# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import mtproto import os import io import prime import struct # Deal with py2 and py3 differences try: import configparser except ImportError: import ConfigParser as configparser from Crypto.Hash import SHA from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA config = configparser.ConfigParser() # Check if credentials is correctly loaded (when it doesn't read anything it returns []) if not config.read('credentials'): print("File 'credentials' seems to not exist.") exit(-1) ip = config.get('App data', 'ip_address') port = config.getint('App data', 'port') Session = mtproto.Session(ip, port) client_nonce = os.urandom(16) x = Session.method_call('req_pq', nonce=client_nonce) server_nonce = x['server_nonce'] public_key_fingerprint = x['server_public_key_fingerprints'][0] PQ_bytes = x['pq'] # doing len(PQ_bytes) I saw it was 8 bytes, so we unpack with Q # as in the docs: https://docs.python.org/2/library/struct.html PQ = struct.unpack('>q', PQ_bytes)[0] [p, q] = prime.primefactors(PQ) if p > q: (p, q) = (q, p) assert p*q == PQ and p < q print("PQ = %d\np = %d, q = %d" % (PQ, p, q)) P_bytes = struct.pack('>i', p) Q_bytes = struct.pack('>i', q) # print("p.bit_length()//8+1: " + str(p.bit_length()//8+1)) # 4 # print("q.bit_length()//8+1: " + str(q.bit_length()//8+1)) # 4 # P_bytes = int.to_bytes(p, p.bit_length()//8+1, 'big') # Q_bytes = int.to_bytes(q, q.bit_length()//8+1, 'big') f = open('rsa.pub', 'r') key = RSA.importKey(f.read()) z = io.BytesIO() new_nonce = os.urandom(32) mtproto.serialize_obj(z, 'p_q_inner_data', pq=PQ_bytes, p=P_bytes, q=Q_bytes, nonce=client_nonce, server_nonce=server_nonce, new_nonce=new_nonce) data = z.getvalue() sha_digest = SHA.new(data).digest() random_bytes = os.urandom(255-len(data)-len(sha_digest)) to_encrypt = sha_digest + data + random_bytes encrypted_data = key.encrypt(to_encrypt, 0)[0] z = Session.method_call('req_DH_params', nonce=client_nonce, server_nonce=server_nonce, p=P_bytes, q=Q_bytes, public_key_fingerprint=public_key_fingerprint, encrypted_data=encrypted_data) print(z) # # used for serialization and SHA testing (passed) # z = io.BytesIO() # mtproto.serialize_obj(z, 'p_q_inner_data', # pq=b"\x17\xED\x48\x94\x1A\x08\xF9\x81", # p=b"\x49\x4C\x55\x3B", # q=b"\x53\x91\x10\x73", # nonce=b"\x3E\x05\x49\x82\x8C\xCA\x27\xE9\x66\xB3\x01\xA4\x8F\xEC\xE2\xFC", # server_nonce=b"\xA5\xCF\x4D\x33\xF4\xA1\x1E\xA8\x77\xBA\x4A\xA5\x73\x90\x73\x30", # new_nonce=b"\x31\x1C\x85\xDB\x23\x4A\xA2\x64\x0A\xFC\x4A\x76\xA7\x35\xCF\x5B\x1F\x0F\xD6\x8B\xD1\x7F\xA1\x81\xE1\x22\x9A\xD8\x67\xCC\x02\x4D") # x=z.getvalue() # print(SHA.new(x).hexdigest())