update some libwebp native libs to 1.0.0 (only win32/win64/linux64)
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ For easier to use, qwong/j-webp (bases on [webp project of Luciad](https://bitbu
However, coders pefer using jar package instead of source java code in personal project. So I fork and edit qwong/j-webp to privide a usable jar. It is a fat jar includes dependencies and native lib file (includes windows/linux/mac both 32&64bit).
Update 20181119: sync from [webp project of Luciad](https://bitbucket.org/luciad/webp-imageio) 1.0.0
## Usage
Because it is not in maven repo, so you have to put the jar file `webp-imageio-core-{version}.jar` into libs folder of your project manually.
@ -17,16 +17,14 @@ package com.luciad.imageio.webp;
import org.scijava.nativelib.NativeLibraryUtil;
import java.awt.image.*;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.util.Hashtable;
final class WebP {
private static boolean NATIVE_LIBRARY_LOADED = false;
static synchronized void loadNativeLibrary() {
NativeLibraryUtil.loadNativeLibrary(WebP.class, "webp-imageio");
@ -39,390 +37,56 @@ final class WebP {
private WebP() {
public static BufferedImage decode( WebPReadParam aReadParam, byte[] aData, int aOffset, int aLength ) throws IOException {
if ( aReadParam == null ) {
throw new NullPointerException( "Decoder options may not be null" );
public static int[] decode(WebPDecoderOptions aOptions, byte[] aData, int aOffset, int aLength, int[] aOut) throws IOException {
if (aOptions == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Decoder options may not be null");
if ( aData == null ) {
throw new NullPointerException( "Input data may not be null" );
if (aData == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Input data may not be null");
if ( aOffset + aLength > aData.length ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Offset/length exceeds array size" );
if (aOffset + aLength > aData.length) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Offset/length exceeds array size");
int[] out = new int[4];
int[] pixels = decode( aReadParam.fPointer, aData, aOffset, aLength, out, ByteOrder.nativeOrder().equals( ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN ) );
VP8StatusCode status = VP8StatusCode.getStatusCode( out[0] );
switch ( status ) {
throw new OutOfMemoryError();
throw new IOException( "Decode returned code " + status );
int[] pixels = decode(aOptions.fPointer, aData, aOffset, aLength, aOut, ByteOrder.nativeOrder().equals(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN));
VP8StatusCode status = VP8StatusCode.getStatusCode(aOut[0]);
switch (status) {
throw new OutOfMemoryError();
throw new IOException("Decode returned code " + status);
int width = out[1];
int height = out[2];
boolean alpha = out[3] != 0;
ColorModel colorModel;
if ( alpha ) {
colorModel = new DirectColorModel( 32, 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff, 0xff000000 );
} else {
colorModel = new DirectColorModel( 24, 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff, 0x00000000 );
SampleModel sampleModel = colorModel.createCompatibleSampleModel( width, height );
DataBufferInt db = new DataBufferInt( pixels, width * height );
WritableRaster raster = WritableRaster.createWritableRaster( sampleModel, db, null );
return new BufferedImage( colorModel, raster, false, new Hashtable<Object, Object>() );
return pixels;
private static native int[] decode( long aDecoderOptionsPointer, byte[] aData, int aOffset, int aLength, int[] aFlags, boolean aBigEndian );
private static native int[] decode(long aDecoderOptionsPointer, byte[] aData, int aOffset, int aLength, int[] aFlags, boolean aBigEndian);
public static int[] getInfo( byte[] aData, int aOffset, int aLength ) throws IOException {
public static int[] getInfo(byte[] aData, int aOffset, int aLength) throws IOException {
int[] out = new int[2];
int result = getInfo( aData, aOffset, aLength, out );
int result = getInfo(aData, aOffset, aLength, out);
if (result == 0) {
throw new IOException( "Invalid WebP data" );
throw new IOException("Invalid WebP data");
return out;
private static native int getInfo( byte[] aData, int aOffset, int aLength, int[] aOut );
private static native int getInfo(byte[] aData, int aOffset, int aLength, int[] aOut);
public static byte[] encode( WebPWriteParam aWriteParam, RenderedImage aImage ) throws IOException {
if ( aWriteParam == null ) {
throw new NullPointerException( "Encoder options may not be null" );
if ( aImage == null ) {
throw new NullPointerException( "Image may not be null" );
boolean encodeAlpha = hasTranslucency( aImage );
if ( encodeAlpha ) {
byte[] rgbaData = getRGBA( aImage );
return encodeRGBA( aWriteParam.getPointer(), rgbaData, aImage.getWidth(), aImage.getHeight(), aImage.getWidth() * 4 );
else {
byte[] rgbData = getRGB( aImage );
return encodeRGB( aWriteParam.getPointer(), rgbData, aImage.getWidth(), aImage.getHeight(), aImage.getWidth() * 3 );
public static byte[] encodeRGBA(WebPEncoderOptions aOptions, byte[] aRgbaData, int aWidth, int aHeight, int aStride) {
return encodeRGBA(aOptions.fPointer, aRgbaData, aWidth, aHeight, aStride);
private static native byte[] encodeRGBA( long aConfig, byte[] aRgbaData, int aWidth, int aHeight, int aStride );
private static native byte[] encodeRGBA(long aConfig, byte[] aRgbaData, int aWidth, int aHeight, int aStride);
private static native byte[] encodeRGB( long aConfig, byte[] aRgbaData, int aWidth, int aHeight, int aStride );
private static boolean hasTranslucency( RenderedImage aRi ) {
return aRi.getColorModel().hasAlpha();
public static byte[] encodeRGB(WebPEncoderOptions aOptions, byte[] aRgbaData, int aWidth, int aHeight, int aStride) {
return encodeRGB(aOptions.fPointer, aRgbaData, aWidth, aHeight, aStride);
private static int getShift( int aMask ) {
int shift = 0;
while ( ( ( aMask >> shift ) & 0x1 ) == 0 ) {
return shift;
private static byte[] getRGB( RenderedImage aRi ) throws IOException {
int width = aRi.getWidth();
int height = aRi.getHeight();
ColorModel colorModel = aRi.getColorModel();
if ( colorModel instanceof ComponentColorModel ) {
ComponentSampleModel sampleModel = ( ComponentSampleModel ) aRi.getSampleModel();
int type = sampleModel.getTransferType();
if ( type == DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE ) {
return extractComponentRGBByte( width, height, sampleModel, ( ( DataBufferByte ) aRi.getData().getDataBuffer() ) );
else if ( type == DataBuffer.TYPE_INT ) {
return extractComponentRGBInt( width, height, sampleModel, ( ( DataBufferInt ) aRi.getData().getDataBuffer() ) );
else {
throw new IOException( "Incompatible image: " + aRi );
else if ( colorModel instanceof DirectColorModel ) {
SinglePixelPackedSampleModel sampleModel = ( SinglePixelPackedSampleModel ) aRi.getSampleModel();
int type = sampleModel.getTransferType();
if ( type == DataBuffer.TYPE_INT ) {
return extractDirectRGBInt( width, height, ( DirectColorModel ) colorModel, sampleModel, ( ( DataBufferInt ) aRi.getData().getDataBuffer() ) );
else {
throw new IOException( "Incompatible image: " + aRi );
return extractGenericRGB( aRi, width, height, colorModel );
private static byte[] extractGenericRGB( RenderedImage aRi, int aWidth, int aHeight, ColorModel aColorModel ) {
Object dataElements = null;
byte[] rgbData = new byte[ aWidth * aHeight * 3 ];
for ( int b = 0, y = 0; y < aHeight; y++ ) {
