. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license https://opensource.org/licenses/AGPL-3.0 AGPLv3 * * @link https://docs.madelineproto.xyz MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto; use Amp\Dns\Resolver; use Amp\File\StatCache; use Amp\Http\Client\HttpClient; use Amp\Loop; use Amp\Promise; use Amp\Success; use Closure; use danog\MadelineProto\Async\AsyncConstruct; use danog\MadelineProto\Db\DbArray; use danog\MadelineProto\Db\DbPropertiesFactory; use danog\MadelineProto\Db\DbPropertiesTrait; use danog\MadelineProto\Db\MemoryArray; use danog\MadelineProto\Ipc\Server; use danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Generic\PeriodicLoopInternal; use danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Update\FeedLoop; use danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Update\SeqLoop; use danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Update\UpdateLoop; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\CombinedUpdatesState; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\GarbageCollector; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\MinDatabase; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\ReferenceDatabase; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\UpdatesState; use danog\MadelineProto\Settings\Database\Memory; use danog\MadelineProto\Settings\TLSchema; use danog\MadelineProto\TL\TL; use danog\MadelineProto\TL\TLCallback; use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface; use function Amp\File\exists; use function Amp\File\size; /** * Manages all of the mtproto stuff. */ class MTProto extends AsyncConstruct implements TLCallback { use \danog\Serializable; use \danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\AuthKeyHandler; use \danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\CallHandler; use \danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\PeerHandler; use \danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\UpdateHandler; use \danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\Files; use \danog\MadelineProto\SecretChats\AuthKeyHandler; use \danog\MadelineProto\SecretChats\MessageHandler; use \danog\MadelineProto\SecretChats\ResponseHandler; use \danog\MadelineProto\SecretChats\SeqNoHandler; use \danog\MadelineProto\TL\Conversion\BotAPI; use \danog\MadelineProto\TL\Conversion\BotAPIFiles; use \danog\MadelineProto\TL\Conversion\TD; use \danog\MadelineProto\VoIP\AuthKeyHandler; use \danog\MadelineProto\Wrappers\DialogHandler; use \danog\MadelineProto\Wrappers\Events; use \danog\MadelineProto\Wrappers\Webhook; use \danog\MadelineProto\Wrappers\Callback; use \danog\MadelineProto\Wrappers\Login; use \danog\MadelineProto\Wrappers\Loop; use \danog\MadelineProto\Wrappers\Noop; use \danog\MadelineProto\Wrappers\Start; use \danog\MadelineProto\Wrappers\Templates; use \danog\MadelineProto\Wrappers\TOS; use DbPropertiesTrait; /** * Old internal version of MadelineProto. * * DO NOT REMOVE THIS COMMENTED OUT CONSTANT * * @var int */ /* const V = 71; */ /** * Internal version of MadelineProto. * * Increased every time the default settings array or something big changes * * @var int */ const V = 147; /** * Release version. * * @var string */ const RELEASE = '5.0'; /** * We're not logged in. * * @var int */ const NOT_LOGGED_IN = 0; /** * We're waiting for the login code. * * @var int */ const WAITING_CODE = 1; /** * We're waiting for parameters to sign up. * * @var int */ const WAITING_SIGNUP = -1; /** * We're waiting for the 2FA password. * * @var int */ const WAITING_PASSWORD = 2; /** * We're logged in. * * @var int */ const LOGGED_IN = 3; /** * Bad message error codes. * * @internal * * @var array */ const BAD_MSG_ERROR_CODES = [16 => 'msg_id too low (most likely, client time is wrong; it would be worthwhile to synchronize it using msg_id notifications and re-send the original message with the “correct” msg_id or wrap it in a container with a new msg_id if the original message had waited too long on the client to be transmitted)', 17 => 'msg_id too high (similar to the previous case, the client time has to be synchronized, and the message re-sent with the correct msg_id)', 18 => 'incorrect two lower order msg_id bits (the server expects client message msg_id to be divisible by 4)', 19 => 'container msg_id is the same as msg_id of a previously received message (this must never happen)', 20 => 'message too old, and it cannot be verified whether the server has received a message with this msg_id or not', 32 => 'msg_seqno too low (the server has already received a message with a lower msg_id but with either a higher or an equal and odd seqno)', 33 => 'msg_seqno too high (similarly, there is a message with a higher msg_id but with either a lower or an equal and odd seqno)', 34 => 'an even msg_seqno expected (irrelevant message), but odd received', 35 => 'odd msg_seqno expected (relevant message), but even received', 48 => 'incorrect server salt (in this case, the bad_server_salt response is received with the correct salt, and the message is to be re-sent with it)', 64 => 'invalid container']; /** * Localized message info flags. * * @internal * * @var array */ const MSGS_INFO_FLAGS = [1 => 'nothing is known about the message (msg_id too low, the other party may have forgotten it)', 2 => 'message not received (msg_id falls within the range of stored identifiers; however, the other party has certainly not received a message like that)', 3 => 'message not received (msg_id too high; however, the other party has certainly not received it yet)', 4 => 'message received (note that this response is also at the same time a receipt acknowledgment)', 8 => ' and message already acknowledged', 16 => ' and message not requiring acknowledgment', 32 => ' and RPC query contained in message being processed or processing already complete', 64 => ' and content-related response to message already generated', 128 => ' and other party knows for a fact that message is already received']; /** * Secret chat was not found. * * @var int */ const SECRET_EMPTY = 0; /** * Secret chat