. * * @author Daniil Gentili * @copyright 2016-2020 Daniil Gentili * @license https://opensource.org/licenses/AGPL-3.0 AGPLv3 * * @link https://docs.madelineproto.xyz MadelineProto documentation */ namespace danog\MadelineProto\TL; use Amp\Promise; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProto; use danog\MadelineProto\MTProto\OutgoingMessage; use danog\MadelineProto\Settings\TLSchema; use danog\MadelineProto\Tools; /** * TL serialization. */ class TL { /** * Highest available secret chat layer version. * * @var integer */ private $secretLayer = -1; /** * Constructors. * * @var TLConstructors */ private $constructors; /** * Methods. * * @var TLMethods */ private $methods; /** * TD Constructors. * * @var TLConstructors */ private $tdConstructors; /** * TD Methods. * * @var TLMethods */ private $tdMethods; /** * Descriptions. * * @var array */ private $tdDescriptions; /** * TL callbacks. * * @var array */ private $callbacks = []; /** * API instance. * * @var \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto */ private $API; /** * Constructor function. * * @param MTProto $API API instance */ public function __construct($API = null) { $this->API = $API; } /** * Get secret chat layer version. * * @return integer */ public function getSecretLayer(): int { return $this->secretLayer; } /** * Get constructors. * * @param bool $td * * @return TLConstructors */ public function getConstructors(bool $td = false): TLConstructors { return $td ? $this->tdConstructors : $this->constructors; } /** * Get methods. * * @param bool $td * * @return TLMethods */ public function getMethods(bool $td = false): TLMethods { return $td ? $this->tdMethods : $this->methods; } /** * Get TL descriptions. * * @return array */ public function &getDescriptions(): array { return $this->tdDescriptions; } /** * Initialize TL parser. * * @param TLSchema $files Scheme files * @param TLCallback[] $objects TL Callback objects * * @return void */ public function init(TLSchema $files, array $objects = []) { $this->API->logger->logger(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['TL_loading'], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); $this->updateCallbacks($objects); $this->constructors = new TLConstructors(); $this->methods = new TLMethods(); $this->tdConstructors = new TLConstructors(); $this->tdMethods = new TLMethods(); $this->tdDescriptions = ['types' => [], 'constructors' => [], 'methods' => []]; foreach (\array_filter([ 'api' => $files->getAPISchema(), 'mtproto' => $files->getMTProtoSchema(), 'secret' => $files->getSecretSchema(), ...$files->getOther() ]) as $scheme_type => $file) { $this->API->logger->logger(\sprintf(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['file_parsing'], \basename($file)), \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::VERBOSE); $filec = \file_get_contents(Tools::absolute($file)); $TL_dict = \json_decode($filec, true); if ($TL_dict === null) { $TL_dict = ['methods' => [], 'constructors' => []]; $type = 'constructors'; $layer = null; $tl_file = \explode("\n", $filec); $key = 0; $e = null; $class = null; $dparams = []; $lineBuf = ''; foreach ($tl_file as $line) { $line = \rtrim($line); if (\preg_match('|^//@|', $line)) { $list = \explode(' @', \str_replace('//', ' ', $line)); foreach ($list as $elem) { if ($elem === '') { continue; } $elem = \explode(' ', $elem, 2); if ($elem[0] === 'class') { $elem = \explode(' ', $elem[1], 2); $class = $elem[0]; continue; } if ($elem[0] === 'description') { if (!\is_null($class)) { $this->tdDescriptions['types'][$class] = $elem[1]; $class = null; } else { $e = $elem[1]; } continue; } if ($elem[0] === 'param_description') { $elem[0] = 'description'; } $dparams[$elem[0]] = $elem[1]; } continue; } $line = \preg_replace(['|//.*|', '|^\\s+$|'], '', $line); if ($line === '') { continue; } if ($line === '---functions---') { $type = 'methods'; continue; } if ($line === '---types---') { $type = 'constructors'; continue; } if (\preg_match('|^===(\\d*)===|', $line, $matches)) { $layer = (int) $matches[1]; continue; } if (\strpos($line, 'vector#') === 0) { continue; } if (\strpos($line, ' ?= ') !== false) { continue; } $line = \preg_replace(['/[(]([\\w\\.]+) ([\\w\\.]+)[)]/', '/\\s+/'], ['$1<$2>', ' '], $line); if (\strpos($line, ';') === false) { $lineBuf .= $line; continue; } elseif ($lineBuf) { $lineBuf .= $line; $line = $lineBuf; $lineBuf = ''; } $name = \preg_replace(['/#.*/', '/\\s.*/'], '', $line); if (\in_array($name, ['bytes', 'int128', 'int256', 'int512', 'int', 'long', 'double', 'string', 'bytes', 'object', 'function'])) { /*if (!