for ( int x = 0; x < aWidth; x++, b += 3 ) {
dataElements = aRi.getData().getDataElements( x, y, dataElements );
rgbData[ b ] = ( byte ) aColorModel.getRed( dataElements );
rgbData[ b + 1 ] = ( byte ) aColorModel.getGreen( dataElements );
rgbData[ b + 2 ] = ( byte ) aColorModel.getBlue( dataElements );
return rgbData;
private static byte[] extractDirectRGBInt( int aWidth, int aHeight, DirectColorModel aColorModel, SinglePixelPackedSampleModel aSampleModel, DataBufferInt aDataBuffer ) {
byte[] out = new byte[ aWidth * aHeight * 3 ];
int rMask = aColorModel.getRedMask();
int gMask = aColorModel.getGreenMask();
int bMask = aColorModel.getBlueMask();
int rShift = getShift( rMask );
int gShift = getShift( gMask );
int bShift = getShift( bMask );
int[] bank = aDataBuffer.getBankData()[ 0 ];
int scanlineStride = aSampleModel.getScanlineStride();
int scanIx = 0;
for ( int b = 0, y = 0; y < aHeight; y++ ) {
int pixIx = scanIx;
for ( int x = 0; x < aWidth; x++, b += 3 ) {
int pixel = bank[ pixIx++ ];
out[ b ] = ( byte ) ( ( pixel & rMask ) >>> rShift );
out[ b + 1 ] = ( byte ) ( ( pixel & gMask ) >>> gShift );
out[ b + 2 ] = ( byte ) ( ( pixel & bMask ) >>> bShift );
scanIx += scanlineStride;
return out;
private static byte[] extractComponentRGBInt( int aWidth, int aHeight, ComponentSampleModel aSampleModel, DataBufferInt aDataBuffer ) {
byte[] out = new byte[ aWidth * aHeight * 3 ];
int[] bankIndices = aSampleModel.getBankIndices();
int[] rBank = aDataBuffer.getBankData()[ bankIndices[ 0 ] ];
int[] gBank = aDataBuffer.getBankData()[ bankIndices[ 1 ] ];
int[] bBank = aDataBuffer.getBankData()[ bankIndices[ 2 ] ];
int[] bankOffsets = aSampleModel.getBandOffsets();
int rScanIx = bankOffsets[ 0 ];
int gScanIx = bankOffsets[ 1 ];
int bScanIx = bankOffsets[ 2 ];
int pixelStride = aSampleModel.getPixelStride();
int scanlineStride = aSampleModel.getScanlineStride();
for ( int b = 0, y = 0; y < aHeight; y++ ) {
int rPixIx = rScanIx;
int gPixIx = gScanIx;
int bPixIx = bScanIx;
for ( int x = 0; x < aWidth; x++, b += 3 ) {
out[ b ] = ( byte ) rBank[ rPixIx ];
rPixIx += pixelStride;
out[ b + 1 ] = ( byte ) gBank[ gPixIx ];
gPixIx += pixelStride;
out[ b + 2 ] = ( byte ) bBank[ bPixIx ];
bPixIx += pixelStride;
rScanIx += scanlineStride;
gScanIx += scanlineStride;
bScanIx += scanlineStride;
return out;
private static byte[] extractComponentRGBByte( int aWidth, int aHeight, ComponentSampleModel aSampleModel, DataBufferByte aDataBuffer ) {
byte[] out = new byte[ aWidth * aHeight * 3 ];
int[] bankIndices = aSampleModel.getBankIndices();
byte[] rBank = aDataBuffer.getBankData()[ bankIndices[ 0 ] ];
byte[] gBank = aDataBuffer.getBankData()[ bankIndices[ 1 ] ];
byte[] bBank = aDataBuffer.getBankData()[ bankIndices[ 2 ] ];
int[] bankOffsets = aSampleModel.getBandOffsets();
int rScanIx = bankOffsets[ 0 ];
int gScanIx = bankOffsets[ 1 ];
int bScanIx = bankOffsets[ 2 ];
int pixelStride = aSampleModel.getPixelStride();
int scanlineStride = aSampleModel.getScanlineStride();
for ( int b = 0, y = 0; y < aHeight; y++ ) {
int rPixIx = rScanIx;
int gPixIx = gScanIx;
int bPixIx = bScanIx;
for ( int x = 0; x < aWidth; x++, b += 3 ) {
out[ b ] = rBank[ rPixIx ];
rPixIx += pixelStride;
out[ b + 1 ] = gBank[ gPixIx ];
gPixIx += pixelStride;
out[ b + 2 ] = bBank[ bPixIx ];
bPixIx += pixelStride;
rScanIx += scanlineStride;
gScanIx += scanlineStride;
bScanIx += scanlineStride;
return out;
private static byte[] getRGBA( RenderedImage aRi ) throws IOException {
int width = aRi.getWidth();
int height = aRi.getHeight();
ColorModel colorModel = aRi.getColorModel();
if ( colorModel instanceof ComponentColorModel ) {
ComponentSampleModel sampleModel = ( ComponentSampleModel ) aRi.getSampleModel();
int type = sampleModel.getTransferType();
if ( type == DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE ) {
return extractComponentRGBAByte( width, height, sampleModel, ( ( DataBufferByte ) aRi.getData().getDataBuffer() ) );
else if ( type == DataBuffer.TYPE_INT ) {
return extractComponentRGBAInt( width, height, sampleModel, ( ( DataBufferInt ) aRi.getData().getDataBuffer() ) );
else {
throw new IOException( "Incompatible image: " + aRi );
else if ( colorModel instanceof DirectColorModel ) {
SinglePixelPackedSampleModel sampleModel = ( SinglePixelPackedSampleModel ) aRi.getSampleModel();
int type = sampleModel.getTransferType();
if ( type == DataBuffer.TYPE_INT ) {
return extractDirectRGBAInt( width, height, ( DirectColorModel ) colorModel, sampleModel, ( ( DataBufferInt ) aRi.getData().getDataBuffer() ) );
else {
throw new IOException( "Incompatible image: " + aRi );
return extractGenericRGBA( aRi, width, height, colorModel );
private static byte[] extractGenericRGBA( RenderedImage aRi, int aWidth, int aHeight, ColorModel aColorModel ) {
Object dataElements = null;
byte[] rgbData = new byte[ aWidth * aHeight * 4 ];
for ( int b = 0, y = 0; y < aHeight; y++ ) {
for ( int x = 0; x < aWidth; x++, b += 4 ) {
dataElements = aRi.getData().getDataElements( x, y, dataElements );
rgbData[ b ] = ( byte ) aColorModel.getRed( dataElements );
rgbData[ b + 1 ] = ( byte ) aColorModel.getGreen( dataElements );
rgbData[ b + 2 ] = ( byte ) aColorModel.getBlue( dataElements );
rgbData[ b + 3 ] = ( byte ) aColorModel.getAlpha( dataElements );
return rgbData;
private static byte[] extractDirectRGBAInt( int aWidth, int aHeight, DirectColorModel aColorModel, SinglePixelPackedSampleModel aSampleModel, DataBufferInt aDataBuffer ) {
byte[] out = new byte[ aWidth * aHeight * 4 ];
int rMask = aColorModel.getRedMask();
int gMask = aColorModel.getGreenMask();
int bMask = aColorModel.getBlueMask();
int aMask = aColorModel.getAlphaMask();
int rShift = getShift( rMask );
int gShift = getShift( gMask );
int bShift = getShift( bMask );
int aShift = getShift( aMask );
int[] bank = aDataBuffer.getBankData()[ 0 ];
int scanlineStride = aSampleModel.getScanlineStride();
int scanIx = 0;
for ( int b = 0, y = 0; y < aHeight; y++ ) {
int pixIx = scanIx;
for ( int x = 0; x < aWidth; x++, b += 4 ) {
int pixel = bank[ pixIx++ ];
out[ b ] = ( byte ) ( ( pixel & rMask ) >>> rShift );
out[ b + 1 ] = ( byte ) ( ( pixel & gMask ) >>> gShift );
out[ b + 2 ] = ( byte ) ( ( pixel & bMask ) >>> bShift );
out[ b + 3 ] = ( byte ) ( ( pixel & aMask ) >>> aShift );
scanIx += scanlineStride;
return out;
private static byte[] extractComponentRGBAInt( int aWidth, int aHeight, ComponentSampleModel aSampleModel, DataBufferInt aDataBuffer ) {
byte[] out = new byte[ aWidth * aHeight * 4 ];
int[] bankIndices = aSampleModel.getBankIndices();
int[] rBank = aDataBuffer.getBankData()[ bankIndices[ 0 ] ];
int[] gBank = aDataBuffer.getBankData()[ bankIndices[ 1 ] ];
int[] bBank = aDataBuffer.getBankData()[ bankIndices[ 2 ] ];
int[] aBank = aDataBuffer.getBankData()[ bankIndices[ 3 ] ];
int[] bankOffsets = aSampleModel.getBandOffsets();
int rScanIx = bankOffsets[ 0 ];
int gScanIx = bankOffsets[ 1 ];
int bScanIx = bankOffsets[ 2 ];
int aScanIx = bankOffsets[ 3 ];
int pixelStride = aSampleModel.getPixelStride();
int scanlineStride = aSampleModel.getScanlineStride();
for ( int b = 0, y = 0; y < aHeight; y++ ) {
int rPixIx = rScanIx;
int gPixIx = gScanIx;
int bPixIx = bScanIx;
int aPixIx = aScanIx;
for ( int x = 0; x < aWidth; x++, b += 4 ) {
out[ b ] = ( byte ) rBank[ rPixIx ];
rPixIx += pixelStride;
out[ b + 1 ] = ( byte ) gBank[ gPixIx ];
gPixIx += pixelStride;
