This commit is contained in:
@ -175,324 +175,324 @@ Tip: if you receive an error (or nothing), [send us](
* [Upload or download files up to 1.5 GB](
* [Make a phone call and play a song](
* [Create a secret chat bot](
* <a href="" name="messages_acceptUrlAuth">Accept URL authorization: messages.acceptUrlAuth</a>
* <a href="" name="contacts_acceptContact">Accept contact: contacts.acceptContact</a>
* <a href="" name="account_acceptAuthorization">Accept telegram passport authorization: account.acceptAuthorization</a>
* <a href="" name="help_acceptTermsOfService">Accept telegram's TOS: help.acceptTermsOfService</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_installStickerSet">Add a sticker set: messages.installStickerSet</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_faveSticker">Add a sticker to favorites: messages.faveSticker</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_saveRecentSticker">Add a sticker to recent stickers: messages.saveRecentSticker</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_addChatUser">Add a user to a normal chat (use channels->inviteToChannel for supergroups): messages.addChatUser</a>
* <a href="" name="contacts_addContact">Add contact: contacts.addContact</a>
* <a href="" name="contacts_importContacts">Add phone number as contact: contacts.importContacts</a>
* <a href="" name="stickers_addStickerToSet">Add sticker to stickerset: stickers.addStickerToSet</a>
* <a href="" name="channels_inviteToChannel">Add users to channel/supergroup: channels.inviteToChannel</a>
* <a href="" name="contacts_block">Block a user: contacts.block</a>
* <a href="" name="account_getAuthorizationForm">Bots only: get telegram passport authorization form: account.getAuthorizationForm</a>
* <a href="" name="payments_sendPaymentForm">Bots only: send payment form: payments.sendPaymentForm</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_setBotPrecheckoutResults">Bots only: set precheckout results: messages.setBotPrecheckoutResults</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_setBotShippingResults">Bots only: set shipping results: messages.setBotShippingResults</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_setBotCallbackAnswer">Bots only: set the callback answer (after a button was clicked): messages.setBotCallbackAnswer</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_setInlineBotResults">Bots only: set the results of an inline query: messages.setInlineBotResults</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getInlineBotResults">Call inline bot: messages.getInlineBotResults</a>
* <a href="" name="account_cancelPasswordEmail">Cancel password recovery email: account.cancelPasswordEmail</a>
* <a href="" name="account_updateNotifySettings">Change notification settings: account.updateNotifySettings</a>
* <a href="" name="stickers_changeStickerPosition">Change sticker position in photo: stickers.changeStickerPosition</a>
* <a href="" name="account_changePhone">Change the phone number associated to this account: account.changePhone</a>
* <a href="" name="account_sendChangePhoneCode">Change the phone number: account.sendChangePhoneCode</a>
* <a href="" name="photos_updateProfilePhoto">Change the profile photo: photos.updateProfilePhoto</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_setTyping">Change typing status: messages.setTyping</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getMessageEditData">Check if about to edit a message or a media caption: messages.getMessageEditData</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_checkChatInvite">Check if an invitation link is valid: messages.checkChatInvite</a>
* <a href="" name="account_checkUsername">Check if this username is available: account.checkUsername</a>
* <a href="" name="channels_checkUsername">Check if this username is free and can be assigned to a channel/supergroup: channels.checkUsername</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_clearAllDrafts">Clear all drafts: messages.clearAllDrafts</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_clearRecentStickers">Clear all recent stickers: messages.clearRecentStickers</a>
* <a href="" name="payments_clearSavedInfo">Clear saved payments info: payments.clearSavedInfo</a>
* <a href="" name="account_confirmPasswordEmail">Confirm password recovery using email: account.confirmPasswordEmail</a>
* <a href="" name="account_confirmPhone">Confirm this phone number is associated to this account, obtain phone_code_hash from sendConfirmPhoneCode: account.confirmPhone</a>
* <a href="" name="account_getContactSignUpNotification">Contact signup notification setting value: account.getContactSignUpNotification</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_migrateChat">Convert chat to supergroup: messages.migrateChat</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_createChat">Create a chat (not supergroup): messages.createChat</a>
* <a href="" name="account_createTheme">Create a theme: account.createTheme</a>
* <a href="" name="channels_createChannel">Create channel/supergroup: channels.createChannel</a>
* <a href="" name="stickers_createStickerSet">Create stickerset: stickers.createStickerSet</a>
* <a href="" name="account_resetAuthorization">Delete a certain session: account.resetAuthorization</a>
* <a href="" name="account_resetWebAuthorization">Delete a certain telegram web login authorization: account.resetWebAuthorization</a>
* <a href="" name="channels_deleteChannel">Delete a channel/supergroup: channels.deleteChannel</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_deleteChatUser">Delete a user from a chat (not supergroup): messages.deleteChatUser</a>
* <a href="" name="auth_resetAuthorizations">Delete all logged-in sessions.: auth.resetAuthorizations</a>
* <a href="" name="channels_deleteUserHistory">Delete all messages of a user in a channel/supergroup: channels.deleteUserHistory</a>
* <a href="" name="auth_dropTempAuthKeys">Delete all temporary authorization keys except the ones provided: auth.dropTempAuthKeys</a>
* <a href="" name="channels_deleteMessages">Delete channel/supergroup messages: channels.deleteMessages</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_deleteHistory">Delete chat history: messages.deleteHistory</a>
* <a href="" name="contacts_deleteByPhones">Delete contacts by phones: contacts.deleteByPhones</a>
* <a href="" name="folders_deleteFolder">Delete folder: folders.deleteFolder</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_deleteMessages">Delete messages: messages.deleteMessages</a>
* <a href="" name="contacts_deleteContacts">Delete multiple contacts: contacts.deleteContacts</a>
* <a href="" name="photos_deletePhotos">Delete profile photos: photos.deletePhotos</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_deleteScheduledMessages">Delete scheduled messages: messages.deleteScheduledMessages</a>
* <a href="" name="account_deleteSecureValue">Delete secure telegram passport value: account.deleteSecureValue</a>
* <a href="" name="channels_deleteHistory">Delete the history of a supergroup/channel: channels.deleteHistory</a>
* <a href="" name="account_deleteAccount">Delete this account: account.deleteAccount</a>
* <a href="" name="account_updateDeviceLocked">Disable all notifications for a certain period: account.updateDeviceLocked</a>
* <a href="" name="upload_getWebFile">Download a file through telegram: upload.getWebFile</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_editMessage">Edit a message: messages.editMessage</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_editInlineBotMessage">Edit a sent inline message: messages.editInlineBotMessage</a>
* <a href="" name="channels_editAdmin">Edit admin permissions of a user in a channel/supergroup: channels.editAdmin</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_editChatAdmin">Edit admin permissions: messages.editChatAdmin</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_editChatAbout">Edit chat info: messages.editChatAbout</a>
* <a href="" name="channels_editCreator">Edit creator of channel: channels.editCreator</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_editChatDefaultBannedRights">Edit default rights of chat: messages.editChatDefaultBannedRights</a>
* <a href="" name="folders_editPeerFolders">Edit folder: folders.editPeerFolders</a>
* <a href="" name="channels_editLocation">Edit location (geochats): channels.editLocation</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_editChatPhoto">Edit the photo of a normal chat (not supergroup): messages.editChatPhoto</a>
* <a href="" name="channels_editPhoto">Edit the photo of a supergroup/channel: channels.editPhoto</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_editChatTitle">Edit the title of a normal chat (not supergroup): messages.editChatTitle</a>
* <a href="" name="channels_editTitle">Edit the title of a supergroup/channel: channels.editTitle</a>
* <a href="" name="help_editUserInfo">Edit user info: help.editUserInfo</a>
* <a href="" name="channels_togglePreHistoryHidden">Enable or disable hidden history for new channel/supergroup users: channels.togglePreHistoryHidden</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_exportChatInvite">Export chat invite : messages.exportChatInvite</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_searchStickerSets">Find a sticker set: messages.searchStickerSets</a>
* <a href="" name="account_finishTakeoutSession">Finish account exporting session: account.finishTakeoutSession</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_forwardMessages">Forward messages: messages.forwardMessages</a>
* <a href="" name="help_getCdnConfig">Get CDN configuration: help.getCdnConfig</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getStickerSet">Get a stickerset: messages.getStickerSet</a>
* <a href="" name="account_getAccountTTL">Get account TTL: account.getAccountTTL</a>
* <a href="" name="channels_getAdminLog">Get admin log of a channel/supergroup: channels.getAdminLog</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getArchivedStickers">Get all archived stickers: messages.getArchivedStickers</a>
* <a href="" name="channels_getLeftChannels">Get all channels you left: channels.getLeftChannels</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getAllChats">Get all chats (not supergroups or channels): messages.getAllChats</a>
* <a href="" name="contacts_getContacts">Get all contacts: contacts.getContacts</a>
* <a href="" name="account_getAuthorizations">Get all logged-in authorizations: account.getAuthorizations</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getAllDrafts">Get all message drafts: messages.getAllDrafts</a>
* <a href="" name="account_getAllSecureValues">Get all secure telegram passport values: account.getAllSecureValues</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getAllStickers">Get all stickerpacks: messages.getAllStickers</a>
* <a href="" name="channels_getAdminedPublicChannels">Get all supergroups/channels where you're admin: channels.getAdminedPublicChannels</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getMessagesViews">Get and increase message views: messages.getMessagesViews</a>
* <a href="" name="help_getAppConfig">Get app config: help.getAppConfig</a>
* <a href="" name="account_getAutoDownloadSettings">Get autodownload settings: account.getAutoDownloadSettings</a>
* <a href="" name="langpack_getLanguages">Get available languages: langpack.getLanguages</a>
* <a href="" name="contacts_getBlocked">Get blocked users: contacts.getBlocked</a>
* <a href="" name="phone_getCallConfig">Get call configuration: phone.getCallConfig</a>
* <a href="" name="channels_getMessages">Get channel/supergroup messages: channels.getMessages</a>
* <a href="" name="channels_getParticipants">Get channel/supergroup participants (you should use `$MadelineProto->getPwrChat($id)` instead): channels.getParticipants</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getCommonChats">Get chats in common with a user: messages.getCommonChats</a>
* <a href="" name="contacts_getContactIDs">Get contacts by IDs: contacts.getContactIDs</a>
* <a href="" name="help_getDeepLinkInfo">Get deep link info: help.getDeepLinkInfo</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getPeerDialogs">Get dialog info of peers: messages.getPeerDialogs</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getDialogUnreadMarks">Get dialogs marked as unread manually: messages.getDialogUnreadMarks</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getDocumentByHash">Get document by SHA256 hash: messages.getDocumentByHash</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getEmojiURL">Get emoji URL: messages.getEmojiURL</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getEmojiKeywordsDifference">Get emoji keyword difference: messages.getEmojiKeywordsDifference</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getEmojiKeywordsLanguages">Get emoji keyword languages: messages.getEmojiKeywordsLanguages</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getEmojiKeywords">Get emoji keywords: messages.getEmojiKeywords</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getFavedStickers">Get favorite stickers: messages.getFavedStickers</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getFeaturedStickers">Get featured stickers: messages.getFeaturedStickers</a>
* <a href="" name="upload_getFileHashes">Get file hashes: upload.getFileHashes</a>
