This commit is contained in:
Andrea Cavalli 2021-11-09 12:49:28 +01:00
parent 438689462f
commit 0bb4856c7e
4 changed files with 231 additions and 259 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
import io.vertx.core.eventbus.DeliveryOptions;
import io.vertx.core.eventbus.ReplyException;
import io.vertx.core.eventbus.ReplyFailure;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;
import io.vertx.reactivex.core.Vertx;
import io.vertx.reactivex.core.buffer.Buffer;
@ -32,6 +34,8 @@ import java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport;
import org.warp.commonutils.locks.LockUtils;
import org.warp.commonutils.log.Logger;
import org.warp.commonutils.log.LoggerFactory;
import reactor.adapter.rxjava.RxJava2Adapter;
import reactor.core.Disposable;
import reactor.core.publisher.Flux;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;
import reactor.core.publisher.Sinks;
@ -51,13 +55,15 @@ public class AsyncTdMiddleEventBusClient implements AsyncTdMiddle {
private final DeliveryOptions deliveryOptionsWithTimeout;
private final DeliveryOptions pingDeliveryOptions;
private final One<BinlogAsyncFile> binlog =;
private final AtomicReference<BinlogAsyncFile> binlog = new AtomicReference<>();
private final AtomicReference<Disposable> pinger = new AtomicReference<>();
private final AtomicReference<MessageConsumer<TdResultList>> updates = new AtomicReference<>();
// This will only result in a successful completion, never completes in other ways
private final Empty<Void> updatesStreamEnd = Sinks.empty();
// This will only result in a crash, never completes in other ways
private final Empty<Void> crash = Sinks.empty();
private final AtomicReference<Throwable> crash = new AtomicReference<>();
// This will only result in a successful completion, never completes in other ways
private final Empty<Void> pingFail = Sinks.empty();
// This will only result in a successful completion, never completes in other ways.
@ -121,7 +127,7 @@ public class AsyncTdMiddleEventBusClient implements AsyncTdMiddle {
private Mono<Void> saveBinlog(Buffer data) {
return this.binlog.asMono().flatMap(binlog -> BinlogUtils.saveBinlog(binlog, data));
return Mono.fromSupplier(this.binlog::get).flatMap(binlog -> BinlogUtils.saveBinlog(binlog, data));
public Mono<Void> start(long botId,
@ -134,15 +140,9 @@ public class AsyncTdMiddleEventBusClient implements AsyncTdMiddle {
this.botAddress = "" + this.botId;
this.local = local;
this.logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.botId + " " + botAlias);
return MonoUtils
.fromBlockingEmpty(() -> {
EmitResult result;
while ((result = this.binlog.tryEmitValue(binlog)) == EmitResult.FAIL_NON_SERIALIZED) {
// 10ms
return Mono
.fromRunnable(() -> this.binlog.set(binlog))
@ -156,69 +156,76 @@ public class AsyncTdMiddleEventBusClient implements AsyncTdMiddle {
return setupUpdatesListener()
.then(Mono.defer(() -> {
if (local) {
return Mono.empty();
logger.trace("Requesting bots.start-bot");
return cluster.getEventBus()
.<byte[]>rxRequest("bots.start-bot", msg).as(MonoUtils::toMono)
.doOnSuccess(s -> logger.trace("bots.start-bot returned successfully"))
Mono<Void> startBotRequest;
if (local) {
startBotRequest = Mono.empty();
} else {
startBotRequest = cluster
.<byte[]>rxRequest("bots.start-bot", msg)
.doOnSuccess(s -> logger.trace("bots.start-bot returned successfully"))
.doFirst(() -> logger.trace("Requesting bots.start-bot"))
.onErrorMap(ex -> {
if (ex instanceof ReplyException) {
if (((ReplyException) ex).failureType() == ReplyFailure.NO_HANDLERS) {
return new NoClustersAvailableException("Can't start bot "
+ botId + " " + botAlias);
return ex;
return setupUpdatesListener().then(startBotRequest).then(setupPing());
private Mono<Void> setupPing() {
return Mono.<Void>fromCallable(() -> {
logger.trace("Setting up ping");
// Disable ping on local servers
if (!local) {
.defer(() -> {
logger.trace("Requesting ping...");
return cluster.getEventBus()
.<byte[]>rxRequest(botAddress + ".ping", EMPTY, pingDeliveryOptions)
.flatMap(msg -> Mono.fromCallable(msg::body).subscribeOn(Schedulers.boundedElastic()))
