. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license https://opensource.org/licenses/AGPL-3.0 AGPLv3 * * @link https://docs.madelineproto.xyz MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto; use Amp\Deferred; use Amp\Ipc\Sync\ChannelledSocket; use Amp\Loop; use Amp\Promise; use danog\MadelineProto\Db\DbPropertiesFactory; use danog\MadelineProto\Db\DriverArray; use danog\MadelineProto\Ipc\Server; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoSession\Session; use danog\MadelineProto\Settings\DatabaseAbstract; use function Amp\File\exists; use function Amp\File\get; use function Amp\Ipc\connect; /** * Manages serialization of the MadelineProto instance. */ abstract class Serialization { /** * Header for session files. */ const PHP_HEADER = ' */ public static function unserialize(SessionPaths $session, SettingsAbstract $settings, bool $forceFull = false): \Generator { if (yield exists($session->getSessionPath())) { // Is new session $isNew = true; } elseif (yield exists($session->getLegacySessionPath())) { // Is old session $isNew = false; } else { // No session exists yet, lock for when we create it return [null, yield from Tools::flockGenerator($session->getLockPath(), LOCK_EX, 1)]; } //Logger::log('Waiting for exclusive session lock...'); $warningId = Loop::delay(1000, static function () use (&$warningId) { Logger::log("It seems like the session is busy."); /*if (\defined(\MADELINE_WORKER::class)) { Logger::log("Exiting since we're in a worker"); Magic::shutdown(1); }*/ Logger::log("Telegram does not support starting multiple instances of the same session, make sure no other instance of the session is running."); $warningId = Loop::repeat(5000, fn () => Logger::log('Still waiting for exclusive session lock...')); Loop::unreference($warningId); }); Loop::unreference($warningId); $lightState = null; $cancelFlock = new Deferred; $cancelIpc = new Deferred; $canContinue = true; $ipcSocket = null; $unlock = yield from Tools::flockGenerator($session->getLockPath(), LOCK_EX, 1, $cancelFlock->promise(), $forceFull ? null : static function () use ($session, $cancelFlock, $cancelIpc, &$canContinue, &$ipcSocket, &$lightState) { $ipcSocket = Tools::call(self::tryConnect($session->getIpcPath(), $cancelIpc->promise(), $cancelFlock)); $session->getLightState()->onResolve(static function (?\Throwable $e, ?LightState $res) use ($cancelFlock, &$canContinue, &$lightState) { if ($res) { $lightState = $res; if (!$res->canStartIpc()) { $canContinue = false; $cancelFlock->resolve(true); } } else { $lightState = false; } }); }); Loop::cancel($warningId); if (!$unlock) { // Canceled, don't have lock return $ipcSocket; } if (!$canContinue) { // Have lock, can't use it Logger::log("Session has event handler, but it's not started.", Logger::ERROR); Logger::log("We don't have access to the event handler class, so we can't start it.", Logger::ERROR); Logger::log("Please start the event handler or unset it to use the IPC server.", Logger::ERROR); $unlock(); return $ipcSocket; } try { /** @var LightState */ $lightState ??= yield $session->getLightState(); } catch (\Throwable $e) { } if ($lightState && !$forceFull) { if (!$class = $lightState->getEventHandler()) { // Unlock and fork $unlock(); $cancelIpc->resolve(Server::startMe($session)); return $ipcSocket ?? yield from self::tryConnect($session->getIpcPath(), $cancelIpc->promise()); } elseif (!\class_exists($class)) { // Have lock, can't use it $unlock(); Logger::log("Session has event handler, but it's not started.", Logger::ERROR); Logger::log("We don't have access to the event handler class, so we can't start it.", Logger::ERROR); Logger::log("Please start the event handler or unset it to use the IPC server.", Logger::ERROR); return $ipcSocket ?? yield from self::tryConnect($session->getIpcPath(), $cancelIpc->promise()); } } $tempId = Shutdown::addCallback($unlock = static function () use ($unlock) { Logger::log("Unlocking exclusive session lock!"); $unlock(); Logger::log("Unlocked exclusive session lock!"); }); Logger::log("Got exclusive session lock!"); if ($isNew) { $unserialized = yield from $session->unserialize(); if ($unserialized instanceof DriverArray) { Logger::log("Extracting session from database..."); if ($settings instanceof Settings) { $settings = $settings->getDb(); } if ($settings instanceof DatabaseAbstract) { $tableName = (string) $unserialized; $unserialized = yield DbPropertiesFactory::get( $settings, $tableName, DbPropertiesFactory::TYPE_ARRAY, $unserialized ); } else { yield from $unserialized->initStartup(); } $unserialized = yield $unserialized['data']; if (!