#!/usr/bin/env php . */ require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; $mode = 3; \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::constructor($mode); $TL = new \danog\MadelineProto\TL\TL([ //'mtproto' => __DIR__.'/src/danog/MadelineProto/TL_mtproto_v1.json', // mtproto TL scheme 'telegram' => __DIR__.'/src/danog/MadelineProto/TL_telegram_v57.json', // telegram TL scheme ]); \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log('Copying readme...'); copy('README.md', 'docs/index.md'); chdir(__DIR__.'/docs/API_docs'); \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log('Generating documentation index...'); file_put_contents('index.md', '# MadelineProto API documentation (layer 57) [Methods](methods/) [Constructors](constructors/) [Types](types/) '); foreach (glob('methods/*') as $unlink) { unlink($unlink); } if (file_exists('methods')) { rmdir('methods'); } mkdir('methods'); $methods = []; $types = []; \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log('Generating methods documentation...'); foreach ($TL->methods->method as $key => $method) { $method = str_replace('.', '_', $method); $type = str_replace(['.', '<', '>'], ['_', '_of_', ''], $TL->methods->type[$key]); $real_type = preg_replace('/.*_of_/', '', $type); $params = ''; foreach ($TL->methods->params[$key] as $param) { if ($param['name'] == 'flags') { continue; } $stype = 'type'; $link_type = 'types'; if (isset($param['subtype'])) { $stype = 'subtype'; if ($param['type'] == 'vector') { $link_type = 'constructors'; } } $ptype = str_replace('.', '_', $param[$stype]); switch ($ptype) { case 'true': case 'false': $ptype = 'Bool'; } $params .= "'".$param['name']."' => "; $ptype = '['. str_replace('_', '\_', $ptype). '](../'.$link_type.'/'.$ptype.'.md)'; $params .= (isset($param['subtype']) ? '\['.$ptype.'\]' : $ptype).', '; } $md_method = '['.str_replace(['_', '.'], ['->', '\_'], $method).']('.$method.'.md)'; $methods[$method] = '$MadelineProto->'.$md_method.'(\['.$params.'\]) == [$'.str_replace('_', '\_', $type).'](../types/'.$real_type.'.md) '; $params = ''; $table = empty($TL->methods->params[$key]) ? '' : '### Parameters: | Name | Type | Required | |----------|:-------------:|---------:| '; foreach ($TL->methods->params[$key] as $param) { if ($param['name'] == 'flags') { continue; } $ptype = str_replace('.', '_', $param[isset($param['subtype']) ? 'subtype' : 'type']); switch ($ptype) { case 'true': case 'false': $ptype = 'Bool'; } $table .= '|'.str_replace('_', '\_', $param['name']).'|'.(isset($param['subtype']) ? 'Array of ' : '').'['.str_replace('_', '\_', $ptype).'](../types/'.$ptype.'.md) | '.($param['flag'] ? 'Optional' : 'Required').'| '; $params .= "'".$param['name']."' => "; $params .= (isset($param['subtype']) ? '['.$ptype.']' : $ptype).', '; } $header = str_replace('_', '\_', '## Method: '.$method.' '); $table .= ' '; $return = '### Return type: ['.str_replace('_', '\_', $type).'](../types/'.$real_type.'.md) '; $example = str_replace('[]', '', '### Example: ``` $MadelineProto = new \danog\MadelineProto\API(); if (isset($token)) { $this->bot_login($token); } if (isset($number)) { $sentCode = $MadelineProto->phone_login($number); echo \'Enter the code you received: \'; $code = \'\'; for ($x = 0; $x < $sentCode[\'type\'][\'length\']; $x++) { $code .= fgetc(STDIN); } $MadelineProto->complete_phone_login($code); } $'.$type.' = $MadelineProto->'.str_replace('.', '->', $method).'(['.$params.']); ```'); file_put_contents('methods/'.$method.'.md', $header.$table.$return.$example); } \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log('Generating methods index...'); ksort($methods); file_put_contents('methods/index.md', '# Methods '.implode('', $methods)); foreach (glob('constructors/*') as $unlink) { unlink($unlink); } if (file_exists('constructors')) { rmdir('constructors'); } mkdir('constructors'); $constructors = []; \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log('Generating constructors documentation...'); foreach ($TL->constructors->predicate as $key => $constructor) { $constructor = str_replace('.', '_', $constructor); $type = str_replace(['.', '<', '>'], ['_', '_of_', ''], $TL->constructors->type[$key]); $real_type = preg_replace('/.