out[ b + 2 ] = ( byte ) bBank[ bPixIx ];
bPixIx += pixelStride;
out[ b + 3 ] = ( byte ) aBank[ aPixIx ];
aPixIx += pixelStride;
rScanIx += scanlineStride;
gScanIx += scanlineStride;
bScanIx += scanlineStride;
aScanIx += scanlineStride;
return out;
private static byte[] extractComponentRGBAByte( int aWidth, int aHeight, ComponentSampleModel aSampleModel, DataBufferByte aDataBuffer ) {
byte[] out = new byte[ aWidth * aHeight * 4 ];
int[] bankIndices = aSampleModel.getBankIndices();
byte[] rBank = aDataBuffer.getBankData()[ bankIndices[ 0 ] ];
byte[] gBank = aDataBuffer.getBankData()[ bankIndices[ 1 ] ];
byte[] bBank = aDataBuffer.getBankData()[ bankIndices[ 2 ] ];
byte[] aBank = aDataBuffer.getBankData()[ bankIndices[ 3 ] ];
int[] bankOffsets = aSampleModel.getBandOffsets();
int rScanIx = bankOffsets[ 0 ];
int gScanIx = bankOffsets[ 1 ];
int bScanIx = bankOffsets[ 2 ];
int aScanIx = bankOffsets[ 3 ];
int pixelStride = aSampleModel.getPixelStride();
int scanlineStride = aSampleModel.getScanlineStride();
for ( int b = 0, y = 0; y < aHeight; y++ ) {
int rPixIx = rScanIx;
int gPixIx = gScanIx;
int bPixIx = bScanIx;
int aPixIx = aScanIx;
for ( int x = 0; x < aWidth; x++, b += 4 ) {
out[ b ] = rBank[ rPixIx ];
rPixIx += pixelStride;
out[ b + 1 ] = gBank[ gPixIx ];
gPixIx += pixelStride;
out[ b + 2 ] = bBank[ bPixIx ];
bPixIx += pixelStride;
out[ b + 3 ] = aBank[ aPixIx ];
aPixIx += pixelStride;
rScanIx += scanlineStride;
gScanIx += scanlineStride;
bScanIx += scanlineStride;
aScanIx += scanlineStride;
return out;
private static native byte[] encodeRGB(long aConfig, byte[] aRgbaData, int aWidth, int aHeight, int aStride);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
* Copyright 2013 Luciad (http://www.luciad.com)
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.luciad.imageio.webp;
public final class WebPDecoderOptions {
static {
long fPointer;
public WebPDecoderOptions() {
fPointer = createDecoderOptions();
if ( fPointer == 0 ) {
throw new OutOfMemoryError();
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
deleteDecoderOptions( fPointer );
fPointer = 0L;
public int getCropHeight() {
return getCropHeight( fPointer );
public void setCropHeight( int aCropHeight ) {
setCropHeight( fPointer, aCropHeight );
public int getCropLeft() {
return getCropLeft( fPointer );
public void setCropLeft( int aCropLeft ) {
setCropLeft( fPointer, aCropLeft );
public int getCropTop() {
return getCropTop( fPointer );
public void setCropTop( int aCropTop ) {
setCropTop( fPointer, aCropTop );
public int getCropWidth() {
return getCropWidth( fPointer );
public void setCropWidth( int aCropWidth ) {
setCropWidth( fPointer, aCropWidth );
public boolean isFancyUpsampling() {
return !isNoFancyUpsampling( fPointer );
public void setFancyUpsampling( boolean aFancyUpsampling ) {
setNoFancyUpsampling( fPointer, !aFancyUpsampling );
public int getScaledHeight() {
return getScaledHeight( fPointer );
public void setScaledHeight( int aScaledHeight ) {
setScaledHeight( fPointer, aScaledHeight );
public int getScaledWidth() {
return getScaledWidth( fPointer );
public void setScaledWidth( int aScaledWidth ) {
setScaledWidth( fPointer, aScaledWidth );
public boolean isUseCropping() {
return isUseCropping( fPointer );
public void setUseCropping( boolean aUseCropping ) {
setUseCropping( fPointer, aUseCropping );
public boolean isUseScaling() {
return isUseScaling( fPointer );
public void setUseScaling( boolean aUseScaling ) {
setUseScaling( fPointer, aUseScaling );
public boolean isUseThreads() {
return isUseThreads( fPointer );
public void setUseThreads( boolean aUseThreads ) {
setUseThreads( fPointer, aUseThreads );
public boolean isBypassFiltering() {
return isBypassFiltering( fPointer );
public void setBypassFiltering( boolean aBypassFiltering ) {
setBypassFiltering( fPointer, aBypassFiltering );
private static native long createDecoderOptions();
private static native void deleteDecoderOptions( long aPointer );
private static native int getCropHeight( long aPointer );
private static native void setCropHeight( long aPointer, int aCropHeight );
private static native int getCropLeft( long aPointer );
private static native void setCropLeft( long aPointer, int aCropLeft );
private static native int getCropTop( long aPointer );
private static native void setCropTop( long aPointer, int aCropTop );
private static native int getCropWidth( long aPointer );
private static native void setCropWidth( long aPointer, int aCropWidth );
private static native boolean isForceRotation( long aPointer );
private static native void setForceRotation( long aPointer, boolean aForceRotation );
private static native boolean isNoEnhancement( long aPointer );
private static native void setNoEnhancement( long aPointer, boolean aNoEnhancement );
private static native boolean isNoFancyUpsampling( long aPointer );
private static native void setNoFancyUpsampling( long aPointer, boolean aFancyUpsampling );
private static native int getScaledHeight( long aPointer );
private static native void setScaledHeight( long aPointer, int aScaledHeight );
private static native int getScaledWidth( long aPointer );
private static native void setScaledWidth( long aPointer, int aScaledWidth );
private static native boolean isUseCropping( long aPointer );
private static native void setUseCropping( long aPointer, boolean aUseCropping );
private static native boolean isUseScaling( long aPointer );
private static native void setUseScaling( long aPointer, boolean aUseScaling );
private static native boolean isUseThreads( long aPointer );
private static native void setUseThreads( long aPointer, boolean aUseThreads );
private static native boolean isBypassFiltering( long aPointer );
private static native void setBypassFiltering( long aPointer, boolean aBypassFiltering );
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
* Copyright 2013 Luciad (http://www.luciad.com)
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.luciad.imageio.webp;
public class WebPEncoderOptions {
static {
long fPointer;
public WebPEncoderOptions() {
fPointer = createConfig();
if ( fPointer == 0 ) {
throw new OutOfMemoryError();
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
deleteConfig( fPointer );
fPointer = 0L;
private static native long createConfig();
private static native void deleteConfig( long aPointer );
long getPointer() {
return fPointer;
public float getCompressionQuality() {
return getQuality(fPointer);
public void setCompressionQuality( float quality ) {
setQuality( fPointer, quality );
public boolean isLossless() {
return getLossless( fPointer ) != 0;
public void setLossless( boolean aLossless ) {
setLossless(fPointer, aLossless ? 1 : 0);
public int getTargetSize() {
return getTargetSize( fPointer );
public void setTargetSize( int aTargetSize ) {
setTargetSize( fPointer, aTargetSize );
public float getTargetPSNR() {
return getTargetPSNR( fPointer );
public void setTargetPSNR( float aTargetPSNR ) {
setTargetPSNR( fPointer, aTargetPSNR );
public int getMethod() {
return getMethod( fPointer );
public void setMethod( int aMethod ) {
setMethod( fPointer, aMethod );
public int getSegments() {
return getSegments( fPointer );
public void setSegments( int aSegments ) {
setSegments( fPointer, aSegments );
public int getSnsStrength() {
return getSnsStrength( fPointer );
public void setSnsStrength( int aSnsStrength ) {
setSnsStrength( fPointer, aSnsStrength );