* <a href="" name="channels_getGroupsForDiscussion">Get groups for discussion: channels.getGroupsForDiscussion</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getInlineGameHighScores">Get high scores of a game sent in an inline message: messages.getInlineGameHighScores</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getGameHighScores">Get high scores of a game: messages.getGameHighScores</a>
* <a href="" name="channels_getParticipant">Get info about a certain channel/supergroup participant: channels.getParticipant</a>
* <a href="" name="help_getAppUpdate">Get info about app updates: help.getAppUpdate</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getChats">Get info about chats: messages.getChats</a>
* <a href="" name="channels_getChannels">Get info about multiple channels/supergroups: channels.getChannels</a>
* <a href="" name="users_getUsers">Get info about users: users.getUsers</a>
* <a href="" name="help_getSupport">Get info of support user: help.getSupport</a>
* <a href="" name="help_getProxyData">Get information about the current proxy: help.getProxyData</a>
* <a href="" name="account_getThemes">Get installed themes: account.getThemes</a>
* <a href="" name="help_getInviteText">Get invitation text: help.getInviteText</a>
* <a href="" name="langpack_getStrings">Get language pack strings: langpack.getStrings</a>
* <a href="" name="langpack_getDifference">Get language pack updates: langpack.getDifference</a>
* <a href="" name="langpack_getLangPack">Get language pack: langpack.getLangPack</a>
* <a href="" name="langpack_getLanguage">Get language: langpack.getLanguage</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getMaskStickers">Get masks: messages.getMaskStickers</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getSplitRanges">Get message ranges to fetch: messages.getSplitRanges</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getMessages">Get messages: messages.getMessages</a>
* <a href="" name="contacts_getTopPeers">Get most used chats: contacts.getTopPeers</a>
* <a href="" name="help_getNearestDc">Get nearest datacenter: help.getNearestDc</a>
* <a href="" name="account_getNotifyExceptions">Get notification exceptions: account.getNotifyExceptions</a>
* <a href="" name="account_getNotifySettings">Get notification settings: account.getNotifySettings</a>
* <a href="" name="contacts_getStatuses">Get online status of all users: contacts.getStatuses</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getOnlines">Get online users: messages.getOnlines</a>
* <a href="" name="help_getPassportConfig">Get passport config: help.getPassportConfig</a>
* <a href="" name="payments_getPaymentForm">Get payment form: payments.getPaymentForm</a>
* <a href="" name="payments_getPaymentReceipt">Get payment receipt: payments.getPaymentReceipt</a>
* <a href="" name="contacts_getLocated">Get people nearby (geochats): contacts.getLocated</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getPinnedDialogs">Get pinned dialogs: messages.getPinnedDialogs</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getPollResults">Get poll results: messages.getPollResults</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getHistory">Get previous messages of a group: messages.getHistory</a>
* <a href="" name="account_getPrivacy">Get privacy settings: account.getPrivacy</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getRecentLocations">Get recent locations: messages.getRecentLocations</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getRecentStickers">Get recent stickers: messages.getRecentStickers</a>
* <a href="" name="help_getRecentMeUrls">Get recent URLs: help.getRecentMeUrls</a>
* <a href="" name="contacts_getSaved">Get saved contacts: contacts.getSaved</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getSavedGifs">Get saved gifs: messages.getSavedGifs</a>
* <a href="" name="payments_getSavedInfo">Get saved payments info: payments.getSavedInfo</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getScheduledHistory">Get scheduled history: messages.getScheduledHistory</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getScheduledMessages">Get scheduled messages: messages.getScheduledMessages</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getSearchCounters">Get search counter: messages.getSearchCounters</a>
* <a href="" name="account_getSecureValue">Get secure value for telegram passport: account.getSecureValue</a>
* <a href="" name="help_getConfig">Get server configuration: help.getConfig</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getStatsURL">Get stats URL: messages.getStatsURL</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getAttachedStickers">Get stickers attachable to images: messages.getAttachedStickers</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getStickers">Get stickers: messages.getStickers</a>
* <a href="" name="help_getSupportName">Get support name: help.getSupportName</a>
* <a href="" name="account_getWebAuthorizations">Get telegram web login authorizations: account.getWebAuthorizations</a>
* <a href="" name="account_getTmpPassword">Get temporary password for buying products through bots: account.getTmpPassword</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getBotCallbackAnswer">Get the callback answer of a bot (after clicking a button): messages.getBotCallbackAnswer</a>
* <a href="" name="help_getAppChangelog">Get the changelog of this app: help.getAppChangelog</a>
* <a href="" name="account_getPasswordSettings">Get the current 2FA settings: account.getPasswordSettings</a>
* <a href="" name="account_getPassword">Get the current password: account.getPassword</a>
* <a href="" name="channels_exportMessageLink">Get the link of a message in a channel: channels.exportMessageLink</a>
* <a href="" name="photos_getUserPhotos">Get the profile photos of a user: photos.getUserPhotos</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getPeerSettings">Get the settings of apeer: messages.getPeerSettings</a>
* <a href="" name="account_getTheme">Get theme information: account.getTheme</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getUnreadMentions">Get unread mentions: messages.getUnreadMentions</a>
* <a href="" name="help_getTermsOfServiceUpdate">Get updated TOS: help.getTermsOfServiceUpdate</a>
* <a href="" name="help_getUserInfo">Get user info: help.getUserInfo</a>
* <a href="" name="account_getWallPaper">Get wallpaper info: account.getWallPaper</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getWebPage">Get webpage preview: messages.getWebPage</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getWebPagePreview">Get webpage preview: messages.getWebPagePreview</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getDialogs">Gets list of chats: you should use $MadelineProto->getDialogs() instead: messages.getDialogs</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_searchGlobal">Global message search: messages.searchGlobal</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_hidePeerSettingsBar">Hide peer settings bar: messages.hidePeerSettingsBar</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_importChatInvite">Import chat invite: messages.importChatInvite</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.acceptUrlAuth">Accept URL authorization: messages.acceptUrlAuth</a>
* <a href="" name="contacts.acceptContact">Accept contact: contacts.acceptContact</a>
* <a href="" name="account.acceptAuthorization">Accept telegram passport authorization: account.acceptAuthorization</a>
* <a href="" name="help.acceptTermsOfService">Accept telegram's TOS: help.acceptTermsOfService</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.installStickerSet">Add a sticker set: messages.installStickerSet</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.faveSticker">Add a sticker to favorites: messages.faveSticker</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.saveRecentSticker">Add a sticker to recent stickers: messages.saveRecentSticker</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.addChatUser">Add a user to a normal chat (use channels->inviteToChannel for supergroups): messages.addChatUser</a>
* <a href="" name="contacts.addContact">Add contact: contacts.addContact</a>
* <a href="" name="contacts.importContacts">Add phone number as contact: contacts.importContacts</a>
* <a href="" name="stickers.addStickerToSet">Add sticker to stickerset: stickers.addStickerToSet</a>
* <a href="" name="channels.inviteToChannel">Add users to channel/supergroup: channels.inviteToChannel</a>
* <a href="" name="contacts.block">Block a user: contacts.block</a>
* <a href="" name="account.getAuthorizationForm">Bots only: get telegram passport authorization form: account.getAuthorizationForm</a>
* <a href="" name="payments.sendPaymentForm">Bots only: send payment form: payments.sendPaymentForm</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.setBotPrecheckoutResults">Bots only: set precheckout results: messages.setBotPrecheckoutResults</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.setBotShippingResults">Bots only: set shipping results: messages.setBotShippingResults</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.setBotCallbackAnswer">Bots only: set the callback answer (after a button was clicked): messages.setBotCallbackAnswer</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.setInlineBotResults">Bots only: set the results of an inline query: messages.setInlineBotResults</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.getInlineBotResults">Call inline bot: messages.getInlineBotResults</a>
* <a href="" name="account.cancelPasswordEmail">Cancel password recovery email: account.cancelPasswordEmail</a>
* <a href="" name="account.updateNotifySettings">Change notification settings: account.updateNotifySettings</a>
* <a href="" name="stickers.changeStickerPosition">Change sticker position in photo: stickers.changeStickerPosition</a>
* <a href="" name="account.changePhone">Change the phone number associated to this account: account.changePhone</a>
* <a href="" name="account.sendChangePhoneCode">Change the phone number: account.sendChangePhoneCode</a>
* <a href="" name="photos.updateProfilePhoto">Change the profile photo: photos.updateProfilePhoto</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.setTyping">Change typing status: messages.setTyping</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.getMessageEditData">Check if about to edit a message or a media caption: messages.getMessageEditData</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.checkChatInvite">Check if an invitation link is valid: messages.checkChatInvite</a>
* <a href="" name="account.checkUsername">Check if this username is available: account.checkUsername</a>
* <a href="" name="channels.checkUsername">Check if this username is free and can be assigned to a channel/supergroup: channels.checkUsername</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.clearAllDrafts">Clear all drafts: messages.clearAllDrafts</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.clearRecentStickers">Clear all recent stickers: messages.clearRecentStickers</a>
* <a href="" name="payments.clearSavedInfo">Clear saved payments info: payments.clearSavedInfo</a>
* <a href="" name="account.confirmPasswordEmail">Confirm password recovery using email: account.confirmPasswordEmail</a>
* <a href="" name="account.confirmPhone">Confirm this phone number is associated to this account, obtain phone_code_hash from sendConfirmPhoneCode: account.confirmPhone</a>
* <a href="" name="account.getContactSignUpNotification">Contact signup notification setting value: account.getContactSignUpNotification</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.migrateChat">Convert chat to supergroup: messages.migrateChat</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.createChat">Create a chat (not supergroup): messages.createChat</a>
* <a href="" name="account.createTheme">Create a theme: account.createTheme</a>
* <a href="" name="channels.createChannel">Create channel/supergroup: channels.createChannel</a>
* <a href="" name="stickers.createStickerSet">Create stickerset: stickers.createStickerSet</a>
* <a href="" name="account.resetAuthorization">Delete a certain session: account.resetAuthorization</a>
* <a href="" name="account.resetWebAuthorization">Delete a certain telegram web login authorization: account.resetWebAuthorization</a>
* <a href="" name="channels.deleteChannel">Delete a channel/supergroup: channels.deleteChannel</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.deleteChatUser">Delete a user from a chat (not supergroup): messages.deleteChatUser</a>
* <a href="" name="auth.resetAuthorizations">Delete all logged-in sessions.: auth.resetAuthorizations</a>
* <a href="" name="channels.deleteUserHistory">Delete all messages of a user in a channel/supergroup: channels.deleteUserHistory</a>
* <a href="" name="auth.dropTempAuthKeys">Delete all temporary authorization keys except the ones provided: auth.dropTempAuthKeys</a>
* <a href="" name="channels.deleteMessages">Delete channel/supergroup messages: channels.deleteMessages</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.deleteHistory">Delete chat history: messages.deleteHistory</a>
* <a href="" name="contacts.deleteByPhones">Delete contacts by phones: contacts.deleteByPhones</a>
