<br><br>* <ahref="addChatMember.html"name="addChatMember">Adds new member to chat. Members can't be added to private or secret chats. Member will not be added until chat state will be synchronized with the server</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="addChatMembers.html"name="addChatMembers">Adds many new members to the chat. Currently, available only for channels. Can't be used to join the channel. Members can't be added to broadcast channel if it has more than 200 members. Members will not be added until chat state will be synchronized with the server</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="addFavoriteSticker.html"name="addFavoriteSticker">Adds new sticker to the list of favorite stickers. New sticker is added to the beginning of the list. If the sticker is already in the list, at first it is removed from the list. Only stickers belonging to a sticker set can be added to the list</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="addNetworkStatistics.html"name="addNetworkStatistics">Adds specified data to data usage statistics. Can be called before authorization</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="addRecentSticker.html"name="addRecentSticker">Manually adds new sticker to the list of recently used stickers. New sticker is added to the beginning of the list. If the sticker is already in the list, at first it is removed from the list. Only stickers belonging to a sticker set can be added to the list</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="addRecentlyFoundChat.html"name="addRecentlyFoundChat">Adds chat to the list of recently found chats. The chat is added to the beginning of the list. If the chat is already in the list, at first it is removed from the list</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="addSavedAnimation.html"name="addSavedAnimation">Manually adds new animation to the list of saved animations. New animation is added to the beginning of the list. If the animation is already in the list, at first it is removed from the list. Only non-secret video animations with MIME type "video/mp4" can be added to the list</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="cancelUploadFile.html"name="cancelUploadFile">Stops file uploading. Works only for files uploaded using uploadFile. For other files the behavior is undefined</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="changeAccountTtl.html"name="changeAccountTtl">Changes period of inactivity, after which the account of currently logged in user will be automatically deleted</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="changeChannelDescription.html"name="changeChannelDescription">Changes information about the channel. Needs appropriate rights in the channel</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="changeChatMemberStatus.html"name="changeChatMemberStatus">Changes status of the chat member, need appropriate privileges. This function is currently not suitable for adding new members to the chat, use addChatMember instead. Status will not be changed until chat state will be synchronized with the server</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="changeChatPhoto.html"name="changeChatPhoto">Changes chat photo. Works only for group and channel chats. Requires administrator rights in groups and appropriate administrator right in channels. Photo will not change before request to the server completes</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="changeChatReportSpamState.html"name="changeChatReportSpamState">Reports chat as a spam chat or as not a spam chat. Can be used only if ChatReportSpamState.can_report_spam is true. After this request ChatReportSpamState.can_report_spam became false forever</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="changeChatTitle.html"name="changeChatTitle">Changes chat title. Works only for group and channel chats. Requires administrator rights in groups and appropriate administrator right in channels. Title will not change before request to the server completes</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="changePhoneNumber.html"name="changePhoneNumber">Changes user's phone number and sends authentication code to the new user's phone number. Returns authStateWaitCode with information about sent code on success</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="checkAuthBotToken.html"name="checkAuthBotToken">Check bot's authentication token to log in as a bot. Works only when getAuthState returns authStateWaitPhoneNumber. Can be used instead of setAuthPhoneNumber and checkAuthCode to log in. Returns authStateOk on success</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="checkAuthCode.html"name="checkAuthCode">Checks authentication code. Works only when getAuthState returns authStateWaitCode. Returns authStateWaitPassword or authStateOk on success</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="checkAuthPassword.html"name="checkAuthPassword">Checks password for correctness. Works only when getAuthState returns authStateWaitPassword. Returns authStateOk on success</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="checkChangePhoneNumberCode.html"name="checkChangePhoneNumberCode">Checks authentication code sent to change user's phone number. Returns authStateOk on success</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="checkChatInviteLink.html"name="checkChatInviteLink">Checks chat invite link for validness and returns information about the corresponding chat</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="createNewChannelChat.html"name="createNewChannelChat">Creates new channel chat and send corresponding messageChannelChatCreate, returns created chat</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="createNewGroupChat.html"name="createNewGroupChat">Creates new group chat and send corresponding messageGroupChatCreate, returns created chat</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="deleteAccount.html"name="deleteAccount">Deletes the account of currently logged in user, deleting from the server all information associated with it. Account's phone number can be used to create new account, but only once in two weeks</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="deleteChannel.html"name="deleteChannel">Deletes channel along with all messages in corresponding chat. Releases channel username and removes all members. Needs creator privileges in the channel. Channels with more than 1000 members can't be deleted</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="deleteChatReplyMarkup.html"name="deleteChatReplyMarkup">Deletes default reply markup from chat. This method needs to be called after one-time keyboard or ForceReply reply markup has been used. UpdateChatReplyMarkup will be send if reply markup will be