Keith Packard 2dc138922b Rename region macros to eliminate screen argument
This is a combination of a huge mechanical patch and a few small
fixups required to finish the job. They were reviewed separately, but
because the server does not build without both pieces, I've merged
them together at this time.

The mechanical changes were performed by running the included
'fix-region' script over the whole tree:

$ git ls-files | grep -v '^fix-' | xargs ./fix-region

And then, the white space errors in the resulting patch were fixed
using the provided fix-patch-whitespace script.

$ sh ./fix-patch-whitespace

Thanks to Jamey Sharp for the mighty fine sed-generating sed script.

The hand-done changes involve removing functions from dix/region.c
that duplicate inline functions in include/regionstr.h, along with
their declarations in regionstr.h, mi.h and mispans.h.

Reviewed-by: Jamey Sharp <jamey@minilop.net>
Signed-off-by: Keith Packard <keithp@keithp.com>
2010-06-05 18:59:00 -07:00

922 lines
22 KiB

XAAPolylinesWideSolid does not maintain a span list and subsequently does
not follow the "touch-each-pixel-once" rules for wide lines and arcs.
This means it can only be used in the case where we have
miSpansEasyRop(pGC->alu). Since we clip spans on the fly, we
limited usage of this function to one rect situations. This
function is used only for solid lines.
Adapted from miWideLine by Mark Vojkovich (mvojkovi@ucsd.edu)
Original mi code written by Keith Packard.
#include <xorg-config.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "misc.h"
#include "xf86.h"
#include "xf86_OSproc.h"
#include <X11/X.h>
#include "windowstr.h"
#include "gcstruct.h"
#include "regionstr.h"
#include "miwideline.h"
#include "mi.h"
#include "xf86str.h"
#include "xaa.h"
#include "xaalocal.h"
#define DRAW_POINT(pScrn, x, y) \
if(hardClip) (*infoRec->SubsequentSolidFillRect)(pScrn, x, y, 1, 1); \
else XAAPointHelper(pScrn, x, y)
#define FILL_RECT(pScrn, x, y, w, h) \
if(hardClip) (*infoRec->SubsequentSolidFillRect)(pScrn, x, y, w, h); \
else XAAFillRectHelper(pScrn, x, y, w, h)
#define FILL_SPAN(pScrn, x, y, w) \
if(hardClip) (*infoRec->SubsequentSolidFillRect)(pScrn, x, y, w, 1); \
else XAASpanHelper(pScrn, x, y, w)
#define CLIPSTEPEDGE(edgey,edge,edgeleft) \
if (ybase == edgey) { \
if (edgeleft) { \
if (edge->x > xcl) \
xcl = edge->x; \
} else { \
if (edge->x < xcr) \
xcr = edge->x; \
} \
edgey++; \
edge->x += edge->stepx; \
edge->e += edge->dx; \
if (edge->e > 0) { \
edge->x += edge->signdx; \
edge->e -= edge->dy; \
} \
static void
XAAPointHelper(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int x, int y)
BoxPtr extents = infoRec->ClipBox;
if((x >= extents->x1) && (x < extents->x2) &&
(y >= extents->y1) && (y < extents->y2))
