Basic 105 docs
This commit is contained in:
@ -214,6 +214,7 @@ Tip: if you receive an error (or nothing), [send us](
* <a href="" name="account_getContactSignUpNotification">Contact signup notification setting value: account.getContactSignUpNotification</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_migrateChat">Convert chat to supergroup: messages.migrateChat</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_createChat">Create a chat (not supergroup): messages.createChat</a>
* <a href="" name="account_createTheme">Create a theme: account.createTheme</a>
* <a href="" name="channels_createChannel">Create channel/supergroup: channels.createChannel</a>
* <a href="" name="stickers_createStickerSet">Create stickerset: stickers.createStickerSet</a>
* <a href="" name="account_resetAuthorization">Delete a certain session: account.resetAuthorization</a>
@ -342,6 +343,7 @@ Tip: if you receive an error (or nothing), [send us](
* <a href="" name="channels_exportMessageLink">Get the link of a message in a channel: channels.exportMessageLink</a>
* <a href="" name="photos_getUserPhotos">Get the profile photos of a user: photos.getUserPhotos</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getPeerSettings">Get the settings of apeer: messages.getPeerSettings</a>
* <a href="" name="account_getTheme">Get theme information: account.getTheme</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getUnreadMentions">Get unread mentions: messages.getUnreadMentions</a>
* <a href="" name="help_getTermsOfServiceUpdate">Get updated TOS: help.getTermsOfServiceUpdate</a>
* <a href="" name="help_getUserInfo">Get user info: help.getUserInfo</a>
@ -353,6 +355,7 @@ Tip: if you receive an error (or nothing), [send us](
* <a href="" name="messages_hidePeerSettingsBar">Hide peer settings bar: messages.hidePeerSettingsBar</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_importChatInvite">Import chat invite: messages.importChatInvite</a>
* <a href="" name="initConnection">Initializes connection and save information on the user's device and application.: initConnection</a>
* <a href="" name="account_installTheme">Install theme: account.installTheme</a>
* <a href="" name="account_installWallPaper">Install wallpaper: account.installWallPaper</a>
* <a href="" name="auth_cancelCode">Invalidate sent phone code: auth.cancelCode</a>
* <a href="" name="invokeWithTakeout">Invoke method from takeout session: invokeWithTakeout</a>
@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ $docs = [
'readme' => false,
'tl_schema' => ['telegram' => __DIR__.'/src/danog/MadelineProto/', 'calls' => __DIR__.'/src/danog/MadelineProto/', 'secret' => __DIR__.'/src/danog/MadelineProto/', 'td' => __DIR__.'/src/danog/MadelineProto/'],
'title' => 'MadelineProto API documentation (layer 104)',
'description' => 'MadelineProto API documentation (layer 104)',
'tl_schema' => ['telegram' => __DIR__.'/src/danog/MadelineProto/', 'calls' => __DIR__.'/src/danog/MadelineProto/', 'secret' => __DIR__.'/src/danog/MadelineProto/', 'td' => __DIR__.'/src/danog/MadelineProto/'],
'title' => 'MadelineProto API documentation (layer 105)',
'description' => 'MadelineProto API documentation (layer 105)',
'output_dir' => __DIR__.'/docs/docs/API_docs',
'readme' => false,
@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ trait Methods
if (isset($this->td_descriptions['methods'][$data['method']]))
$this->human_docs_methods[$this->td_descriptions['methods'][$data['method']]['description'].': '.$data['method']] = '* <a href="'.$method.'.html" name="'.$method.'">'.$this->td_descriptions['methods'][$data['method']]['description'].': '.$data['method'].'</a>
@ -641,6 +641,84 @@ interface account
* @return bool
public function saveAutoDownloadSettings(array $params);
* @param array params [
* InputFile file,
* InputFile thumb,
* string file_name,
* string mime_type,
* ]
* @return Document
public function uploadTheme(array $params);
* @param array params [
* string slug,
* string title,
* InputDocument document,
* ]
* @return Theme
public function createTheme(array $params);
* @param array params [
* string format,
* InputTheme theme,
* string slug,
* string title,
* InputDocument document,
* ]
* @return Theme
public function updateTheme(array $params);
* @param array params [
* InputTheme theme,
* Bool unsave,
* ]
* @return bool
public function saveTheme(array $params);
* @param array params [
* boolean dark,
* string format,