public int getFilterStrength() {
return getFilterStrength( fPointer );
public void setFilterStrength( int aFilterStrength ) {
setFilterStrength( fPointer, aFilterStrength );
public int getFilterSharpness() {
return getFilterSharpness( fPointer );
public void setFilterSharpness( int aFilterSharpness ) {
setFilterSharpness( fPointer, aFilterSharpness );
public int getFilterType() {
return getFilterType( fPointer );
public void setFilterType( int aFilterType ) {
setFilterType( fPointer, aFilterType );
public boolean isAutoAdjustFilterStrength() {
return getAutofilter( fPointer ) != 0;
public void setAutoAdjustFilterStrength( boolean aAutofilter ) {
setAutofilter( fPointer, aAutofilter ? 1 : 0 );
public int getEntropyAnalysisPassCount() {
return getPass( fPointer );
public void setEntropyAnalysisPassCount( int aPass ) {
setPass( fPointer, aPass );
public boolean isShowCompressed() {
return getShowCompressed( fPointer ) != 0;
public void setShowCompressed( boolean aShowCompressed ) {
setShowCompressed( fPointer, aShowCompressed ? 1 : 0 );
public int getPreprocessing() {
return getPreprocessing( fPointer );
public void setPreprocessing( int aPreprocessing ) {
setPreprocessing( fPointer, aPreprocessing );
public int getPartitions() {
return getPartitions( fPointer );
public void setPartitions( int aPartitions ) {
setPartitions( fPointer, aPartitions );
public int getPartitionLimit() {
return getPartitionLimit( fPointer );
public void setPartitionLimit( int aPartitionLimit ) {
setPartitionLimit( fPointer, aPartitionLimit );
public int getAlphaCompression() {
return getAlphaCompression( fPointer );
public void setAlphaCompression( int aAlphaCompression ) {
setAlphaCompression( fPointer, aAlphaCompression );
public int getAlphaFiltering() {
return getAlphaFiltering( fPointer );
public void setAlphaFiltering( int aAlphaFiltering ) {
setAlphaFiltering( fPointer, aAlphaFiltering );
public int getAlphaQuality() {
return getAlphaQuality( fPointer );
public void setAlphaQuality( int aAlphaQuality ) {
setAlphaQuality( fPointer, aAlphaQuality );
public boolean isEmulateJpegSize() {
return getEmulateJpegSize( fPointer ) != 0;
public void setEmulateJpegSize( boolean aEmulateJpegSize ) {
setEmulateJpegSize( fPointer, aEmulateJpegSize ? 1 : 0 );
public int getThreadLevel() {
return getThreadLevel( fPointer );
public void setThreadLevel( int aThreadLevel ) {
setThreadLevel( fPointer, aThreadLevel );
public boolean isReduceMemoryUsage() {
return getLowMemory( fPointer ) != 0;
public void setReduceMemoryUsage( boolean aLowMemory ) {
setLowMemory( fPointer, aLowMemory ? 1 : 0 );
private static native float getQuality( long aPointer );
private static native void setQuality( long aPointer, float aQuality );
private static native int getTargetSize( long aPointer );
private static native void setTargetSize( long aPointer, int aTargetSize );
private static native float getTargetPSNR( long aPointer );
private static native void setTargetPSNR( long aPointer, float aTargetPSNR );
private static native int getMethod( long aPointer );
private static native void setMethod( long aPointer, int aMethod );
private static native int getSegments( long aPointer );
private static native void setSegments( long aPointer, int aSegments );
private static native int getSnsStrength( long aPointer );
private static native void setSnsStrength( long aPointer, int aSnsStrength );
private static native int getFilterStrength( long aPointer );
private static native void setFilterStrength( long aPointer, int aFilterStrength );
private static native int getFilterSharpness( long aPointer );
private static native void setFilterSharpness( long aPointer, int aFilterSharpness );
private static native int getFilterType( long aPointer );
private static native void setFilterType( long aPointer, int aFilterType );
private static native int getAutofilter( long aPointer );
private static native void setAutofilter( long aPointer, int aAutofilter );
private static native int getPass( long aPointer );
private static native void setPass( long aPointer, int aPass );
private static native int getShowCompressed( long aPointer );
private static native void setShowCompressed( long aPointer, int aShowCompressed );
private static native int getPreprocessing( long aPointer );
private static native void setPreprocessing( long aPointer, int aPreprocessing );
private static native int getPartitions( long aPointer );
private static native void setPartitions( long aPointer, int aPartitions );
private static native int getPartitionLimit( long aPointer );
private static native void setPartitionLimit( long aPointer, int aPartitionLimit );
private static native int getAlphaCompression( long aPointer );
private static native void setAlphaCompression( long aPointer, int aAlphaCompression );
private static native int getAlphaFiltering( long aPointer );
private static native void setAlphaFiltering( long aPointer, int aAlphaFiltering );
private static native int getAlphaQuality( long aPointer );
private static native void setAlphaQuality( long aPointer, int aAlphaQuality );
private static native int getLossless( long aPointer );
private static native void setLossless( long aPointer, int aLossless );
private static native int getEmulateJpegSize( long aPointer );
private static native void setEmulateJpegSize( long aPointer, int aEmulateJpegSize );
private static native int getThreadLevel( long aPointer );
private static native void setThreadLevel( long aPointer, int aThreadLevel );
private static native int getLowMemory( long aPointer );
private static native void setLowMemory( long aPointer, int aLowMemory );
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ public class WebPImageReaderSpi extends ImageReaderSpi {
private static final byte[] RIFF = new byte[]{ 'R', 'I', 'F', 'F' };
private static final byte[] WEBP = new byte[]{ 'W', 'E', 'B', 'P' };
private static final byte[] VP8_ = new byte[]{ 'V', 'P', '8', ' ' };
private static final byte[] VP8L = new byte[]{ 'V', 'P', '8', 'L' };
private static final byte[] VP8X = new byte[]{ 'V', 'P', '8', 'X' };
public WebPImageReaderSpi() {
@ -88,7 +89,7 @@ public class WebPImageReaderSpi extends ImageReaderSpi {
stream.readFully( b );
if ( !Arrays.equals( b, VP8_ ) && !Arrays.equals( b, VP8X ) ) {
if ( !Arrays.equals( b, VP8_ ) && !Arrays.equals( b, VP8L ) && !Arrays.equals( b, VP8X ) ) {
return false;
} finally {
@ -18,183 +18,101 @@ package com.luciad.imageio.webp;
import javax.imageio.ImageReadParam;
public final class WebPReadParam extends ImageReadParam {
static {
long fPointer;
private WebPDecoderOptions fOptions;
public WebPReadParam() {
fPointer = createDecoderOptions();
if ( fPointer == 0 ) {
throw new OutOfMemoryError();
fOptions = new WebPDecoderOptions();
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
deleteDecoderOptions( fPointer );
fPointer = 0L;
public void setScaledHeight(int aScaledHeight) {
public void setUseScaling(boolean aUseScaling) {
public void setUseThreads(boolean aUseThreads) {
public int getCropHeight() {
return getCropHeight( fPointer );
public void setCropHeight( int aCropHeight ) {
setCropHeight( fPointer, aCropHeight );
public int getCropLeft() {
return getCropLeft( fPointer );
public void setCropLeft( int aCropLeft ) {
setCropLeft( fPointer, aCropLeft );
public int getCropTop() {
return getCropTop( fPointer );
public void setCropTop( int aCropTop ) {
