package; import io.reactivex.Completable; import io.vertx.core.eventbus.DeliveryOptions; import io.vertx.core.eventbus.ReplyException; import io.vertx.core.eventbus.ReplyFailure; import io.vertx.reactivex.core.AbstractVerticle; import io.vertx.reactivex.core.eventbus.Message; import io.vertx.reactivex.core.eventbus.MessageConsumer; import io.vertx.reactivex.core.eventbus.MessageProducer; import it.tdlight.jni.TdApi; import it.tdlight.jni.TdApi.AuthorizationStateClosed; import it.tdlight.jni.TdApi.Error; import it.tdlight.jni.TdApi.Function; import it.tdlight.jni.TdApi.SetTdlibParameters; import it.tdlight.jni.TdApi.Update; import it.tdlight.jni.TdApi.UpdateAuthorizationState; import it.tdlight.tdlibsession.remoteclient.TDLibRemoteClient; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import it.tdlight.utils.BinlogUtils; import it.tdlight.utils.MonoUtils; import; import java.time.Duration; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import org.warp.commonutils.log.Logger; import org.warp.commonutils.log.LoggerFactory; import reactor.core.publisher.Flux; import reactor.core.publisher.Mono; import reactor.core.scheduler.Schedulers; import reactor.util.function.Tuples; public class AsyncTdMiddleEventBusServer extends AbstractVerticle { // Static values protected static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("TdMiddleServer"); public static final byte[] EMPTY = new byte[0]; public static final Duration WAIT_DURATION = Duration.ofSeconds(1); // Values configured from constructor private final AsyncTdDirectOptions tdOptions; private final TelegramClientFactory clientFactory; // Variables configured by the user at startup private final AtomicReference botId = new AtomicReference<>(); private final AtomicReference botAddress = new AtomicReference<>(); private final AtomicReference botAlias = new AtomicReference<>(); // Variables configured at startup private final AtomicReference td = new AtomicReference<>(); private final AtomicReference> executeConsumer = new AtomicReference<>(); private final AtomicReference> readBinlogConsumer = new AtomicReference<>(); private final AtomicReference> readyToReceiveConsumer = new AtomicReference<>(); private final AtomicReference> pingConsumer = new AtomicReference<>(); private final AtomicReference> pipeFlux = new AtomicReference<>(); public AsyncTdMiddleEventBusServer() { this.tdOptions = new AsyncTdDirectOptions(WAIT_DURATION, 100); this.clientFactory = new TelegramClientFactory(); } @Override public Completable rxStart() { return MonoUtils .toCompletable(MonoUtils .fromBlockingMaybe(() -> { logger.trace("Stating verticle"); var botId = config().getInteger("botId"); if (botId == null || botId <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("botId is not set!"); } this.botId.set(botId); var botAddress = "" + botId; this.botAddress.set(botAddress); var botAlias = config().getString("botAlias"); if (botAlias == null || botAlias.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("botAlias is not set!"); } this.botAlias.set(botAlias); var local = config().getBoolean("local"); if (local == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("local is not set!"); } var implementationDetails = config().getJsonObject("implementationDetails"); if (implementationDetails == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("implementationDetails is not set!"); } var td = new AsyncTdDirectImpl(clientFactory, implementationDetails, botAlias);; return new OnSuccessfulStartRequestInfo(td, botAddress, botAlias, botId, local); }) .flatMap(r -> onSuccessfulStartRequest(, r.botAddress, r.botAlias, r.botId, r.local)) .doOnSuccess(s -> logger.trace("Stated verticle")) ); } private static class OnSuccessfulStartRequestInfo { public final AsyncTdDirectImpl td; public final String botAddress; public final String botAlias; public final int botId; public final boolean local; public OnSuccessfulStartRequestInfo(AsyncTdDirectImpl td, String botAddress, String botAlias, int botId, boolean local) { = td; this.botAddress = botAddress; this.botAlias = botAlias; this.botId = botId; this.local = local; } } private Mono onSuccessfulStartRequest(AsyncTdDirectImpl td, String botAddress, String botAlias, int botId, boolean local) { return td .initialize() .then(this.pipe(td, botAddress, local)) .then(this.listen(td, botAddress, botId, local)) .doOnSuccess(s ->"Deploy and start of bot \"" + botAlias + "\": ✅ Succeeded")) .doOnError(ex -> logger.error("Deploy and start of bot \"" + botAlias + "\": ❌ Failed", ex)); } private Mono listen(AsyncTdDirectImpl td, String botAddress, int botId, boolean local) { return Mono.create(registrationSink -> { logger.trace("Preparing listeners"); MessageConsumer executeConsumer = vertx.eventBus().consumer(botAddress + ".execute"); this.executeConsumer.set(executeConsumer); Flux .