(\in_array($scheme_type, ['ton_api', 'lite_api']) && $name === 'bytes')) { continue; }*/ continue; } if (\in_array($scheme_type, ['ton_api', 'lite_api'])) { $clean = \preg_replace(['/;/', '/#[a-f0-9]+ /', '/ [a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\:flags\\.[0-9]+\\?true/', '/[<]/', '/[>]/', '/ /', '/^ /', '/ $/', '/{/', '/}/'], ['', ' ', '', ' ', ' ', ' ', '', '', '', ''], $line); } else { $clean = \preg_replace(['/:bytes /', '/;/', '/#[a-f0-9]+ /', '/ [a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\:flags\\.[0-9]+\\?true/', '/[<]/', '/[>]/', '/ /', '/^ /', '/ $/', '/\\?bytes /', '/{/', '/}/'], [':string ', '', ' ', '', ' ', ' ', ' ', '', '', '?string ', '', ''], $line); } $id = \hash('crc32b', $clean); if (\preg_match('/^[^\\s]+#([a-f0-9]*)/i', $line, $matches)) { $nid = \str_pad($matches[1], 8, '0', \STR_PAD_LEFT); if ($id !== $nid) { $this->API->logger->logger(\sprintf(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['crc32_mismatch'], $id, $nid, $line), \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ERROR); } $id = $nid; } if (!\is_null($e)) { $this->tdDescriptions[$type][$name] = ['description' => $e, 'params' => $dparams]; $e = null; $dparams = []; } $TL_dict[$type][$key][$type === 'constructors' ? 'predicate' : 'method'] = $name; $TL_dict[$type][$key]['id'] = $a = \strrev(\hex2bin($id)); $TL_dict[$type][$key]['params'] = []; $TL_dict[$type][$key]['type'] = \preg_replace(['/.+\\s+=\\s+/', '/;/'], '', $line); if ($layer !== null) { $TL_dict[$type][$key]['layer'] = $layer; } if ($name !== 'vector' && $TL_dict[$type][$key]['type'] !== 'Vector t') { foreach (\explode(' ', \preg_replace(['/^[^\\s]+\\s/', '/=\\s[^\\s]+/', '/\\s$/'], '', $line)) as $param) { if ($param === '') { continue; } if ($param[0] === '{') { continue; } if ($param === '#') { continue; } $explode = \explode(':', $param); $TL_dict[$type][$key]['params'][] = ['name' => $explode[0], 'type' => $explode[1]]; } } $key++; } } else { foreach ($TL_dict['constructors'] as $key => $value) { $TL_dict['constructors'][$key]['id'] = \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::packSignedInt($TL_dict['constructors'][$key]['id']); } foreach ($TL_dict['methods'] as $key => $value) { $TL_dict['methods'][$key]['id'] = \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::packSignedInt($TL_dict['methods'][$key]['id']); } } if (empty($TL_dict) || empty($TL_dict['constructors']) || !isset($TL_dict['methods'])) { throw new Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['src_file_invalid'].$file); } $this->API->logger->logger(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['translating_obj'], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); foreach ($TL_dict['constructors'] as $elem) { if ($scheme_type === 'secret') { $this->secretLayer = \max($this->secretLayer, $elem['layer']); } $this->{$scheme_type === 'td' ? 'tdConstructors' : 'constructors'}->add($elem, $scheme_type); } $this->API->logger->logger(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['translating_methods'], \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::ULTRA_VERBOSE); foreach ($TL_dict['methods'] as $elem) { $this->{$scheme_type === 'td' ? 'tdMethods' : 'methods'}->add($elem); if ($scheme_type === 'secret') { $this->secretLayer = \max($this->secretLayer, $elem['layer']); } } } if (isset($files->getOther()['td'])) { foreach ($this->tdConstructors->by_id as $id => $data) { $name = $data['predicate']; if ($this->constructors->findById($id) === false) { unset($this->tdDescriptions['constructors'][$name]); } else { if (!\count($this->tdDescriptions['constructors'][$name]['params'])) { continue; } foreach ($this->tdDescriptions['constructors'][$name]['params'] as $k => $param) { $this->tdDescriptions['constructors'][$name]['params'][$k] = \str_replace('nullable', 'optional', $param); } } } foreach ($this->tdMethods->by_id as $id => $data) { $name = $data['method']; if ($this->methods->findById($id) === false) { unset($this->tdDescriptions['methods'][$name]); } else { foreach ($this->tdDescriptions['methods'][$name]['params'] as $k => $param) { $this->tdDescriptions['constructors'][$name]['params'][$k] = \str_replace('nullable', 'optional', $param); } } } } $files->upgrade(); } /** * Get TL namespaces. * * @return array */ public function getMethodNamespaces(): array { $res = []; foreach ($this->methods->method_namespace as $pair) { $a = \key($pair); $res[$a] = $a; } return $res; } /** * Get namespaced methods (method => namespace). * * @return array */ public function getMethodsNamespaced(): array { return $this->methods->method_namespace; } /** * Update TL callbacks. * * @param TLCallback[] $objects TL callbacks * * @return void */ public function updateCallbacks(array $objects) { $this->callbacks = []; foreach ($objects as $object) { if (!isset(\class_implements(\get_class($object))[TLCallback::class])) { throw new Exception('Invalid callback object provided!'); } $new = [TLCallback::METHOD_BEFORE_CALLBACK => $object->getMethodBeforeCallbacks(), TLCallback::METHOD_CALLBACK => $object->getMethodCallbacks(), TLCallback::CONSTRUCTOR_BEFORE_CALLBACK => $object->getConstructorBeforeCallbacks(), TLCallback::CONSTRUCTOR_CALLBACK => $object->getConstructorCallbacks(), TLCallback::CONSTRUCTOR_SERIALIZE_CALLBACK => $object->getConstructorSerializeCallbacks(), TLCallback::TYPE_MISMATCH_CALLBACK => $object->getTypeMismatchCallbacks()]; foreach ($new as $type => $values) { foreach ($values as $match => $callback) { if (!isset($this->callbacks[$type][$match])) { $this->callbacks[$type][$match] = []; } if (\in_array($type, [TLCallback::TYPE_MISMATCH_CALLBACK, TLCallback::CONSTRUCTOR_SERIALIZE_CALLBACK])) { $this->callbacks[$type][$match] = $callback; } else { $this->callbacks[$type][$match] = \array_merge($callback, $this->callbacks[$type][$match]); } } } } } /** * Deserialize bool. * * @param string $id Constructor ID * * @return bool */ private function deserializeBool(string $id): bool { $tl_elem = $this->constructors->findById($id); if ($tl_elem === false) { throw new Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['bool_error']); } return $tl_elem['predicate'] === 'boolTrue'; } /** * Serialize TL object. * * @param array $type TL type definition * @param mixed $object Object to serialize * @param string $ctx Context * @param integer $layer Layer version * * @return \Generator * * @psalm-return \Generator */ public function serializeObject(array $type, $object, $ctx, int $layer = -1): \Generator { switch ($type['type']) { case 'int': if (!\is_numeric($object)) { if (\is_array($object) && $type['name'] === 'hash') { $object = \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::genVectorHash($object); } else { throw new Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['not_numeric']); } } return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::packSignedInt($object); case '#': if (!\is_numeric($object)) { throw new Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['not_numeric']); } return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::packUnsignedInt($object); case 'long': if (\is_object($object)) { return \str_pad(\strrev($object->toBytes()), 8, \chr(0)); } if (\is_string($object) && \strlen($object) === 8) { return $object; } if (\is_string($object) && \strlen($object) === 9 && $object[0] === 'a') { return \substr($object, 1); } if (\is_array($object) && \count($object) === 2) { return \pack('l2', ...$object); // For bot API on 32bit } if (!\is_numeric($object)) { throw new Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['not_numeric']); } return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::packSignedLong($object); case 'int128': if (\strlen($object) !== 16) { $object = \base64_decode($object); if (\strlen($object) !== 16) { throw new Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['long_not_16']); } } return (string) $object; case 'int256': if (\strlen($object) !== 32) { $object = \base64_decode($object); if (\strlen($object) !== 32) { throw new Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['long_not_32']); } } return (string) $object; case 'int512': if (\strlen($object) !== 64) { $object = \base64_decode($object); if (\strlen($object) !== 64) { throw new Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['long_not_64']); } } return (string) $object; case 'double': return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::packDouble($object); case 'string': if (!\is_string($object)) { throw new Exception("You didn't provide a valid string"); } //$object = \pack('C*', ...\unpack('C*', $object)); $l = \strlen($object); $concat = ''; if ($l <= 253) { $concat .= \chr($l); $concat .= $object; $concat .= \pack('@'.\danog\MadelineProto\Tools::posmod(-$l - 1, 4)); } else { $concat .= \chr(254); $concat .= \substr(\danog\MadelineProto\Tools::packSignedInt($l), 0, 3); $concat .= $object; $concat .= \pack('@'.\danog\MadelineProto\Tools::posmod(-$l, 4)); } return $concat; case 'bytes': if (\is_array($object) && isset($object['_']) && $object['_'] === 'bytes') { $object = \base64_decode($object['bytes']); } if (!\is_string($object) && !$object instanceof \danog\MadelineProto\TL\Types\Bytes) { throw new Exception("You didn't provide a valid string"); } $l = \strlen($object); $concat = ''; if ($l <= 253) { $concat .= \chr($l); $concat .= $object; $concat .= \pack('@'.