(*infoRec->SubsequentSolidFillRect)(pScrn, x, y, 1, 1);
static void
XAAFillRectHelper(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int x1, int y1, int dx, int dy)
BoxPtr extents = infoRec->ClipBox;
int x2 = x1 + dx;
int y2 = y1 + dy;
if(x1 < extents->x1) x1 = extents->x1;
if(x2 >= extents->x2) x2 = extents->x2;
if((dx = x2 - x1)<1) return;
if(y1 < extents->y1) y1 = extents->y1;
if(y2 >= extents->y2) y2 = extents->y2;
if((dy = y2 - y1)<1) return;
(*infoRec->SubsequentSolidFillRect)(pScrn, x1, y1, dx, dy);
static void
XAASpanHelper(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int x1, int y, int width)
BoxPtr extents = infoRec->ClipBox;
int x2;
if((y < extents->y1) || (y >= extents->y2)) return;
x2 = x1 + width;
if(x1 < extents->x1) x1 = extents->x1;
if(x2 > extents->x2) x2 = extents->x2;
width = x2 - x1;
if(width > 0)
(*infoRec->SubsequentSolidFillRect)(pScrn, x1, y, width, 1);
#define FixError(x, dx, dy, e, sign, step, h) { \
e += (h) * dx; \
x += (h) * step; \
if(e > 0) { \
x += e * sign/dy; \
e %= dy; \
if(e) { \
x += sign; \
e -= dy; \
} \
} \
static void
XAAFillPolyHelper (
GCPtr pGC,
int y, /* start y coordinate */
int overall_height, /* height of entire segment */
PolyEdgePtr left, PolyEdgePtr right,
int left_count, int right_count )
BoxPtr extents = infoRec->ClipBox;
int left_x, left_e, left_stepx, left_signdx, left_dy, left_dx;
int right_x, right_e, right_stepx, right_signdx, right_dy, right_dx;
int height, left_height, right_height;
int xorg;
Bool hardClip;
if((y >= extents->y2) || ((y + overall_height) <= extents->y1))
/* Muffle compiler */
left_x = left_e = left_stepx = left_signdx = left_dy = left_dx = 0;
right_x = right_e = right_stepx = right_signdx = right_dy = right_dx = 0;
left_height = right_height = 0;
xorg = 0;
hardClip = (infoRec->ClippingFlags & HARDWARE_CLIP_SOLID_FILL);
while ((left_count || left_height) && (right_count || right_height)) {
if (!left_height && left_count) {
left_height = left->height;
left_x = left->x + xorg;
left_stepx = left->stepx;
left_signdx = left->signdx;
left_e = left->e;
left_dy = left->dy;
left_dx = left->dx;
if (!right_height && right_count) {
right_height = right->height;
right_x = right->x + xorg + 1;
right_stepx = right->stepx;
right_signdx = right->signdx;
right_e = right->e;
right_dy = right->dy;
right_dx = right->dx;
height = (left_height > right_height) ? right_height : left_height;
left_height -= height;
right_height -= height;
if(hardClip && infoRec->SubsequentSolidFillTrap && (height > 6)) {
int right_DX, left_DX;
right_DX = (right_dx * right_signdx) + (right_stepx * right_dy);
left_DX = (left_dx * left_signdx) + (left_stepx * left_dy);
(*infoRec->SubsequentSolidFillTrap)(infoRec->pScrn, y, height,
left_x, left_DX, left_dy, left_e,
right_x - 1, right_DX, right_dy, right_e);
