Aaron Plattner f2e310132f Add CreatePixmap allocation hints.
These hints allow an acceleration architecture to optimize allocation of certain
types of pixmaps, such as pixmaps that will serve as backing pixmaps for
redirected windows.
2007-11-04 16:11:28 -08:00

273 lines
6.2 KiB

#include <dix-config.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <X11/X.h>
#include "windowstr.h"
#include "pixmapstr.h"
#include "scrnintstr.h"
#include "gcstruct.h"
#include "afb.h"
#include "maskbits.h"
#include "servermd.h"
#include "mfb.h"
afbPutImage(pDraw, pGC, depth, x, y, width, height, leftPad, format, pImage)
DrawablePtr pDraw;
GCPtr pGC;
int depth, x, y, width, height;
int leftPad;
int format;
char *pImage;
PixmapPtr pPixmap;
if ((width == 0) || (height == 0))
if (format != ZPixmap || depth == 1 || pDraw->depth == 1) {
pPixmap = GetScratchPixmapHeader(pDraw->pScreen, width+leftPad, height,
depth, depth,
if (!pPixmap)
pGC->fExpose = FALSE;
if (format == XYBitmap)
(void)(*pGC->ops->CopyPlane)((DrawablePtr)pPixmap, pDraw, pGC, leftPad,
0, width, height, x, y, 1);
else {
(void)(*pGC->ops->CopyArea)((DrawablePtr)pPixmap, pDraw, pGC, leftPad,
0, width, height, x, y);
pGC->fExpose = TRUE;
} else {
/* Chunky to planar conversion required */
PixmapPtr pPixmap;
ScreenPtr pScreen = pDraw->pScreen;
int widthSrc;
int start_srcshift;
register int b;
register int dstshift;
register int shift_step;
register PixelType dst;
register PixelType srcbits;
register PixelType *pdst;
register PixelType *psrc;
int start_bit;
register int nl;
register int h;
register int d;
int sizeDst;
PixelType *pdstBase;
int widthDst;
int depthDst;
/* Create a tmp pixmap */
pPixmap = (pScreen->CreatePixmap)(pScreen, width, height, depth,
if (!pPixmap)
afbGetPixelWidthSizeDepthAndPointer((DrawablePtr)pPixmap, widthDst,
sizeDst, depthDst, pdstBase);
widthSrc = PixmapWidthInPadUnits(width, depth);
/* XXX: if depth == 8, use fast chunky to planar assembly function.*/
if (depth > 4) {
start_srcshift = 24;
shift_step = 8;
} else {
start_srcshift = 28;
shift_step = 4;
for (d = 0; d < depth; d++, pdstBase += sizeDst) { /* @@@ NEXT PLANE @@@ */
start_bit = start_srcshift + d;
psrc = (PixelType *)pImage;
pdst = pdstBase;
h = height;
while (h--) {
dstshift = PPW - 1;
dst = 0;
nl = widthSrc;
while (nl--) {
srcbits = *psrc++;
for (b = start_bit; b >= 0; b -= shift_step) {
dst |= ((srcbits >> b) & 1) << dstshift;
if (--dstshift < 0) {
dstshift = PPW - 1;
*pdst++ = dst;
dst = 0;
if (dstshift != PPW - 1)
*pdst++ = dst;
} /* for (d = ...) */
pGC->fExpose = FALSE;
(void)(*pGC->ops->CopyArea)((DrawablePtr)pPixmap, pDraw, pGC, leftPad, 0,
width, height, x, y);
pGC->fExpose = TRUE;
afbGetImage(pDrawable, sx, sy, width, height, format, planemask, pdstLine)
DrawablePtr pDrawable;
int sx, sy, width, height;
unsigned int format;
unsigned long planemask;
char *pdstLine;
BoxRec box;
DDXPointRec ptSrc;
RegionRec rgnDst;
ScreenPtr pScreen;
PixmapPtr pPixmap;
if ((width == 0) || (height == 0))
pScreen = pDrawable->pScreen;
sx += pDrawable->x;
sy += pDrawable->y;
if (format == XYPixmap || pDrawable->depth == 1) {
pPixmap = GetScratchPixmapHeader(pScreen, width, height, 1, 1,
BitmapBytePad(width), (pointer)pdstLine);
if (!pPixmap)
ptSrc.x = sx;
ptSrc.y = sy;
box.x1 = 0;
box.y1 = 0;
box.x2 = width;
box.y2 = height;
REGION_INIT(pScreen, &rgnDst, &box, 1);
pPixmap->drawable.depth = 1;
pPixmap->drawable.bitsPerPixel = 1;
/* dix layer only ever calls GetImage with 1 bit set in planemask
* when format is XYPixmap.
afbDoBitblt(pDrawable, (DrawablePtr)pPixmap, GXcopy, &rgnDst, &ptSrc,
REGION_UNINIT(pScreen, &rgnDst);
} else {
/* Planar to chunky conversion required */
PixelType *psrcBits;
PixelType *psrcLine;
PixelType startmask, endmask;
int depthSrc;
int widthSrc;
int sizeSrc;
int sizeDst;
int widthDst;
register PixelType *psrc;
register PixelType *pdst;
register PixelType dst;
register PixelType srcbits;
register int d;
register int b;
register int dstshift;
register int shift_step;
register int start_endbit;
int start_startbit;
register int end_endbit = 0;
register int start_dstshift;
register int nl;
register int h;
int nlmiddle;
widthDst = PixmapWidthInPadUnits(width, pDrawable->depth);
sizeDst = widthDst * height;
/* Clear the dest image */
bzero(pdstLine, sizeDst << 2);
afbGetPixelWidthSizeDepthAndPointer(pDrawable, widthSrc, sizeSrc,
depthSrc, psrcBits);
psrcBits = afbScanline(psrcBits, sx, sy, widthSrc);
start_startbit = PPW - 1 - (sx & PIM);
if ((sx & PIM) + width < PPW) {
maskpartialbits(sx, width, startmask);
nlmiddle = 0;
endmask = 0;
start_endbit = PPW - ((sx + width) & PIM);
} else {
maskbits(sx, width, startmask, endmask, nlmiddle);
start_endbit = 0;
end_endbit = PPW - ((sx + width) & PIM);
/* ZPixmap images have either 4 or 8 bits per pixel dependent on
* depth.
if (depthSrc > 4) {
start_dstshift = 24;
shift_step = 8;
} else {
start_dstshift = 28;
shift_step = 4;
#define SHIFT_BITS(start_bit,end_bit) \
for (b = (start_bit); b >= (end_bit); b--) { \
dst |= ((srcbits >> b) & 1) << dstshift; \
if ((dstshift -= shift_step) < 0) { \
dstshift = start_dstshift + d; \
*pdst++ = dst; \
dst = *pdst; \
} \
} \
for (d = 0; d < depthSrc; d++, psrcBits += sizeSrc) { /* @@@ NEXT PLANE @@@ */
psrcLine = psrcBits;
pdst = (PixelType *)pdstLine;
h = height;
while (h--) {
psrc = psrcLine;
psrcLine += widthSrc;
dst = *pdst;
dstshift = start_dstshift + d;
if (startmask) {
srcbits = *psrc++ & startmask;
SHIFT_BITS(start_startbit, start_endbit);
nl = nlmiddle;
while (nl--) {
srcbits = *psrc++;
if (endmask) {
srcbits = *psrc & endmask;
SHIFT_BITS(PPW - 1, end_endbit);
if (dstshift != start_dstshift + d)
*pdst++ = dst;
} /* while (h--) */
} /* for (d = ...) */