\danog\MadelineProto\Tools::posmod(-$l - 1, 4)); } else { $concat .= \chr(254); $concat .= \substr(\danog\MadelineProto\Tools::packSignedInt($l), 0, 3); $concat .= $object; $concat .= \pack('@'.\danog\MadelineProto\Tools::posmod(-$l, 4)); } return $concat; case 'Bool': return $this->constructors->findByPredicate((bool) $object ? 'boolTrue' : 'boolFalse')['id']; case 'true': return; case '!X': return $object; case 'Vector t': if (!\is_array($object)) { throw new Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['array_invalid']); } if (isset($object['_'])) { throw new Exception('You must provide an array of '.$type['subtype'].' objects, not a '.$type['subtype']." object. Example: [['_' => ".$type['subtype'].', ... ]]'); } $concat = $this->constructors->findByPredicate('vector')['id']; $concat .= \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::packUnsignedInt(\count($object)); foreach ($object as $k => $current_object) { $concat .= (yield from $this->serializeObject(['type' => $type['subtype']], $current_object, $k)); } return $concat; case 'vector': if (!\is_array($object)) { throw new Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['array_invalid']); } $concat = \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::packUnsignedInt(\count($object)); foreach ($object as $k => $current_object) { $concat .= (yield from $this->serializeObject(['type' => $type['subtype']], $current_object, $k)); } return $concat; case 'Object': if (\is_string($object)) { return $object; } } $auto = false; if ($type['type'] === 'InputMessage' && !\is_array($object)) { $object = ['_' => 'inputMessageID', 'id' => $object]; } elseif (isset($this->callbacks[TLCallback::TYPE_MISMATCH_CALLBACK][$type['type']]) && (!\is_array($object) || isset($object['_']) && $this->constructors->findByPredicate($object['_'])['type'] !== $type['type'])) { $object = $this->callbacks[TLCallback::TYPE_MISMATCH_CALLBACK][$type['type']]($object); $object = $object instanceof \Generator ? yield from $object : yield $object; if (!isset($object[$type['type']])) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception("Could not convert {$type['type']} object"); } $object = $object[$type['type']]; } if (!isset($object['_'])) { $constructorData = $this->constructors->findByPredicate($type['type'], $layer); if ($constructorData === false) { throw new Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['predicate_not_set']); } $auto = true; $object['_'] = $constructorData['predicate']; } if (isset($this->callbacks[TLCallback::CONSTRUCTOR_SERIALIZE_CALLBACK][$object['_']])) { $object = yield $this->callbacks[TLCallback::CONSTRUCTOR_SERIALIZE_CALLBACK][$object['_']]($object); } $predicate = $object['_']; $constructorData = $this->constructors->findByPredicate($predicate, $layer); if ($constructorData === false) { $this->API->logger->logger($object, \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::FATAL_ERROR); throw new Exception(\sprintf(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['type_extract_error'], $predicate)); } if ($bare = $type['type'] != '' && $type['type'][0] === '%') { $type['type'] = \substr($type['type'], 1); } if ($predicate === $type['type']) { //} && !$auto) { $bare = true; } if ($predicate === 'messageEntityMentionName') { $constructorData = $this->constructors->findByPredicate('inputMessageEntityMentionName'); } $concat = $bare ? '' : $constructorData['id']; return $concat.(yield from $this->serializeParams($constructorData, $object, '', $layer)); } /** * Serialize method. * * @param string $method Method name * @param mixed $arguments Arguments * * @return \Generator * * @psalm-return \Generator|Promise<\Amp\Ipc\Sync\ChannelledSocket>|Promise|Promise|Promise|Promise|\danog\MadelineProto\Stream\StreamInterface|array|int|mixed, mixed, string> */ public function serializeMethod(string $method, $arguments): \Generator { if ($method === 'messages.importChatInvite' && isset($arguments['hash']) && \is_string($arguments['hash']) && \preg_match('@(?:t|telegram)\\.(?:me|dog)/(joinchat/)?([a-z0-9_-]*)@i', $arguments['hash'], $matches)) { if ($matches[1] === '') { $method = 'channels.joinChannel'; $arguments['channel'] = $matches[2]; } else { $arguments['hash'] = $matches[2]; } } elseif ($method === 'messages.checkChatInvite' && isset($arguments['hash']) && \is_string($arguments['hash']) && \preg_match('@(?:t|telegram)\\.(?:me|dog)/joinchat/([a-z0-9_-]*)@i', $arguments['hash'], $matches)) { $arguments['hash'] = $matches[1]; } elseif ($method === 'channels.joinChannel' && isset($arguments['channel']) && \is_string($arguments['channel']) && \preg_match('@(?:t|telegram)\\.(?:me|dog)/(joinchat/)?