FixError(left_x, left_dx, left_dy, left_e, left_signdx,
left_stepx, height);
FixError(right_x, right_dx, right_dy, right_e, right_signdx,
right_stepx, height);
y += height;
while (height--) {
if(right_x > left_x) {
FILL_SPAN(infoRec->pScrn, left_x, y, right_x - left_x);
left_x += left_stepx;
left_e += left_dx;
if (left_e > 0) {
left_x += left_signdx;
left_e -= left_dy;
right_x += right_stepx;
right_e += right_dx;
if (right_e > 0) {
right_x += right_signdx;
right_e -= right_dy;
static void
XAAWideSegment (
GCPtr pGC,
int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
Bool projectLeft, Bool projectRight,
LineFacePtr leftFace, LineFacePtr rightFace )
double l, L, r;
double xa, ya;
double projectXoff, projectYoff;
double k;
double maxy;
int x, y;
int dx, dy;
int finaly;
PolyEdgePtr left, right;
PolyEdgePtr top, bottom;
int lefty, righty, topy, bottomy;
int signdx;
PolyEdgeRec lefts[2], rights[2];
LineFacePtr tface;
int lw = pGC->lineWidth;
Bool hardClip = (infoRec->ClippingFlags & HARDWARE_CLIP_SOLID_FILL);
/* draw top-to-bottom always */
if ((y2 < y1) || ((y2 == y1) && (x2 < x1))) {
x = x1;
x1 = x2;
x2 = x;
y = y1;
y1 = y2;
y2 = y;
x = projectLeft;
projectLeft = projectRight;
projectRight = x;
tface = leftFace;
leftFace = rightFace;
rightFace = tface;
dy = y2 - y1;
signdx = 1;
dx = x2 - x1;
if (dx < 0)
signdx = -1;
leftFace->x = x1;
leftFace->y = y1;
leftFace->dx = dx;
leftFace->dy = dy;
rightFace->x = x2;
rightFace->y = y2;
rightFace->dx = -dx;
rightFace->dy = -dy;
if (!dy) {
rightFace->xa = 0;
rightFace->ya = (double) lw / 2.0;
rightFace->k = -(double) (lw * dx) / 2.0;
leftFace->xa = 0;
leftFace->ya = -rightFace->ya;
leftFace->k = rightFace->k;
x = x1;
if (projectLeft)
x -= (lw >> 1);
y = y1 - (lw >> 1);
dx = x2 - x;
if (projectRight)
dx += ((lw + 1) >> 1);
dy = lw;
FILL_RECT(infoRec->pScrn, x, y, dx, dy);
} else if (!dx) {
leftFace->xa = (double) lw / 2.0;
leftFace->ya = 0;
leftFace->k = (double) (lw * dy) / 2.0;
rightFace->xa = -leftFace->xa;
rightFace->ya = 0;
rightFace->k = leftFace->k;
y = y1;
if (projectLeft)
y -= lw >> 1;
x = x1 - (lw >> 1);
dy = y2 - y;
if (projectRight)
dy += ((lw + 1) >> 1);
dx = lw;
FILL_RECT(infoRec->pScrn, x, y, dx, dy);
} else {
l = ((double) lw) / 2.0;
L = sqrt((double)(dx*dx + dy*dy));
if (dx < 0) {
right = &rights[1];
left = &lefts[0];
top = &rights[0];
bottom = &lefts[1];
} else {
right = &rights[0];
left = &lefts[1];
top = &lefts[0];
bottom = &rights[1];
r = l / L;
/* coord of upper bound at integral y */
ya = -r * dx;
xa = r * dy;
projectXoff = -ya;
projectYoff = xa;
/* xa * dy - ya * dx */
k = l * L;
leftFace->xa = xa;
leftFace->ya = ya;
leftFace->k = k;
rightFace->xa = -xa;
rightFace->ya = -ya;
rightFace->k = k;
if (projectLeft)
righty = miPolyBuildEdge (xa - projectXoff, ya - projectYoff,
