/* x-input.m -- event handling $Id: x-input.m,v 1.26 2007-04-07 20:39:03 jharper Exp $ Copyright (c) 2002, 2008 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. */ #include "pbproxy.h" #import "x-selection.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include static CFRunLoopSourceRef x_dpy_source; /* Timestamp when the X server last told us it's active */ static Time last_activation_time; static void x_event_apple_wm_notify(XAppleWMNotifyEvent *e) { switch (e->type - x_apple_wm_event_base) { case AppleWMActivationNotify: switch (e->kind) { case AppleWMIsActive: last_activation_time = e->time; [x_selection_object () x_active:e->time]; break; case AppleWMIsInactive: [x_selection_object () x_inactive:e->time]; break; case AppleWMReloadPreferences: [x_selection_object () reload_preferences]; break; } break; case AppleWMPasteboardNotify: switch (e->kind) { case AppleWMCopyToPasteboard: [x_selection_object () x_copy:e->time]; } break; } } void x_input_run (void) { NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; if (nil == pool) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to allocate/init auto release pool!\n"); return; } while (XPending (x_dpy) != 0) { XEvent e; XNextEvent (x_dpy, &e); /* If pbproxy isn't active (in the preferences), then don't do anything. */ if (![x_selection_object() is_active]) continue; switch (e.type) { case SelectionClear: [x_selection_object () clear_event:&e.xselectionclear]; break; case SelectionRequest: [x_selection_object () request_event:&e.xselectionrequest]; break; case SelectionNotify: [x_selection_object () notify_event:&e.xselection]; break; case PropertyNotify: [x_selection_object () property_event:&e.xproperty]; break; default: if (e.type - x_apple_wm_event_base >= 0 && e.type - x_apple_wm_event_base < AppleWMNumberEvents) { x_event_apple_wm_notify ((XAppleWMNotifyEvent *) &e); } break; } XFlush(x_dpy); } [pool release]; } static int add_input_socket (int sock, CFOptionFlags callback_types, CFSocketCallBack callback, const CFSocketContext *ctx, CFRunLoopSourceRef *cf_source) { CFSocketRef cf_sock; cf_sock = CFSocketCreateWithNative (kCFAllocatorDefault, sock, callback_types, callback, ctx); if (cf_sock == NULL) { close (sock); return FALSE; } *cf_source = CFSocketCreateRunLoopSource (kCFAllocatorDefault, cf_sock, 0); CFRelease (cf_sock); if (*cf_source == NULL) return FALSE; CFRunLoopAddSource (CFRunLoopGetCurrent (), *cf_source, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode); return TRUE; } static void x_input_callback (CFSocketRef sock, CFSocketCallBackType type, CFDataRef address, const void *data, void *info) { x_input_run (); } void x_input_register(void) { if (!add_input_socket (ConnectionNumber (x_dpy), kCFSocketReadCallBack, x_input_callback, NULL, &x_dpy_source)) { exit (1); } }