--- title: paymentForm description: Information about invoice payment form --- ## Constructor: paymentForm [Back to constructors index](index.md) Information about invoice payment form ### Attributes: | Name | Type | Required | Description | |----------|---------------|----------|-------------| |invoice|[invoice](../constructors/invoice.md) | Yes|Full information about the invoice| |url|[string](../types/string.md) | Yes|Payment form URL| |payments\_provider|[paymentsProviderStripe](../constructors/paymentsProviderStripe.md) | Yes|Information about payment provider if available, to support it natively without opening the URL, nullable| |saved\_order\_info|[orderInfo](../constructors/orderInfo.md) | Yes|Saved server-side order information, nullable| |saved\_credentials|[savedCredentials](../constructors/savedCredentials.md) | Yes|Information about saved card credentials, nullable| |can\_save\_credentials|[Bool](../types/Bool.md) | Yes|True, if the user can choose to save credentials| |need\_password|[Bool](../types/Bool.md) | Yes|True, if the user will be able to save credentials if he set up a password| ### Type: [PaymentForm](../types/PaymentForm.md)