#!/usr/bin/env php <?php /* Copyright 2016-2018 Daniil Gentili (https://daniil.it) This file is part of MadelineProto. MadelineProto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. MadelineProto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MadelineProto. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ set_include_path(get_include_path().':'.realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/MadelineProto/')); /* * Various ways to load MadelineProto */ if (!file_exists(__DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php')) { echo 'You did not run composer update, using madeline.php'.PHP_EOL; if (!file_exists('madeline.php')) { copy('https://phar.madelineproto.xyz/madeline.php', 'madeline.php'); } include 'madeline.php'; } else { require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; } class EventHandler extends \danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler { private $sent = [-440592694 => true]; public function onUpdateNewEncryptedMessage($update) { try { if (isset($update['message']['decrypted_message']['media'])) { \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log($this->download_to_dir($update, '.')); } if (isset($this->sent[$update['message']['chat_id']])) { return; } $secret_media = []; // Photo uploaded as document, secret chat $inputEncryptedFile = $this->upload_encrypted('tests/faust.jpg', 'fausticorn.jpg'); // This gets an inputFile object with file name magic $secret_media['document_photo'] = ['peer' => $update, 'file' => $inputEncryptedFile, 'message' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessage', 'ttl' => 0, 'message' => '', 'media' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessageMediaDocument', 'thumb' => file_get_contents('tests/faust.preview.jpg'), 'thumb_w' => 90, 'thumb_h' => 90, 'mime_type' => mime_content_type('tests/faust.jpg'), 'caption' => 'This file was uploaded using MadelineProto', 'key' => $inputEncryptedFile['key'], 'iv' => $inputEncryptedFile['iv'], 'file_name' => 'faust.jpg', 'size' => filesize('tests/faust.jpg'), 'attributes' => [['_' => 'documentAttributeImageSize', 'w' => 1280, 'h' => 914]]]]]; // Photo, secret chat $secret_media['photo'] = ['peer' => $update, 'file' => $inputEncryptedFile, 'message' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessage', 'ttl' => 0, 'message' => '', 'media' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessageMediaPhoto', 'thumb' => file_get_contents('tests/faust.preview.jpg'), 'thumb_w' => 90, 'thumb_h' => 90, 'caption' => 'This file was uploaded using MadelineProto', 'key' => $inputEncryptedFile['key'], 'iv' => $inputEncryptedFile['iv'], 'size' => filesize('tests/faust.jpg'), 'w' => 1280, 'h' => 914]]]; // GIF, secret chat $inputEncryptedFile = $this->upload_encrypted('tests/pony.mp4'); $secret_media['gif'] = ['peer' => $update, 'file' => $inputEncryptedFile, 'message' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessage', 'ttl' => 0, 'message' => '', 'media' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessageMediaDocument', 'thumb' => file_get_contents('tests/pony.preview.jpg'), 'thumb_w' => 90, 'thumb_h' => 90, 'mime_type' => mime_content_type('tests/pony.mp4'), 'caption' => 'test', 'key' => $inputEncryptedFile['key'], 'iv' => $inputEncryptedFile['iv'], 'file_name' => 'pony.mp4', 'size' => filesize('tests/faust.jpg'), 'attributes' => [['_' => 'documentAttributeAnimated']]]]]; // Sticker, secret chat $inputEncryptedFile = $this->upload_encrypted('tests/lel.webp'); $secret_media['sticker'] = ['peer' => $update, 'file' => $inputEncryptedFile, 'message' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessage', 'ttl' => 0, 'message' => '', 'media' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessageMediaDocument', 'thumb' => file_get_contents('tests/lel.preview.jpg'), 'thumb_w' => 90, 'thumb_h' => 90, 'mime_type' => mime_content_type('tests/lel.webp'), 'caption' => 'test', 'key' => $inputEncryptedFile['key'], 'iv' => $inputEncryptedFile['iv'], 'file_name' => 'lel.webp', 'size' => filesize('tests/lel.webp'), 'attributes' => [['_' => 'documentAttributeSticker', 'alt' => 'LEL', 'stickerset' => ['_' => 'inputStickerSetEmpty']]]]]]; // Document, secrey