([a-z0-9_-]*)@i', $arguments['channel'], $matches)) { if ($matches[1] !== '') { $method = 'messages.importChatInvite'; $arguments['hash'] = $matches[2]; } } elseif ($method === 'messages.sendMessage' && isset($arguments['peer']['_']) && \in_array($arguments['peer']['_'], ['inputEncryptedChat', 'updateEncryption', 'updateEncryptedChatTyping', 'updateEncryptedMessagesRead', 'updateNewEncryptedMessage', 'encryptedMessage', 'encryptedMessageService'])) { $method = 'messages.sendEncrypted'; $arguments = ['peer' => $arguments['peer'], 'message' => $arguments]; if (!isset($arguments['message']['_'])) { $arguments['message']['_'] = 'decryptedMessage'; } if (!isset($arguments['message']['ttl'])) { $arguments['message']['ttl'] = 0; } if (isset($arguments['message']['reply_to_msg_id'])) { $arguments['message']['reply_to_random_id'] = $arguments['message']['reply_to_msg_id']; } } elseif ($method === 'messages.sendEncryptedFile') { if (isset($arguments['file'])) { if ((!\is_array($arguments['file']) || !(isset($arguments['file']['_']) && $this->constructors->findByPredicate($arguments['file']['_']) === 'InputEncryptedFile')) && $this->API->getSettings()->getFiles()->getAllowAutomaticUpload()) { $arguments['file'] = (yield from $this->API->uploadEncrypted($arguments['file'])); } if (isset($arguments['file']['key'])) { $arguments['message']['media']['key'] = $arguments['file']['key']; } if (isset($arguments['file']['iv'])) { $arguments['message']['media']['iv'] = $arguments['file']['iv']; } } } elseif (\in_array($method, ['messages.addChatUser', 'messages.deleteChatUser', 'messages.editChatAdmin', 'messages.editChatPhoto', 'messages.editChatTitle', 'messages.getFullChat', 'messages.exportChatInvite', 'messages.editChatAdmin', 'messages.migrateChat']) && isset($arguments['chat_id']) && (!\is_numeric($arguments['chat_id']) || $arguments['chat_id'] < 0)) { $res = (yield from $this->API->getInfo($arguments['chat_id'])); if ($res['type'] !== 'chat') { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception('chat_id is not a chat id (only normal groups allowed, not supergroups)!'); } $arguments['chat_id'] = $res['chat_id']; } elseif ($method === 'photos.updateProfilePhoto') { if (isset($arguments['id'])) { if (!\is_array($arguments['id'])) { $method = 'photos.uploadProfilePhoto'; $arguments['file'] = $arguments['id']; } } elseif (isset($arguments['file'])) { $method = 'photos.uploadProfilePhoto'; } } elseif ($method === 'photos.uploadProfilePhoto') { if (isset($arguments['file'])) { if (\is_array($arguments['file']) && !\in_array($arguments['file']['_'], ['inputFile', 'inputFileBig'])) { $method = 'photos.uploadProfilePhoto'; $arguments['id'] = $arguments['file']; } } elseif (isset($arguments['id'])) { $method = 'photos.updateProfilePhoto'; } } else if ($method === 'messages.uploadMedia') { if (!isset($arguments['peer']) && !$this->API->getSelf()['bot']) { $arguments['peer'] = 'me'; } } $tl = $this->methods->findByMethod($method); if ($tl === false) { throw new Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['method_not_found'].$method); } return $tl['id'].(yield from $this->serializeParams($tl, $arguments, $method)); } /** * Serialize parameters. * * @param array $tl TL object definition * @param array $arguments Arguments * @param string $ctx Context * @param integer $layer Layer * * @return \Generator * * @psalm-return \Generator|Promise<\Amp\Ipc\Sync\ChannelledSocket>|Promise|Promise|Promise|\danog\MadelineProto\Stream\StreamInterface|array|int|mixed, mixed, string> */ private function serializeParams(array $tl, $arguments, $ctx, int $layer = -1): \Generator { $serialized = ''; $arguments = (yield from $this->API->botAPIToMTProto($arguments)); $flags = 0; foreach ($tl['params'] as $cur_flag) { if (isset($cur_flag['pow'])) { switch ($cur_flag['type']) { case 'true': case 'false': $flags = isset($arguments[$cur_flag['name']]) && $arguments[$cur_flag['name']] ? $flags | $cur_flag['pow'] : $flags & ~$cur_flag['pow']; unset($arguments[$cur_flag['name']]); break; case 'Bool': $arguments[$cur_flag['name']] = isset($arguments[$cur_flag['name']]) && $arguments[$cur_flag['name']] && ($flags & $cur_flag['pow']) != 0; if (($flags & $cur_flag['pow']) === 0) { unset($arguments[$cur_flag['name']]); } break; default: $flags = isset($arguments[$cur_flag['name']]) && $arguments[$cur_flag['name']] !== null ? $flags | $cur_flag['pow'] : $flags & ~$cur_flag['pow']; break; } } } $arguments['flags'] = $flags; foreach ($tl['params'] as $current_argument) { if (!isset($arguments[$current_argument['name']])) { if (isset($current_argument['pow']) && (\in_array($current_argument['type'], ['true', 'false']) || ($flags & $current_argument['pow']) === 0)) { //$this->API->logger->logger('Skipping '.