* InputTheme theme,
* ]
* @return bool
public function installTheme(array $params);
* @param array params [
* string format,
* InputTheme theme,
* long document_id,
* ]
* @return Theme
public function getTheme(array $params);
* @param array params [
* string format,
* int hash,
* ]
* @return account_Themes
public function getThemes(array $params);
interface users
@ -977,6 +1055,7 @@ interface messages
* string message,
* ReplyMarkup reply_markup,
* MessageEntity entities,
* int schedule_date,
* ]
* @return Updates
@ -994,6 +1073,7 @@ interface messages
* string message,
* ReplyMarkup reply_markup,
* MessageEntity entities,
* int schedule_date,
* ]
* @return Updates
@ -1009,6 +1089,7 @@ interface messages
* InputPeer from_peer,
* int id,
* InputPeer to_peer,
* int schedule_date,
* ]
* @return Updates
@ -1459,6 +1540,7 @@ interface messages
* int reply_to_msg_id,
* long query_id,
* string id,
* int schedule_date,
* ]
* @return Updates
@ -1484,6 +1566,7 @@ interface messages
* InputMedia media,
* ReplyMarkup reply_markup,
* MessageEntity entities,
* int schedule_date,
* ]
* @return Updates
@ -1844,6 +1927,7 @@ interface messages
* InputPeer peer,
* int reply_to_msg_id,
* InputSingleMedia multi_media,
* int schedule_date,
* ]
* @return Updates
@ -2046,6 +2130,46 @@ interface messages
* @return bool
public function hidePeerSettingsBar(array $params);
* @param array params [
* InputPeer peer,
* int hash,
* ]
* @return messages_Messages
public function getScheduledHistory(array $params);
* @param array params [
* InputPeer peer,
* int id,
* ]
* @return messages_Messages
public function getScheduledMessages(array $params);
* @param array params [
* InputPeer peer,
* int id,
* ]
* @return Updates
public function sendScheduledMessages(array $params);
* @param array params [
* InputPeer peer,
* int id,
* ]
* @return Updates
public function deleteScheduledMessages(array $params);
interface updates
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Lang module.
* Lang module
* This file is part of MadelineProto.
* MadelineProto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ namespace danog\MadelineProto;
class Lang
public static $lang = [
'it' =>
public static $lang = array (
'it' =>
array (
'phpseclib_fork' => 'Per favore installa questo fork di phpseclib:',
'inst_dc' => 'Istanziamento dei DataCenter...',
'load_rsa' => 'Caricamento delle chiavi RSA...',
@ -161,9 +161,9 @@ class Lang
'done' => 'Fatto!',
'cdn_reupload' => 'Il file non è disponibile sul nostro CDN, richiedo la copia!',
'stored_on_cdn' => 'Il file è scaricabile tramite CDN!',
'en' =>
'en' =>
array (
'req_pq' => 'Requesting pq...',
'done' => 'Done!',
'cdn_reupload' => 'File is not stored on CDN, requesting reupload!',
@ -5157,11 +5157,97 @@ class Lang
'object_channelAdminLogEventActionToggleSlowMode_param_new_value_type_int' => 'New value',
'object_codeSettings_param_allow_app_hash_type_true' => 'Whether to allow a persistent app hash',
'object_channelFull_param_slowmode_next_send_date_type_int' => ' Indicates when the user will be allowed to send another message in the supergroup (unixdate)',
'method_account.uploadTheme' => 'Upload theme',
'method_account.uploadTheme_param_file_type_InputFile' => 'File',
'method_account.uploadTheme_param_thumb_type_InputFile' => 'Thumb',
'method_account.uploadTheme_param_file_name_type_string' => 'File name',
'method_account.uploadTheme_param_mime_type_type_string' => 'Mime type',
'method_account.createTheme' => 'Create a theme',
'method_account.createTheme_param_slug_type_string' => 'Unique theme ID',
'method_account.createTheme_param_title_type_string' => 'Theme name',
'method_account.createTheme_param_document_type_InputDocument' => 'Theme file',
'method_account.updateTheme' => 'Update theme',
'method_account.updateTheme_param_format_type_string' => 'Theme format, a string that identifies the theming engines supported by the client',
'method_account.updateTheme_param_theme_type_InputTheme' => 'Theme to update',
'method_account.updateTheme_param_slug_type_string' => 'Unique theme ID',
'method_account.updateTheme_param_title_type_string' => 'Theme name',
'method_account.updateTheme_param_document_type_InputDocument' => 'Theme file',
'method_account.saveTheme_param_theme_type_InputTheme' => 'Theme to save',
'method_account.saveTheme_param_unsave_type_Bool' => 'Unsave',
'method_account.installTheme' => 'Install theme',
'method_account.installTheme_param_format_type_string' => 'Format',