changed</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="deleteMessagesFromUser.html"name="deleteMessagesFromUser">Deletes all messages in the chat sent by the specified user. Works only in supergroup channel chats, needs can_delete_messages administrator privileges</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="deleteStickerFromSet.html"name="deleteStickerFromSet">Bots only. Deletes a sticker from the set it belongs to. Sticker set should be created by the bot</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="deleteTopChat.html"name="deleteTopChat">Delete a chat from a list of frequently used chats. Supported only if chat info database is enabled</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="downloadFile.html"name="downloadFile">Asynchronously downloads file from cloud. Updates updateFile will notify about download progress and successful download</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="editInlineMessageReplyMarkup.html"name="editInlineMessageReplyMarkup">Bots only. Edits reply markup of an inline message sent via bot</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="editMessageCaption.html"name="editMessageCaption">Edits message content caption. Non-bots can edit message in a limited period of time. Returns edited message after edit is complete server side</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="editMessageText.html"name="editMessageText">Edits text of text or game message. Non-bots can edit message in a limited period of time. Returns edited message after edit is complete server side</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="exportChatInviteLink.html"name="exportChatInviteLink">Generates new chat invite link, previously generated link is revoked. Available for group and channel chats. In groups can be called only by creator, in channels requires appropriate rights</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="forwardMessages.html"name="forwardMessages">Forwards previously sent messages. Returns forwarded messages in the same order as message identifiers passed in message_ids. If message can't be forwarded, null will be returned instead of the message</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="getAccountTtl.html"name="getAccountTtl">Returns period of inactivity, after which the account of currently logged in user will be automatically deleted</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="getAttachedStickerSets.html"name="getAttachedStickerSets">Returns list of sticker sets attached to a file, currently only photos and videos can have attached sticker sets</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="getCallbackQueryAnswer.html"name="getCallbackQueryAnswer">Sends callback query to a bot and returns answer to it. Returns error with code 502 if bot fails to answer the query before query timeout expires. Unavailable for bots</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="getChannel.html"name="getChannel">Returns information about a channel by its identifier, offline request if current user is not a bot</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="getChannelFull.html"name="getChannelFull">Returns full information about a channel by its identifier, cached for at most 1 minute</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="getChannelMembers.html"name="getChannelMembers">Returns information about channel members or banned users. Can be used only if channel_full->can_get_members == true. Administrator privileges may be additionally needed for some filters</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="getChatEventLog.html"name="getChatEventLog">Returns list of service actions taken by chat members and administrators in the last 48 hours, available only in channels. Requires administrator rights. Returns result in reverse chronological order, i. e. in order of decreasing event_id</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="getChatHistory.html"name="getChatHistory">Returns messages in a chat. Returns result in reverse chronological order, i.e. in order of decreasing message.message_id. Offline request if only_local is true</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="getChats.html"name="getChats">Returns list of chats in the right order, chats are sorted by (order, chat_id) in decreasing order. For example, to get list of chats from the beginning, the offset_order should be equal 2^63 - 1</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="getCommonChats.html"name="getCommonChats">Returns list of common chats with an other given user. Chats are sorted by their type and creation date</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="getFileExtension.html"name="getFileExtension">Returns file's extension guessing only by its mime type. Returns empty string on failure. Offline method. Can be called before authorization. Can be called synchronously</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="getFileMimeType.html"name="getFileMimeType">Returns file's mime type guessing only by its extension. Returns empty string on failure. Offline method. Can be called before authorization. Can be called synchronously</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="getFilePersistent.html"name="getFilePersistent">Returns information about a file by its persistent id, offline request. May be used to register a URL as a file for further uploading or sending as message</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="getGameHighScores.html"name="getGameHighScores">Bots only. Returns game high scores and some part of the score table around of the specified user in the game</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="getInlineGameHighScores.html"name="getInlineGameHighScores">Bots only. Returns game high scores and some part of the score table around of the specified user in the game</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="getInlineQueryResults.html"name="getInlineQueryResults">Sends inline query to a bot and returns its results. Returns error with code 502 if bot fails to answer the query before query timeout expires. Unavailable for bots</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="getMessages.html"name="getMessages">Returns information about messages. If message is not found, returns null on the corresponding position of the result</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="getOption.html"name="getOption">Returns value of an option by its name. See list of available options on https: core.telegram.org/tdlib/options. Can be called before authorization</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="getPaymentForm.html"name="getPaymentForm">Returns invoice payment form. The method should be called when user presses inlineKeyboardButtonBuy</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="getPublicMessageLink.html"name="getPublicMessageLink">Returns