* <a href="" name="folders.deleteFolder">Delete folder: folders.deleteFolder</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.deleteMessages">Delete messages: messages.deleteMessages</a>
* <a href="" name="contacts.deleteContacts">Delete multiple contacts: contacts.deleteContacts</a>
* <a href="" name="photos.deletePhotos">Delete profile photos: photos.deletePhotos</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.deleteScheduledMessages">Delete scheduled messages: messages.deleteScheduledMessages</a>
* <a href="" name="account.deleteSecureValue">Delete secure telegram passport value: account.deleteSecureValue</a>
* <a href="" name="channels.deleteHistory">Delete the history of a supergroup/channel: channels.deleteHistory</a>
* <a href="" name="account.deleteAccount">Delete this account: account.deleteAccount</a>
* <a href="" name="account.updateDeviceLocked">Disable all notifications for a certain period: account.updateDeviceLocked</a>
* <a href="" name="upload.getWebFile">Download a file through telegram: upload.getWebFile</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.editMessage">Edit a message: messages.editMessage</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.editInlineBotMessage">Edit a sent inline message: messages.editInlineBotMessage</a>
* <a href="" name="channels.editAdmin">Edit admin permissions of a user in a channel/supergroup: channels.editAdmin</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.editChatAdmin">Edit admin permissions: messages.editChatAdmin</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.editChatAbout">Edit chat info: messages.editChatAbout</a>
* <a href="" name="channels.editCreator">Edit creator of channel: channels.editCreator</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.editChatDefaultBannedRights">Edit default rights of chat: messages.editChatDefaultBannedRights</a>
* <a href="" name="folders.editPeerFolders">Edit folder: folders.editPeerFolders</a>
* <a href="" name="channels.editLocation">Edit location (geochats): channels.editLocation</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.editChatPhoto">Edit the photo of a normal chat (not supergroup): messages.editChatPhoto</a>
* <a href="" name="channels.editPhoto">Edit the photo of a supergroup/channel: channels.editPhoto</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.editChatTitle">Edit the title of a normal chat (not supergroup): messages.editChatTitle</a>
* <a href="" name="channels.editTitle">Edit the title of a supergroup/channel: channels.editTitle</a>
* <a href="" name="help.editUserInfo">Edit user info: help.editUserInfo</a>
* <a href="" name="channels.togglePreHistoryHidden">Enable or disable hidden history for new channel/supergroup users: channels.togglePreHistoryHidden</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.exportChatInvite">Export chat invite : messages.exportChatInvite</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.searchStickerSets">Find a sticker set: messages.searchStickerSets</a>
* <a href="" name="account.finishTakeoutSession">Finish account exporting session: account.finishTakeoutSession</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.forwardMessages">Forward messages: messages.forwardMessages</a>
* <a href="" name="help.getCdnConfig">Get CDN configuration: help.getCdnConfig</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.getStickerSet">Get a stickerset: messages.getStickerSet</a>
* <a href="" name="account.getAccountTTL">Get account TTL: account.getAccountTTL</a>
* <a href="" name="channels.getAdminLog">Get admin log of a channel/supergroup: channels.getAdminLog</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.getArchivedStickers">Get all archived stickers: messages.getArchivedStickers</a>
* <a href="" name="channels.getLeftChannels">Get all channels you left: channels.getLeftChannels</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.getAllChats">Get all chats (not supergroups or channels): messages.getAllChats</a>
* <a href="" name="contacts.getContacts">Get all contacts: contacts.getContacts</a>
* <a href="" name="account.getAuthorizations">Get all logged-in authorizations: account.getAuthorizations</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.getAllDrafts">Get all message drafts: messages.getAllDrafts</a>
* <a href="" name="account.getAllSecureValues">Get all secure telegram passport values: account.getAllSecureValues</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.getAllStickers">Get all stickerpacks: messages.getAllStickers</a>
* <a href="" name="channels.getAdminedPublicChannels">Get all supergroups/channels where you're admin: channels.getAdminedPublicChannels</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.getMessagesViews">Get and increase message views: messages.getMessagesViews</a>
* <a href="" name="help.getAppConfig">Get app config: help.getAppConfig</a>
* <a href="" name="account.getAutoDownloadSettings">Get autodownload settings: account.getAutoDownloadSettings</a>
* <a href="" name="langpack.getLanguages">Get available languages: langpack.getLanguages</a>
* <a href="" name="contacts.getBlocked">Get blocked users: contacts.getBlocked</a>
* <a href="" name="phone.getCallConfig">Get call configuration: phone.getCallConfig</a>
* <a href="" name="channels.getMessages">Get channel/supergroup messages: channels.getMessages</a>
* <a href="" name="channels.getParticipants">Get channel/supergroup participants (you should use `$MadelineProto->getPwrChat($id)` instead): channels.getParticipants</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.getCommonChats">Get chats in common with a user: messages.getCommonChats</a>
* <a href="" name="contacts.getContactIDs">Get contacts by IDs: contacts.getContactIDs</a>
* <a href="" name="help.getDeepLinkInfo">Get deep link info: help.getDeepLinkInfo</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.getPeerDialogs">Get dialog info of peers: messages.getPeerDialogs</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.getDialogUnreadMarks">Get dialogs marked as unread manually: messages.getDialogUnreadMarks</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.getDocumentByHash">Get document by SHA256 hash: messages.getDocumentByHash</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.getEmojiURL">Get emoji URL: messages.getEmojiURL</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.getEmojiKeywordsDifference">Get emoji keyword difference: messages.getEmojiKeywordsDifference</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.getEmojiKeywordsLanguages">Get emoji keyword languages: messages.getEmojiKeywordsLanguages</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.getEmojiKeywords">Get emoji keywords: messages.getEmojiKeywords</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.getFavedStickers">Get favorite stickers: messages.getFavedStickers</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.getFeaturedStickers">Get featured stickers: messages.getFeaturedStickers</a>
* <a href="" name="upload.getFileHashes">Get file hashes: upload.getFileHashes</a>
* <a href="" name="channels.getGroupsForDiscussion">Get groups for discussion: channels.getGroupsForDiscussion</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.getInlineGameHighScores">Get high scores of a game sent in an inline message: messages.getInlineGameHighScores</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.getGameHighScores">Get high scores of a game: messages.getGameHighScores</a>
* <a href="" name="channels.getParticipant">Get info about a certain channel/supergroup participant: channels.getParticipant</a>
* <a href="" name="help.getAppUpdate">Get info about app updates: help.getAppUpdate</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.getChats">Get info about chats: messages.getChats</a>
* <a href="" name="channels.getChannels">Get info about multiple channels/supergroups: channels.getChannels</a>
* <a href="" name="users.getUsers">Get info about users: users.getUsers</a>
* <a href="" name="help.getSupport">Get info of support user: help.getSupport</a>
* <a href="" name="help.getProxyData">Get information about the current proxy: help.getProxyData</a>
* <a href="" name="account.getThemes">Get installed themes: account.getThemes</a>
* <a href="" name="help.getInviteText">Get invitation text: help.getInviteText</a>
* <a href="" name="langpack.getStrings">Get language pack strings: langpack.getStrings</a>
* <a href="" name="langpack.getDifference">Get language pack updates: langpack.getDifference</a>
* <a href="" name="langpack.getLangPack">Get language pack: langpack.getLangPack</a>
* <a href="" name="langpack.getLanguage">Get language: langpack.getLanguage</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.getMaskStickers">Get masks: messages.getMaskStickers</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.getSplitRanges">Get message ranges to fetch: messages.getSplitRanges</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.getMessages">Get messages: messages.getMessages</a>
* <a href="" name="contacts.getTopPeers">Get most used chats: contacts.getTopPeers</a>
* <a href="" name="help.getNearestDc">Get nearest datacenter: help.getNearestDc</a>
* <a href="" name="account.getNotifyExceptions">Get notification exceptions: account.getNotifyExceptions</a>
* <a href="" name="account.getNotifySettings">Get notification settings: account.getNotifySettings</a>
* <a href="" name="contacts.getStatuses">Get online status of all users: contacts.getStatuses</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.getOnlines">Get online users: messages.getOnlines</a>
* <a href="" name="help.getPassportConfig">Get passport config: help.getPassportConfig</a>
* <a href="" name="payments.getPaymentForm">Get payment form: payments.getPaymentForm</a>
* <a href="" name="payments.getPaymentReceipt">Get payment receipt: payments.getPaymentReceipt</a>
* <a href="" name="contacts.getLocated">Get people nearby (geochats): contacts.getLocated</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.getPinnedDialogs">Get pinned dialogs: messages.getPinnedDialogs</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.getPollResults">Get poll results: messages.getPollResults</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.getHistory">Get previous messages of a group: messages.getHistory</a>
* <a href="" name="account.getPrivacy">Get privacy settings: account.getPrivacy</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.getRecentLocations">Get recent locations: messages.getRecentLocations</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.getRecentStickers">Get recent stickers: messages.getRecentStickers</a>
* <a href="" name="help.getRecentMeUrls">Get recent URLs: help.getRecentMeUrls</a>
* <a href="" name="contacts.getSaved">Get saved contacts: contacts.getSaved</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.getSavedGifs">Get saved gifs: messages.getSavedGifs</a>
* <a href="" name="payments.getSavedInfo">Get saved payments info: payments.getSavedInfo</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.getScheduledHistory">Get scheduled history: messages.getScheduledHistory</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.getScheduledMessages">Get scheduled messages: messages.getScheduledMessages</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.getSearchCounters">Get search counter: messages.getSearchCounters</a>
* <a href="" name="account.getSecureValue">Get secure value for telegram passport: account.getSecureValue</a>
* <a href="" name="help.getConfig">Get server configuration: help.getConfig</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.getStatsURL">Get stats URL: messages.getStatsURL</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.getAttachedStickers">Get stickers attachable to images: messages.getAttachedStickers</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.getStickers">Get stickers: messages.getStickers</a>
* <a href="" name="help.getSupportName">Get support name: help.getSupportName</a>
* <a href="" name="account.getWebAuthorizations">Get telegram web login authorizations: account.getWebAuthorizations</a>
* <a href="" name="account.getTmpPassword">Get temporary password for buying products through bots: account.getTmpPassword</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.getBotCallbackAnswer">Get the callback answer of a bot (after clicking a button): messages.getBotCallbackAnswer</a>
* <a href="" name="help.getAppChangelog">Get the changelog of this app: help.getAppChangelog</a>
* <a href="" name="account.getPasswordSettings">Get the current 2FA settings: account.getPasswordSettings</a>
* <a href="" name="account.getPassword">Get the current password: account.getPassword</a>
* <a href="" name="channels.exportMessageLink">Get the link of a message in a channel: channels.exportMessageLink</a>
* <a href="" name="photos.getUserPhotos">Get the profile photos of a user: photos.getUserPhotos</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.getPeerSettings">Get the settings of apeer: messages.getPeerSettings</a>
* <a href="" name="account.getTheme">Get theme information: account.getTheme</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.getUnreadMentions">Get unread mentions: messages.getUnreadMentions</a>
* <a href="" name="help.getTermsOfServiceUpdate">Get updated TOS: help.getTermsOfServiceUpdate</a>
