<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>TDLib build instructions</title> <style> .hide { display: none; } div.main { max-width:1200px; margin: auto; font-size: x-large; } select.large { font-size: large; } </style> </head> <body onload="onLoad(true)"> <body onpopstate="onLoad(false)"> <div class="main"> <div align="center"> <div id="languageSelectDiv"> <p>Choose a programming language, from which you want to use TDLib:</p> <select id="languageSelect" onchange="onLanguageChanged(false)" autofocus="true" class="large"> <option>Choose a programming language:</option> <option>Python</option> <option>JavaScript</option> <option>Go</option> <option>Java</option> <option>C#</option> <option>C++</option> <option>Swift</option> <option>Objective-C</option> <option>Rust</option> <option>Erlang</option> <option>PHP</option> <option>Lua</option> <option>Ruby</option> <option>D</option> <option>Elixir</option> <option>C</option> <option>Other</option> </select> </div> </div> <div id="osSelectDiv" class="hide" align="center"> <p>Choose an operating system, on which you want to use TDLib:</p> <select id="osSelect" onchange="onOsChanged()" class="large"> <option>Choose an operating system:</option> </select> <p></p> </div> <div id="buildOptionsDiv" class="hide" align="center"> <div id="linuxSelectDiv" class="hide"> <p>Choose a Linux distro, on which you want to use TDLib:</p> <select id="linuxSelect" onchange="onOptionsChanged()" class="large"> <option>Choose a Linux distro:</option> <option>Alpine</option> <option>Debian 8</option> <option>Debian 9</option> <option>Ubuntu 14</option> <option>Ubuntu 16</option> <option>Ubuntu 18</option> <option>Other</option> </select> <p></p> </div> <div id="buildLtoDiv" class="hide"> <label><input type="checkbox" id="buildLtoCheckbox" onchange="onOptionsChanged()"/>Enable Link Time Optimization (requires CMake >= 3.9.0). It can significantly reduce binary size and increase performance, but sometimes it can lead to build failures.</label> </div> <div id="buildDebugDiv" class="hide"> <label><input type="checkbox" id="buildDebugCheckbox" onchange="onOptionsChanged()"/>Build debug binary. Debug binaries are much larger and slower then release one.</label> </div> <div id="buildInstallLocalDiv" class="hide"> <label><input type="checkbox" id="buildInstallLocalCheckbox" onchange="onOptionsChanged()"/>Install built TDLib to /usr/local instead of placing the files to td/tdlib.</label> </div> <p></p> <div id="buildCompilerDiv" class="hide"> <span>Choose which compiler you want to use to build TDLib:</span><br> <label><input type="radio" id="buildCompilerRadioGcc" name="buildCompilerRadio" onchange="onOptionsChanged()" checked/>g++</label> <label><input type="radio" id="buildCompilerRadioClang" name="buildCompilerRadio" onchange="onOptionsChanged()"/>clang++ (recommended)</label> <p></p> </div> <div id="buildArchiverDiv" class="hide"> <span>Choose which archiver application you want to use for VSIX creation:</span><br> <label><input type="radio" id="buildArchiverRadio7Zip" name="buildArchiverRadio" onchange="onOptionsChanged()" checked/>7-Zip</label> <label><input type="radio" id="buildArchiverRadioZip" name="buildArchiverRadio" onchange="onOptionsChanged()"/>zip</label> <label><input type="radio" id="buildArchiverRadioWinRar" name="buildArchiverRadio" onchange="onOptionsChanged()"/>WinRAR</label> <p></p> </div> <div id="buildShellDiv" class="hide"> <span>Choose which shell application you want to use for building:</span><br> <label><input type="radio" id="buildShellRadioPowerShell" name="buildShellRadio" onchange="onOptionsChanged()" checked/>PowerShell</label> <label><input type="radio" id="buildShellRadioBash" name="buildShellRadio" onchange="onOptionsChanged()"/>mintty/Bash</label> <p></p> </div> <div