k, dx, dy, x1, y1, 0, right);
righty = miPolyBuildEdge (xa, ya,
k, dx, dy, x1, y1, 0, right);
/* coord of lower bound at integral y */
ya = -ya;
xa = -xa;
/* xa * dy - ya * dx */
k = - k;
if (projectLeft)
lefty = miPolyBuildEdge (xa - projectXoff, ya - projectYoff,
k, dx, dy, x1, y1, 1, left);
lefty = miPolyBuildEdge (xa, ya,
k, dx, dy, x1, y1, 1, left);
/* coord of top face at integral y */
if (signdx > 0) {
ya = -ya;
xa = -xa;
if (projectLeft) {
double xap = xa - projectXoff;
double yap = ya - projectYoff;
topy = miPolyBuildEdge (xap, yap, xap * dx + yap * dy,
-dy, dx, x1, y1, dx > 0, top);
topy = miPolyBuildEdge(xa, ya, 0.0,
-dy, dx, x1, y1, dx > 0, top);
/* coord of bottom face at integral y */
if (projectRight) {
double xap = xa + projectXoff;
double yap = ya + projectYoff;
bottomy = miPolyBuildEdge (xap, yap, xap * dx + yap * dy,
-dy, dx, x2, y2, dx < 0, bottom);
maxy = -ya + projectYoff;
} else {
bottomy = miPolyBuildEdge (xa, ya, 0.0,
-dy, dx, x2, y2, dx < 0, bottom);
maxy = -ya;
finaly = ICEIL (maxy) + y2;
if (dx < 0) {
left->height = bottomy - lefty;
right->height = finaly - righty;
top->height = righty - topy;
} else {
right->height = bottomy - righty;
left->height = finaly - lefty;
top->height = lefty - topy;
bottom->height = finaly - bottomy;
XAAFillPolyHelper (pGC, topy,
bottom->height + bottomy - topy, lefts, rights, 2, 2);
static void
XAALineArcI (GCPtr pGC, int xorg, int yorg)
int x, y, e, ex;
int slw = pGC->lineWidth;
Bool hardClip = (infoRec->ClippingFlags & HARDWARE_CLIP_SOLID_FILL);
y = (slw >> 1) + 1;
if (slw & 1)
e = - ((y << 2) + 3);
e = - (y << 3);
ex = -4;
x = 0;
while (y) {
e += (y << 3) - 4;
while (e >= 0) {
e += (ex = -((x << 3) + 4));
slw = (x << 1) + 1;
if ((e == ex) && (slw > 1))
FILL_SPAN(infoRec->pScrn, xorg - x, yorg - y, slw);
if ((y != 0) && ((slw > 1) || (e != ex))) {
FILL_SPAN(infoRec->pScrn, xorg - x, yorg + y, slw);
static void
XAALineArcD (
GCPtr pGC,
double xorg,
double yorg,
PolyEdgePtr edge1,
int edgey1,
Bool edgeleft1,
PolyEdgePtr edge2,
int edgey2,
Bool edgeleft2 )
double radius, x0, y0, el, er, yk, xlk, xrk, k;
int xbase, ybase, y, boty, xl, xr, xcl, xcr;
int ymin, ymax;
Bool edge1IsMin, edge2IsMin;
int ymin1, ymin2;
Bool hardClip = (infoRec->ClippingFlags & HARDWARE_CLIP_SOLID_FILL);
xbase = floor(xorg);
x0 = xorg - xbase;
ybase = ICEIL (yorg);
y0 = yorg - ybase;
xlk = x0 + x0 + 1.0;
xrk = x0 + x0 - 1.0;
yk = y0 + y0 - 1.0;
radius = ((double)pGC->lineWidth) / 2.0;
y = floor(radius - y0 + 1.0);
ybase -= y;
ymin = ybase;
ymax = 65536;
edge1IsMin = FALSE;
ymin1 = edgey1;
if (edge1->dy >= 0) {
if (!edge1->dy) {
if (edgeleft1)
edge1IsMin = TRUE;
ymax = edgey1;
edgey1 = 65536;
} else if ((edge1->signdx < 0) == edgeleft1)
edge1IsMin = TRUE;
edge2IsMin = FALSE;
ymin2 = edgey2;