* <a href="" name="help.getUserInfo">Get user info: help.getUserInfo</a>
* <a href="" name="account.getWallPaper">Get wallpaper info: account.getWallPaper</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.getWebPage">Get webpage preview: messages.getWebPage</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.getWebPagePreview">Get webpage preview: messages.getWebPagePreview</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.getDialogs">Gets list of chats: you should use $MadelineProto->getDialogs() instead: messages.getDialogs</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.searchGlobal">Global message search: messages.searchGlobal</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.hidePeerSettingsBar">Hide peer settings bar: messages.hidePeerSettingsBar</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.importChatInvite">Import chat invite: messages.importChatInvite</a>
* <a href="" name="initConnection">Initializes connection and save information on the user's device and application.: initConnection</a>
* <a href="" name="account_installTheme">Install theme: account.installTheme</a>
* <a href="" name="account_installWallPaper">Install wallpaper: account.installWallPaper</a>
* <a href="" name="auth_cancelCode">Invalidate sent phone code: auth.cancelCode</a>
* <a href="" name="account.installTheme">Install theme: account.installTheme</a>
* <a href="" name="account.installWallPaper">Install wallpaper: account.installWallPaper</a>
* <a href="" name="auth.cancelCode">Invalidate sent phone code: auth.cancelCode</a>
* <a href="" name="invokeWithTakeout">Invoke method from takeout session: invokeWithTakeout</a>
* <a href="" name="invokeWithLayer">Invoke this method with layer X: invokeWithLayer</a>
* <a href="" name="invokeWithMessagesRange">Invoke with messages range: invokeWithMessagesRange</a>
* <a href="" name="invokeWithoutUpdates">Invoke with method without returning updates in the socket: invokeWithoutUpdates</a>
* <a href="" name="invokeAfterMsg">Invokes a query after successfull completion of one of the previous queries.: invokeAfterMsg</a>
* <a href="" name="channels_joinChannel">Join a channel/supergroup: channels.joinChannel</a>
* <a href="" name="channels_editBanned">Kick or ban a user from a channel/supergroup: channels.editBanned</a>
* <a href="" name="channels_leaveChannel">Leave a channel/supergroup: channels.leaveChannel</a>
* <a href="" name="help_saveAppLog">Log data for developer of this app: help.saveAppLog</a>
* <a href="" name="channels_readHistory">Mark channel/supergroup history as read: channels.readHistory</a>
* <a href="" name="channels_readMessageContents">Mark channel/supergroup messages as read: channels.readMessageContents</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_markDialogUnread">Mark dialog as unread : messages.markDialogUnread</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_readMentions">Mark mentions as read: messages.readMentions</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_readMessageContents">Mark message as read: messages.readMessageContents</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_readEncryptedHistory">Mark messages as read in secret chats: messages.readEncryptedHistory</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_readHistory">Mark messages as read: messages.readHistory</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_receivedMessages">Mark messages as read: messages.receivedMessages</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_readFeaturedStickers">Mark new featured stickers as read: messages.readFeaturedStickers</a>
* <a href="" name="phone_receivedCall">Notify server that you received a call (server will refuse all incoming calls until the current call is over): phone.receivedCall</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_toggleDialogPin">Pin or unpin dialog: messages.toggleDialogPin</a>
* <a href="" name="account_registerDevice">Register device for push notifications: account.registerDevice</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_uninstallStickerSet">Remove a sticker set: messages.uninstallStickerSet</a>
* <a href="" name="stickers_removeStickerFromSet">Remove sticker from stickerset: stickers.removeStickerFromSet</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_reorderPinnedDialogs">Reorder pinned dialogs: messages.reorderPinnedDialogs</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_reorderStickerSets">Reorder sticker sets: messages.reorderStickerSets</a>
* <a href="" name="channels_reportSpam">Report a message in a supergroup/channel for spam: channels.reportSpam</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_report">Report a message:</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_reportSpam">Report a peer for spam: messages.reportSpam</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_reportEncryptedSpam">Report for spam a secret chat: messages.reportEncryptedSpam</a>
* <a href="" name="account_reportPeer">Report for spam: account.reportPeer</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_requestUrlAuth">Request URL authorization: messages.requestUrlAuth</a>
* <a href="" name="account_resendPasswordEmail">Resend password recovery email: account.resendPasswordEmail</a>
* <a href="" name="auth_resendCode">Resend the SMS verification code: auth.resendCode</a>
* <a href="" name="account_resetNotifySettings">Reset all notification settings: account.resetNotifySettings</a>
* <a href="" name="account_resetWebAuthorizations">Reset all telegram web login authorizations: account.resetWebAuthorizations</a>
* <a href="" name="contacts_resetSaved">Reset saved contacts: contacts.resetSaved</a>
* <a href="" name="contacts_resetTopPeerRating">Reset top peer rating for a certain category/peer: contacts.resetTopPeerRating</a>
* <a href="" name="account_resetWallPapers">Reset wallpapers: account.resetWallPapers</a>
* <a href="" name="channels.joinChannel">Join a channel/supergroup: channels.joinChannel</a>
* <a href="" name="channels.editBanned">Kick or ban a user from a channel/supergroup: channels.editBanned</a>
* <a href="" name="channels.leaveChannel">Leave a channel/supergroup: channels.leaveChannel</a>
* <a href="" name="help.saveAppLog">Log data for developer of this app: help.saveAppLog</a>
* <a href="" name="channels.readHistory">Mark channel/supergroup history as read: channels.readHistory</a>
* <a href="" name="channels.readMessageContents">Mark channel/supergroup messages as read: channels.readMessageContents</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.markDialogUnread">Mark dialog as unread : messages.markDialogUnread</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.readMentions">Mark mentions as read: messages.readMentions</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.readMessageContents">Mark message as read: messages.readMessageContents</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.readEncryptedHistory">Mark messages as read in secret chats: messages.readEncryptedHistory</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.readHistory">Mark messages as read: messages.readHistory</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.receivedMessages">Mark messages as read: messages.receivedMessages</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.readFeaturedStickers">Mark new featured stickers as read: messages.readFeaturedStickers</a>
* <a href="" name="phone.receivedCall">Notify server that you received a call (server will refuse all incoming calls until the current call is over): phone.receivedCall</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.toggleDialogPin">Pin or unpin dialog: messages.toggleDialogPin</a>
* <a href="" name="account.registerDevice">Register device for push notifications: account.registerDevice</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.uninstallStickerSet">Remove a sticker set: messages.uninstallStickerSet</a>
* <a href="" name="stickers.removeStickerFromSet">Remove sticker from stickerset: stickers.removeStickerFromSet</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.reorderPinnedDialogs">Reorder pinned dialogs: messages.reorderPinnedDialogs</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.reorderStickerSets">Reorder sticker sets: messages.reorderStickerSets</a>
* <a href="" name="channels.reportSpam">Report a message in a supergroup/channel for spam: channels.reportSpam</a>
* <a href="" name="">Report a message:</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.reportSpam">Report a peer for spam: messages.reportSpam</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.reportEncryptedSpam">Report for spam a secret chat: messages.reportEncryptedSpam</a>
* <a href="" name="account.reportPeer">Report for spam: account.reportPeer</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.requestUrlAuth">Request URL authorization: messages.requestUrlAuth</a>
* <a href="" name="account.resendPasswordEmail">Resend password recovery email: account.resendPasswordEmail</a>
* <a href="" name="auth.resendCode">Resend the SMS verification code: auth.resendCode</a>
* <a href="" name="account.resetNotifySettings">Reset all notification settings: account.resetNotifySettings</a>
* <a href="" name="account.resetWebAuthorizations">Reset all telegram web login authorizations: account.resetWebAuthorizations</a>
* <a href="" name="contacts.resetSaved">Reset saved contacts: contacts.resetSaved</a>
* <a href="" name="contacts.resetTopPeerRating">Reset top peer rating for a certain category/peer: contacts.resetTopPeerRating</a>
* <a href="" name="account.resetWallPapers">Reset wallpapers: account.resetWallPapers</a>
* <a href="" name="invokeAfterMsgs">Result type returned by a current query.: invokeAfterMsgs</a>
* <a href="" name="account_getWallPapers">Returns a list of available wallpapers.: account.getWallPapers</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_saveGif">Save a GIF: messages.saveGif</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_saveDraft">Save a message draft: messages.saveDraft</a>
* <a href="" name="account_saveAutoDownloadSettings">Save autodownload settings: account.saveAutoDownloadSettings</a>
* <a href="" name="phone_saveCallDebug">Save call debugging info: phone.saveCallDebug</a>
* <a href="" name="account_saveSecureValue">Save telegram passport secure value: account.saveSecureValue</a>
* <a href="" name="account_saveTheme">Save theme: account.saveTheme</a>
* <a href="" name="account_saveWallPaper">Save wallpaper: account.saveWallPaper</a>
* <a href="" name="contacts_search">Search contacts:</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_searchGifs">Search gifs: messages.searchGifs</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_search">Search peers or messages:</a>
* <a href="" name="bots_sendCustomRequest">Send a custom request to the bot API: bots.sendCustomRequest</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_sendEncryptedFile">Send a file to a secret chat: messages.sendEncryptedFile</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_sendMedia">Send a media: messages.sendMedia</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_sendMessage">Send a message: messages.sendMessage</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_sendEncryptedService">Send a service message to a secret chat: messages.sendEncryptedService</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_sendMultiMedia">Send an album: messages.sendMultiMedia</a>
* <a href="" name="auth_requestPasswordRecovery">Send an email to recover the 2FA password: auth.requestPasswordRecovery</a>
* <a href="" name="account_sendConfirmPhoneCode">Send confirmation phone code: account.sendConfirmPhoneCode</a>
* <a href="" name="account_sendVerifyEmailCode">Send email verification code: account.sendVerifyEmailCode</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_sendInlineBotResult">Send inline bot result obtained with messages.getInlineBotResults to the chat: messages.sendInlineBotResult</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_sendEncrypted">Send message to secret chat: messages.sendEncrypted</a>
* <a href="" name="account_sendVerifyPhoneCode">Send phone verification code: account.sendVerifyPhoneCode</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_sendScheduledMessages">Send scheduled messages: messages.sendScheduledMessages</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_sendScreenshotNotification">Send screenshot notification: messages.sendScreenshotNotification</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_setEncryptedTyping">Send typing notification to secret chat: messages.setEncryptedTyping</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_sendVote">Send vote: messages.sendVote</a>
* <a href="" name="bots_answerWebhookJSONQuery">Send webhook request via bot API: bots.answerWebhookJSONQuery</a>
* <a href="" name="account_setAccountTTL">Set account TTL: account.setAccountTTL</a>
* <a href="" name="account_setContactSignUpNotification">Set contact sign up notification: account.setContactSignUpNotification</a>
* <a href="" name="channels_setDiscussionGroup">Set discussion group of channel: channels.setDiscussionGroup</a>
* <a href="" name="phone_setCallRating">Set phone call rating: phone.setCallRating</a>
* <a href="" name="account_setPrivacy">Set privacy settings: account.setPrivacy</a>
