ,
'std::min' => 'algorithm' ,
'std::remove' => 'algorithm' ,
'std::reverse' => 'algorithm' ,
'std::rotate' => 'algorithm' ,
'std::sort' => 'algorithm' ,
'std::numeric_limits' => 'limits' ,
'std::make_shared' => 'memory' ,
'std::shared_ptr' => 'memory' ,
'std::tie' => 'tuple' ,
'std::tuple' => 'tuple' ,
'std::decay_t' => 'type_traits' ,
'std::is_same' => 'type_traits' ,
'std::make_pair' => 'utility' ,
'std::pair' => 'utility' ,
'std::swap' => 'utility' ,
'std::unordered_map' => 'unordered_map' ,
'std::unordered_set' => 'unordered_set' );
foreach ( $type_headers as $type => $header ) {
if ( in_array ( $type , $std_methods )) {
$std_methods = array_diff ( $std_methods , array ( $type ));
if ( $header && ! in_array ( $header , $needed_std_headers )) {
$needed_std_headers [] = $header ;
if ( ! $std_methods ) { // know all needed std headers
$new_content = preg_replace_callback (
'/#include <([a-z_]*)>/' ,
function ( $matches ) use ( $needed_std_headers ) {
if ( in_array ( $matches [ 1 ], $needed_std_headers )) {
return $matches [ 0 ];
return '' ;
2019-04-26 23:00:26 +03:00
if ( strpos ( $cpp_name , 'Td.cpp' ) === false ) { // destructor Td::~Td needs to see definitions of all forward-declared classes
2019-04-26 21:26:48 +03:00
$td_methods = array (
'auth_manager[_(-][^.]|AuthManager' => 'AuthManager' ,
'ConfigShared|shared_config[(][)]' => 'ConfigShared' ,
'contacts_manager[_(-][^.]|ContactsManager([^ ;.]| [^*])' => 'ContactsManager' ,
'file_reference_manager[_(-][^.]|FileReferenceManager|file_references[)]' => 'FileReferenceManager' ,
'file_manager[_(-][^.]|FileManager([^ ;.]| [^*])|update_file[)]' => 'files/FileManager' ,
'G[(][)]|Global[^A-Za-z]' => 'Global' ,
'HashtagHints' => 'HashtagHints' ,
'inline_queries_manager[_(-][^.]|InlineQueriesManager' => 'InlineQueriesManager' ,
'get_erase_logevent_promise' => 'logevent/LogEventHelper' ,
'messages_manager[_(-][^.]|MessagesManager' => 'MessagesManager' ,
'notification_manager[_(-][^.]|NotificationManager|notifications[)]' => 'NotificationManager' ,
'SecretChatActor' => 'SecretChatActor' ,
'secret_chats_manager[_(-][^.]|SecretChatsManager' => 'SecretChatsManager' ,
'[>](td_db[(][)]|get_td_db_impl[(])|TdDb[^A-Za-z]' => 'TdDb' ,
'top_dialog_manager[_(-][^.]|TopDialogManager' => 'TopDialogManager' ,
'updates_manager[_(-][^.]|UpdatesManager|get_difference[)]' => 'UpdatesManager' ,
'WebPageId(Hash)?' => 'WebPageId' ,
'web_pages_manager[_(-][^.]|WebPagesManager' => 'WebPagesManager' );
foreach ( $td_methods as $pattern => $header ) {
if ( strpos ( $cpp_name , $header ) !== false ) {
continue ;
$include_name = '#include "td/telegram/' . $header . '.h"' ;
if ( strpos ( $new_content , $include_name ) !== false && preg_match ( '/' . $pattern . '/' , str_replace ( $include_name , '' , $new_content )) === 0 ) {
$new_content = str_replace ( $include_name , '' , $new_content );
2018-10-02 15:28:42 +03:00
if ( ! file_exists ( $new_files [ $n ]) || file_get_contents ( $new_files [ $n ]) !== $new_content ) {
echo " Writing file " . $new_files [ $n ] . PHP_EOL ;
file_put_contents ( $new_files [ $n ], $new_content );
if ( in_array ( '--help' , $argv ) || in_array ( '-h' , $argv )) {
echo " Usage: php SplitSource.php [OPTION]... \n Splits some source files to reduce maximum RAM needed for compiling a single file. \n -u, --undo Undo all source code changes. \n -h, --help Show this help. \n " ;
exit ( 2 );
$undo = in_array ( '--undo' , $argv ) || in_array ( '-u' , $argv );
2019-04-26 16:33:39 +03:00
$files = array ( 'td/telegram/ContactsManager' => 20 ,
'td/telegram/MessagesManager' => 50 ,
'td/telegram/NotificationManager' => 10 ,
2018-10-02 15:28:42 +03:00
'td/telegram/StickersManager' => 10 ,
2019-04-26 16:33:39 +03:00
'td/telegram/Td' => 40 ,
2018-10-02 15:28:42 +03:00
'td/generate/auto/td/telegram/td_api' => 10 ,
'td/generate/auto/td/telegram/td_api_json' => 10 ,
'td/generate/auto/td/telegram/telegram_api' => 10 );
foreach ( $files as $file => $chunks ) {
split_file ( $file , $chunks , $undo );