setCropTop( fPointer, aCropTop );
public int getCropWidth() {
return getCropWidth( fPointer );
public void setCropWidth( int aCropWidth ) {
setCropWidth( fPointer, aCropWidth );
public boolean isForceRotation() {
return isForceRotation( fPointer );
public void setForceRotation( boolean aForceRotation ) {
setForceRotation( fPointer, aForceRotation );
public boolean isEnhancement() {
return !isNoEnhancement( fPointer );
public void setEnhancement( boolean aEnhancement ) {
setNoEnhancement( fPointer, !aEnhancement );
public boolean isFancyUpsampling() {
return !isNoFancyUpsampling( fPointer );
public void setFancyUpsampling( boolean aFancyUpsampling ) {
setNoFancyUpsampling( fPointer, !aFancyUpsampling );
public int getScaledHeight() {
return getScaledHeight( fPointer );
public void setScaledHeight( int aScaledHeight ) {
setScaledHeight( fPointer, aScaledHeight );
return fOptions.getCropHeight();
public int getScaledWidth() {
return getScaledWidth( fPointer );
public void setScaledWidth( int aScaledWidth ) {
setScaledWidth( fPointer, aScaledWidth );
return fOptions.getScaledWidth();
public boolean isUseCropping() {
return isUseCropping( fPointer );
return fOptions.isUseCropping();
public void setUseCropping( boolean aUseCropping ) {
setUseCropping( fPointer, aUseCropping );
public boolean isUseScaling() {
return isUseScaling( fPointer );
public void setUseScaling( boolean aUseScaling ) {
setUseScaling( fPointer, aUseScaling );
public boolean isUseThreads() {
return isUseThreads( fPointer );
public void setUseThreads( boolean aUseThreads ) {
setUseThreads( fPointer, aUseThreads );
public void setCropWidth(int aCropWidth) {
public boolean isBypassFiltering() {
return isBypassFiltering( fPointer );
return fOptions.isBypassFiltering();
public void setBypassFiltering( boolean aBypassFiltering ) {
setBypassFiltering( fPointer, aBypassFiltering );
public int getCropLeft() {
return fOptions.getCropLeft();
private static native long createDecoderOptions();
public int getCropWidth() {
return fOptions.getCropWidth();
private static native void deleteDecoderOptions( long aPointer );
public int getScaledHeight() {
return fOptions.getScaledHeight();
private static native int getCropHeight( long aPointer );
public void setBypassFiltering(boolean aBypassFiltering) {
private static native void setCropHeight( long aPointer, int aCropHeight );
public void setUseCropping(boolean aUseCropping) {
private static native int getCropLeft( long aPointer );
public void setCropHeight(int aCropHeight) {
private static native void setCropLeft( long aPointer, int aCropLeft );
public void setFancyUpsampling(boolean aFancyUpsampling) {
private static native int getCropTop( long aPointer );
public boolean isUseThreads() {
return fOptions.isUseThreads();
private static native void setCropTop( long aPointer, int aCropTop );
public boolean isFancyUpsampling() {
return fOptions.isFancyUpsampling();
private static native int getCropWidth( long aPointer );
public boolean isUseScaling() {
return fOptions.isUseScaling();
private static native void setCropWidth( long aPointer, int aCropWidth );
public void setCropLeft(int aCropLeft) {
private static native boolean isForceRotation( long aPointer );
public int getCropTop() {
return fOptions.getCropTop();
private static native void setForceRotation( long aPointer, boolean aForceRotation );
public void setScaledWidth(int aScaledWidth) {
private static native boolean isNoEnhancement( long aPointer );
public void setCropTop(int aCropTop) {
private static native void setNoEnhancement( long aPointer, boolean aNoEnhancement );
private static native boolean isNoFancyUpsampling( long aPointer );
private static native void setNoFancyUpsampling( long aPointer, boolean aFancyUpsampling );
private static native int getScaledHeight( long aPointer );
private static native void setScaledHeight( long aPointer, int aScaledHeight );
private static native int getScaledWidth( long aPointer );
private static native void setScaledWidth( long aPointer, int aScaledWidth );
private static native boolean isUseCropping( long aPointer );
private static native void setUseCropping( long aPointer, boolean aUseCropping );
private static native boolean isUseScaling( long aPointer );
private static native void setUseScaling( long aPointer, boolean aUseScaling );
private static native boolean isUseThreads( long aPointer );
private static native void setUseThreads( long aPointer, boolean aUseThreads );
private static native boolean isBypassFiltering( long aPointer );
private static native void setBypassFiltering( long aPointer, boolean aBypassFiltering );
WebPDecoderOptions getDecoderOptions() {
return fOptions;
@ -22,9 +22,16 @@ import javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata;
import javax.imageio.spi.ImageReaderSpi;
import javax.imageio.stream.ImageInputStream;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.image.ColorModel;
import java.awt.image.DataBufferInt;
import java.awt.image.DirectColorModel;
import java.awt.image.SampleModel;
import java.awt.image.WritableRaster;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
class WebPReader extends ImageReader {
@ -145,7 +152,26 @@ class WebPReader extends ImageReader {
checkIndex( imageIndex );
WebPReadParam options = param != null ? (WebPReadParam) param : new WebPReadParam();
return WebP.decode( options, fData, 0, fData.length );
WebPReadParam readParam = param != null ? (WebPReadParam) param : new WebPReadParam();
int[] outParams = new int[4];
int[] pixels = WebP.decode(readParam.getDecoderOptions(), fData, 0, fData.length, outParams);
int width = outParams[1];
int height = outParams[2];
boolean alpha = outParams[3] != 0;
ColorModel colorModel;
if ( alpha ) {
colorModel = new DirectColorModel( 32, 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff, 0xff000000 );
} else {
colorModel = new DirectColorModel( 24, 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff, 0x00000000 );
SampleModel sampleModel = colorModel.createCompatibleSampleModel( width, height );
DataBufferInt db = new DataBufferInt( pixels, width * height );
WritableRaster raster = WritableRaster.createWritableRaster(sampleModel, db, null);
return new BufferedImage( colorModel, raster, false, new Hashtable<Object, Object>() );
@ -19,45 +19,26 @@ import javax.imageio.ImageWriteParam;
import java.util.Locale;
public class WebPWriteParam extends ImageWriteParam {
static {
public static final int LOSSY_COMPRESSION = 0;
public static final int LOSSLESS_COMPRESSION = 1;
long fPointer;
private final int defaultLossless;
private final boolean fDefaultLossless;
private WebPEncoderOptions fOptions;
public WebPWriteParam( Locale aLocale ) {
super( aLocale );
fPointer = createConfig();
if ( fPointer == 0 ) {
throw new OutOfMemoryError();
defaultLossless = getLossless( fPointer );
fOptions = new WebPEncoderOptions();
fDefaultLossless = fOptions.isLossless();
canWriteCompressed = true;
compressionTypes = new String[]{
compressionType = compressionTypes[defaultLossless];
compressionQuality = getQuality( fPointer ) / 100f;
compressionType = compressionTypes[fDefaultLossless ? LOSSLESS_COMPRESSION : LOSSY_COMPRESSION];
compressionQuality = fOptions.getCompressionQuality() / 100f;
compressionMode = MODE_EXPLICIT;
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
deleteConfig( fPointer );
fPointer = 0L;
private static native long createConfig();
