2016-12-19 16:56:52 +01:00
#!/usr/bin/env php
< ? php
Copyright 2016 Daniil Gentili
( https :// daniil . it )
This file is part of MadelineProto .
MadelineProto is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
MadelineProto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful , but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE .
See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MadelineProto .
If not , see < http :// www . gnu . org / licenses />.
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php' ;
$mode = 3 ;
\danog\MadelineProto\Logger :: constructor ( $mode );
$TL = new \danog\MadelineProto\TL\TL ([
//'mtproto' => __DIR__.'/src/danog/MadelineProto/TL_mtproto_v1.json', // mtproto TL scheme
'telegram' => __DIR__ . '/src/danog/MadelineProto/TL_telegram_v57.json' , // telegram TL scheme
\danog\MadelineProto\Logger :: log ( 'Copying readme...' );
copy ( 'README.md' , 'docs/index.md' );
chdir ( __DIR__ . '/docs/API_docs' );
\danog\MadelineProto\Logger :: log ( 'Generating documentation index...' );
file_put_contents ( 'index.md' , ' # MadelineProto API documentation (layer 57)
[ Methods ]( methods / )
[ Constructors ]( constructors / )
[ Types ]( types / )
' );
foreach ( glob ( 'methods/*' ) as $unlink ) {
unlink ( $unlink );
if ( file_exists ( 'methods' )) {
rmdir ( 'methods' );
mkdir ( 'methods' );
$methods = [];
$types = [];
\danog\MadelineProto\Logger :: log ( 'Generating methods documentation...' );
foreach ( $TL -> methods -> method as $key => $method ) {
$type = str_replace ([ '.' , '<' , '>' ], [ '_' , '_of_' , '' ], $TL -> methods -> type [ $key ]);
$real_type = preg_replace ( '/.*_of_/' , '' , $type );
$params = '' ;
foreach ( $TL -> methods -> params [ $key ] as $param ) {
2016-12-19 18:58:09 +01:00
if ( $param [ 'name' ] == 'flags' ) {
continue ;
2016-12-19 16:56:52 +01:00
$stype = 'type' ;
$link_type = 'types' ;
if ( isset ( $param [ 'subtype' ])) {
$stype = 'subtype' ;
if ( $param [ 'type' ] == 'vector' ) {
$link_type = 'constructors' ;
$ptype = str_replace ( '.' , '_' , $param [ $stype ]);
switch ( $ptype ) {
case 'true' :
case 'false' :
$ptype = 'Bool' ;
2016-12-19 18:58:09 +01:00
$params .= " ' " . $param [ 'name' ] . " ' => " ;
$params .= ( isset ( $param [ 'subtype' ]) ? '[' : '' ) . '[' . $ptype . '](../' . $link_type . '/' . $ptype . '.md)' . ( isset ( $param [ 'subtype' ]) ? ']' : '' ) . ', ' ;
2016-12-19 16:56:52 +01:00
2016-12-19 18:58:09 +01:00
$methods [ $method ] = str_replace ([ '_' , '\[\]' ], [ '\_' , '' ], '$MadelineProto->[' . str_replace ( '.' , '->' , $method ) . '](' . $method . '.md)(\[' . $params . '\]) == [$' . $type . '](../types/' . $real_type . ' . md );
2016-12-19 16:56:52 +01:00
' );
$params = '' ;
2016-12-19 17:48:27 +01:00
$table = empty ( $TL -> methods -> params [ $key ]) ? '' : ' ### Parameters:
| Name | Type | Required |
2016-12-19 16:56:52 +01:00
' ;
foreach ( $TL -> methods -> params [ $key ] as $param ) {
2016-12-19 18:58:09 +01:00
if ( $param [ 'name' ] == 'flags' ) {
continue ;
2016-12-19 16:56:52 +01:00
$ptype = str_replace ( '.' , '_' , $param [ isset ( $param [ 'subtype' ]) ? 'subtype' : 'type' ]);
switch ( $ptype ) {
case 'true' :
case 'false' :
$ptype = 'Bool' ;
2016-12-19 18:58:09 +01:00
$table .= '|' . $param [ 'name' ] . '|' . ( isset ( $param [ 'subtype' ]) ? 'Array of ' : '' ) . '[' . $ptype . '](../types/' . $ptype . '.md) | ' . ( $param [ 'flag' ] ? 'Optional' : 'Required' ) . ' |
2016-12-19 16:56:52 +01:00
' ;
2016-12-19 18:58:09 +01:00
$params .= " ' " . $param [ 'name' ] . " ' => " ;
