// // Copyright Aliaksei Levin (levlam@telegram.org), Arseny Smirnov (arseny30@gmail.com) 2014-2018 // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // #include "td/telegram/DialogDb.h" #include "td/telegram/Version.h" #include "td/actor/actor.h" #include "td/actor/SchedulerLocalStorage.h" #include "td/db/SqliteDb.h" #include "td/db/SqliteKeyValue.h" #include "td/db/SqliteStatement.h" #include "td/utils/format.h" #include "td/utils/logging.h" #include "td/utils/ScopeGuard.h" #include "td/utils/Time.h" namespace td { // NB: must happen inside a transaction Status init_dialog_db(SqliteDb &db, int32 version, bool &was_created) { LOG(INFO) << "Init dialog db " << tag("version", version); was_created = false; // Check if database exists TRY_RESULT(has_table, db.has_table("dialogs")); if (!has_table) { version = 0; } if (version < static_cast(DbVersion::DialogDbCreated) || version > current_db_version()) { TRY_STATUS(drop_dialog_db(db, version)); version = 0; } if (version == 0) { LOG(INFO) << "Create new dialog db"; was_created = true; TRY_STATUS( db.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS dialogs (dialog_id INT8 PRIMARY KEY, dialog_order INT8, data BLOB)")); TRY_STATUS(db.exec("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS dialog_by_dialog_order ON dialogs (dialog_order, dialog_id)")); } return Status::OK(); } // NB: must happen inside a transaction Status drop_dialog_db(SqliteDb &db, int version) { if (version < static_cast(DbVersion::DialogDbCreated)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Drop old pmc dialog_db"; SqliteKeyValue kv; kv.init_with_connection(db.clone(), "common").ensure(); kv.erase_by_prefix("di"); } LOG(WARNING) << "Drop dialog_db " << tag("version", version) << tag("current_db_version", current_db_version()); return db.exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dialogs"); } class DialogDbImpl : public DialogDbSyncInterface { public: explicit DialogDbImpl(SqliteDb db) : db_(std::move(db)) { init().ensure(); } Status init() { TRY_RESULT(add_dialog_stmt, db_.get_statement("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO dialogs VALUES(?1, ?2, ?3)")); TRY_RESULT(get_dialog_stmt, db_.get_statement("SELECT data FROM dialogs WHERE dialog_id = ?1")); TRY_RESULT(get_dialogs_stmt, db_.get_statement("SELECT data, dialog_id, dialog_order FROM dialogs WHERE " "dialog_order < ?1 OR (dialog_order = ?1 AND dialog_id < ?2) ORDER " "BY dialog_order DESC, dialog_id DESC LIMIT ?3")); /* TRY_RESULT(get_dialogs2_stmt, db_.get_statement("SELECT data FROM dialogs WHERE dialog_order <= ?1 AND (dialog_order != ?1 OR " "dialog_id < ?2) ORDER BY dialog_order, dialog_id DESC LIMIT ?3")); */ add_dialog_stmt_ = std::move(add_dialog_stmt); get_dialog_stmt_ = std::move(get_dialog_stmt); get_dialogs_stmt_ = std::move(get_dialogs_stmt); // LOG(ERROR) << get_dialog_stmt_.explain().ok(); // LOG(ERROR) << get_dialogs_stmt_.explain().ok(); // LOG(ERROR) << get_dialogs2_stmt.explain().ok(); // LOG(FATAL) << "EPLAINED"; return Status::OK(); } Status add_dialog(DialogId dialog_id, int64 order, BufferSlice data) override { SCOPE_EXIT { add_dialog_stmt_.reset(); }; add_dialog_stmt_.bind_int64(1, dialog_id.get()).ensure(); add_dialog_stmt_.bind_int64(2, order).ensure(); add_dialog_stmt_.bind_blob(3, data.as_slice()).ensure(); TRY_STATUS(add_dialog_stmt_.step()); return Status::OK(); } Result get_dialog(DialogId dialog_id) override { SCOPE_EXIT { get_dialog_stmt_.reset(); }; get_dialog_stmt_.bind_int64(1, dialog_id.get()).ensure(); TRY_STATUS(get_dialog_stmt_.step()); if (!get_dialog_stmt_.has_row()) { return Status::Error("Not found"); } return BufferSlice(get_dialog_stmt_.view_blob(0)); } Result> get_dialogs(int64 order, DialogId dialog_id, int32 limit) override { SCOPE_EXIT { get_dialogs_stmt_.reset(); }; get_dialogs_stmt_.bind_int64(1, order).ensure(); get_dialogs_stmt_.bind_int64(2, dialog_id.get()).ensure(); get_dialogs_stmt_.bind_int32(3, limit).ensure(); std::vector dialogs; TRY_STATUS(get_dialogs_stmt_.step()); while (get_dialogs_stmt_.has_row()) { BufferSlice data(get_dialogs_stmt_.view_blob(0)); auto loaded_dialog_id = get_dialogs_stmt_.view_int64(1); auto loaded_dialog_order = get_dialogs_stmt_.view_int64(2); LOG(INFO) << "Load chat " << loaded_dialog_id << " with order " << loaded_dialog_order; dialogs.emplace_back(std::move(data)); TRY_STATUS(get_dialogs_stmt_.step()); } return std::move(dialogs); } Status begin_transaction() override { return db_.begin_transaction(); } Status commit_transaction() override { return db_.commit_transaction(); } private: SqliteDb db_; SqliteStatement add_dialog_stmt_; SqliteStatement get_dialog_stmt_; SqliteStatement get_dialogs_stmt_; }; std::shared_ptr create_dialog_db_sync( std::shared_ptr sqlite_connection) { class DialogDbSyncSafe : public DialogDbSyncSafeInterface { public: explicit DialogDbSyncSafe(std::shared_ptr sqlite_connection) : lsls_db_([safe_connection = std::move(sqlite_connection)] { return std::make_unique(safe_connection->get().clone()); }) { } DialogDbSyncInterface &get() override { return *lsls_db_.get(); } private: LazySchedulerLocalStorage> lsls_db_; }; return std::make_shared(std::move(sqlite_connection)); } class DialogDbAsync : public DialogDbAsyncInterface { public: DialogDbAsync(std::shared_ptr sync_db, int32 scheduler_id) { impl_ = create_actor_on_scheduler("DialogDbActor", scheduler_id, std::move(sync_db)); } void add_dialog(DialogId dialog_id, int64 order, BufferSlice data, Promise<> promise) override { send_closure_later(impl_, &Impl::add_dialog, dialog_id, order, std::move(data), std::move(promise)); } void get_dialog(DialogId dialog_id, Promise promise) override { send_closure_later(impl_, &Impl::get_dialog, dialog_id, std::move(promise)); } void get_dialogs(int64 order, DialogId dialog_id, int32 limit, Promise> promise) override { send_closure_later(impl_, &Impl::get_dialogs, order, dialog_id, limit, std::move(promise)); } void close(Promise<> promise) override { send_closure_later(impl_, &Impl::close, std::move(promise)); } private: class Impl : public Actor { public: explicit Impl(std::shared_ptr sync_db_safe) : sync_db_safe_(std::move(sync_db_safe)) { } void add_dialog(DialogId dialog_id, int64 order, BufferSlice data, Promise<> promise) { add_write_query([=, promise = std::move(promise), data = std::move(data)](Unit) mutable { promise.set_result(sync_db_->add_dialog(dialog_id, order, std::move(data))); }); } void get_dialog(DialogId dialog_id, Promise promise) { add_read_query(); promise.set_result(sync_db_->get_dialog(dialog_id)); } void get_dialogs(int64 order, DialogId dialog_id, int32 limit, Promise> promise) { add_read_query(); promise.set_result(sync_db_->get_dialogs(order, dialog_id, limit)); } void close(Promise<> promise) { do_flush(); sync_db_safe_.reset(); sync_db_ = nullptr; promise.set_result(Unit()); stop(); } private: std::shared_ptr sync_db_safe_; DialogDbSyncInterface *sync_db_ = nullptr; static constexpr size_t MAX_PENDING_QUERIES_COUNT{50}; static constexpr double MAX_PENDING_QUERIES_DELAY{1}; std::vector> pending_writes_; double wakeup_at_ = 0; template void add_write_query(F &&f) { pending_writes_.push_back(PromiseCreator::lambda(std::forward(f), PromiseCreator::Ignore())); if (pending_writes_.size() > MAX_PENDING_QUERIES_COUNT) { do_flush(); wakeup_at_ = 0; } else if (wakeup_at_ == 0) { wakeup_at_ = Time::now_cached() + MAX_PENDING_QUERIES_DELAY; } if (wakeup_at_ != 0) { set_timeout_at(wakeup_at_); } } void add_read_query() { do_flush(); } void do_flush() { if (pending_writes_.empty()) { return; } sync_db_->begin_transaction().ensure(); for (auto &query : pending_writes_) { query.set_value(Unit()); } sync_db_->commit_transaction().ensure(); pending_writes_.clear(); cancel_timeout(); } void timeout_expired() override { do_flush(); } void start_up() override { sync_db_ = &sync_db_safe_->get(); } }; ActorOwn impl_; }; std::shared_ptr create_dialog_db_async(std::shared_ptr sync_db, int32 scheduler_id) { return std::make_shared(std::move(sync_db), scheduler_id); } } // namespace td