* <a href="" name="users_setSecureValueErrors">Set secure value error for telegram passport: users.setSecureValueErrors</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_setInlineGameScore">Set the game score of an inline message: messages.setInlineGameScore</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_setGameScore">Set the game score: messages.setGameScore</a>
* <a href="" name="channels_setStickers">Set the supergroup/channel stickerpack: channels.setStickers</a>
* <a href="" name="help_setBotUpdatesStatus">Set the update status of webhook: help.setBotUpdatesStatus</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_startBot">Start a bot: messages.startBot</a>
* <a href="" name="account_initTakeoutSession">Start account exporting session: account.initTakeoutSession</a>
* <a href="" name="account_unregisterDevice">Stop sending PUSH notifications to app: account.unregisterDevice</a>
* <a href="" name="channels_toggleSignatures">Toggle channel signatures: channels.toggleSignatures</a>
* <a href="" name="channels_toggleSlowMode">Toggle slow mode: channels.toggleSlowMode</a>
* <a href="" name="contacts_toggleTopPeers">Toggle top peers: contacts.toggleTopPeers</a>
* <a href="" name="contacts_unblock">Unblock a user: contacts.unblock</a>
* <a href="" name="account_updateStatus">Update online status: account.updateStatus</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_updatePinnedMessage">Update pinned message: messages.updatePinnedMessage</a>
* <a href="" name="account_updateProfile">Update profile info: account.updateProfile</a>
* <a href="" name="channels_updateUsername">Update the username of a supergroup/channel: channels.updateUsername</a>
* <a href="" name="account_updateTheme">Update theme: account.updateTheme</a>
* <a href="" name="account_updateUsername">Update this user's username: account.updateUsername</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_uploadMedia">Upload a file without sending it to anyone: messages.uploadMedia</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_uploadEncryptedFile">Upload a secret chat file without sending it to anyone: messages.uploadEncryptedFile</a>
* <a href="" name="photos_uploadProfilePhoto">Upload profile photo: photos.uploadProfilePhoto</a>
* <a href="" name="account_uploadTheme">Upload theme: account.uploadTheme</a>
* <a href="" name="account_uploadWallPaper">Upload wallpaper: account.uploadWallPaper</a>
* <a href="" name="auth_sendCode">Use phone_login instead: auth.sendCode</a>
* <a href="" name="auth_recoverPassword">Use the code that was emailed to you after running $MadelineProto->auth->requestPasswordRecovery to login to your account: auth.recoverPassword</a>
* <a href="" name="payments_validateRequestedInfo">Validate requested payment info: payments.validateRequestedInfo</a>
* <a href="" name="account_verifyEmail">Verify email address: account.verifyEmail</a>
* <a href="" name="account_verifyPhone">Verify phone number: account.verifyPhone</a>
* <a href="" name="auth_bindTempAuthKey">You cannot use this method directly, instead modify the PFS and default_temp_auth_key_expires_in settings, see for more info: auth.bindTempAuthKey</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getDhConfig">You cannot use this method directly, instead use $MadelineProto->getDhConfig();: messages.getDhConfig</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_acceptEncryption">You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling secret chats: messages.acceptEncryption</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_discardEncryption">You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling secret chats: messages.discardEncryption</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_requestEncryption">You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling secret chats: messages.requestEncryption</a>
* <a href="" name="updates_getChannelDifference">You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates: updates.getChannelDifference</a>
* <a href="" name="updates_getDifference">You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates: updates.getDifference</a>
* <a href="" name="updates_getState">You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates: updates.getState</a>
* <a href="" name="phone_acceptCall">You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls: phone.acceptCall</a>
* <a href="" name="phone_confirmCall">You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls: phone.confirmCall</a>
* <a href="" name="phone_discardCall">You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls: phone.discardCall</a>
* <a href="" name="phone_requestCall">You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls: phone.requestCall</a>
* <a href="" name="auth_exportAuthorization">You cannot use this method directly, use $MadelineProto->exportAuthorization() instead, see auth.exportAuthorization</a>
* <a href="" name="auth_importAuthorization">You cannot use this method directly, use $MadelineProto->importAuthorization($authorization) instead, see auth.importAuthorization</a>
* <a href="" name="auth_importBotAuthorization">You cannot use this method directly, use the bot_login method instead (see for more info): auth.importBotAuthorization</a>
* <a href="" name="auth_checkPassword">You cannot use this method directly, use the complete_2fa_login method instead (see for more info): auth.checkPassword</a>
* <a href="" name="auth_signIn">You cannot use this method directly, use the complete_phone_login method instead (see for more info): auth.signIn</a>
* <a href="" name="auth_signUp">You cannot use this method directly, use the complete_signup method instead (see for more info): auth.signUp</a>
* <a href="" name="channels_getFullChannel">You cannot use this method directly, use the get_pwr_chat, get_info, get_full_info methods instead (see for more info): channels.getFullChannel</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_getFullChat">You cannot use this method directly, use the get_pwr_chat, get_info, get_full_info methods instead (see for more info): messages.getFullChat</a>
* <a href="" name="users_getFullUser">You cannot use this method directly, use the get_pwr_chat, get_info, get_full_info methods instead (see for more info): users.getFullUser</a>
* <a href="" name="auth_logOut">You cannot use this method directly, use the logout method instead (see for more info): auth.logOut</a>
* <a href="" name="contacts_resolveUsername">You cannot use this method directly, use the resolve_username, get_pwr_chat, get_info, get_full_info methods instead (see for more info): contacts.resolveUsername</a>
* <a href="" name="upload_getCdnFile">You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, download_to_stream, download_to_file, download_to_dir methods instead; see for more info: upload.getCdnFile</a>
* <a href="" name="upload_getCdnFileHashes">You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, download_to_stream, download_to_file, download_to_dir methods instead; see for more info: upload.getCdnFileHashes</a>
* <a href="" name="upload_getFile">You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, download_to_stream, download_to_file, download_to_dir methods instead; see for more info: upload.getFile</a>
* <a href="" name="upload_reuploadCdnFile">You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, download_to_stream, download_to_file, download_to_dir methods instead; see for more info: upload.reuploadCdnFile</a>
* <a href="" name="upload_saveBigFilePart">You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, download_to_stream, download_to_file, download_to_dir methods instead; see for more info: upload.saveBigFilePart</a>
* <a href="" name="upload_saveFilePart">You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, download_to_stream, download_to_file, download_to_dir methods instead; see for more info: upload.saveFilePart</a>
* <a href="" name="messages_receivedQueue">You cannot use this method directly: messages.receivedQueue</a>
* <a href="" name="account_updatePasswordSettings">You cannot use this method directly; use $MadelineProto->update_2fa($params), instead (see for more info): account.updatePasswordSettings</a>
* <a href="" name="account.getWallPapers">Returns a list of available wallpapers.: account.getWallPapers</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.saveGif">Save a GIF: messages.saveGif</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.saveDraft">Save a message draft: messages.saveDraft</a>
* <a href="" name="account.saveAutoDownloadSettings">Save autodownload settings: account.saveAutoDownloadSettings</a>
* <a href="" name="phone.saveCallDebug">Save call debugging info: phone.saveCallDebug</a>
* <a href="" name="account.saveSecureValue">Save telegram passport secure value: account.saveSecureValue</a>
* <a href="" name="account.saveTheme">Save theme: account.saveTheme</a>
* <a href="" name="account.saveWallPaper">Save wallpaper: account.saveWallPaper</a>
* <a href="" name="">Search contacts:</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.searchGifs">Search gifs: messages.searchGifs</a>
* <a href="" name="">Search peers or messages:</a>
* <a href="" name="bots.sendCustomRequest">Send a custom request to the bot API: bots.sendCustomRequest</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.sendEncryptedFile">Send a file to a secret chat: messages.sendEncryptedFile</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.sendMedia">Send a media: messages.sendMedia</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.sendMessage">Send a message: messages.sendMessage</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.sendEncryptedService">Send a service message to a secret chat: messages.sendEncryptedService</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.sendMultiMedia">Send an album: messages.sendMultiMedia</a>
* <a href="" name="auth.requestPasswordRecovery">Send an email to recover the 2FA password: auth.requestPasswordRecovery</a>
* <a href="" name="account.sendConfirmPhoneCode">Send confirmation phone code: account.sendConfirmPhoneCode</a>
* <a href="" name="account.sendVerifyEmailCode">Send email verification code: account.sendVerifyEmailCode</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.sendInlineBotResult">Send inline bot result obtained with messages.getInlineBotResults to the chat: messages.sendInlineBotResult</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.sendEncrypted">Send message to secret chat: messages.sendEncrypted</a>
* <a href="" name="account.sendVerifyPhoneCode">Send phone verification code: account.sendVerifyPhoneCode</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.sendScheduledMessages">Send scheduled messages: messages.sendScheduledMessages</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.sendScreenshotNotification">Send screenshot notification: messages.sendScreenshotNotification</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.setEncryptedTyping">Send typing notification to secret chat: messages.setEncryptedTyping</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.sendVote">Send vote: messages.sendVote</a>
* <a href="" name="bots.answerWebhookJSONQuery">Send webhook request via bot API: bots.answerWebhookJSONQuery</a>
* <a href="" name="account.setAccountTTL">Set account TTL: account.setAccountTTL</a>
* <a href="" name="account.setContactSignUpNotification">Set contact sign up notification: account.setContactSignUpNotification</a>
* <a href="" name="channels.setDiscussionGroup">Set discussion group of channel: channels.setDiscussionGroup</a>
* <a href="" name="phone.setCallRating">Set phone call rating: phone.setCallRating</a>
* <a href="" name="account.setPrivacy">Set privacy settings: account.setPrivacy</a>
* <a href="" name="users.setSecureValueErrors">Set secure value error for telegram passport: users.setSecureValueErrors</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.setInlineGameScore">Set the game score of an inline message: messages.setInlineGameScore</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.setGameScore">Set the game score: messages.setGameScore</a>
* <a href="" name="channels.setStickers">Set the supergroup/channel stickerpack: channels.setStickers</a>
* <a href="" name="help.setBotUpdatesStatus">Set the update status of webhook: help.setBotUpdatesStatus</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.startBot">Start a bot: messages.startBot</a>
* <a href="" name="account.initTakeoutSession">Start account exporting session: account.initTakeoutSession</a>
* <a href="" name="account.unregisterDevice">Stop sending PUSH notifications to app: account.unregisterDevice</a>
* <a href="" name="channels.toggleSignatures">Toggle channel signatures: channels.toggleSignatures</a>
* <a href="" name="channels.toggleSlowMode">Toggle slow mode: channels.toggleSlowMode</a>
* <a href="" name="contacts.toggleTopPeers">Toggle top peers: contacts.toggleTopPeers</a>
* <a href="" name="contacts.unblock">Unblock a user: contacts.unblock</a>
* <a href="" name="account.updateStatus">Update online status: account.updateStatus</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.updatePinnedMessage">Update pinned message: messages.updatePinnedMessage</a>
* <a href="" name="account.updateProfile">Update profile info: account.updateProfile</a>
* <a href="" name="channels.updateUsername">Update the username of a supergroup/channel: channels.updateUsername</a>
