.TH getconfig 1 __vendorversion__ .SH NAME getconfig - get configuration information for the __xservername__ server .SH SYNOPSIS .B getconfig .RI [ option .IR ... ] .SH DESCRIPTION .B getconfig is a programmatic interface that is used by the .B __xservername__ server to get configuration information about video hardware when operating without an .B __xconfigfile__ file. .PP This implementation of .B getconfig is written in perl. It processes a prioritized and ordered list of rules supplied internally and from meta-configuration files. The rules are in the form of perl expressions. .B getconfig writes to standard output the __xconfigfile__-style configuration data specified by the last highest priority rule that evaluates to true. Information about the format of the meta-configuration files can be found in the getconfig(__filemansuffix__) manual page. .SH OPTIONS .TP 8 .BI \-I " search-path" Specify the search path to use for meta-config files. .I search-path is a comma-separated list of directories to search. Each directory in the search path is searched for files with a .I .cfg suffix. Each such file is opened and checked for a valid signature string. Rules are read from files with a valid signature string and appended to the list of rules to evaluate. If no search path is specified, only the internally supplied configuration rules will be used. .TP 8 .B \-D Enable debugging output. .TP 8 .B \-V Print out the version information and exit. .TP 8 .BI \-X .BI __xservername__-version Specify the __xservername__ version in numeric (integer) form. .TP 8 .BI \-b " subsys-id" Specify the PCI subsystem ID of the video device. .TP 8 .BI \-c " class" Specify the PCI class of the video device. .TP 8 .BI \-d " device-id" Specify the PCI devide ID of the video device. .TP 8 .BI \-r " revision" Specify the PCI revision of the video device. .TP 8 .BI \-s " subsysvendor-id" Specify the PCI subsystem vendor ID of the video device. .TP 8 .BI \-v " vendor-id" Specify the PCI vendor ID of the video device. .SH FILES .I .cfg files located in the search path. The search path typically specified by the .B __xservername__ server is: .PP .RS 4 .nf .I /etc/X11 .I __projectroot__/etc/X11 .I .I __projectroot__/lib/X11/getconfig .fi .RE .PP where .I is the .B __xservername__ server's module search path. .SH "SEE ALSO" getconfig(__filemansuffix__), __xservername__(__appmansuffix__), __xconfigfile__(__filemansuffix__). .SH AUTHORS The __xservername__ automatic configuration support and the .B getconfig interface was written by David H. Dawes, with the support of X-Oz Technologies for XFree86.