if (edge2->dy >= 0) {
if (!edge2->dy) {
if (edgeleft2)
edge2IsMin = TRUE;
ymax = edgey2;
edgey2 = 65536;
} else if ((edge2->signdx < 0) == edgeleft2)
edge2IsMin = TRUE;
if (edge1IsMin) {
ymin = ymin1;
if (edge2IsMin && (ymin1 > ymin2))
ymin = ymin2;
} else if (edge2IsMin)
ymin = ymin2;
el = radius * radius - ((y + y0) * (y + y0)) - (x0 * x0);
er = el + xrk;
xl = 1;
xr = 0;
if (x0 < 0.5) {
xl = 0;
el -= xlk;
boty = (y0 < -0.5) ? 1 : 0;
if (ybase + y - boty > ymax)
boty = ymax - ybase - y;
while (y > boty) {
k = (y << 1) + yk;
er += k;
while (er > 0.0) {
er += xrk - (xr << 1);
el += k;
while (el >= 0.0) {
el += (xl << 1) - xlk;
if (ybase < ymin)
xcl = xl + xbase;
xcr = xr + xbase;
CLIPSTEPEDGE(edgey1, edge1, edgeleft1);
CLIPSTEPEDGE(edgey2, edge2, edgeleft2);
if(xcr >= xcl) {
FILL_SPAN(infoRec->pScrn, xcl, ybase, xcr - xcl + 1);
er = xrk - (xr << 1) - er;
el = (xl << 1) - xlk - el;
boty = floor(-y0 - radius + 1.0);
if (ybase + y - boty > ymax)
boty = ymax - ybase - y;
while (y > boty) {
k = (y << 1) + yk;
er -= k;
while ((er >= 0.0) && (xr >= 0)) {
er += xrk - (xr << 1);
el -= k;
while ((el > 0.0) && (xl <= 0)) {
el += (xl << 1) - xlk;
if (ybase < ymin)
xcl = xl + xbase;
xcr = xr + xbase;
CLIPSTEPEDGE(edgey1, edge1, edgeleft1);
CLIPSTEPEDGE(edgey2, edge2, edgeleft2);
if(xcr >= xcl) {
FILL_SPAN(infoRec->pScrn, xcl, ybase, xcr - xcl + 1);
static void
XAALineArc (
GCPtr pGC,
LineFacePtr leftFace,
LineFacePtr rightFace,
double xorg,
double yorg,
Bool isInt )
int xorgi, yorgi;
PolyEdgeRec edge1, edge2;
int edgey1, edgey2;
Bool edgeleft1, edgeleft2;
if (isInt) {
xorgi = leftFace ? leftFace->x : rightFace->x;
yorgi = leftFace ? leftFace->y : rightFace->y;
} else { /* Muffle compiler */
xorgi = yorgi = 0;
edgey1 = 65536;
edgey2 = 65536;
edge1.x = 0; /* not used, keep memory checkers happy */
edge1.dy = -1;
edge2.x = 0; /* not used, keep memory checkers happy */
edge2.dy = -1;
edgeleft1 = FALSE;
edgeleft2 = FALSE;
if ((pGC->lineWidth > 2) &&
((pGC->capStyle == CapRound && pGC->joinStyle != JoinRound) ||
(pGC->joinStyle == JoinRound && pGC->capStyle == CapButt))) {
if (isInt) {
xorg = (double) xorgi;
yorg = (double) yorgi;
if (leftFace && rightFace)
miRoundJoinClip (leftFace, rightFace, &edge1, &edge2,
&edgey1, &edgey2, &edgeleft1, &edgeleft2);
else if (leftFace)
edgey1 = miRoundCapClip (leftFace, isInt, &edge1, &edgeleft1);
else if (rightFace)
edgey2 = miRoundCapClip (rightFace, isInt, &edge2, &edgeleft2);
isInt = FALSE;
if (isInt) {
if(pGC->lineWidth == 1) {
Bool hardClip = (infoRec->ClippingFlags & HARDWARE_CLIP_SOLID_FILL);
DRAW_POINT(infoRec->pScrn, xorgi, yorgi);
} else
XAALineArcI(pGC, xorgi, yorgi);
} else
XAALineArcD(pGC, xorg, yorg, &edge1, edgey1, edgeleft1,
&edge2, edgey2, edgeleft2);
static void
XAALineJoin (
GCPtr pGC,
LineFacePtr pLeft,
