#!/usr/bin/env php . */ set_include_path(get_include_path().':'.realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/MadelineProto/')); if (!file_exists(__DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php')) { echo 'You did not run composer update, using madeline.php'.PHP_EOL; if (!file_exists('madeline.php')) { copy('https://phar.madelineproto.xyz/madeline.php', 'madeline.php'); } include 'madeline.php'; } else { require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; } if (!file_exists('songs.php')) { copy('https://github.com/danog/MadelineProto/raw/master/songs.php', 'songs.php'); } echo 'Deserializing MadelineProto from session.madeline...'.PHP_EOL; /*if (!isset($MadelineProto->inputEncryptedFilePhoto) && false) { $MadelineProto->inputEncryptedFilePhoto = $MadelineProto->upload_encrypted('tests/faust.jpg', 'fausticorn.jpg'); // This gets an inputFile object with file name magic $MadelineProto->inputEncryptedFileGif = $MadelineProto->upload_encrypted('tests/pony.mp4'); $MadelineProto->inputEncryptedFileSticker = $MadelineProto->upload_encrypted('tests/lel.webp'); $MadelineProto->inputEncryptedFileDocument = $MadelineProto->upload_encrypted('tests/60', 'magic'); // This gets an inputFile object with file name magic $MadelineProto->inputEncryptedFileVideo = $MadelineProto->upload_encrypted('tests/swing.mp4'); $MadelineProto->inputEncryptedFileAudio = $MadelineProto->upload_encrypted('tests/mosconi.mp3'); }*/ use danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Impl\ResumableSignalLoop; class MessageLoop extends ResumableSignalLoop { const INTERVAL = 10; private $timeout; private $call; public function __construct($API, $call, $timeout = self::INTERVAL) { $this->API = $API; $this->call = $call; $this->timeout = $timeout; } public function loop() { $MadelineProto = $this->API; $logger = &$MadelineProto->logger; while (true) { while (!isset($this->call->mId)) { $result = yield $this->waitSignal($this->pause($this->timeout)); if ($result) { $logger->logger("Got signal in $this, exiting"); return; } } try { yield $MadelineProto->messages->editMessage(['id' => $this->call->mId, 'peer' => $this->call->getOtherID(), 'message' => 'Total running calls: '.count($MadelineProto->getEventHandler()->calls).PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL.$this->call->getDebugString()]); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException $e) { $MadelineProto->logger($e); } } } public function __toString(): string { return "VoIP message loop ".$this->call->getOtherId(); } } class StatusLoop extends ResumableSignalLoop { const INTERVAL = 2; private $timeout; private $call; public function __construct($API, $call, $timeout = self::INTERVAL) { $this->API = $API; $this->call = $call; $this->timeout = $timeout; } public function loop() { $MadelineProto = $this->API; $logger = &$MadelineProto->logger; $call = $this->call; while (true) { $result = yield $this->waitSignal($this->pause($this->timeout)); if ($result) { $logger->logger("Got signal in $this, exiting"); return; } if ($call->getCallState() === \danog\MadelineProto\VoIP::CALL_STATE_ENDED) { try { /*yield $this->messages->sendMedia([ 'reply_to_msg_id' => $this->times[$call->getOtherID()][1], 'peer' => $call->getOtherID(), 'message' => 'Call statistics by @magnaluna', 'media' => [ '_' => 'inputMediaUploadedDocument', 'file' => "/tmp/stats".$call->getCallID()['id'].".txt", 'attributes' => [ ['_' => 'documentAttributeFilename', 'file_name' => "stats".$call->getCallID()['id'].".txt"] ] ], ]);*/ yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMedia([ 'reply_to_msg_id' => $this->call->mId, 'peer' => $call->getOtherID(), 'message' => 'Debug info by @magnaluna', 'media' => [ '_' => 'inputMediaUploadedDocument', 'file' => '/tmp/logs'.$call->getCallID()['id'].'.log', 'attributes' => [ ['_' => 'documentAttributeFilename', 'file_name' => 'logs'.$call->getCallID()['id'].'.log'], ], ], ]); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { $MadelineProto->logger($e); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException $e) { $MadelineProto->logger($e); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { $MadelineProto->logger($e); } @unlink('/tmp/logs'.$call->getCallID()['id'].'.log'); @unlink('/tmp/stats'.$call->getCallID()['id'].'.txt'); $MadelineProto->getEventHandler()->cleanUpCall($call->getOtherID()); return; } } } public function __toString(): string { return "VoIP status loop ".