$current_argument['name'].' of type '.$current_argument['type'); continue; } if ($current_argument['name'] === 'random_bytes') { $serialized .= (yield from $this->serializeObject(['type' => 'bytes'], \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::random(15 + 4 * \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::randomInt($modulus = 3)), 'random_bytes')); continue; } if ($current_argument['name'] === 'data' && isset($tl['method']) && \in_array($tl['method'], ['messages.sendEncrypted', 'messages.sendEncryptedFile', 'messages.sendEncryptedService']) && isset($arguments['message'])) { $serialized .= (yield from $this->serializeObject($current_argument, yield from $this->API->encryptSecretMessage($arguments['peer']['chat_id'], $arguments['message']), 'data')); continue; } if ($current_argument['name'] === 'random_id') { switch ($current_argument['type']) { case 'long': $serialized .= \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::random(8); continue 2; case 'int': $serialized .= \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::random(4); continue 2; case 'Vector t': if (isset($arguments['id'])) { $serialized .= $this->constructors->findByPredicate('vector')['id']; $serialized .= \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::packUnsignedInt(\count($arguments['id'])); $serialized .= \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::random(8 * \count($arguments['id'])); continue 2; } } } if ($current_argument['name'] === 'hash' && $current_argument['type'] === 'int') { $serialized .= \pack('@4'); continue; } if ($tl['type'] === 'InputMedia' && $current_argument['name'] === 'mime_type') { $serialized .= (yield from $this->serializeObject($current_argument, $arguments['file']['mime_type'], $current_argument['name'], $layer)); continue; } if ($tl['type'] === 'DocumentAttribute' && \in_array($current_argument['name'], ['w', 'h', 'duration'])) { $serialized .= \pack('@4'); continue; } if (\in_array($current_argument['type'], ['bytes', 'string'])) { $serialized .= \pack('@4'); continue; } if (($id = $this->constructors->findByPredicate(\lcfirst($current_argument['type']).'Empty', isset($tl['layer']) ? $tl['layer'] : -1)) && $id['type'] === $current_argument['type']) { $serialized .= $id['id']; continue; } if (($id = $this->constructors->findByPredicate('input'.$current_argument['type'].'Empty', isset($tl['layer']) ? $tl['layer'] : -1)) && $id['type'] === $current_argument['type']) { $serialized .= $id['id']; continue; } switch ($current_argument['type']) { case 'Vector t': case 'vector': $arguments[$current_argument['name']] = []; break; } } if (\in_array($current_argument['type'], ['DataJSON', '%DataJSON'])) { $arguments[$current_argument['name']] = ['_' => 'dataJSON', 'data' => \json_encode($arguments[$current_argument['name']])]; } if (isset($current_argument['subtype']) && \in_array($current_argument['subtype'], ['DataJSON', '%DataJSON'])) { \array_walk($arguments[$current_argument['name']], function (&$arg) { $arg = ['_' => 'dataJSON', 'data' => \json_encode($arg)]; }); } if ($current_argument['type'] === 'InputFile' && (!\is_array($arguments[$current_argument['name']]) || !(isset($arguments[$current_argument['name']]['_']) && $this->constructors->findByPredicate($arguments[$current_argument['name']]['_'])['type'] === 'InputFile'))) { $arguments[$current_argument['name']] = (yield from $this->API->upload($arguments[$current_argument['name']])); } if ($current_argument['type'] === 'InputEncryptedChat' && (!\is_array($arguments[$current_argument['name']]) || isset($arguments[$current_argument['name']]['_']) && $this->constructors->findByPredicate($arguments[$current_argument['name']]['_'])['type'] !== $current_argument['type'])) { if (\is_array($arguments[$current_argument['name']])) { $arguments[$current_argument['name']] = (yield from $this->API->getInfo($arguments[$current_argument['name']]))['InputEncryptedChat']; } else { if (!$this->API->hasSecretChat($arguments[$current_argument['name']])) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['sec_peer_not_in_db']); } $arguments[$current_argument['name']] = $this->API->getSecretChat($arguments[$current_argument['name']])['InputEncryptedChat']; } } //$this->API->logger->logger('Serializing '.$current_argument['name'].' of type '.$current_argument['type'); $serialized .= (yield from $this->serializeObject($current_argument, $arguments[$current_argument['name']], $current_argument['name'], $layer)); } return $serialized; } /** * Get length of TL payload. * * @param resource|string $stream Stream * @param array $type Type identifier * * @return int */ public function getLength($stream, $type = ['type' => '']): int { if (\is_string($stream)) { $res = \fopen('php://memory', 'rw+b'); \fwrite($res, $stream); \fseek($res, 0); $stream = $res; } elseif (!