2016-12-19 16:56:52 +01:00
$params .= ( isset ( $param [ 'subtype' ]) ? '[' . $ptype . ']' : $ptype ) . ', ' ;
$example = str_replace ( '[]' , '' , '
`` `
$MadelineProto = new \danog\MadelineProto\API ();
if ( isset ( $token )) {
$this -> bot_login ( $token );
if ( isset ( $number )) {
$sentCode = $MadelineProto -> phone_login ( $number );
echo \ ' Enter the code you received : \ ' ;
$code = \ ' \ ' ;
for ( $x = 0 ; $x < $sentCode [ \ ' type\ ' ][ \ ' length\ ' ]; $x ++ ) {
$code .= fgetc ( STDIN );
$MadelineProto -> complete_phone_login ( $code );
$ '.$type.' = $MadelineProto -> '.str_replace(' . ', ' -> ', $method).' ([ '.$params.' ]);
`` ` ' );
$header = str_replace ( '_' , '\_' , '## Method: ' . $method . '
### Return type: ['.$type.'](../types/'.$real_type.'.md)
### Example:
' );
file_put_contents ( 'methods/' . $method . '.md' , $header . $example );
\danog\MadelineProto\Logger :: log ( 'Generating methods index...' );
ksort ( $methods );
file_put_contents ( 'methods/index.md' , ' # Methods
2016-12-19 17:13:16 +01:00
'.implode(' ' , $methods ));
2016-12-19 16:56:52 +01:00
foreach ( glob ( 'constructors/*' ) as $unlink ) {
unlink ( $unlink );
if ( file_exists ( 'constructors' )) {
rmdir ( 'constructors' );
mkdir ( 'constructors' );
$constructors = [];
\danog\MadelineProto\Logger :: log ( 'Generating constructors documentation...' );
foreach ( $TL -> constructors -> predicate as $key => $constructor ) {
$constructor = str_replace ( '.' , '_' , $constructor );
2016-12-19 18:58:09 +01:00
2016-12-19 16:56:52 +01:00
$type = str_replace ([ '.' , '<' , '>' ], [ '_' , '_of_' , '' ], $TL -> constructors -> type [ $key ]);
$real_type = preg_replace ( '/.*_of_/' , '' , $type );
2016-12-19 18:58:09 +01:00
2016-12-19 16:56:52 +01:00
$params = '' ;
foreach ( $TL -> constructors -> params [ $key ] as $param ) {
2016-12-19 18:58:09 +01:00
if ( $param [ 'name' ] == 'flags' ) {
continue ;
2016-12-19 16:56:52 +01:00
$stype = 'type' ;
$link_type = 'types' ;
if ( isset ( $param [ 'subtype' ])) {
$stype = 'subtype' ;
if ( $param [ 'type' ] == 'vector' ) {
$link_type = 'constructors' ;
$ptype = str_replace ( '.' , '_' , $param [ $stype ]);
switch ( $ptype ) {
case 'true' :
case 'false' :
$ptype = 'Bool' ;
2016-12-19 18:58:09 +01:00
$params .= " ' " . $param [ 'name' ] . " ' => " ;
$params .= ( isset ( $param [ 'subtype' ]) ? '[' : '' ) . '[' . $ptype . '](../' . $link_type . '/' . $ptype . '.md)' . ( isset ( $param [ 'subtype' ]) ? ']' : '' ) . ', ' ;
2016-12-19 16:56:52 +01:00
2016-12-19 17:48:27 +01:00
$params = " \ [ " . $params . '\]' ;
$constructors [ $constructor ] = str_replace ([ '_' ], [ '\_' ], '[$' . $real_type . '](../types/' . $real_type . '.md) = ' . $params . ' ;
2016-12-19 16:56:52 +01:00
' );
if ( ! isset ( $types [ $real_type ])) {
$types [ $real_type ] = [];
if ( ! in_array ( $key , $types [ $real_type ])) {
$types [ $real_type ][] = $key ;
2016-12-19 17:48:27 +01:00
$table = empty ( $TL -> constructors -> params [ $key ]) ? '' : ' ### Attributes:
2016-12-19 16:56:52 +01:00
2016-12-19 17:48:27 +01:00
| Name | Type | Required |
2016-12-19 16:56:52 +01:00
' ;
2016-12-19 17:48:27 +01:00
$params = '' ;
2016-12-19 16:56:52 +01:00
foreach ( $TL -> constructors -> params [ $key ] as $param ) {
2016-12-19 18:58:09 +01:00
if ( $param [ 'name' ] == 'flags' ) {
continue ;
2016-12-19 16:56:52 +01:00
$ptype = str_replace ( '.' , '_' , $param [ isset ( $param [ 'subtype' ]) ? 'subtype' : 'type' ]);
2016-12-19 18:58:09 +01:00
2016-12-19 16:56:52 +01:00
$link_type = 'types' ;
if ( isset ( $param [ 'subtype' ])) {