was requested. * * @var int */ const SECRET_REQUESTED = 1; /** * Secret chat was found. * * @var int */ const SECRET_READY = 2; /** * @internal */ const GETUPDATES_HANDLER = 'getUpdates'; /** * @internal */ const TD_PARAMS_CONVERSION = ['updateNewMessage' => ['_' => 'updateNewMessage', 'disable_notification' => ['message', 'silent'], 'message' => ['message']], 'message' => ['_' => 'message', 'id' => ['id'], 'sender_user_id' => ['from_id'], 'chat_id' => ['peer_id', 'choose_chat_id_from_botapi'], 'send_state' => ['choose_incoming_or_sent'], 'can_be_edited' => ['choose_can_edit'], 'can_be_deleted' => ['choose_can_delete'], 'is_post' => ['post'], 'date' => ['date'], 'edit_date' => ['edit_date'], 'forward_info' => ['fwd_info', 'choose_forward_info'], 'reply_to_message_id' => ['reply_to_msg_id'], 'ttl' => ['choose_ttl'], 'ttl_expires_in' => ['choose_ttl_expires_in'], 'via_bot_user_id' => ['via_bot_id'], 'views' => ['views'], 'content' => ['choose_message_content'], 'reply_markup' => ['reply_markup']], 'messages.sendMessage' => ['chat_id' => ['peer'], 'reply_to_message_id' => ['reply_to_msg_id'], 'disable_notification' => ['silent'], 'from_background' => ['background'], 'input_message_content' => ['choose_message_content'], 'reply_markup' => ['reply_markup']]]; /** * @internal */ const TD_REVERSE = ['sendMessage' => 'messages.sendMessage']; /** * @internal */ const TD_IGNORE = ['updateMessageID']; /** * @internal */ const BOTAPI_PARAMS_CONVERSION = ['disable_web_page_preview' => 'no_webpage', 'disable_notification' => 'silent', 'reply_to_message_id' => 'reply_to_msg_id', 'chat_id' => 'peer', 'text' => 'message']; /** * @internal */ const DEFAULT_GETUPDATES_PARAMS = ['offset' => 0, 'limit' => null, 'timeout' => 100]; /** * Array of references to all instances of MTProto. * * This seems like a recipe for memory leaks, but this is actually required to allow saving the session on shutdown. * When using a network I/O-based database+the EvDriver of AMPHP, calling die(); causes premature garbage collection of the event loop. * This garbage collection happens always, even if a reference to the event handler is already present elsewhere (probably ev dark magic). * * Finally, this causes the process to hang on shutdown, since the database driver cannot receive a reply from the server, because the event loop is down. * * To avoid this, we store each MTProto instance in here (unreferencing on shutdown in unreference()), and call serialize() on all instances before calling die; in Magic. * * @var self[] */ public static array $references = []; /** * Instance of wrapper API. * * @var APIWrapper */ public $wrapper; /** * PWRTelegram webhook URL. * * @var boolean|string */ public $hook_url = false; /** * Settings array. * * @var Settings */ public $settings; /** * Config array. * * @var array */ private $config = ['expires' => -1]; /** * TOS info. * * @var array */ private $tos = ['expires' => 0, 'accepted' => true]; /** * Whether we're initing authorization. * * @var boolean */ private $initing_authorization = false; /** * Authorization info (User). * * @var array|null */ public $authorization = null; /** * Whether we're authorized. * * @var int * @psalm-var self::NOT_LOGGED_IN|self::WAITING_*|self::LOGGED_IN */ public $authorized = self::NOT_LOGGED_IN; /** * Main authorized DC ID. * * @var integer */ public $authorized_dc = -1; /** * RSA keys. * * @var array */ private $rsa_keys = []; /** * CDN RSA keys. * * @var array */ private $cdn_rsa_keys = []; /** * Diffie-hellman config. * * @var array */ private $dh_config = ['version' => 0]; /** * Internal peer database. * * @var DbArray|Promise[] */ public $chats; /** * Cache of usernames for chats. * * @var DbArray|Promise[] */ public $usernames; /** * Cached parameters for fetching channel participants. * * @var DbArray|Promise[] */ public $channel_participants; /** * When we last stored data in remote peer database (now doesn't exist anymore). * * @var integer */ public $last_stored = 0; /** * Temporary array of data to be sent to remote peer database. * * @var array */ public $qres = []; /** * Full chat info database. * * @var DbArray|Promise[] */ public $full_chats; /** * Latest chat message ID map for update handling. * * @var array */ private $msg_ids = []; /** * Version integer for upgrades. * * @var integer */ private $v = 0; /** * Cached getdialogs params. * * @var array */ private $dialog_params = ['limit' => 0, 'offset_date' => 0, 'offset_id' => 0, 'offset_peer' => ['_' => 'inputPeerEmpty'], 'count' => 0]; /** * Support user ID. * * @var integer */ private $supportUser = 0; /** * File reference database. * * @var \danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\ReferenceDatabase */ public $referenceDatabase; /** * min database. * * @var \danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\MinDatabase */ public $minDatabase; /** * TOS check loop. */ public ?PeriodicLoopInternal $checkTosLoop = null; /** * Phone config loop. */ public ?PeriodicLoopInternal $phoneConfigLoop = null; /** * Config loop. */ public ?PeriodicLoopInternal $configLoop = null; /** * Call checker loop. */ private ?PeriodicLoopInternal $callCheckerLoop = null; /** * Autoserialization loop. */ private ?PeriodicLoopInternal $serializeLoop = null; /** * RPC reporting loop. */ private ?PeriodicLoopInternal $rpcLoop = null; /** * SEQ update loop. */ private ?SeqLoop $seqUpdater = null; /** * IPC server. */ private ?Server $ipcServer = null; /** * Feeder loops. * * @var array<\danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Update\FeedLoop> */ public $feeders = []; /** * Updater loops. * * @var array<\danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Update\UpdateLoop> */ public $updaters = []; /** * DataCenter instance. * * @var DataCenter */ public $datacenter; /** * Logger instance. * * @var Logger */ public $logger; /** * TL serializer. * * @var \danog\MadelineProto\TL\TL */ private $TL; /** * Snitch. */ private Snitch $snitch; /** * DC list. */ protected array $dcList = [ 'test' => [ // Test datacenters 'ipv4' => [ // ipv4 addresses 2 => [ // The rest will be fetched using help.getConfig 'ip_address' => '', 'port' => 443, 'media_only' => false, 'tcpo_only' => false, ], ], 'ipv6' => [ // ipv6 addresses 2 => [ // The rest will be fetched using help.getConfig 'ip_address' => '2001:067c:04e8:f002:0000:0000:0000:000e', 'port' => 443, 'media_only' => false, 'tcpo_only' => false, ], ], ], 'main' => [ // Main datacenters 'ipv4' => [ // ipv4 addresses 2 => [ // The rest will be fetched using help.getConfig 'ip_address' => '', 'port' => 443, 'media_only' => false, 'tcpo_only' => false, ], ], 'ipv6' => [ // ipv6 addresses 2 => [ // The rest will be fetched using help.getConfig 'ip_address' => '2001:067c:04e8:f002:0000:0000:0000:000a', 'port' => 443, 'media_only' => false, 'tcpo_only' => false, ], ], ] ]; /** * Nullcache array for storing main session file to DB. * * @var DbArray|Promise[] */ public $session; /** * List of properties stored in database (memory or external). * @see DbPropertiesFactory * @var array */ protected static array $dbProperties = [ 'chats' => 'array', 'full_chats' => 'array', 'channel_participants' => 'array', 'usernames' => 'array', 'session' => [ 'type' => 'array', 'config' => ['enableCache' => false] ] ]; /** * Serialize session, returning object to serialize to db. * * @return \Generator */ public function serializeSession(object $data): \Generator { if (!$this->session || $this->session instanceof MemoryArray) { return $data; } yield $this->session->offsetSet('data', $data); return $this->session; } /** * Serialize all instances. * * CALLED ONLY ON SHUTDOWN. * * @return void */ public static function serializeAll(): void { Logger::log('Prompting final serialization (SHUTDOWN)...'); foreach (self::$references as $instance) { Tools::wait($instance->wrapper->serialize()); } Logger::log('Done final serialization (SHUTDOWN)!'); } /** * Constructor function. * * @param Settings|SettingsEmpty $settings Settings * @param APIWrapper $wrapper API wrapper * * @return void */ public function __magic_construct(SettingsAbstract $settings, APIWrapper $wrapper) { self::$references[\spl_object_hash($this)] = $this; $this->wrapper = $wrapper; $this->setInitPromise($this->__construct_async($settings)); } /** * Async constructor function. * * @param Settings|SettingsEmpty $settings Settings * * @return \Generator */ public function __construct_async(SettingsAbstract $settings): \Generator { // Initialize needed stuffs Magic::classExists(); // Parse and store settings $this->updateSettingsInternal($settings); // Actually instantiate needed classes like a boss yield from $this->cleanupProperties(); // Load rsa keys $this->rsa_keys = []; foreach ($this->settings->getAuth()->getRsaKeys() as $key) { $key = (yield from (new RSA())->load($this->TL, $key)); $this->rsa_keys[$key->fp] = $key; } // (re)-initialize TL $callbacks = [$this, $this->referenceDatabase]; if (!($this->authorization['user']['bot'] ?? false)) { $callbacks[] = $this->minDatabase; } $this->TL->init($this->settings->getSchema(), $callbacks); yield from $this->connectToAllDcs(); $this->startLoops(); $this->datacenter->curdc = 2; if ((!isset($this->authorization['user']['bot']) || !$this->authorization['user']['bot']) && $this->datacenter->getDataCenterConnection($this->datacenter->curdc)->hasTempAuthKey()) { try { $nearest_dc = yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('help.getNearestDc', [], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc]); $this->logger->logger(\sprintf(Lang::$current_lang['nearest_dc'], $nearest_dc['country'], $nearest_dc['nearest_dc']), Logger::NOTICE); if ($nearest_dc['nearest_dc'] != $nearest_dc['this_dc']) { $this->settings->setDefaultDc($this->datacenter->curdc = (int) $nearest_dc['nearest_dc']); } } catch (RPCErrorException $e) { if ($e->rpc !== 'BOT_METHOD_INVALID') { throw $e; } } } yield from $this->getConfig([], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc]); $this->startUpdateSystem(true); $this->v = self::V; $this->settings->applyChanges(); GarbageCollector::start(); } /** * Set API wrapper needed for triggering serialization functions. * * @internal */ public function setWrapper(APIWrapper $wrapper): void { $this->wrapper = $wrapper; } /** * Get API wrapper. * * @internal */ public function getWrapper(): APIWrapper { return $this->wrapper; } /** * Sleep function. * * @return array */ public function __sleep(): array { $db = $this->settings->getDb(); if ($db instanceof Memory && $db->getCleanup()) { Tools::wait($this->cleanup()); } $res = [ // Databases 'chats', 'full_chats', 'referenceDatabase', 'minDatabase', 'channel_participants', 'usernames', // Misc caching 'dialog_params', 'last_stored', 'qres', 'supportUser', 'tos', // Event handler 'event_handler', 'event_handler_instance', 'loop_callback', 'updates', 'updates_key', 'hook_url', // Web login template 'webTemplate', // Settings 'settings', 'config', 'dcList', // Authorization keys 'datacenter', // Authorization state 'authorization', 'authorized', 'authorized_dc', // Authorization cache 'rsa_keys', 'dh_config', // Update state 'got_state', 'channels_state', 'msg_ids', // Version 'v', // TL 'TL', // Secret chats 'secret_chats', 'temp_requested_secret_chats', 'temp_rekeyed_secret_chats', // Report URI 'reportDest', ]; if (!$this->updateHandler instanceof Closure) { $res[] = 'updateHandler'; } return $res; } /** * Cleanup memory and session file. * * @return \Generator */ public function cleanup(): \Generator { $this->referenceDatabase = new ReferenceDatabase($this); yield from $this->referenceDatabase->init(); $callbacks = [$this, $this->referenceDatabase]; if (!