package it.tdlight.reactiveapi; import io.atomix.cluster.messaging.ClusterEventService; import io.atomix.cluster.messaging.MessagingException; import io.atomix.cluster.messaging.Subscription; import it.tdlight.jni.TdApi; import it.tdlight.reactiveapi.Event.ClientBoundEvent; import it.tdlight.reactiveapi.Event.Request; import java.time.Duration; import java.time.Instant; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import reactor.core.Disposable; import reactor.core.publisher.BufferOverflowStrategy; import reactor.core.publisher.Flux; import reactor.core.publisher.FluxSink.OverflowStrategy; import reactor.core.publisher.Mono; import reactor.core.scheduler.Schedulers; public class DynamicAtomixReactiveApiClient implements ReactiveApiClient, AutoCloseable { private static final long LIVE_ID_UNSET = -1L; private static final long LIVE_ID_FAILED = -2L; private final ReactiveApi api; private final ClusterEventService eventService; private final AtomicLong liveId = new AtomicLong(LIVE_ID_UNSET); private final Disposable liveIdSubscription; private final long userId; private final Flux clientBoundEvents; private final Flux liveIdChange; private final Mono liveIdResolution; DynamicAtomixReactiveApiClient(AtomixReactiveApi api, KafkaConsumer kafkaConsumer, long userId, String subGroupId) { this.api = api; this.eventService = api.getAtomix().getEventService(); this.userId = userId; clientBoundEvents = kafkaConsumer.consumeMessages(subGroupId, true, userId) .doOnNext(e -> liveId.set(e.liveId())) .share(); liveIdChange = this.clientBoundEvents() .sample(Duration.ofSeconds(1)) .map(Event::liveId) .distinctUntilChanged(); this.liveIdSubscription = liveIdChange.subscribeOn(Schedulers.parallel()).subscribe(liveId::set); this.liveIdResolution = this.resolveLiveId(); } @Override public Flux clientBoundEvents() { return clientBoundEvents; } @Override public Mono request(TdApi.Function request, Instant timeout) { return liveIdResolution .flatMap(liveId -> Mono.fromCompletionStage(() -> eventService.send("session-" + liveId + "-requests", new Request<>(liveId, request, timeout), LiveAtomixReactiveApiClient::serializeRequest, LiveAtomixReactiveApiClient::deserializeResponse, Duration.between(, timeout) )).subscribeOn(Schedulers.boundedElastic()).onErrorMap(ex -> { if (ex instanceof MessagingException.NoRemoteHandler) { return new TdError(404, "Bot #IDU" + this.userId + " (liveId: " + liveId + ") is not found on the cluster"); } else { return ex; } })) .handle((item, sink) -> { if (item instanceof TdApi.Error error) { sink.error(new TdError(error.code, error.message)); } else { //noinspection unchecked item); } }); } private Mono resolveLiveId() { return Mono .fromSupplier(this.liveId::get) .flatMap(liveId -> { if (liveId == LIVE_ID_UNSET) { return api.resolveUserLiveId(userId) .switchIfEmpty(Mono.error(this::createLiveIdFailed)) .doOnError(ex -> this.liveId.compareAndSet(LIVE_ID_UNSET, LIVE_ID_FAILED)); } else if (liveId == LIVE_ID_FAILED) { return Mono.error(createLiveIdFailed()); } else { return Mono.just(liveId); } }); } private Throwable createLiveIdFailed() { return new TdError(404, "Bot #IDU" + this.userId + " is not found on the cluster, no live id has been associated with it locally"); } @Override public long getUserId() { return userId; } @Override public boolean isPullMode() { return true; } public Flux liveIdChange() { return liveIdChange; } public void close() { liveIdSubscription.dispose(); } }