private static native void deleteConfig( long aPointer );
long getPointer() {
return fPointer;
public float getCompressionQuality() {
return super.getCompressionQuality();
@ -66,7 +47,7 @@ public class WebPWriteParam extends ImageWriteParam {
public void setCompressionQuality( float quality ) {
super.setCompressionQuality( quality );
setQuality( fPointer, quality * 100f );
fOptions.setCompressionQuality( quality * 100f );
@ -74,7 +55,7 @@ public class WebPWriteParam extends ImageWriteParam {
super.setCompressionType( compressionType );
for ( int i = 0; i < compressionTypes.length; i++ ) {
if ( compressionTypes[i].equals( compressionType ) ) {
setLossless( fPointer, i );
fOptions.setLossless( i == LOSSLESS_COMPRESSION );
@ -84,254 +65,170 @@ public class WebPWriteParam extends ImageWriteParam {
public void unsetCompression() {
setLossless( fPointer, defaultLossless );
fOptions.setLossless( fDefaultLossless );
public int getTargetSize() {
return getTargetSize( fPointer );
public void setSnsStrength(int aSnsStrength) {
public void setTargetSize( int aTargetSize ) {
setTargetSize( fPointer, aTargetSize );
public float getTargetPSNR() {
return getTargetPSNR( fPointer );
public void setTargetPSNR( float aTargetPSNR ) {
setTargetPSNR( fPointer, aTargetPSNR );
public int getMethod() {
return getMethod( fPointer );
public void setMethod( int aMethod ) {
setMethod( fPointer, aMethod );
public void setAlphaQuality(int aAlphaQuality) {
public int getSegments() {
return getSegments( fPointer );
public void setSegments( int aSegments ) {
setSegments( fPointer, aSegments );
public int getSnsStrength() {
return getSnsStrength( fPointer );
public void setSnsStrength( int aSnsStrength ) {
setSnsStrength( fPointer, aSnsStrength );
public int getFilterStrength() {
return getFilterStrength( fPointer );
public void setFilterStrength( int aFilterStrength ) {
setFilterStrength( fPointer, aFilterStrength );
public int getFilterSharpness() {
return getFilterSharpness( fPointer );
public void setFilterSharpness( int aFilterSharpness ) {
setFilterSharpness( fPointer, aFilterSharpness );
public int getFilterType() {
return getFilterType( fPointer );
public void setFilterType( int aFilterType ) {
setFilterType( fPointer, aFilterType );
public boolean isAutoAdjustFilterStrength() {
return getAutofilter( fPointer ) != 0;
public void setAutoAdjustFilterStrength( boolean aAutofilter ) {
setAutofilter( fPointer, aAutofilter ? 1 : 0 );
public int getEntropyAnalysisPassCount() {
return getPass( fPointer );
public void setEntropyAnalysisPassCount( int aPass ) {
setPass( fPointer, aPass );
public boolean isShowCompressed() {
return getShowCompressed( fPointer ) != 0;
public void setShowCompressed( boolean aShowCompressed ) {
setShowCompressed( fPointer, aShowCompressed ? 1 : 0 );
return fOptions.getSegments();
public int getPreprocessing() {
return getPreprocessing( fPointer );
return fOptions.getPreprocessing();
public void setPreprocessing( int aPreprocessing ) {
setPreprocessing( fPointer, aPreprocessing );
public int getFilterStrength() {
return fOptions.getFilterStrength();
public void setEmulateJpegSize(boolean aEmulateJpegSize) {
public int getPartitions() {
return getPartitions( fPointer );
return fOptions.getPartitions();
public void setPartitions( int aPartitions ) {
setPartitions( fPointer, aPartitions );
public void setTargetPSNR(float aTargetPSNR) {
public int getEntropyAnalysisPassCount() {
return fOptions.getEntropyAnalysisPassCount();
public int getPartitionLimit() {
return getPartitionLimit( fPointer );
return fOptions.getPartitionLimit();
public void setPartitionLimit( int aPartitionLimit ) {
setPartitionLimit( fPointer, aPartitionLimit );
public int getFilterType() {
return fOptions.getFilterType();
public int getAlphaCompression() {
return getAlphaCompression( fPointer );
public void setAlphaCompression( int aAlphaCompression ) {
setAlphaCompression( fPointer, aAlphaCompression );
public int getAlphaFiltering() {
return getAlphaFiltering( fPointer );
public void setAlphaFiltering( int aAlphaFiltering ) {
setAlphaFiltering( fPointer, aAlphaFiltering );
public int getFilterSharpness() {
return fOptions.getFilterSharpness();
public int getAlphaQuality() {
return getAlphaQuality( fPointer );
return fOptions.getAlphaQuality();
public void setAlphaQuality( int aAlphaQuality ) {
setAlphaQuality( fPointer, aAlphaQuality );
public boolean isEmulateJpegSize() {
return getEmulateJpegSize( fPointer ) != 0;
public void setEmulateJpegSize( boolean aEmulateJpegSize ) {
setEmulateJpegSize( fPointer, aEmulateJpegSize ? 1 : 0 );
public int getThreadLevel() {
return getThreadLevel( fPointer );
public void setThreadLevel( int aThreadLevel ) {
setThreadLevel( fPointer, aThreadLevel );
public boolean isShowCompressed() {
return fOptions.isShowCompressed();
public boolean isReduceMemoryUsage() {
return getLowMemory( fPointer ) != 0;
return fOptions.isReduceMemoryUsage();
public void setReduceMemoryUsage( boolean aLowMemory ) {
setLowMemory( fPointer, aLowMemory ? 1 : 0 );
public void setThreadLevel(int aThreadLevel) {
private static native float getQuality( long aPointer );
public boolean isAutoAdjustFilterStrength() {
return fOptions.isAutoAdjustFilterStrength();
private static native void setQuality( long aPointer, float aQuality );
public void setReduceMemoryUsage(boolean aLowMemory) {
private static native int getTargetSize( long aPointer );
public void setFilterStrength(int aFilterStrength) {
private static native void setTargetSize( long aPointer, int aTargetSize );
public int getTargetSize() {
return fOptions.getTargetSize();
private static native float getTargetPSNR( long aPointer );
public void setEntropyAnalysisPassCount(int aPass) {
private static native void setTargetPSNR( long aPointer, float aTargetPSNR );
public void setFilterSharpness(int aFilterSharpness) {
private static native int getMethod( long aPointer );
public int getAlphaFiltering() {
return fOptions.getAlphaFiltering();
private static native void setMethod( long aPointer, int aMethod );
public int getSnsStrength() {
return fOptions.getSnsStrength();
private static native int getSegments( long aPointer );
public void setPartitionLimit(int aPartitionLimit) {
private static native void setSegments( long aPointer, int aSegments );
public void setMethod(int aMethod) {
private static native int getSnsStrength( long aPointer );
public void setAlphaFiltering(int aAlphaFiltering) {
private static native void setSnsStrength( long aPointer, int aSnsStrength );
public int getMethod() {
return fOptions.getMethod();
private static native int getFilterStrength( long aPointer );
public void setFilterType(int aFilterType) {
private static native void setFilterStrength( long aPointer, int aFilterStrength );
public void setPartitions(int aPartitions) {
private static native int getFilterSharpness( long aPointer );
public void setAutoAdjustFilterStrength(boolean aAutofilter) {
private static native void setFilterSharpness( long aPointer, int aFilterSharpness );
public boolean isEmulateJpegSize() {
return fOptions.isEmulateJpegSize();
private static native int getFilterType( long aPointer );
public int getAlphaCompression() {
return fOptions.getAlphaCompression();
private static native void setFilterType( long aPointer, int aFilterType );
public void setShowCompressed(boolean aShowCompressed) {