.repeatWhen(l -> l.delayElements(Duration.ofSeconds(10)).takeWhile(x -> true))
.doOnTerminate(() -> logger.trace("About to kill pinger because updates stream ended")),
.onErrorResume(ex -> Mono.empty())
.doOnTerminate(() -> logger.trace("About to kill pinger because it has seen a crash signal"))
.doOnNext(s -> logger.trace("PING"))
.onErrorResume(ex -> {
logger.warn("Ping failed: {}", ex.getMessage());
return Mono.empty();
.doOnNext(s -> logger.debug("END PING"))
.then(MonoUtils.fromBlockingEmpty(() -> {
while (this.pingFail.tryEmitEmpty() == EmitResult.FAIL_NON_SERIALIZED) {
// 10ms
logger.trace("Ping setup success");
return null;
// Disable ping on local servers
if (local) {
return Mono.empty();
var pingRequest = cluster.getEventBus()
.<byte[]>rxRequest(botAddress + ".ping", EMPTY, pingDeliveryOptions)
.doFirst(() -> logger.trace("Requesting ping..."));
return Mono
.fromRunnable(() -> pinger.set(pingRequest
.flatMap(msg -> Mono.fromCallable(msg::body).subscribeOn(Schedulers.boundedElastic()))
.repeatWhen(l -> l.delayElements(Duration.ofSeconds(10)).takeWhile(x -> true))
.doOnNext(s -> logger.trace("PING"))
.onErrorResume(ex -> {
logger.warn("Ping failed: {}", ex.getMessage());
return Mono.empty();
.doOnNext(s -> logger.debug("END PING"))
.then(Mono.fromRunnable(() -> {
while (this.pingFail.tryEmitEmpty() == EmitResult.FAIL_NON_SERIALIZED) {
// 10ms
.doFirst(() -> logger.trace("Setting up ping"))
.doOnSuccess(s -> logger.trace("Ping setup success"))
private Mono<Void> setupUpdatesListener() {
return Mono
.fromRunnable(() -> logger.trace("Setting up updates listener..."))
.then(MonoUtils.<MessageConsumer<TdResultList>>fromBlockingSingle(() -> MessageConsumer
.then(Mono.<MessageConsumer<TdResultList>>fromSupplier(() -> MessageConsumer
.newInstance(cluster.getEventBus().<TdResultList>consumer(botAddress + ".updates")
@ -228,7 +235,7 @@ public class AsyncTdMiddleEventBusClient implements AsyncTdMiddle {
// Return when the registration of all the consumers has been done across the cluster
return Mono
.fromRunnable(() -> logger.trace("Emitting updates flux to sink"))
.then(MonoUtils.fromBlockingEmpty(() -> {
.then(Mono.fromRunnable(() -> {
var previous = this.updates.getAndSet(updateConsumer);
if (previous != null) {
logger.error("Already subscribed a consumer to the updates");
@ -257,38 +264,12 @@ public class AsyncTdMiddleEventBusClient implements AsyncTdMiddle {
.then(cluster.getEventBus().<byte[]>rxRequest(botAddress + ".ready-to-receive",
.doOnSuccess(s -> logger.trace("Sent ready-to-receive, received reply"))
.doOnSuccess(s -> logger.trace("About to read updates flux"))
.then(), updatesMessageConsumer)
.onErrorResume(ex -> {
logger.error("TDLib crashed", ex);
return Mono.empty();
.then(Mono.fromCallable(() -> {
var ex = new ConnectException("Server did not respond to ping");
ex.setStackTrace(new StackTraceElement[0]);
throw ex;
})).onErrorResume(ex -> MonoUtils.fromBlockingSingle(() -> {
EmitResult result;
while ((result = this.crash.tryEmitError(ex)) == EmitResult.FAIL_NON_SERIALIZED) {
// 10ms
return result;
.firstWithSignal(crash.asMono(), authStateClosing.asMono())
.onErrorResume(e -> Mono.empty())
.doOnTerminate(() -> logger.trace("TakeUntilOther has been trigghered, the receive() flux will end"))
.takeUntil(a -> a.succeeded() && a.value().stream().anyMatch(item -> {
if (item.getConstructor() == UpdateAuthorizationState.CONSTRUCTOR) {
return ((UpdateAuthorizationState) item).authorizationState.getConstructor()
@ -305,13 +286,20 @@ public class AsyncTdMiddleEventBusClient implements AsyncTdMiddle {
.concatMap(update -> interceptUpdate(update))
// Redirect errors to crash sink
.doOnError(error -> crash.tryEmitError(error))
.doOnError(error -> crash.compareAndSet(null, error))
.onErrorResume(ex -> {
logger.trace("Absorbing the error, the error has been published using the crash sink", ex);
return Mono.empty();
.doOnCancel(() -> {
.doFinally(s -> {
var pinger = this.pinger.get();
if (pinger != null) {
private Mono<TdApi.Object> interceptUpdate(Object update) {
