simple_xinit = executable( 'simple-xinit', 'simple-xinit.c', include_directories: inc, ) piglit_env = environment() piglit_env.set('XSERVER_DIR', meson.source_root()) piglit_env.set('XSERVER_BUILDDIR', meson.build_root()) some_ops = ' -o clear,src,dst,over,xor,disjointover' rendercheck_tests = [ ['blend/All/a8r8g8b8', '-t blend -f a8r8g8b8'], ['blend/All/x8r8g8b8', '-t blend -f a8r8g8b8,x8r8g8b8'], ['blend/All/a2r10g10b10', '-t blend -f a8r8g8b8,a2r10g10b10'], ['blend/Clear', '-t blend -o clear'], ['blend/Src', '-t blend -o src'], ['blend/Over', '-t blend -o over'], ['composite/Some/a8r8g8b8', '-t composite -f a8r8g8b8' + some_ops], ['composite/Some/x8r8g8b8', '-t composite -f a8r8g8b8,x8r8g8b8' + some_ops], ['composite/Some/a2r10g10b10', '-t composite -f a8r8g8b8,a2r10g10b10' + some_ops], ['ca composite/Some/a8r8g8b8', '-t cacomposite -f a8r8g8b8' + some_ops], ['ca composite/Some/a8', '-t cacomposite -f a8r8g8b8,a8' + some_ops], ['ca composite/Some/x8r8g8b8', '-t cacomposite -f a8r8g8b8,x8r8g8b8' + some_ops], ['ca composite/Some/a2r10g10b10', '-t cacomposite -f a8r8g8b8,a2r10g10b10' + some_ops], ['fill', '-t fill'], ['bug7366', '-t bug7366'], ['destination coordinates', '-t dcoords'], ['source coordinates', '-t scoords'], ['mask coordinates', '-t mcoords'], ['translated source coordinates', '-t tscoords'], ['translated mask coordinates', '-t tmcoords'], ['triangles', '-t triangles'], ['LibreOffice xRGB', '-t libreoffice_xrgb'], ['GTK ARGB vs xBGR', '-t gtk_argb_xbgr'], ] rendercheck = find_program('rendercheck', required:false) if get_option('xvfb') xvfb_args = [ xvfb_server.full_path(), '-screen', 'scrn', '1280x1024x24', ] test('XTS', find_program('scripts/'), env: piglit_env, timeout: 1200, suite: 'xvfb' ) if rendercheck.found() foreach rctest: rendercheck_tests test(rctest[0], simple_xinit, # Use full_path so people can copy and paste the # command line from testlog.txt easily. args: [ rendercheck.path(), rctest[1].split(' '), '--', xvfb_args, ], suite: 'xvfb' ) endforeach endif if get_option('xephyr') and build_glamor test('XTS', find_program('scripts/'), env: piglit_env, timeout: 1200, suite: 'xephr-glamor', ) if rendercheck.found() foreach rctest: rendercheck_tests test(rctest[0], simple_xinit, args: [simple_xinit.full_path(), rendercheck.path(), rctest[1].split(' '), '----', xephyr_server.full_path(), '-glamor', '-glamor-skip-present', '-schedMax', '2000', '--', xvfb_args, ], suite: 'xephr-glamor', timeout: 300, ) endforeach endif endif endif subdir('bigreq') subdir('damage') subdir('sync') if build_xorg # Tests that require at least some DDX functions in order to fully link # For now, requires xf86 ddx, could be adjusted to use another unit_sources = [ '../mi/miinitext.c', 'fixes.c', 'input.c', 'list.c', 'misc.c', 'signal-logging.c', 'string.c', 'test_xkb.c', 'tests-common.c', 'tests.c', 'touch.c', 'xfree86.c', 'xtest.c', ] unit_defines = ['-DXORG_TESTS'] unit_includes = [inc, xorg_inc] if build_res unit_sources += ['hashtabletest.c'] unit_defines += ['-DRES_TESTS'] endif if meson.get_compiler('c').has_link_argument('-Wl,-wrap') unit_sources += [ 'xi1/protocol-xchangedevicecontrol.c', 'xi2/protocol-common.c', 'xi2/protocol-xiqueryversion.c', 'xi2/protocol-xiquerydevice.c', 'xi2/protocol-xiselectevents.c', 'xi2/protocol-xigetselectedevents.c', 'xi2/protocol-xisetclientpointer.c', 'xi2/protocol-xigetclientpointer.c', 'xi2/protocol-xiquerypointer.c', 'xi2/protocol-xipassivegrabdevice.c', 'xi2/protocol-xiwarppointer.c', 'xi2/protocol-eventconvert.c', 'xi2/xi2.c', ] unit_defines += ['-DLDWRAP_TESTS'] unit_includes += [include_directories('xi1', 'xi2')] ldwraps = [ '-Wl,-wrap,dixLookupWindow', '-Wl,-wrap,dixLookupClient', '-Wl,-wrap,WriteToClient', '-Wl,-wrap,dixLookupWindow', '-Wl,-wrap,XISetEventMask', '-Wl,-wrap,AddResource', '-Wl,-wrap,GrabButton', ] else ldwraps = [] message('ld -wrap required for xi1 & xi2 unit tests, skipping') endif unit = executable('tests', unit_sources, c_args: unit_defines, dependencies: [pixman_dep, randrproto_dep, inputproto_dep], include_directories: unit_includes, link_args: ldwraps, link_with: xorg_link, ) test('unit', unit) endif