# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Author: Sammy Pfeiffer # Author: Anton Grigoryev # This file implements the AES 256 IGE cipher # working in Python 2.7 and Python 3.4 (other versions untested) # as it's needed for the implementation of Telegram API # It's based on PyCryto from __future__ import print_function from Crypto.Util.strxor import strxor from Crypto.Cipher import AES class IGE: def __init__(self, key, iv): if len(key) != 32: raise ValueError("key must be 32 bytes long (was " + str(len(key)) + " bytes)") if len(iv) != 32: raise ValueError("iv must be 32 bytes long (was " + str(len(iv)) + " bytes)") self.key = key self.iv = iv self.cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_ECB, iv) def encrypt(self, message): return self._ige(message, operation="encrypt") def decrypt(self, message): return self._ige(message, operation="decrypt") def _ige(self, message, operation="decrypt"): """Given a key, given an iv, and message do whatever operation asked in the operation field. Operation will be checked for: "decrypt" and "encrypt" strings. Returns the message encrypted/decrypted. message must be a multiple by 16 bytes (for division in 16 byte blocks) key must be 32 byte iv must be 32 byte (it's not internally used in AES 256 ECB, but it's needed for IGE)""" blocksize = self.cipher.block_size if len(message) % blocksize != 0: raise ValueError("message must be a multiple of 16 bytes (try adding " + str(16 - len(message) % 16) + " bytes of padding)") ivp = self.iv[0:blocksize] ivp2 = self.iv[blocksize:] ciphered = bytearray() for i in range(0, len(message), blocksize): indata = message[i:i+blocksize] if operation == "decrypt": xored = strxor(indata, ivp2) decrypt_xored = self.cipher.decrypt(xored) outdata = strxor(decrypt_xored, ivp) ivp = indata ivp2 = outdata elif operation == "encrypt": xored = strxor(indata, ivp) encrypt_xored = self.cipher.encrypt(xored) outdata = strxor(encrypt_xored, ivp2) ivp = outdata ivp2 = indata else: raise ValueError("operation must be either 'decrypt' or 'encrypt'") ciphered.extend(outdata) return ciphered