#!/usr/bin/env php . */ chdir(dirname(__FILE__).'/../'); require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; if (file_exists('web_data.php')) { require_once 'web_data.php'; } echo 'Deserializing MadelineProto from session.madeline...'.PHP_EOL; $MadelineProto = false; try { $MadelineProto = \danog\MadelineProto\Serialization::deserialize('session.madeline'); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { var_dump($e->getMessage()); } if (file_exists('.env')) { echo 'Loading .env...'.PHP_EOL; $dotenv = new Dotenv\Dotenv(getcwd()); $dotenv->load(); } echo 'Loading settings...'.PHP_EOL; $settings = json_decode(getenv('MTPROTO_SETTINGS'), true) ?: []; if ($MadelineProto === false) { echo 'Loading MadelineProto...'.PHP_EOL; $MadelineProto = new \danog\MadelineProto\API($settings); if (getenv('TRAVIS_COMMIT') == '') { $checkedPhone = $MadelineProto->auth->checkPhone(// auth.checkPhone becomes auth->checkPhone [ 'phone_number' => getenv('MTPROTO_NUMBER'), ] ); \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log([$checkedPhone], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); $sentCode = $MadelineProto->phone_login(getenv('MTPROTO_NUMBER')); \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log([$sentCode], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); echo 'Enter the code you received: '; $code = fgets(STDIN, (isset($sentCode['type']['length']) ? $sentCode['type']['length'] : 5) + 1); $authorization = $MadelineProto->complete_phone_login($code); \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log([$authorization], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); if ($authorization['_'] === 'account.noPassword') { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('2FA is enabled but no password is set!'); } if ($authorization['_'] === 'account.password') { \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log(['2FA is enabled'], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); $authorization = $MadelineProto->complete_2fa_login(readline('Please enter your password (hint '.$authorization['hint'].'): ')); } if ($authorization['_'] === 'account.needSignup') { \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log(['Registering new user'], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); $authorization = $MadelineProto->complete_signup(readline('Please enter your first name: '), readline('Please enter your last name (can be empty): ')); } echo 'Serializing MadelineProto to session.madeline...'.PHP_EOL; echo 'Wrote '.\danog\MadelineProto\Serialization::serialize('session.madeline', $MadelineProto).' bytes'.PHP_EOL; } else { $MadelineProto->bot_login(getenv('BOT_TOKEN')); } } $message = (getenv('TRAVIS_COMMIT') == '') ? 'I iz works always (io laborare sembre) (yo lavorar siempre) (mi labori ĉiam) (я всегда работать) (Ik werkuh altijd)' : ('Travis ci tests in progress: commit '.getenv('TRAVIS_COMMIT').', job '.getenv('TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER').', PHP version: '.getenv('TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION')); echo 'Serializing MadelineProto to session.madeline...'.PHP_EOL; echo 'Wrote '.\danog\MadelineProto\Serialization::serialize('session.madeline', $MadelineProto).' bytes'.PHP_EOL; echo 'Size of MadelineProto instance is '.strlen(serialize($MadelineProto)).' bytes'.PHP_EOL; if (stripos(readline('Do you want to make the secret chat tests? (y/n)'), 'y') !== false) { /* $call = $MadelineProto->API->request_call(getenv('TEST_SECRET_CHAT')); echo 'Waiting for '.getenv('TEST_SECRET_CHAT').' to accept the call...'.PHP_EOL; while ($MadelineProto->call_status($call) !== $MadelineProto->API->READY) { $MadelineProto->get_updates(); } var_dump($MadelineProto->get_call($call)); */ $secret = $MadelineProto->API->request_secret_chat(getenv('TEST_SECRET_CHAT')); echo 'Waiting for '.getenv('TEST_SECRET_CHAT').' to accept the secret chat...'