id="buildShellBsdDiv" class="hide"> <span>Choose which shell application you want to use for building:</span><br> <label><input type="radio" id="buildShellBsdRadioCsh" name="buildShellRadioBsd" onchange="onOptionsChanged()" checked/>tcsh/csh</label> <label><input type="radio" id="buildShellBsdRadioBash" name="buildShellRadioBsd" onchange="onOptionsChanged()"/>Bash</label> <p></p> </div> <div id="buildBitnessDiv" class="hide"> <span>Choose for which bitness you want to build TDLib:</span><br> <label><input type="radio" id="buildBitnessRadio32" name="buildBitnessRadio" onchange="onOptionsChanged()" checked/>32</label> <label><input type="radio" id="buildBitnessRadio64" name="buildBitnessRadio" onchange="onOptionsChanged()"/>64</label> <p></p> </div> <div id="buildLowMemoryDiv" class="hide"> <label><input type="checkbox" id="buildLowMemoryCheckbox" onchange="onOptionsChanged()"/><span id="buildLowMemoryText">Check this if you have less than 4 GB of RAM</span></label> </div> <div id="buildRootDiv" class="hide"> <label><input type="checkbox" id="buildRootCheckbox" onchange="onOptionsChanged()"/>Build from root user (unrecommended)</label> </div> <p></p> </div> <div id="buildTextDiv" class="hide" align="center"> <p id="buildText">Hidden text</p> </div> <div id="buildCommandsDiv" class="hide" align="left"> <p id="buildCommandsHeader" align="center">Here is complete instruction for TDLib binaries building:</p> <p id="buildPre">Hidden text</p> <code id="buildCommands">Empty commands</code> </div> </div> <script> function onLoad(initial) { var url = new URL(window.location.href); var language = url.searchParams.get('language'); if (language === 'csharp') { language = 'c#'; } else if (language === 'cxx') { language = 'c++'; } var language_options = document.getElementById('languageSelect').options; for (var i = 0; i < language_options.length; i++) { if (language_options[i].text.toLowerCase() === language.toLowerCase()) { language_options[i].selected = true; } } onLanguageChanged(initial || !history.state); } function getSupportedOs(language) { switch (language) { case 'Choose a programming language:': return []; case 'JavaScript': return ['Windows (Node.js)', 'Linux (Node.js)', 'macOS (Node.js)', 'FreeBSD (Node.js)', 'Browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Opera)']; case 'Java': return ['Windows', 'Linux', 'macOS', 'FreeBSD', 'Android']; case 'C#': return ['Windows (through C++/CLI)', 'Universal Windows Platform (through C++/CX)', 'Windows (.Net Core)', 'Linux (.Net Core)', 'macOS (.Net Core)', 'FreeBSD (.Net Core)']; case 'Swift': case 'Objective-C': return ['Windows', 'Linux', 'macOS', 'iOS', 'tvOS', 'watchOS']; default: return ['Windows', 'Linux', 'macOS', 'FreeBSD']; } } function getExampleAnchor(language) { switch (language) { case 'Python': case 'JavaScript': case 'Go': case 'Java': case 'Swift': case 'Objective-C': case 'Rust': case 'Erlang': case 'PHP': case 'Lua': case 'Ruby': case 'D': case 'Elixir': case '�': return language.toLowerCase(); case 'C#': return 'csharp'; case 'C++': return 'cxx'; default: return 'other'; } } function onLanguageChanged(initial) { var language = document.getElementById('languageSelect').value; var supported_os = getSupportedOs(language); var os_select = document.getElementById('osSelect'); if (supported_os.length) { document.getElementById('osSelectDiv').style.display = 'block'; } else { if (history.state != '') { history.pushState('', '', 'build.html'); } document.getElementById('osSelectDiv').style.display = 'none'; onOsChanged(); return; } if (!initial && history.state !