import MyWorker from './worker.js'; import './third_party/broadcastchannel.js'; import uuid4 from 'uuid/v4'; import log from './logger.js'; const sleep = ms => new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, ms)); /** * TDLib in browser * * TDLib can be used from javascript through the [JSON]( interface. * This is a convenient wrapper around it. * Internally it uses TDLib built with emscripten as asm.js or WebAssembly. All work happens in a WebWorker. * TdClient itself just sends queries to WebWorker, receive updates and results from WebWorker. * *

* Differences from TDLib API
* 1. updateFatalError error:string = Update;
* 3. file < in td_api..> idb_key:string = File;
* 2. setJsVerbosity verbosity:int = Ok; // currenly no result will be sent
* 3. inputFileBlob blob: = InputFile;
* 4. setVerbosity verbosity:int = Ok; // Deprecated */ class TdClient { /** * @callback updateCallback * @param {Object} update */ /** * Create TdClient * @param {Object} options - Options * @param {updateCallback} options.onUpdate - Callback for all updates. Could also be set explicitly right after TdClient construction. * @param {number} [options.jsVerbosity='info'] - Verbosity level for javascript part of the code (error, warning, info, log, debug) * @param {number} [options.verbosity=5] - Verbosity level for tdlib * @param {string} [options.prefix=tdlib] Currently only one instance of TdClient per a prefix is allowed. All but one created instances will be automatically closed. Usually, the newest instace is kept alive. * @param {boolean} [options.isBackground=false] - When choosing which instace to keep alive, we prefer instance with isBackground=false * @param {string} [options.mode=wasm] - Type of tdlib build to use. 'asmjs' for asm.js and 'wasm' for WebAssembly. * @param {boolean} [options.readOnly=false] - Open tdlib in read-only mode. Changes to tdlib database won't be persisted. For debug only. */ constructor(options) { log.setVerbosity(options.jsVerbosity); this.worker = new MyWorker(); var self = this; this.worker.onmessage = function(e) { let response =; 'receive from worker: ', JSON.parse( JSON.stringify(response, (key, value) => { if (key === 'arr') { return undefined; } return value; }) ) ); if ('@extra' in response) { var query_id = response['@extra'].query_id; var [resolve, reject] = self.query_callbacks.get(query_id); self.query_callbacks.delete(query_id); if ('@old_extra' in response['@extra']) { response['@extra'] = response['@extra']['@old_extra']; } if (resolve) { if (response['@type'] === 'error') { reject(response); } else { resolve(response); } } } else { if (response['@type'] === 'inited') { self.onInited(); return; } if ( response['@type'] === 'updateAuthorizationState' && response.authorization_state['@type'] === 'authorizationStateClosed' ) { self.onClosed(); } self.onUpdate(response); } }; this.query_id = 0; this.query_callbacks = new Map(); if ('onUpdate' in options) { this.onUpdate = options.onUpdate; delete options.onUpdate; } this.worker.postMessage({ '@type': 'init', options: options }); this.closeOtherClients(options); } /** * Send query to tdlib. * * If query contains an '@extra' field, the same field will be added into the result. * '@extra' may contain any js object, it won't be sent to web worker. * * @param {Object} query - Query for tdlib. * @returns {Promise} Promise represents the result of the query. */ send(query) { this.query_id++; if (query['@extra']) { query['@extra'] = { '@old_extra': JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(query.extra)), query_id: this.query_id }; } else { query['@extra'] = { query_id: this.query_id }; } if (query['@type'] === 'setJsVerbosity') { log.setVerbosity(query.verbosity); }'send to worker: ', query); this.worker.postMessage(query); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.query_callbacks.set(this.query_id, [resolve, reject]); }); } /** @private */ onBroadcastMessage(e) { var message =;'got broadcast message: ', message); if (message.isBackground && !this.isBackground) { // continue } else if ( (!message.isBackground && this.isBackground) || message.timestamp > this.timestamp ) { this.close(); return; } if (message.state === 'closed') { this.waitSet.delete(message.uid); if (this.waitSet.size === 0) {'onWaitSetEmpty'); this.onWaitSetEmpty(); this.onWaitSetEmpty = () => {}; } } else { this.waitSet.add(message.uid); if (message.state !== 'closing') { this.postState(); } } } /** @private */ postState() { let state = { id: this.uid, state: this.state, timestamp: this.timestamp, isBackground: this.isBackground };'Post state: ', state);; } /** @private */ onWaitSetEmpty() { // nop } /** @private */ onInited() { this.isInited = true; this.doSendStart(); } /** @private */ sendStart() { this.wantSendStart = true; this.doSendStart(); } /** @private */ doSendStart() { if (!this.isInited || !this.wantSendStart || this.state !== 'start') { return; } this.wantSendStart = false; this.state = 'active'; let query = { '@type': 'start' };'send to worker: ', query); this.worker.postMessage(query); } /** @private */ onClosed() { this.isClosing = true; this.worker.terminate();'worker is terminated'); this.state = 'closed'; this.postState(); } /** @private */ close() { if (this.isClosing) { return; } this.isClosing = true;'close state: ', this.state); if (this.state === 'start') { this.onClosed(); this.onUpdate({ '@type': 'updateAuthorizationState', authorization_state: { '@type': 'authorizationStateClosed' } }); return; } let query = { '@type': 'close' };'send to worker: ', query); this.worker.postMessage(query); this.state = 'closing'; this.postState(); } /** @private */ async closeOtherClients(options) { this.uid = uuid4(); this.state = 'start'; this.isBackground = !!options.isBackground; this.timestamp =; this.waitSet = new Set();'close other clients'); let prefix = options.prefix || 'tdlib'; = new BroadcastChannel(prefix); this.postState(); var self = this; = message => { self.onBroadcastMessage(message); }; await sleep(300); if (this.waitSet.size !== 0) { await new Promise(resolve => { self.onWaitSetEmpty = resolve; }); } this.sendStart(); } /** @private */ onUpdate(response) {'ignore onUpdate'); //nop } } export default TdClient;