LineFacePtr pRight )
double mx = 0, my = 0;
double denom = 0;
PolyVertexRec vertices[4];
PolySlopeRec slopes[4];
int edgecount;
PolyEdgeRec left[4], right[4];
int nleft, nright;
int y, height;
int swapslopes;
int joinStyle = pGC->joinStyle;
int lw = pGC->lineWidth;
if (lw == 1) {
/* Lines going in the same direction have no join */
if ((pLeft->dx >= 0) == (pRight->dx <= 0))
if (joinStyle != JoinRound) {
denom = - pLeft->dx * (double)pRight->dy + pRight->dx *
if (denom == 0.0)
return; /* no join to draw */
if (joinStyle != JoinMiter) {
Bool hardClip = (infoRec->ClippingFlags & HARDWARE_CLIP_SOLID_FILL);
DRAW_POINT(infoRec->pScrn, pLeft->x, pLeft->y);
} else {
if (joinStyle == JoinRound) {
XAALineArc(pGC, pLeft, pRight,(double)0.0, (double)0.0, TRUE);
denom = - pLeft->dx * (double)pRight->dy + pRight->dx *
if (denom == 0.0)
return; /* no join to draw */
swapslopes = 0;
if (denom > 0) {
pLeft->xa = -pLeft->xa;
pLeft->ya = -pLeft->ya;
pLeft->dx = -pLeft->dx;
pLeft->dy = -pLeft->dy;
} else {
swapslopes = 1;
pRight->xa = -pRight->xa;
pRight->ya = -pRight->ya;
pRight->dx = -pRight->dx;
pRight->dy = -pRight->dy;
vertices[0].x = pRight->xa;
vertices[0].y = pRight->ya;
slopes[0].dx = -pRight->dy;
slopes[0].dy = pRight->dx;
slopes[0].k = 0;
vertices[1].x = 0;
vertices[1].y = 0;
slopes[1].dx = pLeft->dy;
slopes[1].dy = -pLeft->dx;
slopes[1].k = 0;
vertices[2].x = pLeft->xa;
vertices[2].y = pLeft->ya;
if (joinStyle == JoinMiter) {
my = (pLeft->dy * (pRight->xa * pRight->dy - pRight->ya * pRight->dx) -
pRight->dy * (pLeft->xa * pLeft->dy - pLeft->ya * pLeft->dx ))/
if (pLeft->dy != 0)
mx = pLeft->xa + (my - pLeft->ya) *
(double) pLeft->dx / (double) pLeft->dy;
mx = pRight->xa + (my - pRight->ya) *
(double) pRight->dx / (double) pRight->dy;
/* check miter limit */
if ((mx * mx + my * my) * 4 > SQSECANT * lw * lw)
joinStyle = JoinBevel;
if (joinStyle == JoinMiter) {
slopes[2].dx = pLeft->dx;
slopes[2].dy = pLeft->dy;
slopes[2].k = pLeft->k;
if (swapslopes) {
slopes[2].dx = -slopes[2].dx;
slopes[2].dy = -slopes[2].dy;
slopes[2].k = -slopes[2].k;
vertices[3].x = mx;
vertices[3].y = my;
slopes[3].dx = pRight->dx;
slopes[3].dy = pRight->dy;
slopes[3].k = pRight->k;
if (swapslopes) {
slopes[3].dx = -slopes[3].dx;
slopes[3].dy = -slopes[3].dy;
slopes[3].k = -slopes[3].k;
edgecount = 4;
} else {
double scale, dx, dy, adx, ady;
adx = dx = pRight->xa - pLeft->xa;
ady = dy = pRight->ya - pLeft->ya;
if (adx < 0)
adx = -adx;
if (ady < 0)
ady = -ady;
scale = ady;
if (adx > ady)
scale = adx;
slopes[2].dx = (dx * 65536) / scale;
slopes[2].dy = (dy * 65536) / scale;
slopes[2].k = ((pLeft->xa + pRight->xa) * slopes[2].dy -
(pLeft->ya + pRight->ya) * slopes[2].dx) / 2.0;
edgecount = 3;
y = miPolyBuildPoly (vertices, slopes, edgecount, pLeft->x, pLeft->y,