== language) { history.pushState(language, '', 'build.html?language=' + encodeURIComponent(language)); } var existing_options = []; for (var index = 1; index < os_select.length; index++) { if (!supported_os.includes(os_select.options[index].value)) { os_select.remove(index); index--; } else { existing_options.push(os_select.options[index].value); } } for (os of supported_os) { if (!existing_options.includes(os)) { var option = document.createElement('option'); option.text = os; os_select.add(option); } } onOsChanged(); } function getTarget(language, os) { var supported_os = getSupportedOs(language); if (!supported_os.includes(os)) { return null; } if (os.includes('C++/CLI')) { return 'C++/CLI'; } if (os.includes('C++/CX')) { return 'C++/CX'; } if (os.includes('Browser')) { return 'WebAssembly'; } if (os.includes('Android')) { return 'Android'; } if (os.includes('iOS') || os.includes('tvOS') || os.includes('watchOS')) { return 'iOS'; } switch (language) { case 'C++': return 'tdclient'; case 'Java': return 'JNI'; default: return 'tdjson'; } } function getTargetName(target) { switch (target) { case 'tdjson': case 'WebAssembly': case 'iOS': return '<a href="https://github.com/tdlib/td#using-json">JSON</a>'; case 'tdclient': return '<a href="https://github.com/tdlib/td#using-cxx">a simple and convenient C++11-interface</a>'; case 'JNI': case 'Android': return '<a href="https://github.com/tdlib/td#using-java">native ' + target + '</a>'; default: return '<a href="https://github.com/tdlib/td#using-dotnet">native ' + target + '</a>'; } } function onOsChanged() { var language = document.getElementById('languageSelect').value; var os = document.getElementById('osSelect').value; var target = getTarget(language, os); document.getElementById('buildTextDiv').style.display = target ? 'block' : 'none'; if (language === 'Other') { language = 'any other programming language'; } var text = 'TDLib can be used from ' + language + ' on ' + os + ' through the ' + getTargetName(target) + ' interface.<BR>' + 'See <a href="https://github.com/tdlib/td/blob/master/example/README.md#' + getExampleAnchor(language) + '">examples</a> of such usage and already available third-party frameworks.<BR>'; if (target === 'WebAssembly') { text = 'Complete instruction for TDLib building for browsers will be published soon.'; target = ''; } if (target === 'Android') { text = 'TDLib for Android is available in a prebuilt form and can be downloaded from <a href="https://core.telegram.org/tdlib/tdlib.zip">there</a>.'; target = ''; } if (target === 'iOS') { target = ''; } document.getElementById('buildText').innerHTML = text; if (!target) { document.getElementById('buildOptionsDiv').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('buildCommandsDiv').style.display = 'none'; return; } document.getElementById('buildOptionsDiv').style.display = 'block'; onOptionsChanged(); } function onOptionsChanged() { var language = document.getElementById('languageSelect').value; var os = document.getElementById('osSelect').value; var target = getTarget(language, os); var os_windows = os.includes('Windows'); var os_linux = os.includes('Linux'); var os_mac = os.includes('macOS'); var os_freebsd = os.includes('FreeBSD'); var display_commands = 'block'; var linux_distro = 'none'; if (os_linux) { document.getElementById('linuxSelectDiv').style.display = 'block'; linux_distro = document.getElementById('linuxSelect').value; if (linux_distro.indexOf('Choose') === 0) { display_commands = 'none'; } } else { document.getElementById('linuxSelectDiv').style.display = 'none'; } document.getElementById('buildCommandsDiv').style.display = display_commands; var use_clang = os_freebsd; if (os_linux && linux_distro !