private static native int getAutofilter( long aPointer );
public void setSegments(int aSegments) {
private static native void setAutofilter( long aPointer, int aAutofilter );
public float getTargetPSNR() {
return fOptions.getTargetPSNR();
private static native int getPass( long aPointer );
public int getThreadLevel() {
return fOptions.getThreadLevel();
private static native void setPass( long aPointer, int aPass );
public void setTargetSize(int aTargetSize) {
private static native int getShowCompressed( long aPointer );
public void setAlphaCompression(int aAlphaCompression) {
private static native void setShowCompressed( long aPointer, int aShowCompressed );
public void setPreprocessing(int aPreprocessing) {
private static native int getPreprocessing( long aPointer );
private static native void setPreprocessing( long aPointer, int aPreprocessing );
private static native int getPartitions( long aPointer );
private static native void setPartitions( long aPointer, int aPartitions );
private static native int getPartitionLimit( long aPointer );
private static native void setPartitionLimit( long aPointer, int aPartitionLimit );
private static native int getAlphaCompression( long aPointer );
private static native void setAlphaCompression( long aPointer, int aAlphaCompression );
private static native int getAlphaFiltering( long aPointer );
private static native void setAlphaFiltering( long aPointer, int aAlphaFiltering );
private static native int getAlphaQuality( long aPointer );
private static native void setAlphaQuality( long aPointer, int aAlphaQuality );
private static native int getLossless( long aPointer );
private static native void setLossless( long aPointer, int aLossless );
private static native int getEmulateJpegSize( long aPointer );
private static native void setEmulateJpegSize( long aPointer, int aEmulateJpegSize );
private static native int getThreadLevel( long aPointer );
private static native void setThreadLevel( long aPointer, int aThreadLevel );
private static native int getLowMemory( long aPointer );
private static native void setLowMemory( long aPointer, int aLowMemory );
WebPEncoderOptions getEncoderOptions() {
return fOptions;
@ -22,51 +22,351 @@ import javax.imageio.ImageWriter;
import javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata;
import javax.imageio.spi.ImageWriterSpi;
import javax.imageio.stream.ImageOutputStream;
import java.awt.image.RenderedImage;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.image.*;
import java.io.IOException;
class WebPWriter extends ImageWriter {
WebPWriter( ImageWriterSpi originatingProvider ) {
super( originatingProvider );
WebPWriter(ImageWriterSpi originatingProvider) {
public ImageWriteParam getDefaultWriteParam() {
return new WebPWriteParam( getLocale() );
return new WebPWriteParam(getLocale());
public IIOMetadata convertImageMetadata( IIOMetadata inData, ImageTypeSpecifier imageType, ImageWriteParam param ) {
public IIOMetadata convertImageMetadata(IIOMetadata inData, ImageTypeSpecifier imageType, ImageWriteParam param) {
return null;
public IIOMetadata convertStreamMetadata( IIOMetadata inData, ImageWriteParam param ) {
public IIOMetadata convertStreamMetadata(IIOMetadata inData, ImageWriteParam param) {
return null;
public IIOMetadata getDefaultImageMetadata( ImageTypeSpecifier imageType, ImageWriteParam param ) {
public IIOMetadata getDefaultImageMetadata(ImageTypeSpecifier imageType, ImageWriteParam param) {
return null;
public IIOMetadata getDefaultStreamMetadata( ImageWriteParam param ) {
public IIOMetadata getDefaultStreamMetadata(ImageWriteParam param) {
return null;
public void write( IIOMetadata streamMetadata, IIOImage image, ImageWriteParam param ) throws IOException {
if ( param == null ) {
public void write(IIOMetadata streamMetadata, IIOImage image, ImageWriteParam param) throws IOException {
if (param == null) {
param = getDefaultWriteParam();
WebPWriteParam writeParam = (WebPWriteParam) param;
ImageOutputStream output = ( ImageOutputStream ) getOutput();
ImageOutputStream output = (ImageOutputStream) getOutput();
RenderedImage ri = image.getRenderedImage();
byte[] encodedData = WebP.encode(writeParam, ri);
output.write( encodedData );
byte[] encodedData = encode(writeParam.getEncoderOptions(), ri);
private static byte[] encode(WebPEncoderOptions aOptions, RenderedImage aImage) throws IOException
if (aOptions == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Encoder options may not be null");
if (aImage == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Image may not be null");
boolean encodeAlpha = hasTranslucency(aImage);
if (encodeAlpha) {
byte[] rgbaData = getRGBA(aImage);
return WebP.encodeRGBA(aOptions, rgbaData, aImage.getWidth(), aImage.getHeight(), aImage.getWidth() * 4);
} else {
byte[] rgbData = getRGB(aImage);
return WebP.encodeRGB(aOptions, rgbData, aImage.getWidth(), aImage.getHeight(), aImage.getWidth() * 3);
private static boolean hasTranslucency(RenderedImage aRi) {
return aRi.getColorModel().hasAlpha();
private static int getShift(int aMask) {
int shift = 0;
while (((aMask >> shift) & 0x1) == 0) {
return shift;
private static byte[] getRGB(RenderedImage aRi) throws IOException {
int width = aRi.getWidth();
int height = aRi.getHeight();
ColorModel colorModel = aRi.getColorModel();
if (colorModel instanceof ComponentColorModel) {
ComponentSampleModel sampleModel = (ComponentSampleModel) aRi.getSampleModel();
int type = sampleModel.getTransferType();
if (type == DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE) {
return extractComponentRGBByte(width, height, sampleModel, ((DataBufferByte) aRi.getData().getDataBuffer()));
} else if (type == DataBuffer.TYPE_INT) {
return extractComponentRGBInt(width, height, sampleModel, ((DataBufferInt) aRi.getData().getDataBuffer()));
} else {
throw new IOException("Incompatible image: " + aRi);
} else if (colorModel instanceof DirectColorModel) {
SinglePixelPackedSampleModel sampleModel = (SinglePixelPackedSampleModel) aRi.getSampleModel();
int type = sampleModel.getTransferType();
if (type == DataBuffer.TYPE_INT) {
return extractDirectRGBInt(width, height, (DirectColorModel) colorModel, sampleModel, ((DataBufferInt) aRi.getData().getDataBuffer()));
} else {
throw new IOException("Incompatible image: " + aRi);
} else {
BufferedImage i = new BufferedImage(aRi.getWidth(), aRi.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
Graphics2D g = i.createGraphics();
g.drawRenderedImage(aRi, new AffineTransform());
return getRGB(i);
private static byte[] extractDirectRGBInt(int aWidth, int aHeight, DirectColorModel aColorModel, SinglePixelPackedSampleModel aSampleModel, DataBufferInt aDataBuffer) {
byte[] out = new byte[aWidth * aHeight * 3];
int rMask = aColorModel.getRedMask();
int gMask = aColorModel.getGreenMask();
int bMask = aColorModel.getBlueMask();
int rShift = getShift(rMask);
int gShift = getShift(gMask);
int bShift = getShift(bMask);
int[] bank = aDataBuffer.getBankData()[0];
int scanlineStride = aSampleModel.getScanlineStride();
int scanIx = 0;
for (int b = 0, y = 0; y < aHeight; y++) {
int pixIx = scanIx;
for (int x = 0; x < aWidth; x++, b += 3) {
int pixel = bank[pixIx++];
out[b] = (byte) ((pixel & rMask) >>> rShift);
out[b + 1] = (byte) ((pixel & gMask) >>> gShift);
out[b + 2] = (byte) ((pixel & bMask) >>> bShift);
scanIx += scanlineStride;
return out;
