2019-02-19 16:45:32 +03:00
// Copyright Aliaksei Levin (levlam@telegram.org), Arseny Smirnov (arseny30@gmail.com) 2014-2019
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#include "td/telegram/PollManager.h"
#include "td/telegram/Global.h"
#include "td/telegram/logevent/LogEvent.h"
#include "td/telegram/PollManager.hpp"
#include "td/telegram/TdDb.h"
#include "td/telegram/Td.h"
#include "td/db/SqliteKeyValue.h"
#include "td/db/SqliteKeyValueAsync.h"
#include "td/utils/logging.h"
#include "td/utils/misc.h"
#include "td/utils/Status.h"
namespace td {
PollManager::PollManager(Td *td, ActorShared<> parent) : td_(td), parent_(std::move(parent)) {
void PollManager::tear_down() {
PollManager::~PollManager() = default;
bool PollManager::is_local_poll_id(PollId poll_id) {
return poll_id.get() < 0 && poll_id.get() > std::numeric_limits<int32>::min();
const PollManager::Poll *PollManager::get_poll(PollId poll_id) const {
auto p = polls_.find(poll_id);
if (p == polls_.end()) {
return nullptr;
} else {
return p->second.get();
PollManager::Poll *PollManager::get_poll_editable(PollId poll_id) {
auto p = polls_.find(poll_id);
if (p == polls_.end()) {
return nullptr;
} else {
return p->second.get();
bool PollManager::have_poll(PollId poll_id) const {
return get_poll(poll_id) != nullptr;
string PollManager::get_poll_database_key(PollId poll_id) {
return PSTRING() << "poll" << poll_id.get();
void PollManager::save_poll(const Poll *poll, PollId poll_id) {
if (!G()->parameters().use_message_db) {
LOG(INFO) << "Save " << poll_id << " to database";
CHECK(poll != nullptr);
// G()->td_db()->get_sqlite_pmc()->set(get_poll_database_key(poll_id), log_event_store(*poll).as_slice().str(), Auto());
void PollManager::on_load_poll_from_database(PollId poll_id, string value) {
LOG(INFO) << "Successfully loaded " << poll_id << " of size " << value.size() << " from database";
// G()->td_db()->get_sqlite_pmc()->erase(get_poll_database_key(poll_id), Auto());
// return;
if (!value.empty()) {
auto result = make_unique<Poll>();
auto status = log_event_parse(*result, value);
if (status.is_error()) {
LOG(FATAL) << status << ": " << format::as_hex_dump<4>(Slice(value));
polls_[poll_id] = std::move(result);
bool PollManager::have_poll_force(PollId poll_id) {
return get_poll_force(poll_id) != nullptr;
PollManager::Poll *PollManager::get_poll_force(PollId poll_id) {
auto poll = get_poll_editable(poll_id);
if (poll != nullptr) {
return poll;
if (!G()->parameters().use_message_db) {
return nullptr;
if (loaded_from_database_polls_.count(poll_id)) {
return nullptr;
LOG(INFO) << "Trying to load " << poll_id << " from database";
on_load_poll_from_database(poll_id, G()->td_db()->get_sqlite_sync_pmc()->get(get_poll_database_key(poll_id)));
return get_poll_editable(poll_id);
td_api::object_ptr<td_api::pollAnswer> PollManager::get_poll_answer_object(const PollAnswer &poll_answer) {
return td_api::make_object<td_api::pollAnswer>(poll_answer.text, poll_answer.voter_count, poll_answer.is_chosen);
td_api::object_ptr<td_api::poll> PollManager::get_poll_object(PollId poll_id) const {
auto poll = get_poll(poll_id);
CHECK(poll != nullptr);
return td_api::make_object<td_api::poll>(poll->question, transform(poll->answers, get_poll_answer_object),
poll->total_voter_count, poll->is_closed);
telegram_api::object_ptr<telegram_api::pollAnswer> PollManager::get_input_poll_answer(const PollAnswer &poll_answer) {
return telegram_api::make_object<telegram_api::pollAnswer>(poll_answer.text, BufferSlice(poll_answer.data));
PollId PollManager::create_poll(string &&question, vector<string> &&answers) {
auto poll = make_unique<Poll>();
poll->question = std::move(question);
int pos = 0;
for (auto &answer_text : answers) {
PollAnswer answer;
answer.text = std::move(answer_text);
answer.data = to_string(pos++);
PollId poll_id(--current_local_poll_id_);
bool is_inserted = polls_.emplace(poll_id, std::move(poll)).second;
return poll_id;
2019-02-19 18:42:59 +03:00