@ -326,7 +314,7 @@ public class AsyncTdMiddleEventBusClient implements AsyncTdMiddle {"Received AuthorizationStateClosed from tdlib");
return cluster.getEventBus()
.<EndSessionMessage>rxRequest(this.botAddress + ".read-binlog", EMPTY)
.doOnNext(latestBinlog ->"Received binlog from server. Size: {}",
@ -346,13 +334,9 @@ public class AsyncTdMiddleEventBusClient implements AsyncTdMiddle {
// Timeout + 5s (5 seconds extra are used to wait the graceful server-side timeout response)
.setSendTimeout(timeout.toMillis() + 5000);
var crashMono = crash.asMono()
.doOnSuccess(s -> logger.debug("Failed request {} because the TDLib session was already crashed", request))
var executionMono = cluster.getEventBus()
.<TdResultMessage>rxRequest(botAddress + ".execute", req, deliveryOptions)
.onErrorMap(ex -> ResponseError.newResponseError(request, botAlias, ex))
.<TdResult<T>>handle((resp, sink) -> {
if (resp.body() == null) {
@ -366,9 +350,17 @@ public class AsyncTdMiddleEventBusClient implements AsyncTdMiddle {
.doOnSuccess(s -> logger.trace("Executed request {}", request))
.doOnError(ex -> logger.debug("Failed request {}: {}", req, ex));
return Mono
.firstWithSignal(crashMono, executionMono)
return executionMono
.transformDeferred(mono -> {
var crash = this.crash.get();
if (crash != null) {
logger.debug("Failed request {} because the TDLib session was already crashed", request);
return Mono.empty();
} else {
return mono;
.switchIfEmpty(Mono.error(() -> ResponseError.newResponseError(request, botAlias,
new TdError(500, "Client is closed or response is empty"))));
new TdError(500, "The client is closed or the response is empty"))));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
public class NoClustersAvailableException extends Throwable {
public NoClustersAvailableException(String error) {
public String toString() {
return "No clusters are available. " + this.getMessage();

View File

@ -1,13 +1,21 @@
import io.reactivex.Completable;
import io.reactivex.processors.BehaviorProcessor;
import io.vertx.core.eventbus.DeliveryOptions;
import io.vertx.core.eventbus.ReplyException;
import io.vertx.core.eventbus.ReplyFailure;
import io.vertx.core.streams.Pipe;
import io.vertx.core.streams.Pump;
import io.vertx.ext.reactivestreams.impl.ReactiveWriteStreamImpl;
import io.vertx.reactivex.RxHelper;
import io.vertx.reactivex.WriteStreamObserver;
import io.vertx.reactivex.core.AbstractVerticle;
import io.vertx.reactivex.core.eventbus.Message;
import io.vertx.reactivex.core.eventbus.MessageConsumer;
import io.vertx.reactivex.core.eventbus.MessageProducer;
import io.vertx.reactivex.core.streams.WriteStream;
import io.vertx.reactivex.impl.FlowableReadStream;
import it.tdlight.jni.TdApi;
import it.tdlight.jni.TdApi.AuthorizationStateClosed;
import it.tdlight.jni.TdApi.Error;
@ -25,7 +33,6 @@ import;
import it.tdlight.utils.BinlogUtils;
import it.tdlight.utils.MonoUtils;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.List;
@ -33,6 +40,8 @@ import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import org.warp.commonutils.log.Logger;
import org.warp.commonutils.log.LoggerFactory;
import reactor.adapter.rxjava.RxJava2Adapter;
import reactor.core.Disposable;
import reactor.core.publisher.Flux;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;
import reactor.core.scheduler.Schedulers;
@ -56,10 +65,11 @@ public class AsyncTdMiddleEventBusServer extends AbstractVerticle {
// Variables configured at startup
private final AtomicReference<AsyncTdDirectImpl> td = new AtomicReference<>();
private final AtomicReference<MessageConsumer<ExecuteObject<?>>> executeConsumer = new AtomicReference<>();
private final AtomicReference<MessageConsumer<byte[]>> readBinlogConsumer = new AtomicReference<>();
private final AtomicReference<MessageConsumer<byte[]>> readyToReceiveConsumer = new AtomicReference<>();
private final AtomicReference<MessageConsumer<byte[]>> pingConsumer = new AtomicReference<>();
private final AtomicReference<Disposable> executeConsumer = new AtomicReference<>();
private final AtomicReference<Disposable> readBinlogConsumer = new AtomicReference<>();
private final AtomicReference<Disposable> readyToReceiveConsumer = new AtomicReference<>();