if ( $param [ 'type' ] == 'vector' ) {
$link_type = 'constructors' ;
switch ( $ptype ) {
case 'true' :
case 'false' :
$ptype = 'Bool' ;
2016-12-19 18:58:09 +01:00
$table .= '|' . $param [ 'name' ] . '|' . ( isset ( $param [ 'subtype' ]) ? 'Array of ' : '' ) . '[' . $ptype . '](../' . $link_type . '/' . $ptype . '.md) | ' . ( $param [ 'flag' ] ? 'Optional' : 'Required' ) . ' |
2016-12-19 16:56:52 +01:00
' ;
2016-12-19 18:58:09 +01:00
$params .= " ' " . $param [ 'name' ] . " ' => " ;
2016-12-19 17:48:27 +01:00
$params .= ( isset ( $param [ 'subtype' ]) ? '[' . $param [ 'type' ] . ']' : $param [ 'type' ]) . ', ' ;
2016-12-19 16:56:52 +01:00
2016-12-19 17:48:27 +01:00
$params = " ['_' => " . $constructor . " ', " . $params . ']' ;
$example = '
2016-12-19 16:56:52 +01:00
`` `
2016-12-19 17:48:27 +01:00
$ '.$constructor.' = '.$params.' ;
`` ` ' ;
2016-12-19 16:56:52 +01:00
$header = str_replace ( '_' , '\_' , '## Constructor: ' . $constructor . '
### Type: ['.$real_type.'](../types/'.$real_type.'.md)
### Example:
' );
file_put_contents ( 'constructors/' . $constructor . '.md' , $header . $example );
\danog\MadelineProto\Logger :: log ( 'Generating constructors index...' );
ksort ( $constructors );
file_put_contents ( 'constructors/index.md' , ' # Constructors
2016-12-19 17:13:16 +01:00
'.implode(' ' , $constructors ));
2016-12-19 16:56:52 +01:00
foreach ( glob ( 'types/*' ) as $unlink ) {
unlink ( $unlink );
if ( file_exists ( 'types' )) {
rmdir ( 'types' );
mkdir ( 'types' );
ksort ( $types );
$index = '' ;
\danog\MadelineProto\Logger :: log ( 'Generating types documentation...' );
foreach ( $types as $type => $keys ) {
$index .= '[' . $type . '](' . $type . ' . md )
' ;
$constructors = '' ;
foreach ( $keys as $key ) {
$predicate = str_replace ( '.' , '_' , $TL -> constructors -> predicate [ $key ]);
$constructors .= '[' . $predicate . '](../constructors/' . $predicate . ' . md )
' ;
$header = str_replace ( '_' , '\_' , '## Type: ' . $type . '
2016-12-19 17:48:27 +01:00
### Possible values (constructors):
2016-12-19 16:56:52 +01:00
2016-12-19 17:13:16 +01:00
' . $constructors );
2016-12-19 16:56:52 +01:00
file_put_contents ( 'types/' . $type . '.md' , $header );
\danog\MadelineProto\Logger :: log ( 'Generating additional types...' );
file_put_contents ( 'types/string.md' , ' ## Type: string
A string of variable length . ' );
file_put_contents ( 'types/bytes.md' , ' ## Type: bytes
A string of variable length . ' );
file_put_contents ( 'types/int.md' , ' ## Type: int
A 32 bit signed integer ranging from - 2147483647 to 2147483647. ' );
file_put_contents ( 'types/long.md' , ' ## Type: long
A 64 bit signed integer ranging from - 9223372036854775807 to 9223372036854775807. ' );
file_put_contents ( 'types/double.md' , ' ## Type: double
A double precision number , single precision can also be used ( float ) . ' );
file_put_contents ( 'types/!X.md' , ' ## Type: !X
Represents a TL serialized payload . ' );
file_put_contents ( 'types/X.md' , ' ## Type: X
Represents a TL serialized payload . ' );
\danog\MadelineProto\Logger :: log ( 'Generating types index...' );
file_put_contents ( 'types/index.md' , ' # Types
2016-12-19 17:13:16 +01:00
' . $index );
2016-12-19 16:56:52 +01:00
2016-12-19 17:48:27 +01:00
file_put_contents ( 'constructors/boolFalse.md' , ' # boolFalse
Represents boolean with value equal to `false` . ' );
file_put_contents ( 'constructors/boolTrue.md' , ' # boolTrue
Represents boolean with value equal to `true` . ' );
2016-12-19 16:56:52 +01:00
\danog\MadelineProto\Logger :: log ( 'Done!' );