* <a href="" name="account.updateTheme">Update theme: account.updateTheme</a>
* <a href="" name="account.updateUsername">Update this user's username: account.updateUsername</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.uploadMedia">Upload a file without sending it to anyone: messages.uploadMedia</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.uploadEncryptedFile">Upload a secret chat file without sending it to anyone: messages.uploadEncryptedFile</a>
* <a href="" name="photos.uploadProfilePhoto">Upload profile photo: photos.uploadProfilePhoto</a>
* <a href="" name="account.uploadTheme">Upload theme: account.uploadTheme</a>
* <a href="" name="account.uploadWallPaper">Upload wallpaper: account.uploadWallPaper</a>
* <a href="" name="auth.sendCode">Use phoneLogin instead: auth.sendCode</a>
* <a href="" name="auth.recoverPassword">Use the code that was emailed to you after running $MadelineProto->auth->requestPasswordRecovery to login to your account: auth.recoverPassword</a>
* <a href="" name="payments.validateRequestedInfo">Validate requested payment info: payments.validateRequestedInfo</a>
* <a href="" name="account.verifyEmail">Verify email address: account.verifyEmail</a>
* <a href="" name="account.verifyPhone">Verify phone number: account.verifyPhone</a>
* <a href="" name="auth.bindTempAuthKey">You cannot use this method directly, instead modify the PFS and default_temp_auth_key_expires_in settings, see for more info: auth.bindTempAuthKey</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.getDhConfig">You cannot use this method directly, instead use $MadelineProto->getDhConfig();: messages.getDhConfig</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.acceptEncryption">You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling secret chats: messages.acceptEncryption</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.discardEncryption">You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling secret chats: messages.discardEncryption</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.requestEncryption">You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling secret chats: messages.requestEncryption</a>
* <a href="" name="updates.getChannelDifference">You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates: updates.getChannelDifference</a>
* <a href="" name="updates.getDifference">You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates: updates.getDifference</a>
* <a href="" name="updates.getState">You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling updates: updates.getState</a>
* <a href="" name="phone.acceptCall">You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls: phone.acceptCall</a>
* <a href="" name="phone.confirmCall">You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls: phone.confirmCall</a>
* <a href="" name="phone.discardCall">You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls: phone.discardCall</a>
* <a href="" name="phone.requestCall">You cannot use this method directly, see for more info on handling calls: phone.requestCall</a>
* <a href="" name="auth.exportAuthorization">You cannot use this method directly, use $MadelineProto->exportAuthorization() instead, see auth.exportAuthorization</a>
* <a href="" name="auth.importAuthorization">You cannot use this method directly, use $MadelineProto->importAuthorization($authorization) instead, see auth.importAuthorization</a>
* <a href="" name="auth.importBotAuthorization">You cannot use this method directly, use the botLogin method instead (see for more info): auth.importBotAuthorization</a>
* <a href="" name="auth.signIn">You cannot use this method directly, use the completePhoneLogin method instead (see for more info): auth.signIn</a>
* <a href="" name="auth.signUp">You cannot use this method directly, use the completeSignup method instead (see for more info): auth.signUp</a>
* <a href="" name="auth.checkPassword">You cannot use this method directly, use the complete_2fa_login method instead (see for more info): auth.checkPassword</a>
* <a href="" name="channels.getFullChannel">You cannot use this method directly, use the getPwrChat, getInfo, getFullInfo methods instead (see for more info): channels.getFullChannel</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.getFullChat">You cannot use this method directly, use the getPwrChat, getInfo, getFullInfo methods instead (see for more info): messages.getFullChat</a>
* <a href="" name="users.getFullUser">You cannot use this method directly, use the getPwrChat, getInfo, getFullInfo methods instead (see for more info): users.getFullUser</a>
* <a href="" name="auth.logOut">You cannot use this method directly, use the logout method instead (see for more info): auth.logOut</a>
* <a href="" name="contacts.resolveUsername">You cannot use this method directly, use the resolveUsername, getPwrChat, getInfo, getFullInfo methods instead (see for more info): contacts.resolveUsername</a>
* <a href="" name="upload.getCdnFile">You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info: upload.getCdnFile</a>
* <a href="" name="upload.getCdnFileHashes">You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info: upload.getCdnFileHashes</a>
* <a href="" name="upload.getFile">You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info: upload.getFile</a>
* <a href="" name="upload.reuploadCdnFile">You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info: upload.reuploadCdnFile</a>
* <a href="" name="upload.saveBigFilePart">You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info: upload.saveBigFilePart</a>
* <a href="" name="upload.saveFilePart">You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, downloadToStream, downloadToFile, downloadToDir methods instead; see for more info: upload.saveFilePart</a>
* <a href="" name="messages.receivedQueue">You cannot use this method directly: messages.receivedQueue</a>
* <a href="" name="account.updatePasswordSettings">You cannot use this method directly; use $MadelineProto->update_2fa($params), instead (see for more info): account.updatePasswordSettings</a>
* [Peers](
* [Files](
* [Secret chats](
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 9f21080a2952ff2d62af31aebbebae8743653aa9
Subproject commit 336c4d4aa0086a548029a974a8b830fa3974b3db
@ -49,16 +49,6 @@ class DocsBuilder
public $types = [];
public $any = '*';
public function end($what)
return \end($what);
public function escape($hwat)
return \str_replace('_', '\\_', $hwat);
public function mkDocs()
\danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log('Generating documentation index...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE);
@ -4302,22 +4302,6 @@ class InternalDoc extends APIFactory
return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$id, $extra]);
* Synchronous wrapper for methodCall.
* @param string $method Method name
* @param array $args Arguments
* @param array $aargs Additional arguments
* @return array
public function methodCall(string $method, $args = [
], array $aargs = [
'msg_id' => null,
], array $extra = [])
return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$method, $args, $aargs, $extra]);
* Call method and wait asynchronously for response.
@ -4329,7 +4313,7 @@ class InternalDoc extends APIFactory
* @return Promise
public function methodCallRead(string $method, $args = [
public function methodCall(string $method, $args = [
], array $aargs = [
'msg_id' => null,
], array $extra = [])
@ -4868,26 +4852,6 @@ class InternalDoc extends APIFactory
return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$button_list, $extra]);
public function base64urlDecode($data, array $extra = [])
return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$data, $extra]);
public function base64urlEncode($data, array $extra = [])
return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$data, $extra]);
public function rleDecode($string, array $extra = [])
return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$string, $extra]);
public function rleEncode($string, array $extra = [])
return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$string, $extra]);
public function photosizeToBotAPI($photoSize, $photo, $thumbnail = false, array $extra = [])
return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$photoSize, $photo, $thumbnail, $extra]);
@ -4947,41 +4911,82 @@ class InternalDoc extends APIFactory
return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$params, $extra]);
public function genVectorHash($ints, array $extra = [])
* Generate MTProto vector hash.
* @param array $ints IDs
* @return int Vector hash
public function genVectorHash(array $ints, array $extra = []): int
return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$ints, $extra]);
public function randomInt($modulus = false, array $extra = [])
* Get random integer.
* @param integer $modulus Modulus
* @return int
public function randomInt($modulus = false, array $extra = []): int
return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$modulus, $extra]);
public function random($length, array $extra = [])
* Get random string of specified length.
* @param integer $length Length
* @return string Random string
public function random(int $length, array $extra = []): string
return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$length, $extra]);
* posmod(numeric,numeric) : numeric
* Positive modulo
* Works just like the % (modulus) operator, only returns always a postive number.
* @param int $a A
* @param int $b B
* @return int Modulo
public function posmod($a, $b, array $extra = [])
public function posmod(int $a, int $b, array $extra = []): int
return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$a, $b, $extra]);
public function unpackSignedInt($value, array $extra = [])
* Unpack base256 signed int.
* @param string $value base256 int
* @return integer
public function unpackSignedInt($value, array $extra = []): int
return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$value, $extra]);
public function unpackSignedLong($value, array $extra = [])
* Unpack base256 signed long.
* @param string $value base256 long
* @return integer
public function unpackSignedLong($value, array $extra = []): int
return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$value, $extra]);
public function unpackSignedLongString($value, array $extra = [])
* Unpack base256 signed long to string.
* @param string $value base256 long
* @return string
public function unpackSignedLongString($value, array $extra = []): string
return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$value, $extra]);
@ -5065,50 +5070,96 @@ class InternalDoc extends APIFactory
return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$a, $b, $extra]);
* Asynchronously send noCache headers.
* @param integer $status HTTP status code to send
* @param string $message Message to print
* @return Promise
public function noCache(int $status, string $message, array $extra = [])
return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$status, $message, $extra]);
* Asynchronously lock a file
* Resolves with a callbable that MUST eventually be called in order to release the lock.
* @param string $file File to lock
* @param integer $operation Locking mode (see flock)
* @param numeric $polling Polling interval for lock
* @param string $file File to lock
* @param integer $operation Locking mode
* @param integer $polling Polling interval
* @return Promise
public function flock(string $file, int $operation, $polling = 0.1, array $extra = [])
return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$file, $operation, $polling, $extra]);
public function noCache(int $status, string $message, array $extra = [])
return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$status, $message, $extra]);
* Asynchronously lock a file (internal generator function).
* @param string $file File to lock
* @param integer $operation Locking mode
* @param integer $polling Polling interval
* @return void
public function flockGenerator(string $file, int $operation, $polling, array $extra = [])
return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$file, $operation, $polling, $extra]);
public function sleep($time, array $extra = [])
* Asynchronously sleep.
* @param int $time Number of seconds to sleep for
* @return Promise
public function sleep(int $time, array $extra = [])
return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$time, $extra]);
public function readLine($prompt = '', array $extra = [])
* Asynchronously read line.
* @param string $prompt Prompt
* @return Promise
public function readLine(string $prompt = '', array $extra = [])
return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$prompt, $extra]);
public function readLineGenerator($prompt = '', array $extra = [])
* Asynchronously read line (generator function).
* @param string $prompt Prompt
* @return void
public function readLineGenerator(string $prompt = '', array $extra = [])
return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$prompt, $extra]);
public function echo($string, array $extra = [])
* Asynchronously write to stdout/browser.
* @param string $string Message to echo
* @return Promise
public function echo(string $string, array $extra = [])
return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$string, $extra]);
* Check if is array or similar (traversable && countable && arrayAccess).