chat $time = time(); $inputEncryptedFile = $this->upload_encrypted('tests/60', 'magic'); // This gets an inputFile object with file name magic \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log(time() - $time); $secret_media['document'] = ['peer' => $update, 'file' => $inputEncryptedFile, 'message' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessage', 'ttl' => 0, 'message' => '', 'media' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessageMediaDocument', 'thumb' => file_get_contents('tests/faust.preview.jpg'), 'thumb_w' => 90, 'thumb_h' => 90, 'mime_type' => 'magic/magic', 'caption' => 'test', 'key' => $inputEncryptedFile['key'], 'iv' => $inputEncryptedFile['iv'], 'file_name' => 'magic.magic', 'size' => filesize('tests/60'), 'attributes' => [['_' => 'documentAttributeFilename', 'file_name' => 'fairy']]]]]; // Video, secret chat $inputEncryptedFile = $this->upload_encrypted('tests/swing.mp4'); $secret_media['video'] = ['peer' => $update, 'file' => $inputEncryptedFile, 'message' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessage', 'ttl' => 0, 'message' => '', 'media' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessageMediaDocument', 'thumb' => file_get_contents('tests/swing.preview.jpg'), 'thumb_w' => 90, 'thumb_h' => 90, 'mime_type' => mime_content_type('tests/swing.mp4'), 'caption' => 'test', 'key' => $inputEncryptedFile['key'], 'iv' => $inputEncryptedFile['iv'], 'file_name' => 'swing.mp4', 'size' => filesize('tests/swing.mp4'), 'attributes' => [['_' => 'documentAttributeVideo', 'duration' => 5, 'w' => 1280, 'h' => 720]]]]]; // audio, secret chat $inputEncryptedFile = $this->upload_encrypted('tests/mosconi.mp3'); $secret_media['audio'] = ['peer' => $update, 'file' => $inputEncryptedFile, 'message' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessage', 'ttl' => 0, 'message' => '', 'media' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessageMediaDocument', 'thumb' => file_get_contents('tests/faust.preview.jpg'), 'thumb_w' => 90, 'thumb_h' => 90, 'mime_type' => mime_content_type('tests/mosconi.mp3'), 'caption' => 'test', 'key' => $inputEncryptedFile['key'], 'iv' => $inputEncryptedFile['iv'], 'file_name' => 'mosconi.mp3', 'size' => filesize('tests/mosconi.mp3'), 'attributes' => [['_' => 'documentAttributeAudio', 'voice' => false, 'duration' => 1, 'title' => 'AH NON LO SO IO', 'performer' => 'IL DIO GERMANO MOSCONI']]]]]; $secret_media['voice'] = ['peer' => $update, 'file' => $inputEncryptedFile, 'message' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessage', 'ttl' => 0, 'message' => '', 'media' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessageMediaDocument', 'thumb' => file_get_contents('tests/faust.preview.jpg'), 'thumb_w' => 90, 'thumb_h' => 90, 'mime_type' => mime_content_type('tests/mosconi.mp3'), 'caption' => 'test', 'key' => $inputEncryptedFile['key'], 'iv' => $inputEncryptedFile['iv'], 'file_name' => 'mosconi.mp3', 'size' => filesize('tests/mosconi.mp3'), 'attributes' => [['_' => 'documentAttributeAudio', 'voice' => true, 'duration' => 1, 'title' => 'AH NON LO SO IO', 'performer' => 'IL DIO GERMANO MOSCONI']]]]]; foreach ($secret_media as $type => $smessage) { $type = $this->messages->sendEncryptedFile($smessage); } $i = 0; while ($i < 10) { echo "SENDING MESSAGE $i TO ".$update['message']['chat_id'].PHP_EOL; $this->messages->sendEncrypted(['peer' => $update, 'message' => ['_' => 'decryptedMessage', 'ttl' => 0, 'message' => (string) ($i++)]]); } $this->sent[$update['message']['chat_id']] = true; } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException $e) { \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log($e); } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) { \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log($e); } } } if (file_exists('.env')) { echo 'Loading .env...'.PHP_EOL; $dotenv = new Dotenv\Dotenv(getcwd()); $dotenv->load(); } echo 'Loading settings...'.PHP_EOL; $settings = json_decode(getenv('MTPROTO_SETTINGS'), true) ?: []; $MadelineProto = new \danog\MadelineProto\API('s.madeline', $settings); $MadelineProto->start(); $MadelineProto->setEventHandler('\EventHandler'); $MadelineProto->loop();