== 'Alpine') { document.getElementById('buildCompilerDiv').style.display = 'block'; use_clang = document.getElementById('buildCompilerRadioClang').checked; } else { document.getElementById('buildCompilerDiv').style.display = 'none'; } var low_memory = false; if (os_linux || os_freebsd) { low_memory = document.getElementById('buildLowMemoryCheckbox').checked; document.getElementById('buildLowMemoryText').innerHTML = 'I have less than ' + (use_clang ? '1.5' : '3.5') +' GB of RAM.' + (low_memory ? ' Now you will need only ' + (use_clang ? '0.5' : '1') +' GB of RAM to build TDLib.' : ''); document.getElementById('buildLowMemoryDiv').style.display = 'block'; } else { document.getElementById('buildLowMemoryDiv').style.display = 'none'; } var use_root = false; if (os_linux && linux_distro !== 'Other') { use_root = document.getElementById('buildRootCheckbox').checked; document.getElementById('buildRootDiv').style.display = 'block'; } else { document.getElementById('buildRootDiv').style.display = 'none'; } var use_powershell = false; var use_cmd = false; var use_csh = false; if (os_windows) { document.getElementById('buildShellDiv').style.display = 'block'; use_powershell = document.getElementById('buildShellRadioPowerShell').checked; } else { document.getElementById('buildShellDiv').style.display = 'none'; } if (os_freebsd) { document.getElementById('buildShellBsdDiv').style.display = 'block'; use_csh = document.getElementById('buildShellBsdRadioCsh').checked; } else { document.getElementById('buildShellBsdDiv').style.display = 'none'; } var use_msvc = os_windows; var use_vcpkg = os_windows; var use_lto = false; if (!use_msvc && language !== 'Java' && (os_mac || (os_linux && (linux_distro === 'Ubuntu 18' || linux_distro === 'Other')))) { document.getElementById('buildLtoDiv').style.display = 'block'; use_lto = document.getElementById('buildLtoCheckbox').checked; } else { document.getElementById('buildLtoDiv').style.display = 'none'; } var archiver = 'none'; if (target === 'C++/CX') { document.getElementById('buildArchiverDiv').style.display = 'block'; if (document.getElementById('buildArchiverRadio7Zip').checked) { archiver = '7zip'; } else if (document.getElementById('buildArchiverRadioZip').checked) { archiver = 'zip'; } else if (document.getElementById('buildArchiverRadioWinRar').checked) { archiver = 'WinRAR'; } } else { document.getElementById('buildArchiverDiv').style.display = 'none'; } var is_debug_build = false; if (target !== 'C++/CX' && target !== 'C++/CLI') { document.getElementById('buildDebugDiv').style.display = 'block'; is_debug_build = document.getElementById('buildDebugCheckbox').checked; } else { document.getElementById('buildDebugDiv').style.display = 'none'; } var sudo = 'sudo '; if (use_root || linux_distro.includes('Debian') || os_freebsd) { sudo = ''; } var build_32bit = false; var build_64bit = false; if (use_msvc && target !== 'C++/CX') { document.getElementById('buildBitnessDiv').style.display = 'block'; build_32bit = document.getElementById('buildBitnessRadio32').checked; build_64bit = document.getElementById('buildBitnessRadio64').checked; } else { document.getElementById('buildBitnessDiv').style.display = 'none'; } var local = './'; if (use_cmd) { local = '.\\'; } var install_dir = 'td/tdlib'; if (!os_windows) { document.getElementById('buildInstallLocalDiv').style.display = 'block'; if (document.getElementById('buildInstallLocalCheckbox').checked) { install_dir = '/usr/local'; } } else { document.getElementById('buildInstallLocalDiv').style.display = 'none'; } var pre_text = []; if (os_windows) { let win10_sdk = (target === 'C++/CX' ? ' and Windows 10 SDK' : ''); pre_text.push('Download and install <a href="https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/ru/vs/community/">Microsoft Visual Studio</a>. Enable C++' + win10_sdk + ' support while installing.'); pre_text.push('Download and install <a href="https://cmake.org/download/">CMake</a>; choose "Add CMake to the system PATH" option while installing.'); pre_text.push('Download and install <a href="https://git-scm.com/download/win">Git</a>.'); pre_text.push('Download