.PHP_EOL; while ($MadelineProto->secret_chat_status($secret) !== 2) { $MadelineProto->get_updates(); } $MadelineProto->get_updates(); $InputEncryptedChat = $MadelineProto->get_secret_chat($secret)['InputEncryptedChat']; $sentMessage = $MadelineProto->messages->sendEncrypted(['peer' => $InputEncryptedChat, 'message' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessage', 'media' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessageMediaEmpty'], 'ttl' => 10, 'message' => $message, 'entities' => [['_' => 'messageEntityCode', 'offset' => 0, 'length' => mb_strlen($message)]]]]); // should work with all layers \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log([$sentMessage], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); $secret_media = []; // Photo uploaded as document, secret chat $inputEncryptedFile = $MadelineProto->upload_encrypted('tests/faust.jpg', 'fausticorn.jpg'); // This gets an inputFile object with file name magic $secret_media['document_photo'] = ['peer' => $secret, 'file' => $inputEncryptedFile, 'message' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessage', 'ttl' => 0, 'message' => '', 'media' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessageMediaDocument', 'thumb' => file_get_contents('tests/faust.preview.jpg'), 'thumb_w' => 90, 'thumb_h' => 90, 'mime_type' => mime_content_type('tests/faust.jpg'), 'caption' => 'This file was uploaded using MadelineProto', 'key' => $inputEncryptedFile['key'], 'iv' => $inputEncryptedFile['iv'], 'file_name' => 'faust.jpg', 'size' => filesize('tests/faust.jpg'), 'attributes' => [['_' => 'documentAttributeImageSize', 'w' => 1280, 'h' => 914]]]]]; // Photo, secret chat $secret_media['photo'] = ['peer' => $secret, 'file' => $inputEncryptedFile, 'message' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessage', 'ttl' => 0, 'message' => '', 'media' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessageMediaPhoto', 'thumb' => file_get_contents('tests/faust.preview.jpg'), 'thumb_w' => 90, 'thumb_h' => 90, 'caption' => 'This file was uploaded using MadelineProto', 'key' => $inputEncryptedFile['key'], 'iv' => $inputEncryptedFile['iv'], 'size' => filesize('tests/faust.jpg'), 'w' => 1280, 'h' => 914]]]; // GIF, secret chat $inputEncryptedFile = $MadelineProto->upload_encrypted('tests/pony.mp4'); $secret_media['gif'] = ['peer' => $secret, 'file' => $inputEncryptedFile, 'message' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessage', 'ttl' => 0, 'message' => '', 'media' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessageMediaDocument', 'thumb' => file_get_contents('tests/pony.preview.jpg'), 'thumb_w' => 90, 'thumb_h' => 90, 'mime_type' => mime_content_type('tests/pony.mp4'), 'caption' => 'test', 'key' => $inputEncryptedFile['key'], 'iv' => $inputEncryptedFile['iv'], 'file_name' => 'pony.mp4', 'size' => filesize('tests/faust.jpg'), 'attributes' => [['_' => 'documentAttributeAnimated']]]]]; // Sticker, secret chat $inputEncryptedFile = $MadelineProto->upload_encrypted('tests/lel.webp'); $secret_media['sticker'] = ['peer' => $secret, 'file' => $inputEncryptedFile, 'message' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessage', 'ttl' => 0, 'message' => '', 'media' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessageMediaDocument', 'thumb' => file_get_contents('tests/lel.preview.jpg'), 'thumb_w' => 90, 'thumb_h' => 90, 'mime_type' => mime_content_type('tests/lel.webp'), 'caption' => 'test', 'key' => $inputEncryptedFile['key'], 'iv' => $inputEncryptedFile['iv'], 'file_name' => 'lel.webp', 'size' => filesize('tests/lel.webp'), 'attributes' => [['_' => 'documentAttributeSticker', 'alt' => 'LEL', 'stickerset' => ['_' => 'inputStickerSetEmpty']]]]]]; // Document, secrey chat $time = time(); $inputEncryptedFile = $MadelineProto->upload_encrypted('tests/60', 'magic'); // This gets an inputFile object with file name magic var_dump(time() - $time); $secret_media['document'] = ['peer' => $secret, 