*_of_/', '', $type); $params = ''; foreach ($TL->constructors->params[$key] as $param) { if ($param['name'] == 'flags') { continue; } $stype = 'type'; $link_type = 'types'; if (isset($param['subtype'])) { $stype = 'subtype'; if ($param['type'] == 'vector') { $link_type = 'constructors'; } } $ptype = str_replace('.', '_', $param[$stype]); switch ($ptype) { case 'true': case 'false': $ptype = 'Bool'; } $params .= "'".$param['name']."' => "; $ptype = '['. str_replace('_', '\_', $ptype). '](../'.$link_type.'/'.$ptype.'.md)'; $params .= (isset($param['subtype']) ? '\['.$ptype.'\]' : $ptype).', '; } $constructors[$constructor] = '[$'.str_replace('_', '\_', $real_type).'](../types/'.$real_type.'.md) = \['.$params.'\]; '; if (!isset($types[$real_type])) { $types[$real_type] = []; } if (!in_array($key, $types[$real_type])) { $types[$real_type][] = $key; } $table = empty($TL->constructors->params[$key]) ? '' : '### Attributes: | Name | Type | Required | |----------|:-------------:|---------:| '; $params = ''; foreach ($TL->constructors->params[$key] as $param) { if ($param['name'] == 'flags') { continue; } $ptype = str_replace('.', '_', $param[isset($param['subtype']) ? 'subtype' : 'type']); $link_type = 'types'; if (isset($param['subtype'])) { if ($param['type'] == 'vector') { $link_type = 'constructors'; } } switch ($ptype) { case 'true': case 'false': $ptype = 'Bool'; } $table .= '|'.str_replace('_', '\_', $param['name']).'|'.(isset($param['subtype']) ? 'Array of ' : '').'['.str_replace('_', '\_', $ptype).'](../'.$link_type.'/'.$ptype.'.md) | '.($param['flag'] ? 'Optional' : 'Required').'| '; $params .= "'".$param['name']."' => "; $params .= (isset($param['subtype']) ? '['.$param['type'].']' : $param['type']).', '; } $params = "['_' => ".$constructor."', ".$params.']'; $header = str_replace('_', '\_', '## Constructor: '.$constructor.' '); $table .= ' '; $type = '### Type: ['.str_replace('_', '\_', $real_type).'](../types/'.$real_type.'.md) '; $example = '### Example: ``` $'.$constructor.' = '.$params.'; ```'; file_put_contents('constructors/'.$constructor.'.md', $header.$table.$type.$example); } \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log('Generating constructors index...'); ksort($constructors); file_put_contents('constructors/index.md', '# Constructors '.implode('', $constructors)); foreach (glob('types/*') as $unlink) { unlink($unlink); } if (file_exists('types')) { rmdir('types'); } mkdir('types'); ksort($types); $index = ''; \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log('Generating types documentation...'); foreach ($types as $type => $keys) { $type = str_replace('.', '_', $type); $index .= '['.$type.']('.$type.'.md) '; $constructors = ''; foreach ($keys as $key) { $predicate = str_replace('.', '_', $TL->constructors->predicate[$key]); $constructors .= '['.str_replace('_', '\_', $predicate).'](../constructors/'.$predicate.'.md) '; } $header = str_replace('_', '\_', '## Type: '.$type.' ### Possible values (constructors): '); file_put_contents('types/'.$type.'.md', $header.$constructors); } \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log('Generating types index...'); file_put_contents('types/index.md', '# Types '.$index); \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log('Generating additional types...'); file_put_contents('types/string.md', '## Type: string A string of variable length.'); file_put_contents('types/bytes.md', '## Type: bytes A string of variable length.'); file_put_contents('types/int.md', '## Type: int A 32 bit signed integer ranging from -2147483647 to 2147483647.'); file_put_contents('types/long.md', '## Type: long A 64 bit signed integer ranging from -9223372036854775807 to 9223372036854775807.'); file_put_contents('types/double.md', '## Type: double A double precision number, single precision can also be used (float).'); file_put_contents('types/!X.md', '## Type: !X Represents a TL serialized payload.'); file_put_contents('types/X.md', '## Type: X Represents a TL serialized payload.'); file_put_contents('constructors/boolFalse.md', '# boolFalse Represents boolean with value equal to `false`.'); file_put_contents('constructors/boolTrue.md', '# boolTrue Represents boolean with value equal to `true`.'); \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log('Done!');