'method_account.installTheme_param_theme_type_InputTheme' => 'Theme to install',
'method_account.getTheme' => 'Get theme information',
'method_account.getTheme_param_format_type_string' => 'Theme format, a string that identifies the theming engines supported by the client',
'method_account.getTheme_param_theme_type_InputTheme' => 'Theme',
'method_account.getTheme_param_document_id_type_long' => 'Document ID',
'method_account.getThemes_param_format_type_string' => 'Theme format, a string that identifies the theming engines supported by the client',
'method_account.getThemes_param_hash_type_Vector t' => 'Hash for pagination',
'method_messages.sendMessage_param_schedule_date_type_int' => 'Schedule date',
'method_messages.sendMedia_param_schedule_date_type_int' => 'Schedule date',
'method_messages.forwardMessages_param_schedule_date_type_int' => 'Schedule date',
'method_messages.sendInlineBotResult_param_schedule_date_type_int' => 'Schedule date',
'method_messages.editMessage_param_schedule_date_type_int' => 'Schedule date',
'method_messages.sendMultiMedia_param_schedule_date_type_int' => 'Schedule date',
'method_messages.getScheduledHistory' => 'Get scheduled history',
'method_messages.getScheduledHistory_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer',
'method_messages.getScheduledHistory_param_hash_type_Vector t' => 'Hash',
'method_messages.getScheduledMessages' => 'Get scheduled messages',
'method_messages.getScheduledMessages_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer',
'method_messages.getScheduledMessages_param_id_type_Vector t' => 'ID',
'method_messages.sendScheduledMessages' => 'Send scheduled messages',
'method_messages.sendScheduledMessages_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer',
'method_messages.sendScheduledMessages_param_id_type_Vector t' => 'ID',
'method_messages.deleteScheduledMessages' => 'Delete scheduled messages',
'method_messages.deleteScheduledMessages_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer',
'method_messages.deleteScheduledMessages_param_id_type_Vector t' => 'ID',
'object_user_param_restriction_reason_type_Vector t' => 'Restriction reason',
'object_channel_param_restriction_reason_type_Vector t' => 'Restriction reason',
'object_chatFull_param_has_scheduled_type_true' => 'Has scheduled messages?',
'object_channelFull_param_has_scheduled_type_true' => 'Has scheduled messages?',
'object_message_param_edit_hide_type_true' => 'Whether to hide that the message was edited?',
'object_message_param_restriction_reason_type_Vector t' => 'Restriction reason',
'object_userFull_param_has_scheduled_type_true' => 'Has scheduled messages?',
'object_updateNewScheduledMessage' => 'Update new scheduled message',
'object_updateNewScheduledMessage_param_message_type_Message' => 'Message',
'object_updateDeleteScheduledMessages' => 'Update delete scheduled messages',
'object_updateDeleteScheduledMessages_param_peer_type_Peer' => 'Peer',
'object_updateDeleteScheduledMessages_param_messages_type_Vector t' => 'Messages',
'object_updateTheme' => 'Update theme',
'object_updateTheme_param_theme_type_Theme' => 'Theme',
'object_inputPrivacyKeyAddedByPhone' => 'Input privacy key added by phone',
'object_privacyKeyAddedByPhone' => 'Privacy key added by phone',
'object_webPage_param_documents_type_Vector t' => 'Documents',
'object_restrictionReason' => 'Restriction reason',
'object_restrictionReason_param_platform_type_string' => 'Platform',
'object_restrictionReason_param_reason_type_string' => 'Reason',
'object_restrictionReason_param_text_type_string' => 'Text',
'object_inputTheme' => 'Input theme',
'object_inputTheme_param_id_type_long' => 'ID',
'object_inputTheme_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash',
'object_inputThemeSlug' => 'Input theme slug',
'object_inputThemeSlug_param_slug_type_string' => 'Slug',
'object_themeDocumentNotModified' => 'Theme document not modified',
'object_theme' => 'Theme',
'object_theme_param_creator_type_true' => 'Creator?',
'object_theme_param_default_type_true' => 'Default?',
'object_theme_param_id_type_long' => 'ID',
'object_theme_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash',
'object_theme_param_slug_type_string' => 'Slug',
'object_theme_param_title_type_string' => 'Title',
'object_theme_param_document_type_Document' => 'Document',
'object_theme_param_installs_count_type_int' => 'Installs count',
'object_account.themesNotModified' => 'Themes not modified',