and install <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/gnuwin32/files/gperf/3.0.1/">gperf</a>. Add the path to gperf.exe to the PATH environment variable.'); pre_text.push('Download and unpack <a href="https://windows.php.net/download#php-7.2">PHP</a>. Add the path to php.exe to the PATH environment variable.'); if (target === 'C++/CX') { switch (archiver) { case '7zip': pre_text.push('Download and install <a href="http://www.7-zip.org/download.html">7-Zip</a> archiver. Add the path to 7z.exe to the PATH environment variable.'); break; case 'zip': pre_text.push('Download and install <a href="http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/zip.htm">zip</a> archiver. Add the path to zip.exe to the PATH environment variable.'); break; case 'WinRAR': pre_text.push('You need bought and installed <a href="https://www.win-rar.com/start.html?&L=4">WinRAR</a> archiver. Add the path to WinRAR.exe to the PATH environment variable.'); break; } } } if (target === 'JNI') { if (os_windows) { pre_text.push('Download and install <a href="https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html">JDK</a>.'); } else if (os_linux && linux_distro === 'Alpine') { pre_text.push('Add community repository for your Alpine version (not edge) in /etc/apk/repositories. For example, you can do it through vim, preliminary installing it via "apk add --update vim".'); } } if (os_linux && linux_distro === 'Other') { var jdk = target === 'JNI' ? ', JDK ' : ''; var compiler = use_clang ? 'clang++ >= 3.4' : 'g++ >= 4.9.2'; pre_text.push('Install Git, ' + compiler + ', make, CMake >= 3.0.2, OpenSSL, zlib, gperf, PHP' + jdk + ' using your package manager.'); } if (os_freebsd) { pre_text.push('Note that following instruction is for FreeBSD 11.'); pre_text.push('Note that following calls to <code>pkg</code> needs to be run as <code>root</code>.'); } var terminal_name = (function () { if (os_windows) { return use_powershell ? 'PowerShell' : 'mintty/Bash'; } if (os_mac) { return 'Terminal'; } if (use_csh) { return 'tcsh/csh'; } return 'Bash'; })(); if (os_windows) { pre_text.push('Close and re-open ' + terminal_name + ' if PATH environment variable was changed.'); } pre_text.push('Run these commands in ' + terminal_name + ' to build TDLib and to install it to ' + install_dir + ':'); document.getElementById('buildPre').innerHTML = '<ul><li>' + pre_text.join('</li><li>') + '</li></ul>'; document.getElementById('buildPre').style.display = 'block'; if (install_dir && install_dir !== '/usr/local') { install_dir = '../tdlib'; if (target === 'JNI' || target === 'C++/CX') { install_dir = '../../' + install_dir; } } var jni_install_dir = ''; if (target === 'JNI') { jni_install_dir = install_dir; install_dir = '../example/java/td'; } var commands = []; if (os_mac) { commands.push('xcode-select --install'); commands.push('/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"'); commands.push('brew install gperf cmake openssl' + (target === 'JNI' ? ' coreutils' : '')); if (target === 'JNI') { commands.push('brew cask install java'); } } else if (os_linux && linux_distro !== 'Other') { switch (linux_distro) { case 'Alpine': commands.push(sudo + 'apk update'); commands.push(sudo + 'apk upgrade'); var packages = 'alpine-sdk linux-headers git zlib-dev openssl-dev gperf php php-ctype cmake'; if (target === 'JNI') { packages += ' openjdk8'; } commands.push(sudo + 'apk add --update ' + packages); break; case 'Debian 8': case 'Debian 9': case 'Ubuntu 14': case 'Ubuntu 16': case 'Ubuntu 18': if (linux_distro.includes('Debian') && !use_root) { commands.push('su -'); } if (linux_distro === 'Ubuntu 14' && !use_clang) { commands.push(sudo + 'add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test'); } commands.push(sudo + 'apt-get update'); commands.push(sudo + 'apt-get upgrade'); var packages = 'make git zlib1g-dev libssl-dev gperf'; if (linux_distro === 'Ubuntu 14' || linux_distro === 'Debian 8') { packages += ' php5'; } else { packages += ' php'; } if (linux_distro === 'Ubuntu 14') { packages += ' cmake3'; } else { packages += ' cmake'; } if (target === 'JNI') { packages += ' default-jdk'; } if (use_clang) { if (linux_distro === 'Ubuntu 18') { packages += ' clang-6.0 libc++abi-dev'; } else { if (linux_distro === 'Ubuntu 18') { packages += ' clang-3.9'; } else { packages += ' clang'; } packages += ' libc++-dev'; } } else { packages += ' g++'; if (linux_distro === 'Ubuntu 14') { packages += '-4.9'; } } commands.push(sudo + 'apt-get install ' + packages); if (linux_distro.includes('Debian') && !use_root) { commands.push('exit'); } break; } } else if (os_freebsd) { commands.push(sudo + 'pkg upgrade'); var packages = 'git gperf php72 php72-ctype cmake'; if (target === 'JNI') { packages += ' openjdk'; } commands.push(sudo + 'pkg install ' + packages); } commands.push('git clone https://github.com/tdlib/td.git'); commands.push('cd td'); if (use_vcpkg) { commands.push('git clone https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg.git'); commands.push('cd vcpkg'); commands.push(local + 'bootstrap-vcpkg.bat'); if (target === 'C++/CX') { commands.push(local + 'vcpkg.exe install openssl:arm-uwp openssl:x64-uwp openssl:x86-uwp zlib:arm-uwp zlib:x64-uwp zlib:x86-uwp'); } else { if (build_64bit) { commands.push(local + 'vcpkg.exe install openssl:x64-windows zlib:x64-windows'); } else { commands.push(local + 'vcpkg.exe install openssl:x86-windows zlib:x86-windows'); } } commands.push('cd ..'); } function getBacicCmakeInitOptions() { var options = []; if (!use_msvc) { options.push('-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=' + (is_debug_build ? 'Debug' : 'Release')); } if (build_64bit && use_msvc) { options.push('-A x64'); } return options; } if (target === 'C++/CX') { commands.push('cd example/uwp'); var archiver_option = ''; switch (archiver) { case 'zip': archiver_option = ' -compress zip'; break; case 'WinRAR': archiver_option = ' -compress winrar'; break; } commands.push('powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass ' + local + 'build.ps1 -mode clean'); commands.push('powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass ' + local + 'build.ps1 -vcpkg_root ../../vcpkg' + archiver_option); if (install_dir) { commands.push('cp build-uwp/vsix/tdlib.vsix ' + install_dir); } commands.push('cd ../..'); } else { commands.push(use_powershell ? 'Remove-Item build -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue' : 'rm -rf build'); commands.push('mkdir build'); commands.push('cd build'); if (!use_msvc) { var c_flags = []; var cxx_flags = []; if (build_32bit) { c_flags.push('-m32'); cxx_flags.push('-m32'); } else if (build_64bit) { c_flags.push('-m64'); cxx_flags.push('-m64'); } if (os_linux) { if (use_clang) { cxx_flags.push('-stdlib=libc++'); } else { cxx_flags.push(''); } } if (c_flags.length) { commands.push('export CFLAGS="' + c_flags.join(' ') + '"'); } if (cxx_flags.length) { commands.push('export CXXFLAGS="' + cxx_flags.join(' ') + '"'); } } cmake_init_options = getBacicCmakeInitOptions(); if (os_mac) { cmake_init_options.push('-DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/usr/local/opt/openssl/'); } if (install_dir) { cmake_init_options.push('-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=' + install_dir); } if (target === 'JNI') { cmake_init_options.push('-DTD_ENABLE_JNI=ON'); if (linux_distro === 'Alpine') { cmake_init_options.push('-DJAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8-openjdk/'); } if (os_freebsd) { cmake_init_options.push('-DJAVA_HOME=/usr/local/openjdk7/'); } } if (target === 'C++/CX' || target === 