// // Copyright Aliaksei Levin (levlam@telegram.org), Arseny Smirnov (arseny30@gmail.com) 2014-2019 // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // #include "td/telegram/files/FileGenerateManager.h" #include "td/telegram/td_api.h" #include "td/telegram/telegram_api.h" #include "td/telegram/files/FileId.h" #include "td/telegram/files/FileLoaderUtils.h" #include "td/telegram/files/FileManager.h" #include "td/telegram/files/FileType.h" #include "td/telegram/Global.h" #include "td/telegram/net/NetQuery.h" #include "td/telegram/net/NetQueryDispatcher.h" #include "td/telegram/Td.h" #include "td/utils/common.h" #include "td/utils/format.h" #include "td/utils/logging.h" #include "td/utils/misc.h" #include "td/utils/Parser.h" #include "td/utils/port/path.h" #include "td/utils/port/Stat.h" #include "td/utils/Slice.h" #include #include #include namespace td { class FileGenerateActor : public Actor { public: FileGenerateActor() = default; FileGenerateActor(const FileGenerateActor &) = delete; FileGenerateActor &operator=(const FileGenerateActor &) = delete; FileGenerateActor(FileGenerateActor &&) = delete; FileGenerateActor &operator=(FileGenerateActor &&) = delete; ~FileGenerateActor() override = default; virtual void file_generate_progress(int32 expected_size, int32 local_prefix_size, Promise<> promise) = 0; virtual void file_generate_finish(Status status, Promise<> promise) = 0; }; class FileDownloadGenerateActor : public FileGenerateActor { public: FileDownloadGenerateActor(FileType file_type, FileId file_id, unique_ptr callback, ActorShared<> parent) : file_type_(file_type), file_id_(file_id), callback_(std::move(callback)), parent_(std::move(parent)) { } void file_generate_progress(int32 expected_size, int32 local_prefix_size, Promise<> promise) override { UNREACHABLE(); } void file_generate_finish(Status status, Promise<> promise) override { UNREACHABLE(); } private: FileType file_type_; FileId file_id_; unique_ptr callback_; ActorShared<> parent_; void start_up() override { LOG(INFO) << "Generate by downloading " << file_id_; class Callback : public FileManager::DownloadCallback { public: explicit Callback(ActorId parent) : parent_(std::move(parent)) { } // TODO: upload during download void on_download_ok(FileId file_id) override { send_closure(parent_, &FileDownloadGenerateActor::on_download_ok); } void on_download_error(FileId file_id, Status error) override { send_closure(parent_, &FileDownloadGenerateActor::on_download_error, std::move(error)); } private: ActorId parent_; }; send_closure(G()->file_manager(), &FileManager::download, file_id_, std::make_shared(actor_id(this)), 1, -1); } void hangup() override { send_closure(G()->file_manager(), &FileManager::download, file_id_, nullptr, 0, -1); stop(); } void on_download_ok() { send_lambda(G()->file_manager(), [file_type = file_type_, file_id = file_id_, callback = std::move(callback_)]() mutable { auto file_view = G()->td().get_actor_unsafe()->file_manager_->get_file_view(file_id); if (file_view.has_local_location()) { auto location = file_view.local_location(); location.file_type_ = file_type; callback->on_ok(location); } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Expected to have local location"; callback->on_error(Status::Error(500, "Unknown")); } }); stop(); } void on_download_error(Status error) { callback_->on_error(std::move(error)); stop(); } }; class MapDownloadGenerateActor : public FileGenerateActor { public: MapDownloadGenerateActor(string conversion, unique_ptr callback, ActorShared<> parent) : conversion_(std::move(conversion)), callback_(std::move(callback)), parent_(std::move(parent)) { } void file_generate_progress(int32 expected_size, int32 local_prefix_size, Promise<> promise) override { UNREACHABLE(); } void file_generate_finish(Status status, Promise<> promise) override { UNREACHABLE(); } private: string conversion_; unique_ptr callback_; ActorShared<> parent_; string file_name_; class Callback : public NetQueryCallback { ActorId parent_; public: explicit Callback(ActorId parent) : parent_(parent) { } void on_result(NetQueryPtr query) override { send_closure(parent_, &MapDownloadGenerateActor::on_result, std::move(query)); } void hangup_shared() override { send_closure(parent_, &MapDownloadGenerateActor::hangup_shared); } }; ActorOwn net_callback_; Result> parse_conversion() { auto parts = full_split(Slice(conversion_), '#'); if (parts.size() != 9 || !parts[0].empty() || parts[1] != "map" || !parts[8].empty()) { return Status::Error("Wrong conversion"); } TRY_RESULT(zoom, to_integer_safe(parts[2])); TRY_RESULT(x, to_integer_safe(parts[3])); TRY_RESULT(y, to_integer_safe(parts[4])); TRY_RESULT(width, to_integer_safe(parts[5])); TRY_RESULT(height, to_integer_safe(parts[6])); TRY_RESULT(scale, to_integer_safe(parts[7])); if (zoom < 13 || zoom > 20) { return Status::Error("Wrong zoom"); } auto size = 256 * (1 << zoom); if (x < 0 || x >= size) { return Status::Error("Wrong x"); } if (y < 0 || y >= size) { return Status::Error("Wrong y"); } if (width < 16 || height < 16 || width > 1024 || height > 1024) { return Status::Error("Wrong dimensions"); } if (scale < 1 || scale > 3) { return Status::Error("Wrong scale"); } file_name_ = PSTRING() << "map_" << zoom << "_" << x << "_" << y << ".png"; const double PI = 3.14159265358979323846; double longitude = (x + 0.1) * 360.0 / size - 180; double latitude = 90 - 360 * std::atan(std::exp(((y + 0.1) / size - 0.5) * 2 * PI)) / PI; int64 access_hash = G()->get_location_access_hash(latitude, longitude); return make_tl_object( make_tl_object(latitude, longitude), access_hash, width, height, zoom, scale); } void start_up() override { auto r_input_web_file = parse_conversion(); if (r_input_web_file.is_error()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Can't parse " << conversion_ << ": " << r_input_web_file.error(); return on_error(r_input_web_file.move_as_error()); } net_callback_ = create_actor("MapDownloadGenerateCallback", actor_id(this)); LOG(INFO) << "Download " << conversion_; auto query = G()->net_query_creator().create( create_storer(telegram_api::upload_getWebFile(r_input_web_file.move_as_ok(), 0, 1 << 20)), G()->get_webfile_dc_id(), NetQuery::Type::DownloadSmall); G()->net_query_dispatcher().dispatch_with_callback(std::move(query), {net_callback_.get(), 0}); } void on_result(NetQueryPtr query) { auto r_result = process_result(std::move(query)); if (r_result.is_error()) { return on_error(r_result.move_as_error()); } callback_->on_ok(r_result.ok()); stop(); } Result process_result(NetQueryPtr query) { TRY_RESULT(web_file, fetch_result(std::move(query))); if (static_cast(web_file->size_) != web_file->bytes_.size()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to download map of size " << web_file->size_; return Status::Error("File is too big"); } return save_file_bytes(FileType::Thumbnail, std::move(web_file->bytes_), file_name_); } void on_error(Status error) { callback_->on_error(std::move(error)); stop(); } void hangup_shared() override { on_error(Status::Error(1, "Cancelled")); } }; class FileExternalGenerateActor : public FileGenerateActor { public: FileExternalGenerateActor(uint64 query_id, const FullGenerateFileLocation &generate_location, const LocalFileLocation &local_location, string name, unique_ptr callback, ActorShared<> parent) : query_id_(query_id) , generate_location_(generate_location) , local_(local_location) , name_(std::move(name)) , callback_(std::move(callback)) , parent_(std::move(parent)) { } void file_generate_progress(int32 expected_size, int32 local_prefix_size, Promise<> promise) override { check_status(do_file_generate_progress(expected_size, local_prefix_size), std::move(promise)); } void file_generate_finish(Status status, Promise<> promise) override { if (status.is_error()) { check_status(std::move(status)); return promise.set_value(Unit()); } check_status(do_file_generate_finish(), std::move(promise)); } private: uint64 query_id_; FullGenerateFileLocation generate_location_; LocalFileLocation local_; string name_; string path_; unique_ptr callback_; ActorShared<> parent_; void start_up() override { if (local_.type() == LocalFileLocation::Type::Full) { callback_->on_ok(local_.full()); callback_.reset(); return stop(); } if (local_.type() == LocalFileLocation::Type::Partial) { const auto &partial = local_.partial(); path_ = partial.path_; LOG(INFO) << "Unlink partially generated file at " << path_; unlink(path_).ignore(); } else { auto r_file_path = open_temp_file(generate_location_.file_type_); if (r_file_path.is_error()) { return check_status(r_file_path.move_as_error()); } auto file_path = r_file_path.move_as_ok(); file_path.first.close(); path_ = file_path.second; } send_closure( G()->td(), &Td::send_update, make_tl_object( static_cast(query_id_), generate_location_.original_path_, path_, generate_location_.conversion_)); } void hangup() override { check_status(Status::Error(1, "Cancelled")); } Status do_file_generate_progress(int32 expected_size, int32 local_prefix_size) { if (local_prefix_size < 0) { return Status::Error(1, "Invalid local prefix size"); } callback_->on_partial_generate(PartialLocalFileLocation{generate_location_.file_type_, local_prefix_size, path_, "", Bitmask(Bitmask::Ones{}, 1).encode()}, expected_size); return Status::OK(); } Status do_file_generate_finish() { auto dir = get_files_dir(generate_location_.file_type_); TRY_RESULT(perm_path, create_from_temp(path_, dir, name_)); callback_->on_ok(FullLocalFileLocation(generate_location_.file_type_, std::move(perm_path), 