Adapted the current to work also with python2.7

This sets a 'way of working' on py3 to make it work on both versions (i think)
This commit is contained in:
Sammy Pfeiffer 2015-03-12 22:42:24 +01:00
parent 4557b23a3d
commit 65683a1686
2 changed files with 64 additions and 19 deletions

View File

@ -3,20 +3,26 @@
Created on Tue Sep 2 19:26:15 2014
@author: agrigoryev
@author: Sammy Pfeiffer
from binascii import crc32
from binascii import crc32 as originalcrc32
def crc32(data):
return originalcrc32(data) & 0xffffffff
from datetime import datetime
from time import time
import io
import json
import socket
import struct
def vis(bs):
Function to visualize byte streams. Split into bytes, print to console.
:param bs: BYTE STRING
bs = bytearray(bs)
symbols_in_one_line = 8
n = len(bs) // symbols_in_one_line
for i in range(n):
@ -108,12 +114,14 @@ def serialize_param(bytes_io, type_, value):
elif type_ == 'string' or 'bytes':
l = len(value)
if l < 254: # short string format
bytes_io.write(int.to_bytes(l, 1, 'little')) # 1 byte of string
bytes_io.write(struct.pack('<b', l)) # 1 byte of string
#bytes_io.write(int.to_bytes(l, 1, 'little')) # 1 byte of string
bytes_io.write(value) # string
bytes_io.write(b'\x00'*((-l-1) % 4)) # padding bytes
bytes_io.write(b'\xfe') # byte 254
bytes_io.write(int.to_bytes(l, 3, 'little')) # 3 bytes of string
bytes_io.write(struct.pack('<i', l)) # 3 bytes of string
#bytes_io.write(int.to_bytes(l, 3, 'little')) # 3 bytes of string
bytes_io.write(value) # string
bytes_io.write(b'\x00'*(-l % 4)) # padding bytes
@ -131,11 +139,11 @@ def deserialize(bytes_io, type_=None, subtype=None):
elif type_ == 'int128': x =
elif type_ == 'int256': x =
elif type_ == 'string' or type_ == 'bytes':
l = int.from_bytes(, 'little')
l = struct.unpack('<b',[0]
assert l <= 254
if l == 254:
# We have a long string
long_len = int.from_bytes(, 'little')
long_len = struct.unpack('<l',[0]
x = % 4) # skip padding bytes
@ -145,7 +153,8 @@ def deserialize(bytes_io, type_=None, subtype=None):
assert isinstance(x, bytes)
elif type_ == 'vector':
assert subtype is not None
count = int.from_bytes(, 'little')
count = struct.unpack('<l',[0]
print("count is: " + str(count))
x = [deserialize(bytes_io, type_=subtype) for i in range(count)]
# Boxed types
@ -185,7 +194,11 @@ class Session:
# Basic instructions:
# Message id:
msg_id = int(datetime.utcnow().timestamp()*2**30)*4
# to make it work in py2 and py3 (py3 has the timestamp() method but py2 doesnt)
curr_timestamp = (datetime.utcfromtimestamp(time()) - datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds()
msg_id = int(curr_timestamp*2**30)*4
#msg_id = int(datetime.utcnow().timestamp()*2**30)*4
return (b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' +
struct.pack('<Q', msg_id) +
@ -226,17 +239,35 @@ class Session:
(self.number, auth_key_id, message_id, message_length)= struct.unpack("<L8s8sI", packet[0:24])
data = packet[24:24+message_length]
crc = packet[-4:]
# print("crc is: " + str(crc))
# print("type of crc: " + str(type(crc)))
# print("crc.__repr__(): " + crc.__repr__())
# print("struct.unpack('<L', crc): (next line)")
# print(struct.unpack('<L', crc))
# print("crc32(packet_length_data + packet[0:-4]): " + str(crc32(packet_length_data + packet[0:-4])))
# print("crc32(packet_length_data + packet[0:-4]).__repr__(): " + crc32(packet_length_data + packet[0:-4]).__repr__())
# Checking the CRC32 correctness of received data
if crc32(packet_length_data + packet[0:-4]).to_bytes(4, 'little') == crc:
if crc32(packet_length_data + packet[0:-4]) == struct.unpack('<L', crc)[0]:
vis(data) # Received message visualisation to console
return data
print("CRC32 was not correct!")
print("Nothing in the socket!")
def method_call(self, method, **kwargs):
serialize_method(z, method, **kwargs)
# z.getvalue() on py2.7 returns str, which means bytes
# on py3.4 returns bytes
# bytearray is closer to the same data type to be shared
z_val = bytearray(z.getvalue())
# print("z_val: " + z_val.__repr__())
# print("z_val type: " + str(type(z_val)))
# print("len of z_val: " + str(len(z_val)))
server_answer = self.recv_message()
if server_answer is not None:
return deserialize(io.BytesIO(server_answer))

View File

@ -1,15 +1,24 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import mtproto
import os, io
import os
import io
import prime
import struct
# Deal with py2 and py3 differences
import configparser
except ImportError:
import ConfigParser as configparser
from Crypto.Hash import SHA
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
config = configparser.ConfigParser()'credentials')
ip = config['App data']['ip_address']
port = config['App data'].getint('port')
# Check if credentials is correctly loaded (when it doesn't read anything it returns [])
if not'credentials'):
print("File 'credentials' seems to not exist.")
ip = config.get('App data', 'ip_address')
port = config.getint('App data', 'port')
Session = mtproto.Session(ip, port)
client_nonce = os.urandom(16)
@ -19,16 +28,21 @@ server_nonce = x['server_nonce']
public_key_fingerprint = x['server_public_key_fingerprints'][0]
PQ_bytes = x['pq']
PQ = int.from_bytes(PQ_bytes, 'big')
# doing len(PQ_bytes) I saw it was 8 bytes, so we unpack with Q
# as in the docs:
PQ = struct.unpack('>q', PQ_bytes)[0]
[p, q] = prime.primefactors(PQ)
if p > q: (p, q) = (q, p)
assert p*q == PQ and p < q
print("PQ = %d\np = %d, q = %d" % (PQ, p, q))
P_bytes = int.to_bytes(p, p.bit_length()//8+1, 'big')
Q_bytes = int.to_bytes(q, q.bit_length()//8+1, 'big')
P_bytes = struct.pack('>i', p)
Q_bytes = struct.pack('>i', q)
# print("p.bit_length()//8+1: " + str(p.bit_length()//8+1)) # 4
# print("q.bit_length()//8+1: " + str(q.bit_length()//8+1)) # 4
# P_bytes = int.to_bytes(p, p.bit_length()//8+1, 'big')
# Q_bytes = int.to_bytes(q, q.bit_length()//8+1, 'big')
f = open('', 'r')
key = RSA.importKey(