\is_resource($stream)) { throw new Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['stream_handle_invalid']); } $promises = []; $this->deserializeInternal($stream, $promises, $type); return \ftell($stream); } /** * Deserialize TL object. * * @param string|resource $stream Stream * @param array $type Type identifier * * @return array * @psalm-return array{0: mixed, 1: \Amp\Promise} */ public function deserialize($stream, $type = ['type' => '']): array { $promises = []; $result = $this->deserializeInternal($stream, $promises, $type); return [ $result, $promises ? Tools::all($promises) : null ]; } /** * Deserialize TL object. * * @param string|resource $stream Stream * @param Promise[] &$promises Promise array * @param array $type Type identifier * * @return mixed */ private function deserializeInternal($stream, array &$promises, array $type) { if (\is_string($stream)) { $res = \fopen('php://memory', 'rw+b'); \fwrite($res, $stream); \fseek($res, 0); $stream = $res; } elseif (!\is_resource($stream)) { throw new Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['stream_handle_invalid']); } switch ($type['type']) { case 'Bool': return $this->deserializeBool(\stream_get_contents($stream, 4)); case 'int': return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::unpackSignedInt(\stream_get_contents($stream, 4)); case '#': return \unpack('V', \stream_get_contents($stream, 4))[1]; case 'long': if (isset($type['idstrlong'])) { return \stream_get_contents($stream, 8); } return \danog\MadelineProto\Magic::$bigint || isset($type['strlong']) ? \stream_get_contents($stream, 8) : \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::unpackSignedLong(\stream_get_contents($stream, 8)); case 'double': return \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::unpackDouble(\stream_get_contents($stream, 8)); case 'int128': return \stream_get_contents($stream, 16); case 'int256': return \stream_get_contents($stream, 32); case 'int512': return \stream_get_contents($stream, 64); case 'string': case 'bytes': $l = \ord(\stream_get_contents($stream, 1)); if ($l > 254) { throw new Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['length_too_big']); } if ($l === 254) { $long_len = \unpack('V', \stream_get_contents($stream, 3).\chr(0))[1]; $x = \stream_get_contents($stream, $long_len); $resto = \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::posmod(-$long_len, 4); if ($resto > 0) { \stream_get_contents($stream, $resto); } } else { $x = $l ? \stream_get_contents($stream, $l) : ''; $resto = \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::posmod(-($l + 1), 4); if ($resto > 0) { \stream_get_contents($stream, $resto); } } if (!\is_string($x)) { throw new Exception("Generated value isn't a string"); } return $type['type'] === 'bytes' ? new Types\Bytes($x) : $x; case 'Vector t': $id = \stream_get_contents($stream, 4); $constructorData = $this->constructors->findById($id); if ($constructorData === false) { $constructorData = $this->methods->findById($id); $constructorData['predicate'] = 'method_'.$constructorData['method']; } if ($constructorData === false) { throw new Exception(\sprintf(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['type_extract_error_id'], $type['type'], \bin2hex(\strrev($id)))); } switch ($constructorData['predicate']) { case 'gzip_packed': return $this->deserializeInternal( \gzdecode( $this->deserializeInternal( $stream, $promises, ['type' => 'bytes', 'connection' => $type['connection']] ) ), $promises, ['type' => '', 'connection' => $type['connection']] ); case 'Vector t': case 'vector': break; default: throw new Exception('Invalid vector constructor: '.$constructorData['predicate']); } // no break case 'vector': $count = \unpack('V', \stream_get_contents($stream, 4))[1]; $result = []; $type['type'] = $type['subtype']; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $result[] = $this->deserializeInternal($stream, $promises, $type); } return $result; } if ($type['type'] != '' && $type['type'][0] === '%') { $checkType = \substr($type['type'], 1); $constructorData = $this->constructors->findByType($checkType); if ($constructorData === false) { throw new Exception(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['constructor_not_found'].