$this->call->getOtherId(); } } class EventHandler extends \danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler { const ADMINS = [101374607]; // @danogentili, creator of MadelineProto private $messageLoops = []; private $statusLoops = []; private $programmed_call; private $my_users; public function configureCall($call) { include 'songs.php'; $call->configuration['enable_NS'] = false; $call->configuration['enable_AGC'] = false; $call->configuration['enable_AEC'] = false; $call->configuration['log_file_path'] = '/tmp/logs'.$call->getCallID()['id'].'.log'; // Default is /dev/null //$call->configuration["stats_dump_file_path"] = "/tmp/stats".$call->getCallID()['id'].".txt"; // Default is /dev/null $call->parseConfig(); $call->playOnHold($songs); if ($call->getCallState() === \danog\MadelineProto\VoIP::CALL_STATE_INCOMING) { if ($call->accept() === false) { $this->logger('DID NOT ACCEPT A CALL'); } } if ($call->getCallState() !== \danog\MadelineProto\VoIP::CALL_STATE_ENDED) { $this->calls[$call->getOtherID()] = $call; try { $call->mId = yield $this->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $call->getOtherID(), 'message' => 'Total running calls: '.count($this->calls).PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL.$call->getDebugString()])['id']; } catch (\Throwable $e) { $this->logger($e); } $this->messageLoops[$call->getOtherID()] = new MessageLoop($this, $call); $this->statusLoops[$call->getOtherID()] = new StatusLoop($this, $call); $this->messageLoops[$call->getOtherID()]->start(); $this->statusLoops[$call->getOtherID()]->start(); } //yield $this->messages->sendMessage(['message' => var_export($call->configuration, true), 'peer' => $call->getOtherID()]); } public function cleanUpCall($user) { if (isset($this->calls[$user])) { unset($this->calls[$user]); } if (isset($this->messageLoops[$user])) { $this->messageLoops[$user]->signal(true); unset($this->messageLoops[$user]); } if (isset($this->statusLoops[$user])) { $this->statusLoops[$user]->signal(true); unset($this->statusLoops[$user]); } } public function makeCall($user) { try { if (isset($this->calls[$user])) { if ($this->calls[$user]->getCallState() === \danog\MadelineProto\VoIP::CALL_STATE_ENDED) { yield $this->cleanUpCall($user); } else { yield $this->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $user, 'message' => "I'm already in a call with you!"]); return; } } yield $this->configureCall(yield $this->requestCall($user)); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException $e) { try { if ($e->rpc === 'USER_PRIVACY_RESTRICTED') { $e = 'Please disable call privacy settings to make me call you'; }/* elseif (strpos($e->rpc, 'FLOOD_WAIT_') === 0) { $t = str_replace('FLOOD_WAIT_', '', $e->rpc); $this->programmed_call[] = [$user, time() + 1 + $t]; $e = "I'll call you back in $t seconds.\nYou can also call me right now."; }*/ yield $this->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $user, 'message' => (string) $e]); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException $e) { } } catch (\Throwable $e) { yield $this->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $user, 'message' => (string) $e]); } } public function handleMessage($chat_id, $from_id, $message) { try { if (!isset($this->my_users[$from_id]) || $message === '/start') { $this->my_users[$from_id] = true; $message = '/call'; yield $this->messages->sendMessage(['no_webpage' => true, 'peer' => $chat_id, 'message' => "Hi, I'm @magnaluna the webradio. Call _me_ to listen to some **awesome** music, or send /call to make _me_ call _you_ (don't forget to disable call privacy settings!). You can also program a phone call with /program: /program 29 August 2018 - call me the 29th of august 2018 /program +1 hour 30 minutes - call me in one hour and thirty minutes /program next Thursday - call me next Thursday at midnight Send /start to see this message again. I also provide advanced stats during calls! I'm a userbot powered by @MadelineProto, created by @danogentili. Source code: https://github.com/danog/MadelineProto Propic art by @magnaluna on [deviantart](https://magnaluna.deviantart.com).", 'parse_mode' => 'Markdown']); } if (!isset($this->calls[$from_id]) && $message === '/call') { yield $this->makeCall($from_id); } if (strpos($message, '/program') === 0) { $time = strtotime(str_replace('/program ', '', $message)); if ($time === false) { yield $this->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chat_id, 'message' => 'Invalid time provided']); } else if ($time - time() <= 0) { yield $this->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chat_id, 'message' => 'Invalid time provided']); } else { yield $this->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chat_id, 'message' => 'OK']); $this->programmed_call[] = [$from_id, $time]; $key = count($this->programmed_call) - 1; yield $this->sleep($time - time()); yield $this->makeCall($from_id); unset($this->programmed_call[$key]); } } if ($message === '/broadcast' && in_array(self::ADMINS, $from_id)) { $time = time() + 100; $message = explode(' ', $message, 2); unset($message[0]); $message = implode(' ', $message); $params = ['multiple' => true]; foreach (yield $this->get_dialogs() as $peer) { $params []= ['peer' => $peer, 'message' => $message]; } yield $this->messages->sendMessage($params); } } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException $e) { try { if ($e->rpc === 'USER_PRIVACY_RESTRICTED') { $e = 'Please disable call privacy settings to make me call you'; } /*elseif (strpos($e->rpc, 'FLOOD_WAIT_') === 0) { $t = str_replace('FLOOD_WAIT_', '', $e->rpc); $e = "Too many people used the /call function. I'll be able to call you in $t seconds.\nYou can also call me right now"; }*/ yield $this->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chat_id, 'message' => (string) $e]); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException $e) { } $this->logger($e); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { $this->logger($e); } } public function onUpdateNewMessage($update) { if ($update['message']['out'] || $update['message']['to_id']['_'] !== 'peerUser' || !isset($update['message']['from_id'])) { return; } $this->logger->logger($update); $chat_id = $from_id = yield $this->get_info($update)['bot_api_id']; $message = $update['message']['message'] ?? ''; yield $this->handleMessage($chat_id, $from_id, $message); } public function onUpdateNewEncryptedMessage($update) { return; $chat_id = yield $this->get_info($update)['InputEncryptedChat']; $from_id = yield $this->get_secret_chat($chat_id)['user_id']; $message = isset($update['message']['decrypted_message']['message']) ? $update['message']['decrypted_message']['message'] : ''; yield $this->handleMessage($chat_id, $from_id, $message); } public function onUpdateEncryption($update) { return; try { if ($update['chat']['_'] !== 'encryptedChat') { return; } $chat_id = yield $this->get_info($update)['InputEncryptedChat']; $from_id = yield $this->get_secret_chat($chat_id)['user_id']; $message = ''; } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { return; } yield $this->handleMessage($chat_id, $from_id, $message); } public function onUpdatePhoneCall($update) { if (is_object($update['phone_call']) && isset($update['phone_call']->madeline) && $update['phone_call']->getCallState() === \danog\MadelineProto\VoIP::CALL_STATE_INCOMING) { yield $this->configureCall($update['phone_call']); } } /*public function onAny($update) { $this->logger->logger($update); }*/ public function __construct($API) { parent::__construct($API); $this->programmed_call = []; foreach ($this->programmed_call as $key => list($user, $time)) { continue; $sleepTime = $time <= time() ? 0 : $time - time(); $this->callFork((function () use ($sleepTime, $key, $user) { yield $this->sleep($sleepTime); yield $this->makeCall($user); unset($this->programmed_call[$key]); })()); } } public function __sleep() { return ['programmed_call', 'my_users']; } } if (!class_exists('\\danog\\MadelineProto\\VoIPServerConfig')) { die('Install the libtgvoip extension: https://voip.madelineproto.xyz'.PHP_EOL); } \danog\MadelineProto\VoIPServerConfig::update( [ 'audio_init_bitrate' => 100 * 1000, 'audio_max_bitrate' => 100 * 1000, 'audio_min_bitrate' => 10 * 1000, 'audio_congestion_window' => 4 * 1024, ] ); $MadelineProto = new \danog\MadelineProto\API('session.madeline', ['secret_chats' => ['accept_chats' => false], 'logger' => ['logger' => 3, 'logger_level' => 5, 'logger_param' => getcwd().'/MadelineProto.log'], 'updates' => ['getdifference_interval' => 10], 'serialization' => ['serialization_interval' => 30, 'cleanup_before_serialization' => true], 'flood_timeout' => ['wait_if_lt' => 86400]]); foreach (['calls', 'programmed_call', 'my_users'] as $key) { if (isset($MadelineProto->API->storage[$key])) { unset($MadelineProto->API->storage[$key]); } } $MadelineProto->async(true); $MadelineProto->loop(function () use ($MadelineProto) { yield $MadelineProto->start(); yield $MadelineProto->setEventHandler('\EventHandler'); }); $MadelineProto->loop();