public HTTPS link to a message. Available only for messages in public channels</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="getRecoveryEmail.html"name="getRecoveryEmail">Returns set up recovery email. This method can be used to verify a password provided by the user</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="getStickers.html"name="getStickers">Returns stickers from installed ordinary sticker sets corresponding to the given emoji. If emoji is not empty, elso favorite and recently used stickers may be returned</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="getTextEntities.html"name="getTextEntities">Returns all mentions, hashtags, bot commands, URLs and emails contained in the text. Offline method. Can be called before authorization. Can be called synchronously</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="getUserProfilePhotos.html"name="getUserProfilePhotos">Returns profile photos of the user. Result of this query may be outdated: some photos may be already deleted</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="getWebPageInstantView.html"name="getWebPageInstantView">Returns web page instant view if available. Returns error 404 if web page has no instant view</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="getWebPagePreview.html"name="getWebPagePreview">Returns web page preview by text of the message. Do not call this function to often. Returns error 404 if web page has no preview</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="importChatInviteLink.html"name="importChatInviteLink">Imports chat invite link, adds current user to a chat if possible. Member will not be added until chat state will be synchronized with the server</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="migrateGroupChatToChannelChat.html"name="migrateGroupChatToChannelChat">Creates new channel supergroup chat from existing group chat and send corresponding messageChatMigrateTo and messageChatMigrateFrom. Deactivates group</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="openChat.html"name="openChat">Chat is opened by the user. Many useful activities depends on chat being opened or closed. For example, in channels all updates are received only for opened chats</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="openMessageContent.html"name="openMessageContent">Message content is opened, for example the user has opened a photo, a video, a document, a location or a venue or have listened to an audio or a voice message. You will receive updateOpenMessageContent if something has changed</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="optimizeStorage.html"name="optimizeStorage">Optimizes storage usage, i.e. deletes some files and return new storage usage statistics. Secret thumbnails can't be deleted</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="pinChannelMessage.html"name="pinChannelMessage">Pins a message in a supergroup channel chat. Needs appropriate rights in the channel</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="recoverAuthPassword.html"name="recoverAuthPassword">Recovers password with recovery code sent to email. Works only when getAuthState returns authStateWaitPassword. Returns authStateOk on success</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="reportChat.html"name="reportChat">Reports chat to Telegram moderators. Can be used only for a channel chat or a private chat with a bot, because all other chats can't be checked by moderators</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="requestAuthPasswordRecovery.html"name="requestAuthPasswordRecovery">Requests to send password recovery code to email. Works only when getAuthState returns authStateWaitPassword. Returns authStateWaitPassword on success</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="resendAuthCode.html"name="resendAuthCode">Resends authentication code to the user. Works only when getAuthState returns authStateWaitCode and next_code_type of result is not null. Returns authStateWaitCode on success</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="resendChangePhoneNumberCode.html"name="resendChangePhoneNumberCode">Resends authentication code sent to change user's phone number. Wotks only if in previously received authStateWaitCode next_code_type was not null. Returns authStateWaitCode on success</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="resetAllNotificationSettings.html"name="resetAllNotificationSettings">Resets all notification settings to the default value. By default the only muted chats are supergroups, sound is set to 'default' and message previews are showed</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="resetAuth.html"name="resetAuth">Logs out user. If force == false, begins to perform soft log out, returns authStateLoggingOut after completion. If force == true then succeeds almost immediately without cleaning anything at the server, but returns error with code 401 and description "Unauthorized"</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="resetNetworkStatistics.html"name="resetNetworkStatistics">Resets all network data usage statistics to zero. Can be called before authorization</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="searchCallMessages.html"name="searchCallMessages">Searches for call messages. Returns result in reverse chronological order, i. e. in order of decreasing message_id</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="searchChatMembers.html"name="searchChatMembers">Searches for the specified query in the first name, last name and username among members of the specified chat. Requires administrator rights in broadcast channels</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="searchChatMessages.html"name="searchChatMessages">Searches for messages with given words in the chat. Returns result in reverse chronological order, i. e. in order of decreasing message_id. Doesn't work in secret chats with non-empty query (searchSecretMessages should be used instead) or without enabled message database</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="searchChats.html"name="searchChats">Searches for specified query in the title and username of known chats, offline request. Returns chats in the order of them in the chat list</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="searchContacts.html"name="searchContacts">Searches for specified query in the first name, last name and username of the known user contacts</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="searchMessages.html"name="searchMessages">Searches for messages in all chats except secret chats. Returns result in reverse chronological order, i. e. in order of decreasing (date, chat_id, message_id)</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="searchPublicChat.html"name="searchPublicChat">Searches public chat by its