private final AtomicReference<Disposable> pingConsumer = new AtomicReference<>();
private final AtomicReference<Disposable> clusterPropagationWaiter = new AtomicReference<>();
private final AtomicReference<Flux<Void>> pipeFlux = new AtomicReference<>();
public AsyncTdMiddleEventBusServer() {
@ -69,38 +79,37 @@ public class AsyncTdMiddleEventBusServer extends AbstractVerticle {
public Completable rxStart() {
return MonoUtils
.fromBlockingMaybe(() -> {
logger.trace("Stating verticle");
var botId = config().getInteger("botId");
if (botId == null || botId <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("botId is not set!");
var botAddress = "" + botId;
var botAlias = config().getString("botAlias");
if (botAlias == null || botAlias.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("botAlias is not set!");
var local = config().getBoolean("local");
if (local == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("local is not set!");
var implementationDetails = config().getJsonObject("implementationDetails");
if (implementationDetails == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("implementationDetails is not set!");
return Mono
.fromCallable(() -> {
logger.trace("Stating verticle");
var botId = config().getInteger("botId");
if (botId == null || botId <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("botId is not set!");
var botAddress = "" + botId;
var botAlias = config().getString("botAlias");
if (botAlias == null || botAlias.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("botAlias is not set!");
var local = config().getBoolean("local");
if (local == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("local is not set!");
var implementationDetails = config().getJsonObject("implementationDetails");
if (implementationDetails == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("implementationDetails is not set!");
var td = new AsyncTdDirectImpl(clientFactory, implementationDetails, botAlias);;
return new OnSuccessfulStartRequestInfo(td, botAddress, botAlias, botId, local);
.flatMap(r -> onSuccessfulStartRequest(, r.botAddress, r.botAlias, r.botId, r.local))
.doOnSuccess(s -> logger.trace("Stated verticle"))
var td = new AsyncTdDirectImpl(clientFactory, implementationDetails, botAlias);;
return new OnSuccessfulStartRequestInfo(td, botAddress, botAlias, botId, local);
.flatMap(r -> onSuccessfulStartRequest(, r.botAddress, r.botAlias, r.botId, r.local))
.doOnSuccess(s -> logger.trace("Started verticle"))
private static class OnSuccessfulStartRequestInfo {
@ -132,16 +141,13 @@ public class AsyncTdMiddleEventBusServer extends AbstractVerticle {
private Mono<Void> listen(AsyncTdDirectImpl td, String botAddress, int botId, boolean local) {
return Mono.<Void>create(registrationSink -> {
return Mono.create(registrationSink -> {
logger.trace("Preparing listeners");
MessageConsumer<ExecuteObject<?>> executeConsumer = vertx.eventBus().consumer(botAddress + ".execute");
.<Message<ExecuteObject<?>>>create(sink -> {
executeConsumer.endHandler(h -> sink.complete());
.flatMap(msg -> {
var body = msg.body();
var request = overrideRequest(body.getRequest(), botId);
@ -154,7 +160,7 @@ public class AsyncTdMiddleEventBusServer extends AbstractVerticle {
.doOnSuccess(s -> logger.trace("Executed successfully. Request was {}", request))
.onErrorResume(ex -> Mono.fromRunnable(() ->, ex.getLocalizedMessage())))
.flatMap(response -> Mono.fromCallable(() -> {
.map(response -> {
var replyOpts = new DeliveryOptions().setLocalOnly(local);
var replyValue = new TdResultMessage(response.result(), response.cause());
try {
@ -162,38 +168,32 @@ public class AsyncTdMiddleEventBusServer extends AbstractVerticle {
msg.reply(replyValue, replyOpts);
return response;
} catch (Exception ex) {
logger.debug("Replying with error response: {}. Request was {}", ex.getLocalizedMessage(),
logger.debug("Replying with error response: {}. Request was {}", ex.getLocalizedMessage(), request);, ex.getLocalizedMessage());
throw ex;
.subscribe(v -> {},
ex -> logger.error("Fatal error when processing an execute request."