'file' => $inputEncryptedFile, 'message' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessage', 'ttl' => 0, 'message' => '', 'media' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessageMediaDocument', 'thumb' => file_get_contents('tests/faust.preview.jpg'), 'thumb_w' => 90, 'thumb_h' => 90, 'mime_type' => 'magic/magic', 'caption' => 'test', 'key' => $inputEncryptedFile['key'], 'iv' => $inputEncryptedFile['iv'], 'file_name' => 'magic.magic', 'size' => filesize('tests/60'), 'attributes' => [['_' => 'documentAttributeFilename', 'file_name' => 'fairy']]]]]; // Video, secret chat $inputEncryptedFile = $MadelineProto->upload_encrypted('tests/swing.mp4'); $secret_media['video'] = ['peer' => $secret, 'file' => $inputEncryptedFile, 'message' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessage', 'ttl' => 0, 'message' => '', 'media' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessageMediaDocument', 'thumb' => file_get_contents('tests/swing.preview.jpg'), 'thumb_w' => 90, 'thumb_h' => 90, 'mime_type' => mime_content_type('tests/swing.mp4'), 'caption' => 'test', 'key' => $inputEncryptedFile['key'], 'iv' => $inputEncryptedFile['iv'], 'file_name' => 'swing.mp4', 'size' => filesize('tests/swing.mp4'), 'attributes' => [['_' => 'documentAttributeVideo', 'duration' => 5, 'w' => 1280, 'h' => 720]]]]]; // audio, secret chat $inputEncryptedFile = $MadelineProto->upload_encrypted('tests/mosconi.mp3'); $secret_media['audio'] = ['peer' => $secret, 'file' => $inputEncryptedFile, 'message' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessage', 'ttl' => 0, 'message' => '', 'media' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessageMediaDocument', 'thumb' => file_get_contents('tests/faust.preview.jpg'), 'thumb_w' => 90, 'thumb_h' => 90, 'mime_type' => mime_content_type('tests/mosconi.mp3'), 'caption' => 'test', 'key' => $inputEncryptedFile['key'], 'iv' => $inputEncryptedFile['iv'], 'file_name' => 'mosconi.mp3', 'size' => filesize('tests/mosconi.mp3'), 'attributes' => [['_' => 'documentAttributeAudio', 'voice' => false, 'duration' => 1, 'title' => 'AH NON LO SO IO', 'performer' => 'IL DIO GERMANO MOSCONI']]]]]; $secret_media['voice'] = ['peer' => $secret, 'file' => $inputEncryptedFile, 'message' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessage', 'ttl' => 0, 'message' => '', 'media' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessageMediaDocument', 'thumb' => file_get_contents('tests/faust.preview.jpg'), 'thumb_w' => 90, 'thumb_h' => 90, 'mime_type' => mime_content_type('tests/mosconi.mp3'), 'caption' => 'test', 'key' => $inputEncryptedFile['key'], 'iv' => $inputEncryptedFile['iv'], 'file_name' => 'mosconi.mp3', 'size' => filesize('tests/mosconi.mp3'), 'attributes' => [['_' => 'documentAttributeAudio', 'voice' => true, 'duration' => 1, 'title' => 'AH NON LO SO IO', 'performer' => 'IL DIO GERMANO MOSCONI']]]]]; foreach ($secret_media as $type => $smessage) { $type = $MadelineProto->messages->sendEncryptedFile($smessage); } } $mention = $MadelineProto->get_info(getenv('TEST_USERNAME')); // Returns an array with all of the constructors that can be extracted from a username or an id $mention = $mention['user_id']; // Selects only the numeric user id $media = []; // Photo uploaded as document $inputFile = $MadelineProto->upload('tests/faust.jpg', 'fausticorn.jpg'); // This gets an inputFile object with file name magic $media['document_photo'] = ['_' => 'inputMediaUploadedDocument', 'file' => $inputFile, 'mime_type' => mime_content_type('tests/faust.jpg'), 'caption' => 'This file was uploaded using MadelineProto', 'attributes' => [['_' => 'documentAttributeImageSize', 'w' => 1280, 'h' => 914]]]; // Photo $media['photo'] = ['_' => 'inputMediaUploadedPhoto', 'file' => $inputFile, 'mime_type' => mime_content_type('tests/faust.jpg'), 'caption' => 'This photo was uploaded using MadelineProto']; // GIF $inputFile = $MadelineProto->upload('tests/pony.mp4'); $media['gif'] = ['_' => 'inputMediaUploadedDocument', 'file' => $inputFile, 'mime_type' => mime_content_type('tests/pony.mp4'), 'caption' => 'test', 'attributes' => [['_' => 'documentAttributeAnimated']]]; // Sticker $inputFile = $MadelineProto->upload('tests/lel.webp'); $media['sticker'] = ['_' => 'inputMediaUploadedDocument', 'file' => $inputFile, 'mime_type' => mime_content_type('tests/lel.webp'), 'caption' => 'test', 'attributes' => [['_' => 'documentAttributeSticker', 'alt' => 'LEL', 'stickerset' => ['_' => 'inputStickerSetEmpty']]]]; // Video $inputFile = $MadelineProto->upload('tests/swing.mp4'); $media['video'] = ['_' => 'inputMediaUploadedDocument', 'file' => $inputFile, 'mime_type' => mime_content_type('tests/swing.mp4'), 'caption' => 'test', 'attributes' => [['_' => 'documentAttributeVideo', 'duration' => 5, 'w' => 1280, 'h' => 720]]]; // audio $inputFile = $MadelineProto->upload('tests/mosconi.mp3'); $media['audio'] = ['_' => 'inputMediaUploadedDocument', 'file' => $inputFile, 'mime_type' => mime_content_type('tests/mosconi.mp3'), 'caption' => 'test', 'attributes' => [['_' => 'documentAttributeAudio', 'voice' => false, 'duration' => 1, 'title' => 'AH NON LO SO IO', 'performer' => 'IL DIO GERMANO MOSCONI']]]; // voice $media['voice'] = ['_' => 'inputMediaUploadedDocument', 'file' => $inputFile, 'mime_type' => mime_content_type('tests/mosconi.mp3'), 'caption' => 'test', 'attributes' => [['_' => 'documentAttributeAudio', 'voice' => true, 'duration' => 1, 'title' => 'AH NON LO SO IO', 'performer' => 'IL DIO GERMANO MOSCONI']]]; // Document $time = time(); $inputFile = $MadelineProto->upload('tests/60', 'magic'); // This gets an inputFile object with file name magic var_dump(time() - $time); $media['document'] = ['_' => 'inputMediaUploadedDocument', 'file' => $inputFile, 'mime_type' => 'magic/magic', 'caption' => 'This file was uploaded using MadelineProto', 'attributes' => [['_' => 'documentAttributeFilename', 'file_name' => 'magic.magic']]]; foreach (json_decode(getenv('TEST_DESTINATION_GROUPS'), true) as $peer) { $sentMessage = $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $peer, 'message' => $message, 'entities' => [['_' => 'inputMessageEntityMentionName', 'offset' => 0, 'length' => mb_strlen($message), 'user_id' => $mention]]]); \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log([$sentMessage], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); foreach ($media as $type => $inputMedia) { $type = $MadelineProto->messages->sendMedia(['peer' => $peer, 'media' => $inputMedia]); } } var_dump($MadelineProto->API->get_updates()); echo 'Serializing MadelineProto to session.madeline...'.PHP_EOL; echo 'Wrote '.\danog\MadelineProto\Serialization::serialize('session.madeline', $MadelineProto).' bytes'.PHP_EOL; echo 'Size of MadelineProto instance is '.strlen(serialize($MadelineProto)).' bytes'.PHP_EOL; if ($bot_token = getenv('BOT_TOKEN')) { $MadelineProto = new \danog\MadelineProto\API($settings); $authorization = $MadelineProto->bot_login($bot_token); \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log([$authorization], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); } $message = 'yay'; $mention = $MadelineProto->get_info(getenv('TEST_USERNAME')); // Returns an array with all of the constructors that can be extracted from a username or an id $mention = $mention['user_id']; // Selects only the numeric user id foreach (json_decode(getenv('TEST_DESTINATION_GROUPS'), true) as $peer) { $sentMessage = $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $peer, 'message' => $message, 'entities' => [['_' => 'inputMessageEntityMentionName', 'offset' => 0, 'length' => mb_strlen($message), 'user_id' => $mention]]]); \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log([$sentMessage], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE); } var_dump($MadelineProto->API->get_updates()); var_dump('HERE');