// // Copyright Aliaksei Levin (levlam@telegram.org), Arseny Smirnov (arseny30@gmail.com) 2014-2017 // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // #include "td/db/SqliteDb.h" #include "td/utils/format.h" #include "td/utils/port/path.h" #include "td/utils/port/Stat.h" #include "td/utils/Status.h" #include "td/utils/StringBuilder.h" #include "td/utils/Timer.h" #include "sqlite/sqlite3.h" namespace td { namespace { string db_key_to_sqlcipher_key(const DbKey &db_key) { if (db_key.is_empty()) { return "''"; } if (db_key.is_password()) { return PSTRING() << "'" << db_key.data().str() << "'"; } CHECK(db_key.is_raw_key()); Slice raw_key = db_key.data(); CHECK(raw_key.size() == 32); size_t expected_size = 64 + 5; string res(expected_size + 50, ' '); StringBuilder sb(res); sb << '"'; sb << 'x'; sb << '\''; sb << format::as_hex_dump<0>(raw_key); sb << '\''; sb << '"'; CHECK(!sb.is_error()); CHECK(sb.as_cslice().size() == expected_size); res.resize(expected_size); return res; } } // namespace SqliteDb::~SqliteDb() = default; Status SqliteDb::init(CSlice path, bool *was_created) { // If database does not exist, delete all other files which may left // from older database bool is_db_exists = stat(path).is_ok(); if (!is_db_exists) { destroy(path).ignore(); } if (was_created != nullptr) { *was_created = !is_db_exists; } sqlite3 *db; CHECK(sqlite3_threadsafe() != 0); int rc = sqlite3_open_v2(path.c_str(), &db, SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE | SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE /*| SQLITE_OPEN_SHAREDCACHE*/, nullptr); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { auto res = Status::Error(PSLICE() << "Failed to open db: " << detail::RawSqliteDb::last_error(db)); sqlite3_close(db); return res; } sqlite3_busy_timeout(db, 1000 * 5 /* 5 seconds */); raw_ = std::make_shared(db, path.str()); return Status::OK(); } static void trace_callback(void *ptr, const char *query) { LOG(ERROR) << query; } static int trace_v2_callback(unsigned code, void *ctx, void *p_raw, void *x_raw) { CHECK(code == SQLITE_TRACE_STMT); auto x = static_cast(x_raw); if (x[0] == '-' && x[1] == '-') { trace_callback(ctx, x); } else { trace_callback(ctx, sqlite3_expanded_sql(static_cast(p_raw))); } return 0; } void SqliteDb::trace(bool flag) { sqlite3_trace_v2(raw_->db(), SQLITE_TRACE_STMT, flag ? trace_v2_callback : nullptr, nullptr); } Status SqliteDb::exec(CSlice cmd) { CHECK(!empty()); char *msg; VLOG(sqlite) << "Start exec " << tag("cmd", cmd) << tag("db", raw_->db()); auto rc = sqlite3_exec(raw_->db(), cmd.c_str(), nullptr, nullptr, &msg); VLOG(sqlite) << "Finish exec " << tag("cmd", cmd) << tag("db", raw_->db()); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { CHECK(msg != nullptr); return Status::Error(PSLICE() << tag("query", cmd) << " failed: " << msg); } CHECK(msg == nullptr); return Status::OK(); } Result SqliteDb::has_table(Slice table) { TRY_RESULT(stmt, get_statement(PSLICE() << "SELECT count(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='" << table << "'")); TRY_STATUS(stmt.step()); CHECK(stmt.has_row()); auto cnt = stmt.view_int32(0); return cnt == 1; } Result SqliteDb::get_pragma(Slice name) { TRY_RESULT(stmt, get_statement(PSLICE() << "PRAGMA " << name)); TRY_STATUS(stmt.step()); CHECK(stmt.has_row()); auto res = stmt.view_blob(0).str(); TRY_STATUS(stmt.step()); CHECK(!stmt.can_step()); return std::move(res); } Result