($this->authorization['user']['bot'] ?? false)) { $callbacks[] = $this->minDatabase; } $this->TL->updateCallbacks($callbacks); } private function fillUsernamesCache(): \Generator { if (yield $this->usernames->count() === 0) { $this->logger('Filling database cache. This can take few minutes.', Logger::WARNING); $iterator = $this->chats->getIterator(); while (yield $iterator->advance()) { [$id, $chat] = $iterator->getCurrent(); if (isset($chat['username'])) { $this->usernames[\strtolower($chat['username'])] = $this->getId($chat); } } $this->logger('Cache filled.', Logger::WARNING); } } /** * Logger. * * @param string $param Parameter * @param int $level Logging level * @param string $file File where the message originated * * @return void */ public function logger($param, int $level = Logger::NOTICE, string $file = ''): void { if ($file === null) { $file = \basename(\debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 1)[0]['file'], '.php'); } isset($this->logger) ? $this->logger->logger($param, $level, $file) : Logger::$default->logger($param, $level, $file); } /** * Get TL namespaces. * * @return array */ public function getMethodNamespaces(): array { return $this->TL->getMethodNamespaces(); } /** * Get namespaced methods (method => namespace). * * @return array */ public function getMethodsNamespaced(): array { return $this->TL->getMethodsNamespaced(); } /** * Get TL serializer. * * @return TL */ public function getTL(): \danog\MadelineProto\TL\TL { return $this->TL; } /** * Get logger. */ public function getLogger(): Logger { return $this->logger; } /** * Get PSR logger. */ public function getPsrLogger(): LoggerInterface { return $this->logger->getPsrLogger(); } /** * Get async HTTP client. * * @return \Amp\Http\Client\HttpClient */ public function getHTTPClient(): HttpClient { return $this->datacenter->getHTTPClient(); } /** * Get async DNS client. * * @return \Amp\Dns\Resolver */ public function getDNSClient(): Resolver { return $this->datacenter->getDNSClient(); } /** * Get contents of remote file asynchronously. * * @param string $url URL * * @return \Generator * * @psalm-return \Generator, mixed, string> */ public function fileGetContents(string $url): \Generator { return $this->datacenter->fileGetContents($url); } /** * Get all datacenter connections. * * @return array */ public function getDataCenterConnections(): array { return $this->datacenter->getDataCenterConnections(); } /** * Get main DC ID. * * @return int|string */ public function getDataCenterId() { return $this->datacenter->curdc; } /** * Prompt serialization of instance. * * @internal * * @return void */ public function serialize() { if ($this->wrapper && $this->inited()) { $this->wrapper->serialize(); } } /** * Start all internal loops. * * @return void */ private function startLoops() { if (!$this->callCheckerLoop) { $this->callCheckerLoop = new PeriodicLoopInternal($this, [$this, 'checkCalls'], 'call check', 10 * 1000); } if (!$this->serializeLoop) { $this->serializeLoop = new PeriodicLoopInternal($this, [$this, 'serialize'], 'serialize', $this->settings->getSerialization()->getInterval() * 1000); } if (!$this->phoneConfigLoop) { $this->phoneConfigLoop = new PeriodicLoopInternal($this, [$this, 'getPhoneConfig'], 'phone config', 24 * 3600 * 1000); } if (!$this->checkTosLoop) { $this->checkTosLoop = new PeriodicLoopInternal($this, [$this, 'checkTos'], 'TOS', 24 * 3600 * 1000); } if (!$this->configLoop) { $this->configLoop = new PeriodicLoopInternal($this, [$this, 'getConfig'], 'config', 24 * 3600 * 1000); } if (!$this->rpcLoop) { $this->rpcLoop = new PeriodicLoopInternal($this, [$this, 'rpcReport'], 'config', 60 * 1000); } if (!$this->ipcServer) { $this->ipcServer = new Server($this); $this->ipcServer->setSettings($this->settings->getIpc()); $this->ipcServer->setIpcPath($this->wrapper->session); } $this->callCheckerLoop->start(); $this->serializeLoop->start(); $this->phoneConfigLoop->start(); $this->configLoop->start(); $this->checkTosLoop->start(); $this->rpcLoop->start(); $this->ipcServer->start(); } /** * Stop all internal loops. * * @return void */ private function stopLoops() { if ($this->callCheckerLoop) { $this->callCheckerLoop->signal(true); $this->callCheckerLoop = null; } if ($this->serializeLoop) { $this->serializeLoop->signal(true); $this->serializeLoop = null; } if ($this->phoneConfigLoop) { $this->phoneConfigLoop->signal(true); $this->phoneConfigLoop = null; } if ($this->configLoop) { $this->configLoop->signal(true); $this->configLoop = null; } if ($this->checkTosLoop) { $this->checkTosLoop->signal(true); $this->checkTosLoop = null; } if ($this->rpcLoop) { $this->rpcLoop->signal(true); $this->rpcLoop = null; } if ($this->ipcServer) { $this->ipcServer->signal(null); $this->ipcServer = null; } } /** * Report RPC errors. * * @internal * * @return \Generator */ public function rpcReport(): \Generator { $toReport = RPCErrorException::$toReport; RPCErrorException::$toReport = []; foreach ($toReport as [$method, $code, $error, $time]) { try { $res = \json_decode(yield from $this->fileGetContents('https://rpc.pwrtelegram.xyz/?method='.$method.'&code='.$code.'&error='.$error.'&t='.$time), true); if (isset($res['ok']) && $res['ok'] && isset($res['result'])) { $description = $res['result']; RPCErrorException::$descriptions[$error] = $description; RPCErrorException::$errorMethodMap[$code][$method][$error] = $error; } } catch (\Throwable $e) { } } } /** * Clean up properties from previous versions of MadelineProto. * * @internal * * @return \Generator * * @psalm-return \Generator */ private function cleanupProperties(): \Generator { if (!$this->channels_state instanceof CombinedUpdatesState) { $this->channels_state = new CombinedUpdatesState($this->channels_state); } if (isset($this->updates_state)) { if (!$this->updates_state instanceof UpdatesState) { $this->updates_state = new UpdatesState($this->updates_state); } $this->channels_state->__construct([UpdateLoop::GENERIC => $this->updates_state]); unset($this->updates_state); } if (!isset($this->datacenter)) { $this->datacenter ??= new DataCenter($this, $this->dcList, $this->settings->getConnection()); } if (!isset($this->referenceDatabase)) { $this->referenceDatabase = new ReferenceDatabase($this); yield from $this->referenceDatabase->init(); } else { yield from $this->referenceDatabase->init(); } if (!isset($this->minDatabase)) { $this->minDatabase = new MinDatabase($this); yield from $this->minDatabase->init(); } else { yield from $this->minDatabase->init(); } if (!isset($this->TL)) { $this->TL = new TL($this); $callbacks = [$this, $this->referenceDatabase]; if (!