0)); callback_.reset(); stop(); return Status::OK(); } void check_status(Status status, Promise<> promise = Promise<>()) { if (promise) { if (status.is_ok() || status.code() == 1) { promise.set_value(Unit()); } else { promise.set_error(Status::Error(400, status.message())); } } if (status.is_error()) { LOG(INFO) << "Unlink partially generated file at " << path_ << " because of " << status; unlink(path_).ignore(); callback_->on_error(std::move(status)); callback_.reset(); stop(); } } void tear_down() override { send_closure(G()->td(), &Td::send_update, make_tl_object(static_cast(query_id_))); } }; FileGenerateManager::Query::~Query() = default; FileGenerateManager::Query::Query(Query &&other) = default; FileGenerateManager::Query &FileGenerateManager::Query::operator=(Query &&other) = default; static Status check_mtime(std::string &conversion, CSlice original_path) { if (original_path.empty()) { return Status::OK(); } Parser parser(conversion); if (!parser.skip_start_with("#mtime#")) { return Status::OK(); } auto mtime_str = parser.read_till('#'); parser.skip('#'); while (mtime_str.size() >= 2 && mtime_str[0] == '0') { mtime_str.remove_prefix(1); } auto r_mtime = to_integer_safe(mtime_str); if (parser.status().is_error() || r_mtime.is_error()) { return Status::OK(); } auto expected_mtime = r_mtime.move_as_ok(); conversion = parser.read_all().str(); auto r_stat = stat(original_path); uint64 actual_mtime = r_stat.is_ok() ? r_stat.ok().mtime_nsec_ : 0; if (expected_mtime == actual_mtime) { LOG(DEBUG) << "File \"" << original_path << "\" modification time " << actual_mtime << " matches"; return Status::OK(); } return Status::Error(PSLICE() << "FILE_GENERATE_LOCATION_INVALID: File \"" << original_path << "\" was modified: " << tag("expected modification time", expected_mtime) << tag("actual modification time", actual_mtime)); } void FileGenerateManager::generate_file(uint64 query_id, FullGenerateFileLocation generate_location, const LocalFileLocation &local_location, string name, unique_ptr callback) { LOG(INFO) << "Begin to generate file with " << generate_location; auto mtime_status = check_mtime(generate_location.conversion_, generate_location.original_path_); if (mtime_status.is_error()) { return callback->on_error(std::move(mtime_status)); } CHECK(query_id != 0); auto it_flag = query_id_to_query_.insert(std::make_pair(query_id, Query{})); LOG_CHECK(it_flag.second) << "Query id must be unique"; auto parent = actor_shared(this, query_id); Slice file_id_query = "#file_id#"; Slice conversion = generate_location.conversion_; auto &query = it_flag.first->second; if (begins_with(conversion, file_id_query)) { auto file_id = FileId(to_integer(conversion.substr(file_id_query.size())), 0); query.worker_ = create_actor("FileDownloadGenerateActor", generate_location.file_type_, file_id, std::move(callback), std::move(parent)); } else if (begins_with(conversion, "#map#") && generate_location.original_path_.empty()) { query.worker_ = create_actor( "MapDownloadGenerateActor", std::move(generate_location.conversion_), std::move(callback), std::move(parent)); } else { query.worker_ = create_actor("FileExternalGenerationActor", query_id, generate_location, local_location, std::move(name), std::move(callback), std::move(parent)); } } void FileGenerateManager::cancel(uint64 query_id) { auto it = query_id_to_query_.find(query_id); if (it == query_id_to_query_.end()) { return; } it->second.worker_.reset(); } void FileGenerateManager::external_file_generate_progress(uint64 query_id, int32 expected_size, int32 local_prefix_size, Promise<> promise) { auto it = query_id_to_query_.find(query_id); if (it == query_id_to_query_.end()) { return promise.set_error(Status::Error(400, "Unknown generation_id")); } send_closure(it->second.worker_, &FileGenerateActor::file_generate_progress, expected_size, local_prefix_size, std::move(promise)); } void FileGenerateManager::external_file_generate_finish(uint64 query_id, Status status, Promise<> promise) { auto it = query_id_to_query_.find(query_id); if (it == query_id_to_query_.end()) { return promise.set_error(Status::Error(400, "Unknown generation_id")); } send_closure(it->second.worker_, &FileGenerateActor::file_generate_finish, std::move(status), std::move(promise)); } void FileGenerateManager::do_cancel(uint64 query_id) { query_id_to_query_.erase(query_id); } void FileGenerateManager::hangup_shared() { do_cancel(get_link_token()); loop(); } void FileGenerateManager::hangup() { close_flag_ = true; for (auto &it : query_id_to_query_) { it.second.worker_.reset(); } loop(); } void FileGenerateManager::loop() { if (close_flag_ && query_id_to_query_.empty()) { stop(); } } } // namespace td