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Raw Normal View History

<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>/* Dialog title when quitting */
"Do you really want to quit X11?" = "D<00>sirez-vous r<00>ellement quitter X11<00>?";
/* Dialog when quitting */
"Any open X11 applications will stop immediately, and you will lose any unsaved changes." = "Toute application X11 en cours s arr<00>tera imm<00>diatement et toute modification non enregistr<00>e sera perdue.";
/* Dialog title when switching to RandR */
"Enter RandR mode?" = "Passer en mode RandR<00>?";
/* Dialog when switching to RandR */
"An application has requested X11 to change the resolution of your display. X11 will restore the display to its previous state when the requesting application requests to return to the previous state. Alternatively, you can use the #%#A key sequence to force X11 to return to the previous state." = "Une application a demand<00> <00> X11 de changer la r<00>solution de votre <00>cran. X11 r<00>tablira l <00>tat pr<00>c<00>dent de l <00>cran lorsque les applications en feront la requ<00>te. Vous pouvez <00>galement forcer X11 de revenir <00> l <00>tat pr<00>c<00>dent en appuyant sur #%#A.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Allow" = "Autoriser";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Always Allow" = "Toujours autoriser";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Cancel" = "Annuler";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Mac Help" = "Aide Mac";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Quit" = "Quitter";
/* No */
"No" = "Non";
/* Yes */
"Yes" = "Oui";
/* Terminal */
"Terminal" = "Terminal";
/* Startup xinitrc dialog */
"You have an existing ~/.xinitrc file.\n\nWindows displayed by X11 applications may not have titlebars, or may look different to windows displayed by native applications.\n\nWould you like to move aside the existing file and use the standard X11 environment the next time you start X11?" = "Un fichier ~/.xinitrc existe d<00>j<00>.\n\nLes fen<00>tres affich<00>es par les applications X11 peuvent <00>tre sans barre de titre, ou peuvent pr<00>senter une apparence diff<00>rente des fen<00>tres affich<00>es par les applications natives.\n\nVoulez-vous mettre de c<00>t<00> le fichier existant, et utiliser l environnement X11 standard au prochain d<00>marrage de X11<00>?";
/* window item modifiers */
"window item modifiers" = "command alt";
/* Updates menu title & */
"Check for X11 Updates..." = "Rechercher les mises <00> jour X11 &";