($this->authorization['user']['bot'] ?? false)) { $callbacks[] = $this->minDatabase; } $this->TL->init($this->settings->getSchema(), $callbacks); } yield from $this->initDb($this); yield from $this->fillUsernamesCache(); } /** * Upgrade MadelineProto instance. * * @return \Generator * @throws Exception * @throws RPCErrorException * @throws \Throwable */ private function upgradeMadelineProto(): \Generator { if (!isset($this->snitch)) { $this->snitch = new Snitch; } $this->logger->logger(Lang::$current_lang['serialization_ofd'], Logger::WARNING); foreach ($this->datacenter->getDataCenterConnections() as $dc_id => $socket) { if ($this->authorized === self::LOGGED_IN && \strpos($dc_id, '_') === false && $socket->hasPermAuthKey() && $socket->hasTempAuthKey()) { $socket->bind(); $socket->authorized(true); } } $this->settings->setSchema(new TLSchema); yield from $this->initDb($this); if (!isset($this->secret_chats)) { $this->secret_chats = []; } $iterator = $this->full_chats->getIterator(); while (yield $iterator->advance()) { [$id, $full] = $iterator->getCurrent(); if (isset($full['full'], $full['last_update'])) { yield $this->full_chats->offsetSet($id, ['full' => $full['full'], 'last_update' => $full['last_update']]); } } foreach ($this->secret_chats as $key => &$chat) { if (!\is_array($chat)) { unset($this->secret_chats[$key]); continue; } if ($chat['layer'] >= 73) { $chat['mtproto'] = 2; } else { $chat['mtproto'] = 1; } } unset($chat); $this->resetMTProtoSession(true, true); $this->config = ['expires' => -1]; $this->dh_config = ['version' => 0]; yield from $this->__construct_async($this->settings); foreach ($this->secret_chats as $chat => $data) { try { if (isset($this->secret_chats[$chat]) && $this->secret_chats[$chat]['InputEncryptedChat'] !== null) { yield from $this->notifyLayer($chat); } } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException $e) { } } } /** * Post-deserialization initialization function. * * @param Settings|SettingsEmpty $settings New settings * @param APIWrapper $wrapper API wrapper * * @internal * * @return \Generator */ public function wakeup(SettingsAbstract $settings, APIWrapper $wrapper): \Generator { // Set reference to itself self::$references[\spl_object_hash($this)] = $this; // Set API wrapper $this->wrapper = $wrapper; // BC stuff if ($this->authorized === true) { $this->authorized = self::LOGGED_IN; } // Convert old array settings to new settings object if (\is_array($this->settings)) { if (($this->settings['updates']['callback'] ?? '') === 'getUpdatesUpdateHandler') { /** @psalm-suppress InvalidPropertyAssignmentValue */ $this->settings['updates']['callback'] = [$this, 'getUpdatesUpdateHandler']; } if (\is_callable($this->settings['updates']['callback'] ?? null)) { $this->updateHandler = $this->settings['updates']['callback']; } /** @psalm-suppress InvalidArrayOffset */ $this->dcList = $this->settings['connection'] ?? $this->dcList; } $this->settings = Settings::parseFromLegacy($this->settings); // Clean up phone call array foreach ($this->calls as $id => $controller) { if (!\is_object($controller)) { unset($this->calls[$id]); } elseif ($controller->getCallState() === VoIP::CALL_STATE_ENDED) { $controller->setMadeline($this); $controller->discard(); } else { $controller->setMadeline($this); } } $this->forceInit(false); $this->setInitPromise($this->wakeupAsync($settings)); return $this->initAsynchronously(); } /** * Async wakeup function. * * @param Settings|SettingsEmpty $settings New settings * * @return \Generator */ private function wakeupAsync(SettingsAbstract $settings): \Generator { // Setup one-time stuffs Magic::classExists(); $this->settings->getConnection()->init(); // Setup logger $this->setupLogger(); // Setup language Lang::$current_lang =& Lang::$lang['en']; if (Lang::$lang[$this->settings->getAppInfo()->getLangCode()] ?? false) { Lang::$current_lang =& Lang::$lang[$this->settings->getAppInfo()->getLangCode()]; } // Reset MTProto session (not related to user session) $this->resetMTProtoSession(); // Update settings from constructor $this->updateSettingsInternal($settings); // Session update process for BC $forceDialogs = false; if (!isset($this->v) || $this->v !== self::V || $this->settings->getSchema()->needsUpgrade()) { yield from $this->upgradeMadelineProto(); $forceDialogs = true; } // Cleanup old properties, init new stuffs yield from $this->cleanupProperties(); // Update TL callbacks $callbacks = [$this, $this->referenceDatabase]; if (!($this->authorization['user']['bot'] ?? false)) { $callbacks[] = $this->minDatabase; } $this->TL->updateCallbacks($callbacks); // Connect to all DCs, start internal loops yield from $this->connectToAllDcs(); $this->startLoops(); if (yield from $this->fullGetSelf()) { $this->authorized = self::LOGGED_IN; $this->setupLogger(); yield from $this->getCdnConfig($this->datacenter->curdc); yield from $this->initAuthorization(); } // onStart event handler if ($this->event_handler && \class_exists($this->event_handler) && \is_subclass_of($this->event_handler, EventHandler::class)) { yield from $this->setEventHandler($this->event_handler); } $this->startUpdateSystem(true); if ($this->authorized === self::LOGGED_IN && !