'object_account.themes' => 'Themes',
'object_account.themes_param_hash_type_int' => 'Hash',
'object_account.themes_param_themes_type_Vector t' => 'Themes',
'method_account.installTheme_param_dark_type_true' => 'Whether to install the dark version',
'method_account.getThemes' => 'Get installed themes',
public static $current_lang = [
public static $current_lang = array (
'req_pq' => 'Requesting pq...',
'done' => 'Done!',
'cdn_reupload' => 'File is not stored on CDN, requesting reupload!',
@ -10155,5 +10241,91 @@ class Lang
'object_channelAdminLogEventActionToggleSlowMode_param_new_value_type_int' => 'New value',
'object_codeSettings_param_allow_app_hash_type_true' => 'Whether to allow a persistent app hash',
'object_channelFull_param_slowmode_next_send_date_type_int' => ' Indicates when the user will be allowed to send another message in the supergroup (unixdate)',
'method_account.uploadTheme' => 'Upload theme',
'method_account.uploadTheme_param_file_type_InputFile' => 'File',
'method_account.uploadTheme_param_thumb_type_InputFile' => 'Thumb',
'method_account.uploadTheme_param_file_name_type_string' => 'File name',
'method_account.uploadTheme_param_mime_type_type_string' => 'Mime type',
'method_account.createTheme' => 'Create a theme',
'method_account.createTheme_param_slug_type_string' => 'Unique theme ID',
'method_account.createTheme_param_title_type_string' => 'Theme name',
'method_account.createTheme_param_document_type_InputDocument' => 'Theme file',
'method_account.updateTheme' => 'Update theme',
'method_account.updateTheme_param_format_type_string' => 'Theme format, a string that identifies the theming engines supported by the client',
'method_account.updateTheme_param_theme_type_InputTheme' => 'Theme to update',
'method_account.updateTheme_param_slug_type_string' => 'Unique theme ID',
'method_account.updateTheme_param_title_type_string' => 'Theme name',
'method_account.updateTheme_param_document_type_InputDocument' => 'Theme file',
'method_account.saveTheme_param_theme_type_InputTheme' => 'Theme to save',
'method_account.saveTheme_param_unsave_type_Bool' => 'Unsave',
'method_account.installTheme' => 'Install theme',
'method_account.installTheme_param_format_type_string' => 'Format',
'method_account.installTheme_param_theme_type_InputTheme' => 'Theme to install',
'method_account.getTheme' => 'Get theme information',
'method_account.getTheme_param_format_type_string' => 'Theme format, a string that identifies the theming engines supported by the client',
'method_account.getTheme_param_theme_type_InputTheme' => 'Theme',
'method_account.getTheme_param_document_id_type_long' => 'Document ID',
'method_account.getThemes_param_format_type_string' => 'Theme format, a string that identifies the theming engines supported by the client',
'method_account.getThemes_param_hash_type_Vector t' => 'Hash for pagination',
'method_messages.sendMessage_param_schedule_date_type_int' => 'Schedule date',
'method_messages.sendMedia_param_schedule_date_type_int' => 'Schedule date',
'method_messages.forwardMessages_param_schedule_date_type_int' => 'Schedule date',
'method_messages.sendInlineBotResult_param_schedule_date_type_int' => 'Schedule date',
'method_messages.editMessage_param_schedule_date_type_int' => 'Schedule date',
'method_messages.sendMultiMedia_param_schedule_date_type_int' => 'Schedule date',
'method_messages.getScheduledHistory' => 'Get scheduled history',
'method_messages.getScheduledHistory_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer',
'method_messages.getScheduledHistory_param_hash_type_Vector t' => 'Hash',
'method_messages.getScheduledMessages' => 'Get scheduled messages',
'method_messages.getScheduledMessages_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer',
'method_messages.getScheduledMessages_param_id_type_Vector t' => 'ID',
'method_messages.sendScheduledMessages' => 'Send scheduled messages',
'method_messages.sendScheduledMessages_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer',
'method_messages.sendScheduledMessages_param_id_type_Vector t' => 'ID',
'method_messages.deleteScheduledMessages' => 'Delete scheduled messages',
'method_messages.deleteScheduledMessages_param_peer_type_InputPeer' => 'Peer',
'method_messages.deleteScheduledMessages_param_id_type_Vector t' => 'ID',
'object_user_param_restriction_reason_type_Vector t' => 'Restriction reason',
'object_channel_param_restriction_reason_type_Vector t' => 'Restriction reason',