private static byte[] extractComponentRGBInt(int aWidth, int aHeight, ComponentSampleModel aSampleModel, DataBufferInt aDataBuffer) {
byte[] out = new byte[aWidth * aHeight * 3];
int[] bankIndices = aSampleModel.getBankIndices();
int[] rBank = aDataBuffer.getBankData()[bankIndices[0]];
int[] gBank = aDataBuffer.getBankData()[bankIndices[1]];
int[] bBank = aDataBuffer.getBankData()[bankIndices[2]];
int[] bankOffsets = aSampleModel.getBandOffsets();
int rScanIx = bankOffsets[0];
int gScanIx = bankOffsets[1];
int bScanIx = bankOffsets[2];
int pixelStride = aSampleModel.getPixelStride();
int scanlineStride = aSampleModel.getScanlineStride();
for (int b = 0, y = 0; y < aHeight; y++) {
int rPixIx = rScanIx;
int gPixIx = gScanIx;
int bPixIx = bScanIx;
for (int x = 0; x < aWidth; x++, b += 3) {
out[b] = (byte) rBank[rPixIx];
rPixIx += pixelStride;
out[b + 1] = (byte) gBank[gPixIx];
gPixIx += pixelStride;
out[b + 2] = (byte) bBank[bPixIx];
bPixIx += pixelStride;
rScanIx += scanlineStride;
gScanIx += scanlineStride;
bScanIx += scanlineStride;
return out;
private static byte[] extractComponentRGBByte(int aWidth, int aHeight, ComponentSampleModel aSampleModel, DataBufferByte aDataBuffer) {
byte[] out = new byte[aWidth * aHeight * 3];
int[] bankIndices = aSampleModel.getBankIndices();
byte[] rBank = aDataBuffer.getBankData()[bankIndices[0]];
byte[] gBank = aDataBuffer.getBankData()[bankIndices[1]];
byte[] bBank = aDataBuffer.getBankData()[bankIndices[2]];
int[] bankOffsets = aSampleModel.getBandOffsets();
int rScanIx = bankOffsets[0];
int gScanIx = bankOffsets[1];
int bScanIx = bankOffsets[2];
int pixelStride = aSampleModel.getPixelStride();
int scanlineStride = aSampleModel.getScanlineStride();
for (int b = 0, y = 0; y < aHeight; y++) {
int rPixIx = rScanIx;
int gPixIx = gScanIx;
int bPixIx = bScanIx;
for (int x = 0; x < aWidth; x++, b += 3) {
out[b] = rBank[rPixIx];
rPixIx += pixelStride;
out[b + 1] = gBank[gPixIx];
gPixIx += pixelStride;
out[b + 2] = bBank[bPixIx];
bPixIx += pixelStride;
rScanIx += scanlineStride;
gScanIx += scanlineStride;
bScanIx += scanlineStride;
return out;
private static byte[] getRGBA(RenderedImage aRi) throws IOException {
int width = aRi.getWidth();
int height = aRi.getHeight();
ColorModel colorModel = aRi.getColorModel();
if (colorModel instanceof ComponentColorModel) {
ComponentSampleModel sampleModel = (ComponentSampleModel) aRi.getSampleModel();
int type = sampleModel.getTransferType();
if (type == DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE) {
return extractComponentRGBAByte(width, height, sampleModel, ((DataBufferByte) aRi.getData().getDataBuffer()));
} else if (type == DataBuffer.TYPE_INT) {
return extractComponentRGBAInt(width, height, sampleModel, ((DataBufferInt) aRi.getData().getDataBuffer()));
} else {
throw new IOException("Incompatible image: " + aRi);
} else if (colorModel instanceof DirectColorModel) {
SinglePixelPackedSampleModel sampleModel = (SinglePixelPackedSampleModel) aRi.getSampleModel();
int type = sampleModel.getTransferType();
if (type == DataBuffer.TYPE_INT) {
return extractDirectRGBAInt(width, height, (DirectColorModel) colorModel, sampleModel, ((DataBufferInt) aRi.getData().getDataBuffer()));
} else {
throw new IOException("Incompatible image: " + aRi);
} else {
BufferedImage i = new BufferedImage(aRi.getWidth(), aRi.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
Graphics2D g = i.createGraphics();
g.drawRenderedImage(aRi, new AffineTransform());
return getRGBA(i);
private static byte[] extractDirectRGBAInt(int aWidth, int aHeight, DirectColorModel aColorModel, SinglePixelPackedSampleModel aSampleModel, DataBufferInt aDataBuffer) {
byte[] out = new byte[aWidth * aHeight * 4];
int rMask = aColorModel.getRedMask();
int gMask = aColorModel.getGreenMask();
int bMask = aColorModel.getBlueMask();
int aMask = aColorModel.getAlphaMask();
int rShift = getShift(rMask);
int gShift = getShift(gMask);
int bShift = getShift(bMask);
int aShift = getShift(aMask);
int[] bank = aDataBuffer.getBankData()[0];
int scanlineStride = aSampleModel.getScanlineStride();
int scanIx = 0;
for (int b = 0, y = 0; y < aHeight; y++) {
int pixIx = scanIx;
for (int x = 0; x < aWidth; x++, b += 4) {
int pixel = bank[pixIx++];
out[b] = (byte) ((pixel & rMask) >>> rShift);
out[b + 1] = (byte) ((pixel & gMask) >>> gShift);
out[b + 2] = (byte) ((pixel & bMask) >>> bShift);
out[b + 3] = (byte) ((pixel & aMask) >>> aShift);
scanIx += scanlineStride;
return out;
private static byte[] extractComponentRGBAInt(int aWidth, int aHeight, ComponentSampleModel aSampleModel, DataBufferInt aDataBuffer) {
byte[] out = new byte[aWidth * aHeight * 4];
int[] bankIndices = aSampleModel.getBankIndices();
int[] rBank = aDataBuffer.getBankData()[bankIndices[0]];
int[] gBank = aDataBuffer.getBankData()[bankIndices[1]];
int[] bBank = aDataBuffer.getBankData()[bankIndices[2]];
int[] aBank = aDataBuffer.getBankData()[bankIndices[3]];
int[] bankOffsets = aSampleModel.getBandOffsets();
int rScanIx = bankOffsets[0];
int gScanIx = bankOffsets[1];
int bScanIx = bankOffsets[2];
int aScanIx = bankOffsets[3];
int pixelStride = aSampleModel.getPixelStride();
int scanlineStride = aSampleModel.getScanlineStride();
for (int b = 0, y = 0; y < aHeight; y++) {
int rPixIx = rScanIx;
int gPixIx = gScanIx;
int bPixIx = bScanIx;
int aPixIx = aScanIx;
for (int x = 0; x < aWidth; x++, b += 4) {
out[b] = (byte) rBank[rPixIx];
rPixIx += pixelStride;
out[b + 1] = (byte) gBank[gPixIx];
gPixIx += pixelStride;
out[b + 2] = (byte) bBank[bPixIx];
bPixIx += pixelStride;
out[b + 3] = (byte) aBank[aPixIx];
aPixIx += pixelStride;
rScanIx += scanlineStride;
gScanIx += scanlineStride;
bScanIx += scanlineStride;
aScanIx += scanlineStride;
return out;
private static byte[] extractComponentRGBAByte(int aWidth, int aHeight, ComponentSampleModel aSampleModel, DataBufferByte aDataBuffer) {
byte[] out = new byte[aWidth * aHeight * 4];
int[] bankIndices = aSampleModel.getBankIndices();
byte[] rBank = aDataBuffer.getBankData()[bankIndices[0]];
byte[] gBank = aDataBuffer.getBankData()[bankIndices[1]];
byte[] bBank = aDataBuffer.getBankData()[bankIndices[2]];
byte[] aBank = aDataBuffer.getBankData()[bankIndices[3]];
int[] bankOffsets = aSampleModel.getBandOffsets();
int rScanIx = bankOffsets[0];
int gScanIx = bankOffsets[1];
int bScanIx = bankOffsets[2];
int aScanIx = bankOffsets[3];
int pixelStride = aSampleModel.getPixelStride();
int scanlineStride = aSampleModel.getScanlineStride();
for (int b = 0, y = 0; y < aHeight; y++) {
int rPixIx = rScanIx;
int gPixIx = gScanIx;
int bPixIx = bScanIx;
int aPixIx = aScanIx;
for (int x = 0; x < aWidth; x++, b += 4) {
out[b] = rBank[rPixIx];
rPixIx += pixelStride;
out[b + 1] = gBank[gPixIx];
gPixIx += pixelStride;
out[b + 2] = bBank[bPixIx];
bPixIx += pixelStride;
out[b + 3] = aBank[aPixIx];
aPixIx += pixelStride;
rScanIx += scanlineStride;
gScanIx += scanlineStride;
bScanIx += scanlineStride;
aScanIx += scanlineStride;
return out;
@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ public class EncodeTest {
writer.setOutput(new FileImageOutputStream(new File(outputWebpPath)));
// Encode
long st = System.currentTimeMillis();
writer.write(null, new IIOImage(image, null, null), writeParam);
System.out.println("cost: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - st));
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Reference in New Issue
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