+ " Can't process further requests since the subscription has been broken", ex),
() -> logger.trace("Finished handling execute requests")
MessageConsumer<byte[]> readBinlogConsumer = vertx.eventBus().consumer(botAddress + ".read-binlog");
.readBinlogConsumer(vertx, readBinlogConsumer, botId, local)
.subscribe(v -> {}, ex -> logger.error("Error when processing a read-binlog request", ex));
.subscribe(v -> {}, ex -> logger.error("Error when processing a read-binlog request", ex)));
MessageConsumer<byte[]> readyToReceiveConsumer = vertx.eventBus().consumer(botAddress
+ ".ready-to-receive");
MessageConsumer<byte[]> readyToReceiveConsumer = vertx.eventBus().consumer(botAddress + ".ready-to-receive");
// Pipe the data
.<Message<byte[]>>create(sink -> {
readyToReceiveConsumer.endHandler(h -> sink.complete());
.take(1, true)
.doOnNext(s -> logger.trace("Received ready-to-receive request from client"))
@ -201,8 +201,7 @@ public class AsyncTdMiddleEventBusServer extends AbstractVerticle {
.doOnError(ex -> logger.error("Error when processing a ready-to-receive request", ex))
.doOnNext(s -> logger.trace("Replying to ready-to-receive request"))
.flatMapMany(tuple -> {
var opts = new DeliveryOptions().setLocalOnly(local)
var opts = new DeliveryOptions().setLocalOnly(local).setSendTimeout(Duration.ofSeconds(10).toMillis());
tuple.getT1().reply(EMPTY, opts);
logger.trace("Replied to ready-to-receive");
@ -216,39 +215,33 @@ public class AsyncTdMiddleEventBusServer extends AbstractVerticle {
.doOnSuccess(s -> logger.trace("Finished handling ready-to-receive requests (updates pipe ended)"))
// Don't handle errors here. Handle them in pipeFlux
.subscribe(v -> {});
.subscribe(v -> {}));
MessageConsumer<byte[]> pingConsumer = vertx.eventBus().consumer(botAddress + ".ping");
.<Message<byte[]>>create(sink -> {
pingConsumer.endHandler(h -> sink.complete());
.concatMap(msg -> Mono.fromCallable(() -> {
var opts = new DeliveryOptions().setLocalOnly(local)
msg.reply(EMPTY, opts);
return null;
.subscribe(v -> {},
ex -> logger.error("Error when processing a ping request", ex),
() -> logger.trace("Finished handling ping requests")
.doOnNext(msg -> {
var opts = new DeliveryOptions().setLocalOnly(local).setSendTimeout(Duration.ofSeconds(10).toMillis());
msg.reply(EMPTY, opts);
.subscribe(unused -> logger.trace("Finished handling ping requests"),
ex -> logger.error("Error when processing a ping request", ex)
var executorPropagated = executeConsumer.rxCompletionHandler().to(RxJava2Adapter::completableToMono);
var readyToReceivePropagated = executeConsumer.rxCompletionHandler().to(RxJava2Adapter::completableToMono);
var readBinLogPropagated = executeConsumer.rxCompletionHandler().to(RxJava2Adapter::completableToMono);
var pingPropagated = executeConsumer.rxCompletionHandler().to(RxJava2Adapter::completableToMono);
var allPropagated = Mono.when(executorPropagated, readyToReceivePropagated, readBinLogPropagated, pingPropagated);
.doOnSuccess(s -> logger.trace("Finished preparing listeners"))
.subscribe(v -> {}, registrationSink::error, registrationSink::success);
.subscribe(v -> {}, registrationSink::error, registrationSink::success));
@ -266,35 +259,34 @@ public class AsyncTdMiddleEventBusServer extends AbstractVerticle {
public Completable rxStop() {
return MonoUtils.toCompletable(Mono
.fromRunnable(() ->"Undeploy of bot \"" + botAlias.get() + "\": stopping"))
.flatMap(executeConsumer -> executeConsumer.rxUnregister().as(MonoUtils::toMono))
.doOnSuccess(s -> logger.trace("Unregistered execute consumer"))
.then(MonoUtils.fromBlockingEmpty(() -> {
return Mono
.fromRunnable(() -> {"Undeploy of bot \"" + botAlias.get() + "\": stopping");
var executeConsumer = this.executeConsumer.get();
if (executeConsumer != null) {
logger.trace("Unregistered execute consumer");
var pingConsumer = this.pingConsumer.get();
if (pingConsumer != null) {
var readBinlogConsumer = this.readBinlogConsumer.get();
if (readBinlogConsumer != null) {
// ReadBinLog will live for another 10 minutes.