username. Currently only private and channel chats can be public. Returns chat if found, otherwise some error is returned</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="searchPublicChats.html"name="searchPublicChats">Searches public chats by prefix of their username. Currently only private and channel (including supergroup) chats can be public. Returns meaningful number of results. Returns nothing if length of the searched username prefix is less than 5. Excludes private chats with contacts from the results</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="searchSecretMessages.html"name="searchSecretMessages">Searches for messages in secret chats. Returns result in reverse chronological order</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="sendBotStartMessage.html"name="sendBotStartMessage">Invites bot to a chat (if it is not in the chat) and send /start to it. Bot can't be invited to a private chat other than chat with the bot. Bots can't be invited to broadcast channel chats and secret chats. Returns sent message</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="sendChatScreenshotTakenNotification.html"name="sendChatScreenshotTakenNotification">Sends notification about screenshot taken in a chat. Works only in private and secret chats</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="sendChatSetTtlMessage.html"name="sendChatSetTtlMessage">Changes current ttl setting in a secret chat and sends corresponding message</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="sendInlineQueryResultMessage.html"name="sendInlineQueryResultMessage">Sends result of the inline query as a message. Returns sent message. Always clears chat draft message</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="setAuthPhoneNumber.html"name="setAuthPhoneNumber">Sets user's phone number and sends authentication code to the user. Works only when getAuthState returns authStateWaitPhoneNumber. If phone number is not recognized or another error has happened, returns an error. Otherwise returns authStateWaitCode</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="setBotUpdatesStatus.html"name="setBotUpdatesStatus">Bots only. Informs server about number of pending bot updates if they aren't processed for a long time</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="setChannelStickerSet.html"name="setChannelStickerSet">Changes sticker set of the channel. Needs appropriate rights in the channel</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="setNetworkType.html"name="setNetworkType">Sets current network type. Can be called before authorization. Call to this method forces reopening of all network connections mitigating delay in switching between different networks, so it should be called whenever network is changed even network type remains the same. -Network type is used to check if library can use network at all and for collecting detailed network data usage statistics</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="setOption.html"name="setOption">Sets value of an option. See list of available options on https: core.telegram.org/tdlib/options. Only writable options can be set. Can be called before authorization</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="setPassword.html"name="setPassword">Changes user password. If new recovery email is specified, then error EMAIL_UNCONFIRMED is returned and password change will not be applied until email confirmation. Application should call getPasswordState from time to time to check if email is already confirmed</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="setProfilePhoto.html"name="setProfilePhoto">Uploads new profile photo for logged in user. If something changes, updateUser will be sent</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="setRecoveryEmail.html"name="setRecoveryEmail">Changes user recovery email. If new recovery email is specified, then error EMAIL_UNCONFIRMED is returned and email will not be changed until email confirmation. Application should call getPasswordState from time to time to check if email is already confirmed. -If new_recovery_email coincides with the current set up email succeeds immediately and aborts all other requests waiting for email confirmation</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="setStickerPositionInSet.html"name="setStickerPositionInSet">Bots only. Changes position of a sticker in the set it belongs to. Sticker set should be created by the bot</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="testCallVectorIntObject.html"name="testCallVectorIntObject">Test request. Returns back received vector of objects containing a number</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="testCallVectorStringObject.html"name="testCallVectorStringObject">Test request. Returns back received vector of objects containing a string</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="toggleChannelInvites.html"name="toggleChannelInvites">Gives or revokes right to invite new members to all current members of the channel. Needs appropriate rights in the channel. Available only for supergroups</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="toggleChannelSignMessages.html"name="toggleChannelSignMessages">Enables or disables sender signature on sent messages in the channel. Needs appropriate rights in the channel. Not available for supergroups</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="toggleChatIsPinned.html"name="toggleChatIsPinned">Changes chat pinned state. You can pin up to getOption("pinned_chat_count_max") non-secret chats and the same number of secret chats</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="toggleGroupAdministrators.html"name="toggleGroupAdministrators">Gives or revokes all members of the group administrator rights. Needs creator privileges in the group</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="unpinChannelMessage.html"name="unpinChannelMessage">Removes pinned message in the supergroup channel. Needs appropriate rights in the channel</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="uploadFile.html"name="uploadFile">Asynchronously uploads file to the cloud without sending it in a message. Updates updateFile will notify about upload progress and successful upload. The file will not have persistent identifier until it will be sent in a message</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="validateOrderInfo.html"name="validateOrderInfo">Validates order information provided by the user and returns available shipping options for flexible invoice</a>
<br><br>* <ahref="viewMessages.html"name="viewMessages">Messages are viewed by the user. Many useful activities depends on message being viewed. For example, marking messages as read, incrementing of view counter, updating of view counter, removing of deleted messages in channels</a>