$this->authorization['user']['bot'] && $this->settings->getPeer()->getCacheAllPeersOnStartup()) { yield from $this->getDialogs($forceDialogs); } if ($this->authorized === self::LOGGED_IN) { $this->logger->logger(Lang::$current_lang['getupdates_deserialization'], Logger::NOTICE); yield $this->updaters[UpdateLoop::GENERIC]->resume(); } $this->updaters[UpdateLoop::GENERIC]->start(); GarbageCollector::start(); } /** * Unreference instance, allowing destruction. * * @internal * * @return void */ public function unreference(): void { $this->logger->logger("Will unreference instance"); if (isset(self::$references[\spl_object_hash($this)])) { unset(self::$references[\spl_object_hash($this)]); } $this->stopLoops(); if (isset($this->seqUpdater)) { $this->seqUpdater->signal(true); } $channelIds = []; foreach ($this->channels_state->get() as $state) { $channelIds[] = $state->getChannel(); } \sort($channelIds); foreach ($channelIds as $channelId) { if (isset($this->feeders[$channelId])) { $this->feeders[$channelId]->signal(true); } if (isset($this->updaters[$channelId])) { $this->updaters[$channelId]->signal(true); } } foreach ($this->datacenter->getDataCenterConnections() as $datacenter) { $datacenter->disconnect(); } $this->logger->logger("Unreferenced instance"); } /** * Destructor. */ public function __destruct() { $this->logger('Shutting down MadelineProto (MTProto)'); $this->unreference(); $this->logger("Successfully destroyed MadelineProto"); } /** * Restart IPC server instance. * * @internal */ public function restartIpcServer(): Promise { return new Success(); // Can only be called from client } /** * Whether we're an IPC client instance. * * @return boolean */ public function isIpc(): bool { return false; } /** * Parse, update and store settings. * * @param SettingsAbstract $settings Settings * * @return \Generator */ public function updateSettings(SettingsAbstract $settings): \Generator { $this->updateSettingsInternal($settings); if ($this->settings->getDb()->hasChanged()) { yield from $this->initDb($this); $this->settings->getDb()->applyChanges(); } if ($this->settings->getIpc()->hasChanged()) { $this->ipcServer->setSettings($this->settings->getIpc()->applyChanges()); } if ($this->settings->getSerialization()->hasChanged()) { $this->serializeLoop->signal(true); $this->serializeLoop = new PeriodicLoopInternal($this, [$this, 'serialize'], 'serialize', $this->settings->getSerialization()->applyChanges()->getInterval() * 1000); } if ($this->settings->getAuth()->hasChanged() || $this->settings->getConnection()->hasChanged() || $this->settings->getSchema()->hasChanged() || $this->settings->getSchema()->needsUpgrade()) { yield from $this->__construct_async($this->settings); } } /** * Parse, update and store settings. * * @param SettingsAbstract $settings Settings * * @return void */ private function updateSettingsInternal(SettingsAbstract $settings): void { if ($settings instanceof SettingsEmpty) { if (!isset($this->settings)) { $this->settings = new Settings; } else { return; } } else { if (!isset($this->settings)) { if ($settings instanceof Settings) { $this->settings = $settings; } else { $this->settings = new Settings; $this->settings->merge($settings); } } else { $this->settings->merge($settings); } } if (!$this->settings->getAppInfo()->hasApiInfo()) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception(Lang::$current_lang['api_not_set'], 0, null, 'MadelineProto', 1); } // Setup logger if ($this->settings->getLogger()->hasChanged() || !$this->logger) { $this->setupLogger(); } } /** * Return current settings. * * @return Settings */ public function getSettings(): Settings { return $this->settings; } /** * Setup logger. * * @return void */ public function setupLogger(): void { $this->logger = new Logger( $this->settings->getLogger(), $this->authorization['user']['username'] ?? $this->authorization['user']['id'] ?? '' ); } /** * Reset all MTProto sessions. * * @param boolean $de Whether to reset the session ID * @param boolean $auth_key Whether to reset the auth key * * @internal * * @return void */ public function resetMTProtoSession(bool $de = true, bool $auth_key = false): void { if (!\is_object($this->datacenter)) { throw new Exception(Lang::$current_lang['session_corrupted']); } foreach ($this->datacenter->getDataCenterConnections() as $id => $socket) { if ($de) { $socket->resetSession(); } if ($auth_key) { $socket->setAuthKey(null); } } } /** * Check if connected to datacenter using HTTP. * * @param string $datacenter DC ID * * @internal * * @return boolean */ public function isHttp(string $datacenter): bool { return $this->datacenter->isHttp($datacenter); } /** * Checks whether all datacenters are authorized. * * @return boolean */ public function hasAllAuth(): bool { if ($this->isInitingAuthorization()) { return false; } foreach ($this->datacenter->getDataCenterConnections() as $dc) { if ((!$dc->isAuthorized() || !$dc->hasTempAuthKey()) && !$dc->isCDN()) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Whether we're initing authorization. * * @internal * * @return boolean */ public function isInitingAuthorization() { return $this->initing_authorization; } /** * Connects to all datacenters and if necessary creates authorization keys, binds them and writes client info. * * @param boolean $reconnectAll Whether to reconnect to all DCs * * @return \Generator */ public function connectToAllDcs(bool $reconnectAll = true): \Generator { $this->channels_state->get(FeedLoop::GENERIC); foreach ($this->channels_state->get() as $state) { $channelId = $state->getChannel(); if (!isset($this->feeders[$channelId])) { $this->feeders[$channelId] = new FeedLoop($this, $channelId); } if (!isset($this->updaters[$channelId])) { $this->updaters[$channelId] = new UpdateLoop($this, $channelId); } } if (!isset($this->seqUpdater)) { $this->seqUpdater = new SeqLoop($this); } $this->datacenter->__construct($this, $this->dcList, $this->settings->getConnection(), $reconnectAll); $dcs = []; foreach ($this->datacenter->getDcs() as $new_dc) { $dcs[] = $this->datacenter->dcConnect($new_dc); } yield \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::all($dcs); yield from $this->initAuthorization(); yield from $this->parseConfig(); $dcs = []; foreach ($this->datacenter->getDcs(false) as $new_dc) { $dcs[] = $this->datacenter->dcConnect($new_dc); } yield \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::all($dcs); yield from $this->initAuthorization(); yield from $this->parseConfig(); yield from $this->getPhoneConfig(); } /** * Clean up MadelineProto session after logout. * * @internal * * @return \Generator */ public function resetSession(): \Generator { if (isset($this->seqUpdater)) { $this->seqUpdater->signal(true); unset($this->seqUpdater); } $channelIds = []; foreach ($this->channels_state->get() as $state) { $channelIds[] = $state->getChannel(); } \sort($channelIds); foreach ($channelIds as $channelId) { if (isset($this->feeders[$channelId])) { $this->feeders[$channelId]->signal(true); unset($this->feeders[$channelId]); } if (isset($this->updaters[$channelId])) { $this->updaters[$channelId]->signal(true); unset($this->updaters[$channelId]); } } foreach ($this->datacenter->getDataCenterConnections() as $socket) { $socket->authorized(false); } $this->channels_state = new CombinedUpdatesState(); $this->got_state = false; $this->msg_ids = []; $this->authorized = self::NOT_LOGGED_IN; $this->authorized_dc = -1; $this->authorization = null; $this->updates = []; $this->secret_chats = []; yield from $this->initDb($this, true); $this->tos = ['expires' => 0, 'accepted' => true]; $this->dialog_params = ['_' => 'MadelineProto.dialogParams', 'limit' => 0, 'offset_date' => 0, 'offset_id' => 0, 'offset_peer' => ['_' => 'inputPeerEmpty'], 'count' => 0]; $this->referenceDatabase = new ReferenceDatabase($this); yield from $this->referenceDatabase->init(); $this->minDatabase = new MinDatabase($this); yield from $this->minDatabase->init(); } /** * Reset the update state and fetch all updates from the beginning. * * @return void */ public function resetUpdateState(): void { if (isset($this->seqUpdater)) { $this->seqUpdater->signal(true); } $channelIds = []; $newStates = []; foreach ($this->channels_state->get() as $state) { $channelIds[] = $state->getChannel(); $channelId = $state->getChannel(); $pts = $state->pts(); $pts = $channelId ? \max(1, $pts - 1000000) : ($pts > 4000000 ? $pts - 1000000 : \max(1, $pts - 1000000)); $newStates[$channelId] = new UpdatesState(['pts' => $pts], $channelId); } \sort($channelIds); foreach ($channelIds as $channelId) { if (isset($this->feeders[$channelId])) { $this->feeders[$channelId]->signal(true); } if (isset($this->updaters[$channelId])) { $this->updaters[$channelId]->signal(true); } } $this->channels_state->__construct($newStates); $this->startUpdateSystem(); } /** * Start the update system. * * @param boolean $anyway Force start update system? * * @internal * * @return void */ public function startUpdateSystem($anyway = false): void { if (!$this->inited() && !$anyway) { $this->logger("Not starting update system"); return; } $this->logger("Starting update system"); if (!isset($this->seqUpdater)) { $this->seqUpdater = new SeqLoop($this); } $this->channels_state->get(FeedLoop::GENERIC); $channelIds = []; foreach ($this->channels_state->get() as $state) { $channelIds[] = $state->getChannel(); } \sort($channelIds); foreach ($channelIds as $channelId) { if (!isset($this->feeders[$channelId])) { $this->feeders[$channelId] = new FeedLoop($this, $channelId); } if (!isset($this->updaters[$channelId])) { $this->updaters[$channelId] = new UpdateLoop($this, $channelId); } if ($this->feeders[$channelId]->start() && isset($this->feeders[$channelId])) { $this->feeders[$channelId]->resume(); } if ($this->updaters[$channelId]->start() && isset($this->updaters[$channelId])) { $this->updaters[$channelId]->resume(); } } foreach ($this->datacenter->getDataCenterConnections() as $datacenter) { $datacenter->flush(); } if ($this->seqUpdater->start()) { $this->seqUpdater->resume(); } } /** * Store shared phone config. * * @param mixed $watcherId Watcher ID * * @internal * * @return \Generator */ public function getPhoneConfig($watcherId = null): \Generator { if ($this->authorized === self::LOGGED_IN && \class_exists(VoIPServerConfigInternal::class) && !$this->authorization['user']['bot'] && $this->datacenter->getDataCenterConnection($this->settings->getDefaultDc())->hasTempAuthKey()) { $this->logger->logger('Fetching phone config...'); VoIPServerConfig::updateDefault(yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('phone.getCallConfig', [], $this->settings->getDefaultDcParams())); } else { $this->logger->logger('Not fetching phone config'); } } /** * Store RSA keys for CDN datacenters. * * @param string $datacenter DC ID * * @return \Generator */ public function getCdnConfig(string $datacenter): \Generator { try { foreach ((yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('help.getCdnConfig', [], ['datacenter' => $datacenter]))['public_keys'] as $curkey) { $curkey = (yield from (new RSA())->load($this->TL, $curkey['public_key'])); $this->cdn_rsa_keys[$curkey->fp] = $curkey; } } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\TL\Exception $e) { $this->logger->logger($e->getMessage(), \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::FATAL_ERROR); } } /** * Get cached server-side config. * * @return array */ public function getCachedConfig(): array { return $this->config; } /** * Get cached (or eventually re-fetch) server-side config. * * @param array $config Current config * @param array $options Options for method call * * @return \Generator */ public function getConfig(array $config = [], array $options = []): \Generator { if ($this->config['expires'] > \time()) { return $this->config; } $this->config = empty($config) ? yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('help.getConfig', $config, $options ?: $this->settings->getDefaultDcParams()) : $config; yield from $this->parseConfig(); $this->logger->logger(Lang::$current_lang['config_updated'], Logger::NOTICE); $this->logger->logger($this->config, Logger::NOTICE); return $this->config; } /** * Parse cached config. * * @return \Generator */ private function parseConfig(): \Generator { if (isset($this->config['dc_options'])) { $options = $this->config['dc_options']; unset($this->config['dc_options']); yield from $this->parseDcOptions($options); } } /** * Parse DC options from config. * * @param array $dc_options DC options * * @return \Generator */ private function parseDcOptions(array $dc_options): \Generator { $previous = $this->dcList; foreach ($dc_options as $dc) { $test = $this->config['test_mode'] ? 'test' : 'main'; $id = $dc['id']; if (isset($dc['static'])) { //$id .= $dc['static'] ? '_static' : ''; } if (isset($dc['cdn'])) { $id .= $dc['cdn'] ? '_cdn' : ''; } $id .= $dc['media_only'] ? '_media' : ''; $ipv6 = $dc['ipv6'] ? 