join( array_map(function($el) { return "%02X" % $el; }, $input); ["%02X" % b for b in bs[i*symbols_in_one_line:(i+1)*symbols_in_one_line]] )); } if (!(((count($bs) % $symbols_in_one_line) == 0))) { pyjslib_printnl(pyjslib_str((($i + 1) * $symbols_in_one_line)) . ' | ' . ' '->join( ) . ' '); } } */ /** * Manages TCP Transport. encryption and message frames */ class Session { function __construct($ip, $port, $auth_key = null, $server_salt = null) { $this->sock = socket::socket(); $this->sock->connect([$ip, $port]); $this->number = 0; $this->timedelta = 0; $this->session_id = $os->urandom(8); $this->auth_key = $auth_key; $this->auth_key_id = $this->auth_key ? array_slice(sha1($this->auth_key, true), -8, null) : null; $this->sock->settimeout(5.0); $this->MAX_RETRY = 5; $this->AUTH_MAX_RETRY = 5; } function __del__() { $this->sock->close(); } /** * Forming the message frame and sending message to server * :param message: byte string to send */ function send_message($message_data) { $message_id = struct::pack('timedelta) * pow(2, 30))) * 4)); if (($this->auth_key == null) || ($this->server_salt == null)) { $message = '' . $message_id . struct::pack('server_salt + $this->session_id) + $message_id) + struct::pack('number, count($message_data))) + $message_data); $message_key = array_slice(sha1($encrypted_data, true), -16, null); $padding = $os->urandom((-count($encrypted_data) % 16)); pyjslib_printnl(count(($encrypted_data + $padding))); list($aes_key, $aes_iv) = $this->aes_calculate($message_key); $message = (($this->auth_key_id + $message_key) + crypt::ige_encrypt(($encrypted_data + $padding), $aes_key, $aes_iv)); } $step1 = (struct::pack('number) + $message); $step2 = ($step1 + struct::pack('sock->send($step2); $this->number+= 1; } /** * Reading socket and receiving message from server. Check the CRC32. */ function recv_message() { $packet_length_data = $this->sock->recv(4); if ((count($packet_length_data) < 4)) { throw new $Exception('Nothing in the socket!'); } $packet_length = struct::unpack('sock->recv(($packet_length - 4)); if (!((newcrc32(($packet_length_data + array_slice($packet, 0, -4 - 0))) == struct::unpack('auth_key_id)) { $message_key = array_slice($packet, 12, 28 - 12); $encrypted_data = array_slice($packet, 28, -4 - 28); list($aes_key, $aes_iv) = py2php_kwargs_method_call($this, 'aes_calculate', [$message_key], ["direction" => 'from server']); $decrypted_data = crypt::ige_decrypt($encrypted_data, $aes_key, $aes_iv); assert((array_slice($decrypted_data, 0, 8 - 0) == $this->server_salt)); assert((array_slice($decrypted_data, 8, 16 - 8) == $this->session_id)); $message_id = array_slice($decrypted_data, 16, 24 - 16); $seq_no = struct::unpack('MAX_RETRY) as $i) { try { $this->send_message(py2php_kwargs_function_call('TL::serialize_method', [$method], $kwargs)); $server_answer = $this->recv_message(); } catch(Exception $e) { pyjslib_printnl('Retry call method'); continue; } return TL::deserialize(io::BytesIO($server_answer)); } } function create_auth_key() { $nonce = $os->urandom(16); pyjslib_printnl('Requesting pq'); $ResPQ = py2php_kwargs_method_call($this, 'method_call', ['req_pq'], ["nonce" => $nonce]); $server_nonce = $ResPQ['server_nonce']; $public_key_fingerprint = $ResPQ['server_public_key_fingerprints'][0]; $pq_bytes = $ResPQ['pq']; $pq = new bytes_to_long($pq_bytes); list($p, $q) = prime::primefactors($pq); if (($p > $q)) { list($p, $q) = [$q, $p]; } assert((($p * $q) == $pq) && ($p < $q)); pyjslib_printnl(sprintf('Factorization %d = %d * %d', [$pq, $p, $q])); $p_bytes = new long_to_bytes($p); $q_bytes = new long_to_bytes($q); $f = pyjslib_open(os_path::join(os_path::dirname($__file__), '')); $key = RSA::importKey($f->read()); $new_nonce = $os->urandom(32); $data = py2php_kwargs_function_call('TL::serialize_obj', ['p_q_inner_data'], ["pq" => $pq_bytes, "p" => $p_bytes, "q" => $q_bytes, "nonce" => $nonce, "server_nonce" => $server_nonce, "new_nonce" => $new_nonce]); $sha_digest = sha($data, true); $random_bytes = $os->urandom(((255 - count($data)) - count($sha_digest))); $to_encrypt = (($sha_digest + $data) + $random_bytes); $encrypted_data = $key->encrypt($to_encrypt, 0) [0]; pyjslib_printnl('Starting Diffie Hellman key exchange'); $server_dh_params = py2php_kwargs_method_call($this, 'method_call', ['req_DH_params'], ["nonce" => $nonce, "server_nonce" => $server_nonce, "p" => $p_bytes, "q" => $q_bytes, "public_key_fingerprint" => $public_key_fingerprint, "encrypted_data" => $encrypted_data]); assert(($nonce == $server_dh_params['nonce'])); assert(($server_nonce == $server_dh_params['server_nonce'])); $encrypted_answer = $server_dh_params['encrypted_answer']; $tmp_aes_key = (sha1(($new_nonce + $server_nonce), true) + array_slice(sha1(($server_nonce + $new_nonce), true), 0, 12 - 0)); $tmp_aes_iv = ((array_slice(sha1(($server_nonce + $new_nonce), true), 12, 20 - 12) + sha1(($new_nonce + $new_nonce), true)) + array_slice($new_nonce, 0, 4 - 0)); $answer_with_hash = crypt::ige_decrypt($encrypted_answer, $tmp_aes_key, $tmp_aes_iv); $answer_hash = array_slice($answer_with_hash, null, 20); $answer = array_slice($answer_with_hash, 20, null); $server_DH_inner_data = TL::deserialize(io::BytesIO($answer)); assert(($nonce == $server_DH_inner_data['nonce'])); assert(($server_nonce == $server_DH_inner_data['server_nonce'])); $dh_prime_str = $server_DH_inner_data['dh_prime']; $g = $server_DH_inner_data['g']; $g_a_str = $server_DH_inner_data['g_a']; $server_time = $server_DH_inner_data['server_time']; $this->timedelta = ($server_time - new time()); pyjslib_printnl(sprintf('Server-client time delta = %.1f s', $this->timedelta)); $dh_prime = new bytes_to_long($dh_prime_str); $g_a = new bytes_to_long($g_a_str); assert(prime::isprime($dh_prime)); $retry_id = 0; $b_str = $os->urandom(256); $b = new bytes_to_long($b_str); $g_b = pow($g, $b, $dh_prime); $g_b_str = new long_to_bytes($g_b); $data = py2php_kwargs_function_call('TL::serialize_obj', ['client_DH_inner_data'], ["nonce" => $nonce, "server_nonce" => $server_nonce, "retry_id" => $retry_id, "g_b" => $g_b_str]); $data_with_sha = (sha1($data, true) + $data); $data_with_sha_padded = ($data_with_sha + $os->urandom((-count($data_with_sha) % 16))); $encrypted_data = crypt::ige_encrypt($data_with_sha_padded, $tmp_aes_key, $tmp_aes_iv); foreach (pyjslib_range(1, $this->AUTH_MAX_RETRY) as $i) { $Set_client_DH_params_answer = py2php_kwargs_method_call($this, 'method_call', ['set_client_DH_params'], ["nonce" => $nonce, "server_nonce" => $server_nonce, "encrypted_data" => $encrypted_data]); $auth_key = pow($g_a, $b, $dh_prime); $auth_key_str = new long_to_bytes($auth_key); $auth_key_sha = sha1($auth_key_str, true); $auth_key_aux_hash = array_slice($auth_key_sha, null, 8); $new_nonce_hash1 = array_slice(sha1($new_nonce . '' . $auth_key_aux_hash, true), -16, null); $new_nonce_hash2 = array_slice(sha1($new_nonce . '' . $auth_key_aux_hash, true), -16, null); $new_nonce_hash3 = array_slice(sha1($new_nonce . '' . $auth_key_aux_hash, true), -16, null); assert(($Set_client_DH_params_answer['nonce'] == $nonce)); assert(($Set_client_DH_params_answer['server_nonce'] == $server_nonce)); if (($Set_client_DH_params_answer->name == 'dh_gen_ok')) { assert(($Set_client_DH_params_answer['new_nonce_hash1'] == $new_nonce_hash1)); pyjslib_printnl('Diffie Hellman key exchange processed successfully'); $this->server_salt = new strxor(array_slice($new_nonce, 0, 8 - 0), array_slice($server_nonce, 0, 8 - 0)); $this->auth_key = $auth_key_str; $this->auth_key_id = array_slice($auth_key_sha, -8, null); pyjslib_printnl('Auth key generated'); return 'Auth Ok'; } else if (($Set_client_DH_params_answer->name == 'dh_gen_retry')) { assert(($Set_client_DH_params_answer['new_nonce_hash2'] == $new_nonce_hash2)); pyjslib_printnl('Retry Auth'); } else if (($Set_client_DH_params_answer->name == 'dh_gen_fail')) { assert(($Set_client_DH_params_answer['new_nonce_hash3'] == $new_nonce_hash3)); pyjslib_printnl('Auth Failed'); throw new $Exception('Auth Failed'); } else { throw new $Exception('Response Error'); } } } function aes_calculate($msg_key, $direction = 'to server') { $x = ($direction == 'to server') ? 0 : 8; $sha1_a = sha1(($msg_key + array_slice($this->auth_key, $x, ($x + 32) - $x)), true); $sha1_b = sha1(((array_slice($this->auth_key, ($x + 32), ($x + 48) - ($x + 32)) + $msg_key) + array_slice($this->auth_key, (48 + $x), (64 + $x) - (48 + $x))), true); $sha1_c = sha1((array_slice($this->auth_key, ($x + 64), ($x + 96) - ($x + 64)) + $msg_key))->digest(); $sha1_d = sha1(($msg_key + array_slice($this->auth_key, ($x + 96), ($x + 128) - ($x + 96))))->digest(); $aes_key = ((array_slice($sha1_a, 0, 8 - 0) + array_slice($sha1_b, 8, 20 - 8)) + array_slice($sha1_c, 4, 16 - 4)); $aes_iv = (((array_slice($sha1_a, 8, 20 - 8) + array_slice($sha1_b, 0, 8 - 0)) + array_slice($sha1_c, 16, 20 - 16)) + array_slice($sha1_d, 0, 8 - 0)); return [$aes_key, $aes_iv]; } }