SqliteDb::user_version() { TRY_RESULT(get_version_stmt, get_statement("PRAGMA user_version")); TRY_STATUS(get_version_stmt.step()); if (!get_version_stmt.has_row()) { return Status::Error("PRAGMA user_version failed"); } return get_version_stmt.view_int32(0); } Status SqliteDb::set_user_version(int32 version) { return exec(PSLICE() << "PRAGMA user_version = " << version); } Status SqliteDb::begin_transaction() { return exec("BEGIN"); } Status SqliteDb::commit_transaction() { return exec("COMMIT"); } bool SqliteDb::is_encrypted() { return exec("SELECT count(*) FROM sqlite_master").is_error(); } Result SqliteDb::open_with_key(CSlice path, const DbKey &db_key) { SqliteDb db; TRY_STATUS(db.init(path)); if (!db_key.is_empty()) { if (!db.is_encrypted()) { return Status::Error("No key is needed"); } auto key = db_key_to_sqlcipher_key(db_key); TRY_STATUS(db.exec(PSLICE() << "PRAGMA key = " << key)); } if (db.is_encrypted()) { return Status::Error("Wrong key"); } return std::move(db); } Status SqliteDb::change_key(CSlice path, const DbKey &new_db_key, const DbKey &old_db_key) { // fast path { auto r_db = open_with_key(path, new_db_key); if (r_db.is_ok()) { return Status::OK(); } } TRY_RESULT(db, open_with_key(path, old_db_key)); TRY_RESULT(user_version, db.user_version()); auto new_key = db_key_to_sqlcipher_key(new_db_key); if (old_db_key.is_empty() && !new_db_key.is_empty()) { LOG(DEBUG) << "ENCRYPT"; // Encrypt PerfWarningTimer timer("Encrypt sqlite database", 0.1); auto tmp_path = path.str() + ".ecnrypted"; unlink(tmp_path).ignore(); // make shure that database is not empty TRY_STATUS(db.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS encryption_dummy_table(id INT PRIMARY KEY)")); //NB: not really safe TRY_STATUS(db.exec(PSLICE() << "ATTACH DATABASE '" << tmp_path << "' AS encrypted KEY " << new_key)); TRY_STATUS(db.exec("SELECT sqlcipher_export('encrypted')")); TRY_STATUS(db.exec(PSLICE() << "PRAGMA encrypted.user_version = " << user_version)); TRY_STATUS(db.exec("DETACH DATABASE encrypted")); db.close(); TRY_STATUS(rename(tmp_path, path)); } else if (!old_db_key.is_empty() && new_db_key.is_empty()) { LOG(DEBUG) << "DECRYPT"; // Dectypt PerfWarningTimer timer("Decrypt sqlite database", 0.1); auto tmp_path = path.str() + ".ecnrypted"; unlink(tmp_path).ignore(); //NB: not really safe TRY_STATUS(db.exec(PSLICE() << "ATTACH DATABASE '" << tmp_path << "' AS decrypted KEY ''")); TRY_STATUS(db.exec("SELECT sqlcipher_export('decrypted')")); TRY_STATUS(db.exec(PSLICE() << "PRAGMA decrypted.user_version = " << user_version)); TRY_STATUS(db.exec("DETACH DATABASE decrypted")); db.close(); TRY_STATUS(rename(tmp_path, path)); } else { LOG(DEBUG) << "REKEY"; PerfWarningTimer timer("Rekey sqlite database", 0.1); TRY_STATUS(db.exec(PSLICE() << "PRAGMA rekey = " << new_key)); } TRY_RESULT(new_db, open_with_key(path, new_db_key)); CHECK(new_db.user_version().ok() == user_version); return Status::OK(); } Status SqliteDb::destroy(Slice path) { return detail::RawSqliteDb::destroy(path); } Result SqliteDb::get_statement(CSlice statement) { sqlite3_stmt *stmt = nullptr; auto rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(get_native(), statement.c_str(), static_cast(statement.size()) + 1, &stmt, nullptr); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { return Status::Error(PSLICE() << "Failed to prepare sqlite " << tag("stmt", statement) << raw_->last_error()); } return SqliteStatement(stmt, raw_); } } // namespace td