'C++/CLI') { cmake_init_options.push('-DTD_ENABLE_DOTNET=ON'); } if (use_lto) { cmake_init_options.push('-DTD_ENABLE_LTO=ON'); } if (use_vcpkg) { cmake_init_options.push('-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE:FILEPATH=../vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake'); } function getCmakeInitCommand(options) { var prefix = ''; if (os_linux) { if (use_clang) { prefix = 'CC=/usr/bin/clang CXX=/usr/bin/clang++ '; if (linux_distro === 'Ubuntu 18') { options.push('-DCMAKE_AR=/usr/bin/llvm-ar-6.0'); options.push('-DCMAKE_NM=/usr/bin/llvm-nm-6.0'); options.push('-DCMAKE_OBJDUMP=/usr/bin/llvm-objdump-6.0'); options.push('-DCMAKE_RANLIB=/usr/bin/llvm-ranlib-6.0'); } } else if (linux_distro === 'Ubuntu 14') { prefix = 'CC=/usr/bin/gcc-4.9 CXX=/usr/bin/g++-4.9 '; } } return prefix + 'cmake ' + options.join(' ') + ' ..'; } commands.push(getCmakeInitCommand(cmake_init_options)); if (low_memory) { commands.push('cmake --build . --target prepare_cross_compiling'); commands.push('cd ..'); commands.push('php SplitSource.php'); commands.push('cd build'); } let build_command = 'cmake --build .'; if (install_dir) { build_command += ' --target install'; } if (use_msvc) { if (target === 'C++/CX' || target === 'C++/CLI' || !is_debug_build) { commands.push(build_command + ' --config Release'); } if (target === 'C++/CX' || target === 'C++/CLI' || is_debug_build) { commands.push(build_command + ' --config Debug'); } } else { commands.push(build_command); } if (install_dir && os_linux && linux_distro === 'Debian 8') { commands.push('sed -i "s/LINK_ONLY:td/LINK_ONLY:Td::td/g" ' + install_dir + '/lib/cmake/Td/TdTargets.cmake'); } commands.push('cd ..'); if (target === 'JNI') { commands.push('cd example/java'); commands.push(use_powershell ? 'Remove-Item build -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue' : 'rm -rf build'); commands.push('mkdir build'); commands.push('cd build'); cmake_init_options = getBacicCmakeInitOptions(); if (jni_install_dir) { cmake_init_options.push('-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=' + jni_install_dir); } if (use_vcpkg) { cmake_init_options.push('-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE:FILEPATH=../../../vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake'); } var is_alpine = os_linux && linux_distro === 'Alpine'; if (is_alpine) { cmake_init_options.push('-DJAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8-openjdk/'); } if (os_freebsd) { cmake_init_options.push('-DJAVA_HOME=/usr/local/openjdk7/'); } var resolve_path = use_powershell ? 'Resolve-Path' : (os_mac ? 'greadlink -e' : (is_alpine || os_freebsd ? 'readlink -f' : 'readlink -e')); var resolved_path = resolve_path + ' ../td/lib/cmake/Td'; if (use_csh) { cmake_init_options.push('-DTd_DIR:PATH=$td_dir'); commands.push('set td_dir=`' + resolved_path + '` ; ' + getCmakeInitCommand(cmake_init_options)); } else { cmake_init_options.push('-DTd_DIR:PATH=$(' + resolved_path + ')'); commands.push(getCmakeInitCommand(cmake_init_options)); } build_command = 'cmake --build .'; if (jni_install_dir) { build_command += ' --target install'; } if (use_msvc) { build_command += (is_debug_build ? ' --config Debug' : ' --config Release'); } commands.push(build_command); commands.push('cd ../../..'); } else if (target === 'C++/CX' || target === 'C++/CLI') { commands.push('git checkout td/telegram/Client.h td/telegram/Log.h td/tl/TlObject.h'); } if (low_memory) { commands.push('php SplitSource.php --undo'); } commands.push('cd ..'); } if (install_dir) { if (install_dir !== '/usr/local') { install_dir = 'td/tdlib'; } commands.push((use_powershell ? 'dir ' : 'ls -l ') + install_dir); } document.getElementById('buildCommands').innerHTML = '<ul><li>' + commands.join('</li><li>') + '</li></ul>'; } </script> </body> </html>