Add missing files

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Daniil Gentili 2019-05-11 04:22:32 +02:00
parent 1cb0378a16
commit 405df0a693

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@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
// Based on AMPHP's default socket pool
namespace danog\MadelineProto;
use Amp\CancellationToken;
use Amp\CancelledException;
use Amp\Failure;
use Amp\Loop;
use Amp\Promise;
use Amp\Struct;
use Amp\Success;
use Amp\Socket\SocketPool;
use function Amp\call;
use Amp\Socket\ClientConnectContext;
use Amp\Socket\ClientSocket;
use League\Uri;
class ProxySocketPool implements SocketPool
use Tools;
'tcp' => null,
'udp' => null,
'unix' => null,
'udg' => null,
private $sockets = [];
private $socketIdUriMap = [];
private $pendingCount = [];
private $idleTimeout;
private $socketContext;
private $dataCenter;
public function __construct(DataCenter $dataCenter, int $idleTimeout = 10000, ClientConnectContext $socketContext = null)
$this->idleTimeout = $idleTimeout;
$this->socketContext = $socketContext ?? new ClientConnectContext;
$this->dataCenter = $dataCenter;
* @param string $uri
* @return string
* @throws SocketException
private function normalizeUri(string $uri): string
if (\stripos($uri, 'unix://') === 0) {
return $uri;
try {
$parts = Uri\parse($uri);
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
throw new SocketException("Could not parse URI", 0, $exception);
if ($parts['scheme'] === null) {
throw new SocketException("Invalid URI for socket pool; no scheme given");
$port = $parts['port'] ?? 0;
if ($parts['host'] === null || $port === 0) {
throw new SocketException("Invalid URI for socket pool; missing host or port");
$scheme = \strtolower($parts['scheme']);
$host = \strtolower($parts['host']);
if (!\array_key_exists($scheme, self::ALLOWED_SCHEMES)) {
throw new SocketException(\sprintf(
"Invalid URI for socket pool; '%s' scheme not allowed - scheme must be one of %s",
\implode(', ', \array_keys(self::ALLOWED_SCHEMES))
if ($parts['query'] !== null || $parts['fragment'] !== null) {
throw new SocketException("Invalid URI for socket pool; query or fragment components not allowed");
if ($parts['path'] !== '') {
throw new SocketException("Invalid URI for socket pool; path component must be empty");
if ($parts['user'] !== null) {
throw new SocketException("Invalid URI for socket pool; user component not allowed");
return $scheme.'://'.$host.':'.$port;
/** @inheritdoc */
public function checkout(string $uri, CancellationToken $token = null): Promise
// A request might already be cancelled before we reach the checkout, so do not even attempt to checkout in that
// case. The weird logic is required to throw the token's exception instead of creating a new one.
if ($token && $token->isRequested()) {
try {
} catch (CancelledException $e) {
return new Failure($e);
$uri = $this->normalizeUri($uri);
if (empty($this->sockets[$uri])) {
return $this->checkoutNewSocket($uri, $token);
foreach ($this->sockets[$uri] as $socketId => $socket) {
if (!$socket->isAvailable) {
if (!\is_resource($socket->resource) || \feof($socket->resource)) {
$this->clearFromId((int) $socket->resource);
$socket->isAvailable = false;
if ($socket->idleWatcher !== null) {
return new Success(new ClientSocket($socket->resource));
return $this->checkoutNewSocket($uri, $token);
private function checkoutNewSocket(string $uri, CancellationToken $token = null): Promise
return call(function () use ($uri, $token) {
$this->pendingCount[$uri] = ($this->pendingCount[$uri] ?? 0) + 1;
try {
/** @var ClientSocket $rawSocket */
$rawSocket = yield $this->call($this->dataCenter->rawConnectAsync($uri, $token, $this->socketContext));
} finally {
if (--$this->pendingCount[$uri] === 0) {
$socketId = (int) $rawSocket->getResource();
$socket = new class
use Struct;
public $id;
public $uri;
public $resource;
public $isAvailable;
public $idleWatcher;
$socket->id = $socketId;
$socket->uri = $uri;
$socket->resource = $rawSocket->getResource();
$socket->isAvailable = false;
$this->sockets[$uri][$socketId] = $socket;
$this->socketIdUriMap[$socketId] = $uri;
return $rawSocket;
/** @inheritdoc */
public function clear(ClientSocket $socket): void
$this->clearFromId((int) $socket->getResource());
* @param int $socketId
private function clearFromId(int $socketId): void
if (!isset($this->socketIdUriMap[$socketId])) {
throw new \Error(
\sprintf('Unknown socket: %d', $socketId)
$uri = $this->socketIdUriMap[$socketId];
$socket = $this->sockets[$uri][$socketId];
if ($socket->idleWatcher) {
if (empty($this->sockets[$uri])) {
/** @inheritdoc */
public function checkin(ClientSocket $socket): void
$socketId = (int) $socket->getResource();
if (!isset($this->socketIdUriMap[$socketId])) {
throw new \Error(
\sprintf('Unknown socket: %d', $socketId)
$uri = $this->socketIdUriMap[$socketId];
$resource = $socket->getResource();
if (!\is_resource($resource) || \feof($resource)) {
$this->clearFromId((int) $resource);
$socket = $this->sockets[$uri][$socketId];
$socket->isAvailable = true;
if (isset($socket->idleWatcher)) {
} else {
$socket->idleWatcher = Loop::delay($this->idleTimeout, function () use ($socket) {
$this->clearFromId((int) $socket->resource);