'object_chatFull_param_has_scheduled_type_true' => 'Has scheduled messages?',
'object_channelFull_param_has_scheduled_type_true' => 'Has scheduled messages?',
'object_message_param_edit_hide_type_true' => 'Whether to hide that the message was edited?',
'object_message_param_restriction_reason_type_Vector t' => 'Restriction reason',
'object_userFull_param_has_scheduled_type_true' => 'Has scheduled messages?',
'object_updateNewScheduledMessage' => 'Update new scheduled message',
'object_updateNewScheduledMessage_param_message_type_Message' => 'Message',
'object_updateDeleteScheduledMessages' => 'Update delete scheduled messages',
'object_updateDeleteScheduledMessages_param_peer_type_Peer' => 'Peer',
'object_updateDeleteScheduledMessages_param_messages_type_Vector t' => 'Messages',
'object_updateTheme' => 'Update theme',
'object_updateTheme_param_theme_type_Theme' => 'Theme',
'object_inputPrivacyKeyAddedByPhone' => 'Input privacy key added by phone',
'object_privacyKeyAddedByPhone' => 'Privacy key added by phone',
'object_webPage_param_documents_type_Vector t' => 'Documents',
'object_restrictionReason' => 'Restriction reason',
'object_restrictionReason_param_platform_type_string' => 'Platform',
'object_restrictionReason_param_reason_type_string' => 'Reason',
'object_restrictionReason_param_text_type_string' => 'Text',
'object_inputTheme' => 'Input theme',
'object_inputTheme_param_id_type_long' => 'ID',
'object_inputTheme_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash',
'object_inputThemeSlug' => 'Input theme slug',
'object_inputThemeSlug_param_slug_type_string' => 'Slug',
'object_themeDocumentNotModified' => 'Theme document not modified',
'object_theme' => 'Theme',
'object_theme_param_creator_type_true' => 'Creator?',
'object_theme_param_default_type_true' => 'Default?',
'object_theme_param_id_type_long' => 'ID',
'object_theme_param_access_hash_type_long' => 'Access hash',
'object_theme_param_slug_type_string' => 'Slug',
'object_theme_param_title_type_string' => 'Title',
'object_theme_param_document_type_Document' => 'Document',
'object_theme_param_installs_count_type_int' => 'Installs count',
'object_account.themesNotModified' => 'Themes not modified',
'object_account.themes' => 'Themes',
'object_account.themes_param_hash_type_int' => 'Hash',
'object_account.themes_param_themes_type_Vector t' => 'Themes',
'method_account.installTheme_param_dark_type_true' => 'Whether to install the dark version',
'method_account.getThemes' => 'Get installed themes',
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ class MTProto extends AsyncConstruct implements TLCallback
* @var int
const V = 130;
const V = 131;
* String release version.
@ -1005,12 +1005,12 @@ class MTProto extends AsyncConstruct implements TLCallback
'lang_pack' => $lang_pack,
], 'tl_schema' => [
// TL scheme files
'layer' => 104,
'layer' => 105,
// layer version
'src' => [
'mtproto' => __DIR__.'/',
// mtproto TL scheme
'telegram' => __DIR__.'/',
'telegram' => __DIR__.'/',
// telegram TL scheme
'secret' => __DIR__.'/',
// secret chats TL scheme
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ class TempAuthKey extends AuthKey implements JsonSerializable
* Sleep function
* Sleep function.
* @return array
@ -19,8 +19,6 @@
namespace danog\MadelineProto\TL;
use danog\MadelineProto\Tools;
trait PrettyException
public $tl_trace;
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -451,23 +451,23 @@ trait Tools
* Custom backtrace for working with generators
* Custom backtrace for working with generators.
* @param boolean $ignoreArgs Whether to ignore method arguments
* @param array $trace Trace to work with
* @return array
public static function backtrace(bool $ignoreArgs = false, array $trace = []): array
return iterator_to_array(self::backtraceGenerator($ignoreArgs, $trace));
return \iterator_to_array(self::backtraceGenerator($ignoreArgs, $trace));
* Custom backtrace for working with generators
* Custom backtrace for working with generators.
* @param boolean $ignoreArgs Whether to ignore method arguments
* @param array $trace Trace to work with
* @return \Generator
public static function backtraceGenerator(bool $ignoreArgs = false, array $trace = []): \Generator
@ -477,8 +477,8 @@ trait Tools
if (!$trace) {
$trace = debug_backtrace($flags);
$trace = \debug_backtrace($flags);
foreach ($trace as $frame) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user