#!/usr/bin/env php
Copyright 2016-2019 Daniil Gentili
This file is part of MadelineProto.
MadelineProto is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
MadelineProto is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MadelineProto.
If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$param = 1;
$logger = \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::$default;

set_error_handler(['\danog\MadelineProto\Exception', 'ExceptionErrorHandler']);

\danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log('Copying readme...', \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::NOTICE);

file_put_contents('docs/docs/index.md', '---
title: MadelineProto documentation
description: PHP client/server for the telegram MTProto protocol (a better tg-cli)
image: https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/favicons/android-chrome-256x256.png
'.str_replace('<img', '<amp-img', file_get_contents('README.md')));

$docs = [
/*    [
        'tl_schema'   => ['td' => __DIR__.'/src/danog/MadelineProto/TL_td.tl'],
        'title'       => 'MadelineProto API documentation (td-lib)',
        'description' => 'MadelineProto API documentation (td-lib)',
        'output_dir'  => __DIR__.'/docs/docs/TD_docs',
        'readme'      => false,
        'td'          => true,
        'tl_schema'   => ['mtproto' => __DIR__.'/src/danog/MadelineProto/TL_mtproto_v1.json'],
        'title'       => 'MadelineProto API documentation (mtproto)',
        'description' => 'MadelineProto API documentation (mtproto)',
        'output_dir'  => __DIR__.'/docs/docs/MTProto_docs',
        'readme'      => false,
        'tl_schema'   => ['telegram' => __DIR__.'/src/danog/MadelineProto/TL_telegram_v97.tl', 'calls' => __DIR__.'/src/danog/MadelineProto/TL_calls.tl', 'secret' => __DIR__.'/src/danog/MadelineProto/TL_secret.tl', 'td' => __DIR__.'/src/danog/MadelineProto/TL_td.tl'],
        'title'       => 'MadelineProto API documentation (layer 97)',
        'description' => 'MadelineProto API documentation (layer 97)',
        'output_dir'  => __DIR__.'/docs/docs/API_docs',
        'readme'      => false,

$layer_list = '';
foreach (array_slice(glob(__DIR__.'/src/danog/MadelineProto/TL_telegram_*'), 0, -1) as $file) {
    $layer = preg_replace(['/.*telegram_/', '/\..+/'], '', $file);
    $docs[] = [
        'tl_schema'   => ['telegram' => $file],
        'title'       => 'MadelineProto API documentation (layer '.$layer.')',
        'description' => 'MadelineProto API documentation (layer '.$layer.')',
        'output_dir'  => __DIR__.'/docs/old_docs/API_docs_'.$layer,
        'readme'      => true,
    $layer_list = '[Layer '.$layer.'](API_docs_'.$layer.'/)  

file_put_contents('docs/old_docs/README.md', '---
title: Documentations of old mtproto layers
description: Documentation of old mtproto layers
# Documentation of old mtproto layers  


$doc = new \danog\MadelineProto\AnnotationsBuilder($logger, $docs[1]);

foreach ($docs as $settings) {
    $doc = new \danog\MadelineProto\DocsBuilder($logger, $settings);


$orderedfiles = [];
$order = [
$index = '';
$files = glob('docs/docs/docs/*md');
foreach ($files as $file) {
    $base = basename($file, '.md');
    $key = array_search($base, $order);
    if ($key !== false) {
        $orderedfiles[$key] = $file;
foreach ($orderedfiles as $key => $filename) {
    $lines = explode("\n", file_get_contents($filename));
    while (end($lines) === '' || strpos(end($lines), 'Next')) {
        unset($lines[count($lines) - 1]);
    if ($lines[0] === '---') {
        while ($lines[0] !== '---') {
    preg_match('|^# (.*)|', $lines[0], $matches);
    $title = $matches[1];
    $description = $lines[2];

    array_unshift($lines, '---', 'title: '.$title, 'description: '.$description, 'image: https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/favicons/android-chrome-256x256.png', '---');

    if (isset($orderedfiles[$key + 1])) {
        $nextfile = 'https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/docs/'.basename($orderedfiles[$key + 1], '.md').'.html';
        $prevfile = $key === 0 ? 'https://docs.madelineproto.xyz' : 'https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/docs/'.basename($orderedfiles[$key - 1], '.md').'.html';
        $lines[count($lines)] = "\n<a href=\"$nextfile\">Next section</a>";
    } else {
        $lines[count($lines)] = "\n<a href=\"https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/#very-complex-and-complete-examples\">Next section</a>";
    file_put_contents($filename, implode("\n", $lines));

    $file = file_get_contents($filename);

    preg_match_all('|( *)\* \[(.*)\]\((.*)\)|', $file, $matches);
    $file = 'https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/docs/'.basename($filename, '.md').'.html';
    $index .= "* [$title]($file)\n";
    if (basename($filename) !== 'FEATURES.md') {
        foreach ($matches[1] as $key => $match) {
            $spaces = "  $match";
            $name = $matches[2][$key];
            $url = $matches[3][$key][0] === '#' ? $file.$matches[3][$key] : $matches[3][$key];
            $index .= "$spaces* [$name]($url)\n";
            if ($name === 'FULL API Documentation with descriptions') {
                $spaces .= '  ';
                preg_match_all('|\* (.*)|', file_get_contents('docs/docs/API_docs/methods/index.md'), $smatches);
                foreach ($smatches[1] as $key => $match) {
                    $match = str_replace('href="', 'href="https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/API_docs/methods/', $match);
                    $index .= "$spaces* ".$match."\n";

$readme = explode('## ', file_get_contents('README.md'));
foreach ($readme as &$section) {
    if (explode("\n", $section)[0] === 'Documentation') {
        $section = "Documentation\n\n".$index."\n";
$readme = implode('## ', $readme);

file_put_contents('README.md', $readme);
file_put_contents('docs/docs/index.md', '---
title: MadelineProto documentation
description: PHP client/server for the telegram MTProto protocol (a better tg-cli)
image: https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/favicons/android-chrome-256x256.png