>create(sink -> { executeConsumer.handler(sink::next); executeConsumer.endHandler(h -> sink.complete()); }) .flatMap(msg -> { var body = msg.body(); var request = overrideRequest(body.getRequest(), botId); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("Received execute request {}", request); } return td .execute(request, body.isExecuteDirectly()) .single() .timeout(Duration.ofSeconds(60 + 30)) .doOnSuccess(s -> logger.trace("Executed successfully. Request was {}", request)) .onErrorResume(ex -> Mono.fromRunnable(() ->, ex.getLocalizedMessage()))) .flatMap(response -> Mono.fromCallable(() -> { var replyOpts = new DeliveryOptions().setLocalOnly(local); var replyValue = new TdResultMessage(response.result(), response.cause()); try { logger.trace("Replying with success response. Request was {}", request); msg.reply(replyValue, replyOpts); return response; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.debug("Replying with error response: {}. Request was {}", ex.getLocalizedMessage(), request);, ex.getLocalizedMessage()); throw ex; } }).subscribeOn(Schedulers.boundedElastic())); }) .then() .subscribeOn(Schedulers.parallel()) .subscribe(v -> {}, ex -> logger.error("Fatal error when processing an execute request." + " Can't process further requests since the subscription has been broken", ex), () -> logger.trace("Finished handling execute requests") ); MessageConsumer readBinlogConsumer = vertx.eventBus().consumer(botAddress + ".read-binlog"); this.readBinlogConsumer.set(readBinlogConsumer); BinlogUtils .readBinlogConsumer(vertx, readBinlogConsumer, botId, local) .subscribeOn(Schedulers.parallel()) .subscribe(v -> {}, ex -> logger.error("Error when processing a read-binlog request", ex)); MessageConsumer readyToReceiveConsumer = vertx.eventBus().consumer(botAddress + ".ready-to-receive"); this.readyToReceiveConsumer.set(readyToReceiveConsumer); // Pipe the data Flux .>create(sink -> { readyToReceiveConsumer.handler(sink::next); readyToReceiveConsumer.endHandler(h -> sink.complete()); }) .take(1, true) .single() .doOnNext(s -> logger.trace("Received ready-to-receive request from client")) .map(msg -> Tuples.of(msg, Objects.requireNonNull(pipeFlux.get(), "PipeFlux is empty"))) .doOnError(ex -> logger.error("Error when processing a ready-to-receive request", ex)) .doOnNext(s -> logger.trace("Replying to ready-to-receive request")) .flatMapMany(tuple -> { var opts = new DeliveryOptions().setLocalOnly(local) .setSendTimeout(Duration.ofSeconds(10).toMillis()); tuple.getT1().reply(EMPTY, opts); logger.trace("Replied to ready-to-receive"); logger.trace("Start piping data"); // Start piping the data return tuple.getT2().doOnSubscribe(s -> logger.trace("Subscribed to updates pipe")); }) .then() .doOnSuccess(s -> logger.trace("Finished handling ready-to-receive requests (updates pipe ended)")) .subscribeOn(Schedulers.boundedElastic()) // Don't handle errors here. Handle them in pipeFlux .subscribe(v -> {}); MessageConsumer pingConsumer = vertx.eventBus().consumer(botAddress + ".ping"); this.pingConsumer.set(pingConsumer); Flux .>create(sink -> { pingConsumer.handler(sink::next); pingConsumer.endHandler(h -> sink.complete()); }) .concatMap(msg -> Mono.fromCallable(() -> { var opts = new DeliveryOptions().setLocalOnly(local) .setSendTimeout(Duration.ofSeconds(10).toMillis()); msg.reply(EMPTY, opts); return null; })) .then() .subscribeOn(Schedulers.boundedElastic()) .subscribe(v -> {}, ex -> logger.error("Error when processing a ping request", ex), () -> logger.trace("Finished handling ping requests") ); executeConsumer .rxCompletionHandler() .andThen(readBinlogConsumer.rxCompletionHandler()) .andThen(readyToReceiveConsumer.rxCompletionHandler()) .andThen(pingConsumer.rxCompletionHandler()) .as(MonoUtils::toMono) .doOnSuccess(s -> logger.trace("Finished preparing listeners")) .subscribeOn(Schedulers.parallel()) .subscribe(v -> {}, registrationSink::error, registrationSink::success); }) .subscribeOn(Schedulers.boundedElastic()); } /** * Override some requests */ private Function overrideRequest(Function request, int botId) { if (request.getConstructor() == SetTdlibParameters.CONSTRUCTOR) { // Fix session directory locations var setTdlibParamsObj = (SetTdlibParameters) request; setTdlibParamsObj.parameters.databaseDirectory = TDLibRemoteClient.getSessionDirectory(botId).toString(); setTdlibParamsObj.parameters.filesDirectory = TDLibRemoteClient.getMediaDirectory(botId).toString(); } return request; } @Override public Completable rxStop() { return MonoUtils.toCompletable(Mono .fromRunnable(() ->"Undeploy of bot \"" + botAlias.get() + "\": stopping")) .then(Mono .fromCallable(executeConsumer::get) .flatMap(executeConsumer -> executeConsumer.rxUnregister().as(MonoUtils::toMono)) .doOnSuccess(s -> logger.trace("Unregistered execute consumer")) ) .then(MonoUtils.fromBlockingEmpty(() -> { var readBinlogConsumer = this.readBinlogConsumer.get(); if (readBinlogConsumer != null) { Mono // ReadBinLog will live for another 10 minutes. // Since every consumer of ReadBinLog is identical, this should not pose a problem. .delay(Duration.ofMinutes(10)) .then(readBinlogConsumer.rxUnregister().as(MonoUtils::toMono)) .subscribe(); } })) .then(Mono .fromCallable(readyToReceiveConsumer::get) .flatMap(ec -> ec.rxUnregister().as(MonoUtils::toMono)) ) .then(Mono .fromCallable(pingConsumer::get) .flatMap(ec -> ec.rxUnregister().as(MonoUtils::toMono)) ) .doOnError(ex -> logger.error("Undeploy of bot \"" + botAlias.get() + "\": stop failed", ex)) .doOnTerminate(() ->"Undeploy of bot \"" + botAlias.get() + "\": stopped")) ); } private Mono pipe(AsyncTdDirectImpl td, String botAddress, boolean local) { logger.trace("Preparing to pipe requests"); Flux updatesFlux = td .receive(tdOptions) .takeUntil(item -> { if (item instanceof Update) { var tdUpdate = (Update) item; if (tdUpdate.getConstructor() == UpdateAuthorizationState.CONSTRUCTOR) { var updateAuthorizationState = (UpdateAuthorizationState) tdUpdate; return updateAuthorizationState.authorizationState.getConstructor() == AuthorizationStateClosed.CONSTRUCTOR; } } else return item instanceof Error; return false; }) .flatMap(update -> Mono.fromCallable(() -> { if (update.getConstructor() == TdApi.Error.CONSTRUCTOR) { var error = (Error) update; throw new TdError(error.code, error.message); } else { return update; } })) .limitRate(Math.max(1, tdOptions.getEventsSize())) //.transform(normal -> new BufferTimeOutPublisher<>(normal,Math.max(1, tdOptions.getEventsSize()), // local ? Duration.ofMillis(1) : Duration.ofMillis(100), false)) //.bufferTimeout(Math.max(1, tdOptions.getEventsSize()), local ? Duration.ofMillis(1) : Duration.ofMillis(100)) .map(List::of) .limitRate(Math.max(1, tdOptions.getEventsSize())) .map(TdResultList::new); var fluxCodec = new TdResultListMessageCodec(); var opts = new DeliveryOptions() .setLocalOnly(local) .setSendTimeout(Duration.ofSeconds(30).toMillis()) .setCodecName(; MessageProducer updatesSender = vertx .eventBus() .sender(botAddress + ".updates", opts); var pipeFlux = updatesFlux .concatMap(updatesList -> updatesSender .rxWrite(updatesList) .as(MonoUtils::toMono) .thenReturn(updatesList) ) .concatMap(updatesList -> Flux .fromIterable(updatesList.value()) .concatMap(item -> { if (item instanceof Update) { var tdUpdate = (Update) item; if (tdUpdate.getConstructor() == UpdateAuthorizationState.CONSTRUCTOR) { var tdUpdateAuthorizationState = (UpdateAuthorizationState) tdUpdate; if (tdUpdateAuthorizationState.authorizationState.getConstructor() == AuthorizationStateClosed.CONSTRUCTOR) {"Undeploying after receiving AuthorizationStateClosed"); return rxStop().as(MonoUtils::toMono).thenReturn(item); } } } else if (item instanceof Error) { // An error in updates means that a fatal error occurred"Undeploying after receiving a fatal error"); return rxStop().as(MonoUtils::toMono).thenReturn(item); } return Mono.just(item); }) .then() ) .doOnTerminate(() -> updatesSender.close(h -> { if (h.failed()) { logger.error("Failed to close \"updates\" message sender"); } })) .onErrorResume(ex -> { boolean printDefaultException = true; if (ex instanceof ReplyException) { ReplyException replyException = (ReplyException) ex; if (replyException.failureCode() == -1 && replyException.failureType() == ReplyFailure.NO_HANDLERS) { logger.warn("Undeploying, the flux has been terminated because no more" + " handlers are available on the event bus. {}", replyException.getMessage()); printDefaultException = false; } } else if (ex instanceof ConnectException || ex instanceof java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException) { logger.warn("Undeploying, the flux has been terminated because the consumer" + " disconnected from the event bus. {}", ex.getMessage()); printDefaultException = false; } if (printDefaultException) { logger.warn("Undeploying after a fatal error in a served flux", ex); } return td.execute(new TdApi.Close(), false) .doOnError(ex2 -> logger.error("Unexpected error", ex2)) .doOnSuccess(s -> logger.debug("Emergency Close() signal has been sent successfully")) .then(rxStop().as(MonoUtils::toMono)); }); return MonoUtils.fromBlockingEmpty(() -> { this.pipeFlux.set(pipeFlux); logger.trace("Prepared piping requests successfully"); }); } }