left, right, &nleft, &nright, &height);
XAAFillPolyHelper(pGC, y, height, left, right, nleft, nright);
XAAPolylinesWideSolid (
DrawablePtr pDrawable,
GCPtr pGC,
int mode,
int npt,
DDXPointPtr pPts )
int x1, y1, x2, y2;
Bool projectLeft, projectRight;
LineFaceRec leftFace, rightFace, prevRightFace, firstFace;
int first = TRUE;
Bool somethingDrawn = FALSE;
Bool selfJoin = FALSE;
int xorg = pDrawable->x;
int yorg = pDrawable->y;
Bool hardClip = FALSE;
if(RegionNumRects(pGC->pCompositeClip) != 1) {
miWideLine(pDrawable, pGC, mode, npt, pPts);
x2 = pPts->x;
y2 = pPts->y;
if (npt > 1) {
if (mode == CoordModePrevious) {
int nptTmp;
register DDXPointPtr pPtsTmp;
x1 = x2;
y1 = y2;
nptTmp = npt;
pPtsTmp = pPts + 1;
while (--nptTmp) {
x1 += pPtsTmp->x;
y1 += pPtsTmp->y;
if ((x2 == x1) && (y2 == y1))
selfJoin = TRUE;
} else if ((x2 == pPts[npt-1].x) && (y2 == pPts[npt-1].y))
selfJoin = TRUE;
projectLeft = ((pGC->capStyle == CapProjecting) && !selfJoin);
projectRight = FALSE;
(*infoRec->SetupForSolidFill)(infoRec->pScrn, pGC->fgPixel, pGC->alu,
infoRec->ClipBox = &pGC->pCompositeClip->extents;
if(infoRec->ClippingFlags & HARDWARE_CLIP_SOLID_FILL) {
hardClip = TRUE;
infoRec->ClipBox->x1, infoRec->ClipBox->y1,
infoRec->ClipBox->x2 - 1, infoRec->ClipBox->y2 - 1);
x2 += xorg;
y2 += yorg;
while (--npt) {
x1 = x2;
y1 = y2;
x2 = pPts->x;
y2 = pPts->y;
if (mode == CoordModePrevious) {
x2 += x1;
y2 += y1;
} else {
x2 += xorg;
y2 += yorg;
if ((x1 != x2) || (y1 != y2)) {
somethingDrawn = TRUE;
if ((npt == 1) && (pGC->capStyle == CapProjecting) && !selfJoin)
projectRight = TRUE;
XAAWideSegment(pGC, x1, y1, x2, y2,
projectLeft, projectRight, &leftFace, &rightFace);
if (first) {
if (selfJoin)
firstFace = leftFace;
else if (pGC->capStyle == CapRound) {
if (pGC->lineWidth == 1) {
DRAW_POINT(infoRec->pScrn, x1, y1);
} else
XAALineArc(pGC,&leftFace, (LineFacePtr) NULL,
(double)0.0, (double)0.0,TRUE);
} else
XAALineJoin (pGC, &leftFace, &prevRightFace);
prevRightFace = rightFace;
first = FALSE;
projectLeft = FALSE;
if (npt == 1 && somethingDrawn) {
if (selfJoin)
XAALineJoin (pGC, &firstFace, &rightFace);
else if (pGC->capStyle == CapRound) {
if (pGC->lineWidth == 1) {
DRAW_POINT(infoRec->pScrn, x2, y2);
} else
XAALineArc (pGC, (LineFacePtr) NULL, &rightFace,
(double)0.0, (double)0.0,TRUE);
/* handle crock where all points are coincedent */
if (!somethingDrawn) {
projectLeft = (pGC->capStyle == CapProjecting);
XAAWideSegment (pGC, x2, y2, x2, y2, projectLeft, projectLeft,
&leftFace, &rightFace);
if (pGC->capStyle == CapRound) {
XAALineArc (pGC, &leftFace, (LineFacePtr) NULL,
(double)0.0, (double)0.0, TRUE);
rightFace.dx = -1; /* sleezy hack to make it work */
XAALineArc (pGC, (LineFacePtr) NULL, &rightFace,
(double)0.0, (double)0.0, TRUE);
infoRec->ClipBox = NULL;