* @param arraylike $var Value to check
* @return boolean
public function isArrayOrAlike($var, array $extra = [])
return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$var, $extra]);
@ -5146,6 +5197,50 @@ class InternalDoc extends APIFactory
return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, Tools::arr(...$params));
* base64URL decode.
* @param string $data Data to decode
* @return string
public function base64urlDecode(string $data, array $extra = []): string
return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$data, $extra]);
* Base64URL encode.
* @param string $data Data to encode
* @return string
public function base64urlEncode(string $data, array $extra = []): string
return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$data, $extra]);
* null-byte RLE decode.
* @param string $string Data to decode
* @return string
public function rleDecode(string $string, array $extra = []): string
return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$string, $extra]);
* null-byte RLE encode.
* @param string $string Data to encode
* @return string
public function rleEncode(string $string, array $extra = []): string
return $this->__call(__FUNCTION__, [$string, $extra]);
public function requestCall($user, array $extra = [])
@ -3514,8 +3514,6 @@ class Lang
'object_decryptedMessageMediaPhoto_param_w_type_int' => 'Width',
'object_decryptedMessageMediaPhoto_param_h_type_int' => 'Height',
'object_decryptedMessageMediaPhoto_param_size_type_int' => 'Size',
'object_decryptedMessageMediaPhoto_param_key_type_bytes' => 'Key',
'object_decryptedMessageMediaPhoto_param_iv_type_bytes' => 'Iv',
'object_decryptedMessageMediaVideo' => 'Decrypted message media video',
'object_decryptedMessageMediaVideo_param_thumb_type_bytes' => 'Thumbnail',
'object_decryptedMessageMediaVideo_param_thumb_w_type_int' => 'Thumbnail width',
@ -3524,8 +3522,6 @@ class Lang
'object_decryptedMessageMediaVideo_param_w_type_int' => 'Width',
'object_decryptedMessageMediaVideo_param_h_type_int' => 'Height',
'object_decryptedMessageMediaVideo_param_size_type_int' => 'Size',
'object_decryptedMessageMediaVideo_param_key_type_bytes' => 'Key',
'object_decryptedMessageMediaVideo_param_iv_type_bytes' => 'Iv',
'object_decryptedMessageMediaGeoPoint' => 'Decrypted message media geo point',
'object_decryptedMessageMediaGeoPoint_param_lat_type_double' => 'Lat',
'object_decryptedMessageMediaGeoPoint_param_long_type_double' => 'Long',
@ -3543,13 +3539,9 @@ class Lang
'object_decryptedMessageMediaDocument_param_file_name_type_string' => 'File name',
'object_decryptedMessageMediaDocument_param_mime_type_type_string' => 'Mime type',
'object_decryptedMessageMediaDocument_param_size_type_int' => 'Size',
'object_decryptedMessageMediaDocument_param_key_type_bytes' => 'Key',
'object_decryptedMessageMediaDocument_param_iv_type_bytes' => 'Iv',
'object_decryptedMessageMediaAudio' => 'Decrypted message media audio',
'object_decryptedMessageMediaAudio_param_duration_type_int' => 'Duration',
'object_decryptedMessageMediaAudio_param_size_type_int' => 'Size',
'object_decryptedMessageMediaAudio_param_key_type_bytes' => 'Key',
'object_decryptedMessageMediaAudio_param_iv_type_bytes' => 'Iv',
'object_decryptedMessageActionReadMessages' => 'Decrypted message action read messages',
'object_decryptedMessageActionReadMessages_param_random_ids_type_Vector t' => 'Random IDs',
'object_decryptedMessageActionDeleteMessages' => 'Decrypted message action delete messages',
@ -5244,6 +5236,16 @@ class Lang
'method_account.installTheme_param_dark_type_true' => 'Whether to install the dark version',
'method_account.getThemes' => 'Get installed themes',
'method_account.saveTheme' => 'Save theme',
'object_inputBotInlineResult_param_send_message_type_InputBotInlineMessage' => '',
'object_inputBotInlineResultPhoto_param_send_message_type_InputBotInlineMessage' => '',
'object_inputBotInlineResultDocument_param_send_message_type_InputBotInlineMessage' => '',
'object_inputBotInlineResultGame_param_send_message_type_InputBotInlineMessage' => '',
'object_botInlineResult_param_send_message_type_BotInlineMessage' => '',
'object_botInlineMediaResult_param_send_message_type_BotInlineMessage' => '',
'object_chatBannedRights_param_send_messages_type_true' => '',
'object_botInlineMediaResultDocument_param_send_message_type_BotInlineMessage' => '',
'object_botInlineMediaResultPhoto_param_send_message_type_BotInlineMessage' => '',
'object_channelBannedRights_param_send_messages_type_true' => '',
@ -8599,8 +8601,6 @@ class Lang
'object_decryptedMessageMediaPhoto_param_w_type_int' => 'Width',
'object_decryptedMessageMediaPhoto_param_h_type_int' => 'Height',
'object_decryptedMessageMediaPhoto_param_size_type_int' => 'Size',
'object_decryptedMessageMediaPhoto_param_key_type_bytes' => 'Key',
'object_decryptedMessageMediaPhoto_param_iv_type_bytes' => 'Iv',
'object_decryptedMessageMediaVideo' => 'Decrypted message media video',
'object_decryptedMessageMediaVideo_param_thumb_type_bytes' => 'Thumbnail',
'object_decryptedMessageMediaVideo_param_thumb_w_type_int' => 'Thumbnail width',
@ -8609,8 +8609,6 @@ class Lang
'object_decryptedMessageMediaVideo_param_w_type_int' => 'Width',
'object_decryptedMessageMediaVideo_param_h_type_int' => 'Height',
'object_decryptedMessageMediaVideo_param_size_type_int' => 'Size',
'object_decryptedMessageMediaVideo_param_key_type_bytes' => 'Key',
'object_decryptedMessageMediaVideo_param_iv_type_bytes' => 'Iv',
'object_decryptedMessageMediaGeoPoint' => 'Decrypted message media geo point',
'object_decryptedMessageMediaGeoPoint_param_lat_type_double' => 'Lat',
'object_decryptedMessageMediaGeoPoint_param_long_type_double' => 'Long',
@ -8628,13 +8626,9 @@ class Lang
'object_decryptedMessageMediaDocument_param_file_name_type_string' => 'File name',
'object_decryptedMessageMediaDocument_param_mime_type_type_string' => 'Mime type',
'object_decryptedMessageMediaDocument_param_size_type_int' => 'Size',
'object_decryptedMessageMediaDocument_param_key_type_bytes' => 'Key',
'object_decryptedMessageMediaDocument_param_iv_type_bytes' => 'Iv',
'object_decryptedMessageMediaAudio' => 'Decrypted message media audio',
'object_decryptedMessageMediaAudio_param_duration_type_int' => 'Duration',
'object_decryptedMessageMediaAudio_param_size_type_int' => 'Size',
'object_decryptedMessageMediaAudio_param_key_type_bytes' => 'Key',
'object_decryptedMessageMediaAudio_param_iv_type_bytes' => 'Iv',
'object_decryptedMessageActionReadMessages' => 'Decrypted message action read messages',
'object_decryptedMessageActionReadMessages_param_random_ids_type_Vector t' => 'Random IDs',
'object_decryptedMessageActionDeleteMessages' => 'Decrypted message action delete messages',
@ -10329,5 +10323,15 @@ class Lang
'method_account.installTheme_param_dark_type_true' => 'Whether to install the dark version',
'method_account.getThemes' => 'Get installed themes',
'method_account.saveTheme' => 'Save theme',
'object_inputBotInlineResult_param_send_message_type_InputBotInlineMessage' => '',
'object_inputBotInlineResultPhoto_param_send_message_type_InputBotInlineMessage' => '',
'object_inputBotInlineResultDocument_param_send_message_type_InputBotInlineMessage' => '',
'object_inputBotInlineResultGame_param_send_message_type_InputBotInlineMessage' => '',
'object_botInlineResult_param_send_message_type_BotInlineMessage' => '',
'object_botInlineMediaResult_param_send_message_type_BotInlineMessage' => '',
'object_chatBannedRights_param_send_messages_type_true' => '',
'object_botInlineMediaResultDocument_param_send_message_type_BotInlineMessage' => '',
'object_botInlineMediaResultPhoto_param_send_message_type_BotInlineMessage' => '',
'object_channelBannedRights_param_send_messages_type_true' => '',
@ -493,7 +493,12 @@ class MTProto extends AsyncConstruct implements TLCallback
$this->v = self::V;
public function __sleep()
* Sleep function
* @return array
public function __sleep(): array
if ($this->settings['serialization']['cleanup_before_serialization']) {
@ -526,7 +531,13 @@ class MTProto extends AsyncConstruct implements TLCallback
return isset($this->logger) ? $this->logger->logger($param, $level, $file) : Logger::$default->logger($param, $level, $file);
public function isAltervista()
* Whether this is altervista
* @return boolean
public function isAltervista(): bool
return Magic::$altervista;
@ -563,7 +574,7 @@ class MTProto extends AsyncConstruct implements TLCallback
return $this->datacenter->getDataCenterConnections();
public function hasAllAuth()
public function hasAllAuth(): bool
if ($this->isInitingAuthorization()) {
return false;
@ -848,7 +859,7 @@ class MTProto extends AsyncConstruct implements TLCallback
$this->logger("Successfully destroyed MadelineProto");
public static function getSettings($settings, $previousSettings = [])
public static function getSettings($settings, $previousSettings = []): array
if (isset($previousSettings['connection_settings']['default_dc'])) {
@ -1224,7 +1235,7 @@ class MTProto extends AsyncConstruct implements TLCallback
* @return boolean
public function isHttp(string $datacenter)
public function isHttp(string $datacenter): bool
return $this->datacenter->isHttp($datacenter);
@ -1454,7 +1465,12 @@ class MTProto extends AsyncConstruct implements TLCallback
$this->datacenter->curdc = $curdc;
public function getSelf()
* Get info about the logged-in user
* @return \Generator<array>
public function getSelf(): \Generator
try {
$this->authorization = ['user' => (yield $this->methodCallAsyncRead('users.getUsers', ['id' => [['_' => 'inputUserSelf']]], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc]))[0]];
@ -1506,7 +1522,12 @@ class MTProto extends AsyncConstruct implements TLCallback
public function __debugInfo()
* Get debug information for var_dump
* @return array
public function __debugInfo(): array
return ['MadelineProto instance '.\spl_object_hash($this)];
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -42,7 +42,14 @@ use function Amp\Promise\wait;
trait Tools
public static function genVectorHash($ints)
* Generate MTProto vector hash.
* @param array $ints IDs
* @return int Vector hash
public static function genVectorHash(array $ints): int
//sort($ints, SORT_NUMERIC);
if (\danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$bigint) {
@ -61,7 +68,14 @@ trait Tools
return $hash;
public static function randomInt($modulus = false)
* Get random integer.
