AckHandler - Handles acknowledgement of incoming and outgoing mtproto messages
AuthKeyHandler - Handles generation of the temporary and permanent authorization keys
CallHandler - Handles synchronous calls to mtproto methods or objects, also basic response management (waits until the socket receives a response)
Crypt - Handles ige and aes encryption
Exception - Handles exceptions in the MTProtoTools namespace
MessageHandler - Handles sending and receiving of mtproto messages (packs TL serialized data with message id, auth key id and encrypts it with Crypt if needed, adds them to the arrays of incoming and outgoing messages)
MsgIdHandler - Handles message ids (checks if they are valid, adds them to the arrays of incoming and outgoing messages)
ResponseHandler - Handles the content of responses received, service messages, rpc results, errors, and stores them into the response section of the outgoing messages array)
Exception - Handles exceptions in the TL namespace
TL - Handles TL serialization and deserialization
TLConstructor - Represents a TL Constructor
TLMethod - Represents a TL method
API - Wrapper class that istantiates the MTProto class, sets the error handler, and provides a wrapper for calling mtproto methods directly as class submethods
Connection - Handles tcp/udp/http connections and wrapping payloads generated by MTProtoTools/MessageHandler into the right message according to the protocol, stores authorization keys, session id and sequence number
DataCenter - Handles mtproto datacenters (is a wrapper for Connection classes)