void PollManager::register_poll(PollId poll_id, FullMessageId full_message_id) {
void PollManager::unregister_poll(PollId poll_id, FullMessageId full_message_id) {
2019-02-19 17:06:48 +03:00
void PollManager::close_poll(PollId poll_id) {
auto poll = get_poll_editable(poll_id);
CHECK(poll != nullptr);
if (poll->is_closed) {
poll->is_closed = true;
if (!is_local_poll_id(poll_id)) {
// TODO send poll close request to the server + LogEvent
save_poll(poll, poll_id);
2019-02-19 16:45:32 +03:00
tl_object_ptr<telegram_api::InputMedia> PollManager::get_input_media(PollId poll_id) const {
auto poll = get_poll(poll_id);
CHECK(poll != nullptr);
return telegram_api::make_object<telegram_api::inputMediaPoll>(telegram_api::make_object<telegram_api::poll>(
0, 0, false /* ignored */, poll->question, transform(poll->answers, get_input_poll_answer)));
vector<PollManager::PollAnswer> PollManager::get_poll_answers(
vector<tl_object_ptr<telegram_api::pollAnswer>> &&poll_answers) {
return transform(std::move(poll_answers), [](tl_object_ptr<telegram_api::pollAnswer> &&poll_answer) {
PollAnswer answer;
answer.text = std::move(poll_answer->text_);
answer.data = poll_answer->option_.as_slice().str();
return answer;
PollId PollManager::on_get_poll(PollId poll_id, tl_object_ptr<telegram_api::poll> &&poll_server,
tl_object_ptr<telegram_api::pollResults> &&poll_results) {
if (!poll_id.is_valid() && poll_server != nullptr) {
poll_id = PollId(poll_server->id_);
if (!poll_id.is_valid() || is_local_poll_id(poll_id)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Receive " << poll_id << " from server";
return PollId();
if (poll_server != nullptr && poll_server->id_ != poll_id.get()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Receive poll " << poll_server->id_ << " instead of " << poll_id;
return PollId();
auto poll = get_poll_force(poll_id);
bool is_changed = false;
if (poll == nullptr) {
if (poll_server == nullptr) {
LOG(INFO) << "Ignore " << poll_id << ", because have no data about it";
return PollId();
auto p = make_unique<Poll>();
poll = p.get();
bool is_inserted = polls_.emplace(poll_id, std::move(p)).second;
CHECK(poll != nullptr);
if (poll_server != nullptr) {
if (poll->question != poll_server->question_) {
poll->question = std::move(poll_server->question_);
is_changed = true;
if (poll->answers.size() != poll_server->answers_.size()) {
poll->answers = get_poll_answers(std::move(poll_server->answers_));
is_changed = true;
} else {
for (size_t i = 0; i < poll->answers.size(); i++) {
if (poll->answers[i].text != poll_server->answers_[i]->text_) {
poll->answers[i].text = std::move(poll_server->answers_[i]->text_);
is_changed = true;
if (poll->answers[i].data != poll_server->answers_[i]->option_.as_slice()) {
poll->answers[i].data = poll_server->answers_[i]->option_.as_slice().str();
poll->answers[i].voter_count = 0;
poll->answers[i].is_chosen = false;
is_changed = true;
bool is_closed = (poll_server->flags_ & telegram_api::poll::CLOSED_MASK) != 0;
if (is_closed != poll->is_closed) {
poll->is_closed = is_closed;
is_changed = true;
CHECK(poll_results != nullptr);
bool is_min = (poll_results->flags_ & telegram_api::pollResults::MIN_MASK) != 0;
if ((poll_results->flags_ & telegram_api::pollResults::TOTAL_VOTERS_MASK) != 0 &&
poll_results->total_voters_ != poll->total_voter_count) {
poll->total_voter_count = poll_results->total_voters_;
is_changed = true;
for (auto &poll_result : poll_results->results_) {
Slice data = poll_result->option_.as_slice();
for (auto &answer : poll->answers) {
if (answer.data != data) {
if (!is_min) {
bool is_chosen = (poll_result->flags_ & telegram_api::pollAnswerVoters::CHOSEN_MASK) != 0;
if (is_chosen != answer.is_chosen) {
answer.is_chosen = is_chosen;
is_changed = true;
if (poll_result->voters_ != answer.voter_count) {
answer.voter_count = poll_result->voters_;
is_changed = true;
if (is_changed) {
save_poll(poll, poll_id);
return poll_id;
} // namespace td