$unserialized) { throw new Exception("Could not extract session from database!"); } } } else { $unserialized = yield from self::legacyUnserialize($session->getLegacySessionPath()); } if ($unserialized === false) { throw new Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['deserialization_error']); } Shutdown::removeCallback($tempId); return [$unserialized, $unlock]; } /** * Try connecting to IPC socket. * * @param string $ipcPath IPC path * @param Promise $cancelConnect Cancelation token (triggers cancellation of connection) * @param ?Deferred $cancelFull Cancelation token source (can trigger cancellation of full unserialization) * * @psalm-param Promise<\Throwable|null> $cancelConnect * * @return \Generator * @psalm-return \Generator */ private static function tryConnect(string $ipcPath, Promise $cancelConnect, ?Deferred $cancelFull = null): \Generator { for ($x = 0; $x < 30; $x++) { Logger::log("Trying to connect to IPC socket..."); try { \clearstatcache(true, $ipcPath); $socket = yield connect($ipcPath); Logger::log("Connected to IPC socket!"); if ($cancelFull) { $cancelFull->resolve(true); } return [$socket, null]; } catch (\Throwable $e) { $e = $e->getMessage(); Logger::log("$e while connecting to IPC socket"); } if ($res = yield Tools::timeoutWithDefault($cancelConnect, 1000, null)) { if ($res instanceof \Throwable) { return [$res, null]; } $cancelConnect = (new Deferred)->promise(); } } return [0, null]; } /** * Deserialize legacy session. * * @param string $session * @return \Generator */ private static function legacyUnserialize(string $session): \Generator { $tounserialize = yield get($session); try { $unserialized = \unserialize($tounserialize); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Bug74586Exception $e) { \class_exists('\\Volatile'); $tounserialize = \str_replace('O:26:"danog\\MadelineProto\\Button":', 'O:35:"danog\\MadelineProto\\TL\\Types\\Button":', $tounserialize); foreach (['RSA', 'TL\\TLMethods', 'TL\\TLConstructors', 'MTProto', 'API', 'DataCenter', 'Connection', 'TL\\Types\\Button', 'TL\\Types\\Bytes', 'APIFactory'] as $class) { \class_exists('\\danog\\MadelineProto\\'.$class); } $unserialized = \danog\Serialization::unserialize($tounserialize); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { if ($e->getFile() === 'MadelineProto' && $e->getLine() === 1) { throw $e; } if (@\constant("MADELINEPROTO_TEST") === 'pony') { throw $e; } \class_exists('\\Volatile'); foreach (['RSA', 'TL\\TLMethods', 'TL\\TLConstructors', 'MTProto', 'API', 'DataCenter', 'Connection', 'TL\\Types\\Button', 'TL\\Types\\Bytes', 'APIFactory'] as $class) { \class_exists('\\danog\\MadelineProto\\'.$class); } $changed = false; if (\strpos($tounserialize, 'O:26:"danog\\MadelineProto\\Button":') !== false) { Logger::log("SUBBING BUTTONS!"); $tounserialize = \str_replace('O:26:"danog\\MadelineProto\\Button":', 'O:35:"danog\\MadelineProto\\TL\\Types\\Button":', $tounserialize); $changed = true; } if (\strpos($e->getMessage(), "Erroneous data format for unserializing 'phpseclib\\Math\\BigInteger'") === 0) { Logger::log("SUBBING BIGINTEGOR!"); $tounserialize = \str_replace('phpseclib\\Math\\BigInteger', 'phpseclib\\Math\\BigIntegor', $tounserialize); $changed = true; } if (\strpos($tounserialize, 'C:25:"phpseclib\\Math\\BigInteger"') !== false) { Logger::log("SUBBING TGSECLIB old!"); $tounserialize = \str_replace('C:25:"phpseclib\\Math\\BigInteger"', 'C:24:"tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger"', $tounserialize); $changed = true; } if (\strpos($tounserialize, 'C:26:"phpseclib3\\Math\\BigInteger"') !== false) { Logger::log("SUBBING TGSECLIB!"); $tounserialize = \str_replace('C:26:"phpseclib3\\Math\\BigInteger"', 'C:24:"tgseclib\\Math\\BigInteger"', $tounserialize); $changed = true; } Logger::log((string) $e, Logger::ERROR); if (!$changed) { throw $e; } try { $unserialized = \danog\Serialization::unserialize($tounserialize); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $unserialized = \unserialize($tounserialize); } } catch (\Throwable $e) { Logger::log((string) $e, Logger::ERROR); throw $e; } if ($unserialized instanceof \danog\PlaceHolder) { $unserialized = \danog\Serialization::unserialize($tounserialize); } return $unserialized; } }