iterate->execute(); while (yield $request->advance()) { $row = $request->getCurrent(); yield $emit([$row['key'], $this->getValue($row)]); } }); } public function getArrayCopy(): Promise { return call(function () { $iterator = $this->getIterator(); $result = []; while (yield $iterator->advance()) { [$key, $value] = $iterator->getCurrent(); $result[$key] = $value; } return $result; }); } /** * Check if key isset. * * @param $key * * @return Promise true if the offset exists, otherwise false */ public function isset($key): Promise { return call(fn () => yield $this->offsetGet($key) !== null); } /** * Unset value for an offset. * * @link * * @param string|int $index

* The offset to unset. *

* * @return Promise * @throws \Throwable */ public function offsetUnset($index): Promise { $this->unsetCache($index); return $this->execute( $this->unset, ['index' => $index] ); } /** * Count elements. * * @link * @return Promise The number of elements or public properties in the associated * array or object, respectively. * @throws \Throwable */ public function count(): Promise { return call(function () { $row = yield $this->execute($this->count); return $row[0]['count'] ?? 0; }); } public function offsetGet($offset): Promise { return call(function () use ($offset) { if ($cached = $this->getCache($offset)) { return $cached; } $row = yield $this->execute($this->get, ['index' => $offset]); if ($value = $this->getValue($row)) { $this->setCache($offset, $value); } return $value; }); } /** * Set value for an offset. * * @link * * @param string|int $index

* The index to set for. *

* @param $value * * @throws \Throwable */ public function offsetSet($index, $value): Promise { if ($this->getCache($index) === $value) { return new Success(); } $this->setCache($index, $value); $request = $this->execute( $this->set, [ 'index' => $index, 'value' => \serialize($value), ] ); //Ensure that cache is synced with latest insert in case of concurrent requests. $request->onResolve(fn () => $this->setCache($index, $value)); return $request; } /** * Perform async request to db. * * @param Statement $query * @param array $params * * @return Promise * @throws \Throwable */ protected function execute(Statement $stmt, array $params = []): Promise { return call(function () use ($stmt, $params) { if ( !empty($params['index']) && !\mb_check_encoding($params['index'], 'UTF-8') ) { $params['index'] = \mb_convert_encoding($params['index'], 'UTF-8'); } try { $request = yield $stmt->execute($params); } catch (\Throwable $e) { Logger::log($e->getMessage(), Logger::ERROR); return []; } $result = []; if ($request instanceof ResultSet) { while (yield $request->advance()) { $result[] = $request->getCurrent(); } } return $result; }); } }