'ipv6' : 'ipv4'; if (\is_numeric($id)) { $id = (int) $id; } unset($dc['cdn'], $dc['media_only'], $dc['id'], $dc['ipv6']); $this->dcList[$test][$ipv6][$id] = $dc; } $curdc = $this->datacenter->curdc; if ($previous !== $this->dcList && (!$this->datacenter->has($curdc) || $this->datacenter->getDataCenterConnection($curdc)->byIPAddress())) { $this->logger->logger('Got new DC options, reconnecting'); yield from $this->connectToAllDcs(false); } $this->datacenter->curdc = $curdc; } /** * Get info about the logged-in user, cached. * * @return array|bool */ public function getSelf() { return $this->authorization['user'] ?? false; } /** * Get info about the logged-in user, not cached. * * @return \Generator */ public function fullGetSelf(): \Generator { try { $this->authorization = ['user' => (yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('users.getUsers', ['id' => [['_' => 'inputUserSelf']]], ['datacenter' => $this->datacenter->curdc]))[0]]; } catch (RPCErrorException $e) { $this->logger->logger($e->getMessage()); return false; } return $this->authorization['user']; } /** * Get authorization info. * * @return int */ public function getAuthorization(): int { return $this->authorized; } /** * Get current password hint. * * @return string */ public function getHint(): string { if ($this->authorized !== self::WAITING_PASSWORD) { throw new Exception("Not waiting for the password!"); } return $this->authorization['hint']; } /** * IDs of peers where to report errors. * * @var int[] */ private $reportDest = []; /** * Check if has report peers. * * @return boolean */ public function hasReportPeers(): bool { return (bool) $this->reportDest; } /** * Set peer(s) where to send errors occurred in the event loop. * * @param int|string $userOrId Username(s) or peer ID(s) * * @return \Generator */ public function setReportPeers($userOrId): \Generator { if (!(\is_array($userOrId) && !isset($userOrId['_']) && !isset($userOrId['id']))) { $userOrId = [$userOrId]; } foreach ($userOrId as $k => &$peer) { try { $peer = (yield from $this->getInfo($peer))['bot_api_id']; } catch (\Throwable $e) { unset($userOrId[$k]); $this->logger("Could not obtain info about report peer $peer: $e", Logger::FATAL_ERROR); } } /** @var int[] $userOrId */ $this->reportDest = $userOrId; } /** * Report an error to the previously set peer. * * @param string $message Error to report * @param string $parseMode Parse mode * * @return \Generator */ public function report(string $message, string $parseMode = ''): \Generator { if (!$this->reportDest) { return; } $file = null; if ($this->settings->getLogger()->getType() === Logger::FILE_LOGGER && $path = $this->settings->getLogger()->getExtra()) { StatCache::clear($path); if (!yield exists($path)) { $message = "!!! WARNING !!!\nThe logfile does not exist, please DO NOT delete the logfile to avoid errors in MadelineProto!\n\n$message"; } elseif (!yield size($path)) { $message = "!!! WARNING !!!\nThe logfile is empty, please DO NOT delete the logfile to avoid errors in MadelineProto!\n\n$message"; } else { $file = yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead( 'messages.uploadMedia', [ 'peer' => $this->reportDest[0], 'media' => [ '_' => 'inputMediaUploadedDocument', 'file' => $path, 'attributes' => [ ['_' => 'documentAttributeFilename', 'file_name' => 'MadelineProto.log'] ] ] ] ); } } $sent = true; foreach ($this->reportDest as $id) { try { yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('messages.sendMessage', ['peer' => $id, 'message' => $message, 'parse_mode' => $parseMode]); if ($file) { yield from $this->methodCallAsyncRead('messages.sendMedia', ['peer' => $id, 'media' => $file]); } $sent &= true; } catch (\Throwable $e) { $sent &= false; $this->logger("While reporting to $id: $e", Logger::FATAL_ERROR); } } if ($sent && $file) { \ftruncate($this->logger->stdout->getResource(), 0); $this->logger->logger("Reported!"); } } /** * Get full list of MTProto and API methods. * * @return array */ public function getAllMethods(): array { $methods = []; foreach ($this->getTL()->getMethods()->by_id as $method) { $methods[] = $method['method']; } return \array_merge($methods, \get_class_methods(InternalDoc::class)); } /** * Called right before serialization of method starts. * * Pass the method name * * @return array */ public function getMethodCallbacks(): array { return []; } /** * Called right before serialization of method starts. * * Pass the method name * * @return array */ public function getMethodBeforeCallbacks(): array { return []; } /** * Called right after deserialization of object, passing the final object. * * @return array */ public function getConstructorCallbacks(): array { return \array_merge( \array_fill_keys(['chat', 'chatEmpty', 'chatForbidden', 'channel', 'channelEmpty', 'channelForbidden'], [[$this, 'addChat']]), \array_fill_keys(['user', 'userEmpty'], [[$this, 'addUser']]), ['help.support' => [[$this, 'addSupport']]] ); } /** * Called right before deserialization of object. * * Pass only the constructor name * * @return array */ public function getConstructorBeforeCallbacks(): array { return []; } /** * Called right before serialization of constructor. * * Passed the object, will return a modified version. * * @return array */ public function getConstructorSerializeCallbacks(): array { return []; } /** * Called if objects of the specified type cannot be serialized. * * Passed the unserializable object, * will try to convert it to an object of the proper type. * * @return array */ public function getTypeMismatchCallbacks(): array { return \array_merge(\array_fill_keys(['User', 'InputUser', 'Chat', 'InputChannel', 'Peer', 'InputPeer', 'InputDialogPeer', 'InputNotifyPeer'], [$this, 'getInfo']), \array_fill_keys(['InputMedia', 'InputDocument', 'InputPhoto'], [$this, 'getFileInfo']), \array_fill_keys(['InputFileLocation'], [$this, 'getDownloadInfo'])); } /** * Get debug information for var_dump. * * @return array */ public function __debugInfo(): array { $vars = \get_object_vars($this); unset($vars['full_chats'], $vars['chats'], $vars['referenceDatabase'], $vars['minDatabase'], $vars['TL']); return $vars; } }