$checkType); } } else { $constructorData = $this->constructors->findByPredicate($type['type']); if ($constructorData === false) { $id = \stream_get_contents($stream, 4); $constructorData = $this->constructors->findById($id); if ($constructorData === false) { $constructorData = $this->methods->findById($id); if ($constructorData === false) { throw new Exception(\sprintf(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['type_extract_error_id'], $type['type'], \bin2hex(\strrev($id)))); } $constructorData['predicate'] = 'method_'.$constructorData['method']; } } } //var_dump($constructorData); if ($constructorData['predicate'] === 'gzip_packed') { if (!isset($type['subtype'])) { $type['subtype'] = ''; } return $this->deserializeInternal( \gzdecode( $this->deserializeInternal( $stream, $promises, ['type' => 'bytes'] ) ), $promises, ['type' => '', 'connection' => $type['connection'], 'subtype' => $type['subtype']] ); } if ($constructorData['type'] === 'Vector t') { $constructorData['connection'] = $type['connection']; $constructorData['subtype'] = $type['subtype'] ?? ''; $constructorData['type'] = 'vector'; return $this->deserializeInternal($stream, $promises, $constructorData); } if ($constructorData['predicate'] === 'boolTrue') { return true; } if ($constructorData['predicate'] === 'boolFalse') { return false; } $x = ['_' => $constructorData['predicate']]; if (isset($this->callbacks[TLCallback::CONSTRUCTOR_BEFORE_CALLBACK][$x['_']])) { foreach ($this->callbacks[TLCallback::CONSTRUCTOR_BEFORE_CALLBACK][$x['_']] as $callback) { $callback($x['_']); } } foreach ($constructorData['params'] as $arg) { if (isset($arg['pow'])) { switch ($arg['type']) { case 'true': case 'false': $x[$arg['name']] = ($x['flags'] & $arg['pow']) !== 0; continue 2; case 'Bool': if (($x['flags'] & $arg['pow']) === 0) { $x[$arg['name']] = false; continue 2; } // no break default: if (($x['flags'] & $arg['pow']) === 0) { continue 2; } } } if (\in_array($arg['name'], ['msg_ids', 'msg_id', 'bad_msg_id', 'req_msg_id', 'answer_msg_id', 'first_msg_id'])) { $arg['idstrlong'] = true; } if (\in_array($arg['name'], ['key_fingerprint', 'server_salt', 'new_server_salt', 'server_public_key_fingerprints', 'ping_id', 'exchange_id'])) { $arg['strlong'] = true; } if (\in_array($arg['name'], ['peer_tag', 'file_token', 'cdn_key', 'cdn_iv'])) { $arg['type'] = 'string'; } if ($x['_'] === 'rpc_result' && $arg['name'] === 'result' && isset($type['connection']->outgoing_messages[$x['req_msg_id']])) { /** @var OutgoingMessage */ $message = $type['connection']->outgoing_messages[$x['req_msg_id']]; foreach ($this->callbacks[TLCallback::METHOD_BEFORE_CALLBACK][$message->getConstructor()] ?? [] as $callback) { $callback($type['connection']->outgoing_messages[$x['req_msg_id']]['_']); } if ($message->getType() && \stripos($message->getType(), '<') !== false) { $arg['subtype'] = \str_replace(['Vector<', '>'], '', $message->getType()); } } if (isset($type['connection'])) { $arg['connection'] = $type['connection']; } $x[$arg['name']] = $this->deserializeInternal($stream, $promises, $arg); if ($arg['name'] === 'random_bytes') { if (\strlen($x[$arg['name']]) < 15) { throw new \danog\MadelineProto\SecurityException(\danog\MadelineProto\Lang::$current_lang['rand_bytes_too_small']); } unset($x[$arg['name']]); } } if (isset($x['flags'])) { // I don't think we need this anymore unset($x['flags']); } if ($x['_'] === 'dataJSON') { return \json_decode($x['data'], true); } elseif ($constructorData['type'] === 'JSONValue') { switch ($x['_']) { case 'jsonNull': return; case 'jsonObject': $res = []; foreach ($x['value'] as $pair) { $res[$pair['key']] = $pair['value']; } return $res; default: return $x['value']; } } elseif ($x['_'] === 'photoStrippedSize') { $x['inflated'] = new Types\Bytes(Tools::inflateStripped($x['bytes'])); } if (isset($this->callbacks[TLCallback::CONSTRUCTOR_CALLBACK][$x['_']])) { foreach ($this->callbacks[TLCallback::CONSTRUCTOR_CALLBACK][$x['_']] as $callback) { $promise = \danog\MadelineProto\Tools::callFork($callback($x)); if ($promise instanceof Promise) { $promises []= $promise; } } } elseif ($x['_'] === 'rpc_result' && isset($type['connection']->outgoing_messages[$x['req_msg_id']]) && isset($this->callbacks[TLCallback::METHOD_CALLBACK][$type['connection']->outgoing_messages[$x['req_msg_id']]->getConstructor()])) { foreach ($this->callbacks[TLCallback::METHOD_CALLBACK][$type['connection']->outgoing_messages[$x['req_msg_id']]->getConstructor()] as $callback) { $callback($type['connection']->outgoing_messages[$x['req_msg_id']], $x['result']); } } if ($x['_'] === 'message' && isset($x['reply_markup']['rows'])) { foreach ($x['reply_markup']['rows'] as $key => $row) { foreach ($row['buttons'] as $bkey => $button) { $x['reply_markup']['rows'][$key]['buttons'][$bkey] = new Types\Button($this->API, $x, $button); } } } return $x; } }