* @param integer $modulus Modulus
* @return int
public static function randomInt($modulus = false): int
if ($modulus === false) {
$modulus = PHP_INT_MAX;
@ -89,23 +103,42 @@ trait Tools
return ($number & PHP_INT_MAX) % $modulus;
public static function random($length)
* Get random string of specified length.
* @param integer $length Length
* @return string Random string
public static function random(int $length): string
return $length === 0 ? '' : \phpseclib\Crypt\Random::string($length);
* posmod(numeric,numeric) : numeric
* Positive modulo
* Works just like the % (modulus) operator, only returns always a postive number.
* @param int $a A
* @param int $b B
* @return int Modulo
public static function posmod($a, $b)
public static function posmod(int $a, int $b): int
$resto = $a % $b;
return $resto < 0 ? $resto + \abs($b) : $resto;
public static function unpackSignedInt($value)
* Unpack base256 signed int.
* @param string $value base256 int
* @return integer
public static function unpackSignedInt($value): int
if (\strlen($value) !== 4) {
throw new TL\Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['length_not_4']);
@ -114,7 +147,14 @@ trait Tools
return \unpack('l', \danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$BIG_ENDIAN ? \strrev($value) : $value)[1];
public static function unpackSignedLong($value)
* Unpack base256 signed long.
* @param string $value base256 long
* @return integer
public static function unpackSignedLong($value): int
if (\strlen($value) !== 8) {
throw new TL\Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['length_not_8']);
@ -122,8 +162,14 @@ trait Tools
return \unpack('q', \danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$BIG_ENDIAN ? \strrev($value) : $value)[1];
public static function unpackSignedLongString($value)
* Unpack base256 signed long to string.
* @param string $value base256 long
* @return string
public static function unpackSignedLongString($value): string
if (\is_int($value)) {
return (string) $value;
@ -136,7 +182,14 @@ trait Tools
return (string) $big;
public static function packSignedInt($value)
* Convert integer to base256 signed int.
* @param integer $value Value to convert
* @return string
public static function packSignedInt(int $value): string
if ($value > 2147483647) {
throw new TL\Exception(\sprintf(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['value_bigger_than_2147483647'], $value));
@ -149,7 +202,14 @@ trait Tools
return \danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$BIG_ENDIAN ? \strrev($res) : $res;
public static function packSignedLong($value)
* Convert integer to base256 long.
* @param int $value Value to convert
* @return string
public static function packSignedLong(int $value): string
if ($value > 9223372036854775807) {
throw new TL\Exception(\sprintf(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['value_bigger_than_9223372036854775807'], $value));
@ -162,7 +222,14 @@ trait Tools
return $res;
public static function packUnsignedInt($value)
* Convert value to unsigned base256 int
* @param int $value Value
* @return string
public static function packUnsignedInt(int $value): string
if ($value > 4294967295) {
throw new TL\Exception(\sprintf(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['value_bigger_than_4294967296'], $value));
@ -174,7 +241,14 @@ trait Tools
return \pack('V', $value);
public static function packDouble($value)
* Convert double to binary version
* @param double $value Value to convert
* @return string
public static function packDouble(double $value): string
$res = \pack('d', $value);
if (\strlen($res) !== 8) {
@ -184,7 +258,14 @@ trait Tools
return \danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$BIG_ENDIAN ? \strrev($res) : $res;
public static function unpackDouble($value)
* Unpack binary double
* @param string $value Value to unpack
* @return double
public static function unpackDouble(string $value): double
if (\strlen($value) !== 8) {
throw new TL\Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['length_not_8']);
@ -193,6 +274,14 @@ trait Tools
return \unpack('d', \danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$BIG_ENDIAN ? \strrev($value) : $value)[1];
* Synchronously wait for a promise|generator
* @param \Generator|Promise $promise The promise to wait for
* @param boolean $ignoreSignal Whether to ignore shutdown signals
* @return mixed
public static function wait($promise, $ignoreSignal = false)
if ($promise instanceof \Generator) {
@ -226,7 +315,15 @@ trait Tools
return $value;
public static function all($promises)
* Returns a promise that succeeds when all promises succeed, and fails if any promise fails.
* Returned promise succeeds with an array of values used to succeed each contained promise, with keys corresponding to the array of promises.
* @param array<\Generator|Promise> $promises Promises
* @return Promise
public static function all(array $promises): Promise
foreach ($promises as &$promise) {
$promise = self::call($promise);
@ -235,7 +332,14 @@ trait Tools
return all($promises);
public static function any($promises)
* Returns a promise that is resolved when all promises are resolved. The returned promise will not fail.
* @param array<Promise|\Generator> $promises Promises
* @return Promise
public static function any(array $promises): Promise
foreach ($promises as &$promise) {
$promise = self::call($promise);
@ -244,7 +348,15 @@ trait Tools
return any($promises);
public static function some($promises)
* Resolves with a two-item array delineating successful and failed Promise results.
* The returned promise will only fail if the given number of required promises fail.
* @param array<Promise|\Generator> $promises Promises
* @return Promise
public static function some(array $promises): Promise
foreach ($promises as &$promise) {
$promise = self::call($promise);
@ -253,7 +365,14 @@ trait Tools
return some($promises);
public static function first($promises)
* Returns a promise that succeeds when the first promise succeeds, and fails only if all promises fail.
* @param array<Promise|\Generator> $promises Promises
* @return Promise
public static function first(array $promises): Promise
foreach ($promises as &$promise) {
$promise = self::call($promise);
@ -262,12 +381,27 @@ trait Tools
return first($promises);
public static function timeout($promise, $timeout)
* Create an artificial timeout for any \Generator or Promise
* @param \Generator|Promise $promise
* @param integer $timeout
* @return Promise
public static function timeout($promise, int $timeout): Promise
return timeout(self::call($promise), $timeout);
public static function call($promise)
* Convert generator, promise or any other value to a promise
* @param \Generator|Promise|mixed $promise
* @return Promise
public static function call($promise): Promise
if ($promise instanceof \Generator) {
$promise = new Coroutine($promise);
@ -278,6 +412,15 @@ trait Tools
return $promise;
* Call promise in background
* @param \Generator|Promise $promise Promise to resolve
* @param ?\Generator|Promise $actual Promise to resolve instead of $promise
* @param string $file File
* @return void
public static function callFork($promise, $actual = null, $file = '')
if ($actual) {
@ -310,12 +453,27 @@ trait Tools
return $promise;
* Call promise in background, deferring execution
* @param \Generator|Promise $promise Promise to resolve
* @return void
public static function callForkDefer($promise)
Loop::defer([__CLASS__, 'callFork'], $promise);
public static function rethrow($e, $file = '')
* Rethrow error catched in strand
* @param \Throwable $e Exception
* @param string $file File where the strand started
* @return void
public static function rethrow(\Throwable $e, $file = '')
$zis = isset($this) ? $this : null;
$logger = isset($zis->logger) ? $zis->logger : Logger::$default;
@ -340,7 +498,15 @@ trait Tools
public static function after($a, $b)
* Call promise $b after promise $a
* @param \Generator|Promise $a Promise A
* @param \Generator|Promise $b Promise B
* @return Promise
public static function after($a, $b): Promise
$a = self::call($a());
$deferred = new Deferred();
@ -370,19 +536,14 @@ trait Tools
return $deferred->promise();
* Asynchronously lock a file
* Resolves with a callbable that MUST eventually be called in order to release the lock.
* Asynchronously send noCache headers.
* @param integer $status HTTP status code to send
* @param string $message Message to print
* @param string $file File to lock
* @param integer $operation Locking mode (see flock)
* @param numeric $polling Polling interval for lock
* @return Promise
public static function flock(string $file, int $operation, $polling = 0.1): Promise
return self::call(self::flockGenerator($file, $operation, $polling));
public static function noCache(int $status, string $message)
public static function noCache(int $status, string $message): Promise
\header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0');
\header('Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0', false);
@ -390,7 +551,31 @@ trait Tools
return self::echo($message);
public static function flockGenerator(string $file, int $operation, $polling)
* Asynchronously lock a file
* Resolves with a callbable that MUST eventually be called in order to release the lock.
* @param string $file File to lock
* @param integer $operation Locking mode
* @param integer $polling Polling interval
* @return Promise
public static function flock(string $file, int $operation, $polling = 0.1): Promise
return self::call(self::flockGenerator($file, $operation, $polling));
* Asynchronously lock a file (internal generator function).
* @param string $file File to lock
* @param integer $operation Locking mode
* @param integer $polling Polling interval
* @return void
private static function flockGenerator(string $file, int $operation, $polling)
if (!yield exists($file)) {
yield \touch($file);
@ -413,15 +598,37 @@ trait Tools
public static function sleep($time)
* Asynchronously sleep.
* @param int $time Number of seconds to sleep for
* @return Promise
public static function sleep(int $time): Promise
return new \Amp\Delayed($time * 1000);
public static function readLine($prompt = '')
* Asynchronously read line.
* @param string $prompt Prompt
* @return Promise
public static function readLine(string $prompt = ''): Promise
return self::call(Tools::readLineGenerator($prompt));
public static function readLineGenerator($prompt = '')
* Asynchronously read line (generator function).
* @param string $prompt Prompt
* @return void
private static function readLineGenerator(string $prompt = '')
$stdin = getStdin();
$stdout = getStdout();
@ -437,10 +644,24 @@ trait Tools
return \array_shift($lines);
public static function echo($string)
* Asynchronously write to stdout/browser.
* @param string $string Message to echo
* @return Promise
public static function echo(string $string): Promise
return getOutputBufferStream()->write($string);
* Check if is array or similar (traversable && countable && arrayAccess).
* @param arraylike $var Value to check
* @return boolean
public static function isArrayOrAlike($var)
return \is_array($var) ||
@ -489,17 +710,37 @@ trait Tools
return $params;
public function base64urlDecode($data)
* base64URL decode.
* @param string $data Data to decode
* @return string
public function base64urlDecode(string $data): string
return \base64_decode(\str_pad(\strtr($data, '-_', '+/'), \strlen($data) % 4, '=', STR_PAD_RIGHT));
public function base64urlEncode($data)
* Base64URL encode.
* @param string $data Data to encode
* @return string
public function base64urlEncode(string $data): string
return \rtrim(\strtr(\base64_encode($data), '+/', '-_'), '=');
public function rleDecode($string)
* null-byte RLE decode.
* @param string $string Data to decode
* @return string
public function rleDecode(string $string): string
$new = '';
$last = '';
@ -518,7 +759,14 @@ trait Tools
return $string;
public function rleEncode($string)
* null-byte RLE encode.
* @param string $string Data to encode
* @return string
public function rleEncode(string $string): string
$new = '';
$count = 0;
@ -537,4 +785,28 @@ trait Tools
return $new;
* Get final element of array.
* @param array $what Array
* @return mixed
public static function end(array $what)
return \end($what);
* Escape string for markdown.
* @param string $hwat String to escape
* @return void
public function markdownEscape(string $hwat): string
return \str_replace('_', '\\_', $hwat);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user