// Since every consumer of ReadBinLog is identical, this should not pose a problem.
.flatMap(ec -> ec.rxUnregister().as(MonoUtils::toMono))
.flatMap(ec -> ec.rxUnregister().as(MonoUtils::toMono))
var readyToReceiveConsumer = this.readyToReceiveConsumer.get();
if (readyToReceiveConsumer != null) {
var clusterPropagationWaiter = this.clusterPropagationWaiter.get();
if (clusterPropagationWaiter != null) {
.doOnError(ex -> logger.error("Undeploy of bot \"" + botAlias.get() + "\": stop failed", ex))
.doOnTerminate(() ->"Undeploy of bot \"" + botAlias.get() + "\": stopped"))
private Mono<Void> pipe(AsyncTdDirectImpl td, String botAddress, boolean local) {
@ -342,7 +334,7 @@ public class AsyncTdMiddleEventBusServer extends AbstractVerticle {
var pipeFlux = updatesFlux
.concatMap(updatesList -> updatesSender
.concatMap(updatesList -> Flux
@ -355,13 +347,13 @@ public class AsyncTdMiddleEventBusServer extends AbstractVerticle {
if (tdUpdateAuthorizationState.authorizationState.getConstructor()
== AuthorizationStateClosed.CONSTRUCTOR) {"Undeploying after receiving AuthorizationStateClosed");
return rxStop().as(MonoUtils::toMono).thenReturn(item);
return rxStop().to(RxJava2Adapter::completableToMono).thenReturn(item);
} else if (item instanceof Error) {
// An error in updates means that a fatal error occurred"Undeploying after receiving a fatal error");
return rxStop().as(MonoUtils::toMono).thenReturn(item);
return rxStop().to(RxJava2Adapter::completableToMono).thenReturn(item);
return Mono.just(item);
@ -393,10 +385,10 @@ public class AsyncTdMiddleEventBusServer extends AbstractVerticle {
.execute(new TdApi.Close(), Duration.ofDays(1), false)
.doOnError(ex2 -> logger.error("Unexpected error", ex2))
.doOnSuccess(s -> logger.debug("Emergency Close() signal has been sent successfully"))
return MonoUtils.fromBlockingEmpty(() -> {
return Mono.fromRunnable(() -> {
logger.trace("Prepared piping requests successfully");

View File

@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import org.warp.commonutils.concurrency.future.CompletableFutureUtils;
import org.warp.commonutils.functional.IOConsumer;
import org.warp.commonutils.log.Logger;
import org.warp.commonutils.log.LoggerFactory;
import reactor.adapter.rxjava.RxJava2Adapter;
import reactor.core.CoreSubscriber;
import reactor.core.publisher.Flux;
import reactor.core.publisher.FluxSink.OverflowStrategy;
@ -171,38 +172,12 @@ public class MonoUtils {
public static <T> Flux<Message<T>> fromReplyableMessageConsumer(Mono<Void> onRegistered,
MessageConsumer<T> messageConsumer) {
Mono<Void> endMono = Mono.create(sink -> {
AtomicBoolean alreadyRequested = new AtomicBoolean();
sink.onRequest(n -> {
if (n > 0 && alreadyRequested.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
messageConsumer.endHandler(e -> sink.success());
Mono<MessageConsumer<T>> registrationCompletionMono = Mono
.fromRunnable(() -> logger.trace("Waiting for consumer registration completion..."))
var registration = messageConsumer
.doFirst(() -> logger.trace("Waiting for consumer registration completion..."))
.doOnSuccess(s -> logger.trace("Consumer registered"))
messageConsumer.handler(s -> {
throw new IllegalStateException("Subscriber still didn't request any value!");
Flux<Message<T>> dataFlux = Flux
.push(sink -> sink.onRequest(n -> messageConsumer.handler(sink::next)), OverflowStrategy.ERROR);
Mono<Void> disposeMono = messageConsumer
.doOnSuccess(s -> logger.trace("Unregistered message consumer"))
return Flux
.usingWhen(registrationCompletionMono, msgCons -> dataFlux, msgCons -> disposeMono)
return messageConsumer.toFlowable().to(RxJava2Adapter::flowableToFlux).mergeWith(registration.then(Mono.empty()));
public static Scheduler newBoundedSingle(String name) {