2016-06-23 23:51:08 +02:00

487 lines
11 KiB

# Copyright 2006 James Tauber and contributors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
* This call makes three things happen:
* 1) a global error handler for php errors that causes an exception to be
* thrown instead of standard php error handling.
* 2) a global exception handler for any exceptions that are somehow not
* caught by the application code.
* 3) error_reporting is set to E_STRICT, so that even notices cause an
* exception to be thrown. This way we are forced to deal with even
* the minor issues during development, and hopefully fewer issues
make it out into the world.
require_once( dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'strict_mode.php' );
# iteration from Bob Ippolito's Iteration in JavaScript
# pyjs_extend from Kevin Lindsey's Inteheritance Tutorial (
# type functions from Douglas Crockford's Remedial Javascript:
function pyjslib_isObject($a) {
return is_object($a);
function pyjslib_isFunction($a) {
return is_function($a);
function pyjslib_isString($a) {
return is_string($a);
function pyjslib_isNull($a) {
return is_null($a);
function pyjslib_isArray($a) {
return is_array($a);
function pyjslib_isUndefined($a) {
return !isset($a);
function pyjslib_isIteratable($a) {
return $a instanceof Traversable;
function pyjslib_isNumber($a) {
return is_numeric($a);
function pyjslib_int($a) {
return (int)$a;
function pyjslib_str($val) {
return (string)$val;
function pyjslib_del_slice(&$list, $from, $to, $step=1) {
if( $from <= 0 ) {
$from = 0;
if( $to === null ) {
$to = count($list);
if( $step <= 0 ) {
$step = 1;
for( $i = $from; $i < $to; $i += $step ) {
unset( $list[$i]);
function pyjslib_array_slice($list, $from, $to, $step=1) {
$newlist = [];
if( $from <= 0 ) {
$from = 0;
if( $to === null ) {
$to = count($list);
if( $step <= 0 ) {
$step = 1;
for( $i = $from; $i < $to; $i += $step ) {
$newlist[] = $list[$i];
return $newlist;
# taken from mochikit: range( [start,] stop[, step] )
function pyjslib_range($start, $stop = null, $step = 1) {
if( $stop === null ) {
$stop = $start;
$start = 0;
if( $stop <= $start && $step < 0 ) {
$arr = range( $stop, $start, -$step );
array_pop( $arr );
return array_reverse( $arr, false );
$arr = range( $start, $stop, $step );
array_pop( $arr );
return $arr;
function pyjslib_filter($callback, $iterable) {
$a = [];
foreach( $iterable as $item ) {
if( call_user_func( $callback, $item ) ) {
$a[] = $item;
return $a;
function pyjslib_globals() {
return $GLOBALS;
function pyjslib_map($callable) {
$done = false;
$call_cnt = 0;
$results = [];
$params = func_get_args();
array_shift( $params );
while( !$done ) {
$func_args = [];
$found = false;
for( $i = 0; $i < count($params); $i ++ ) {
$func_args[] = @$params[$i][$call_cnt];
if( count($params[$i]) > $call_cnt + 1 ) {
$found = true;
if( !$found ) {
$done = true;
$results[] = call_user_func_array($callable, $func_args);
$call_cnt ++;
return $results;
function pyjslib_zip() {
$params = func_get_args();
if (count($params) === 1){ // this case could be probably cleaner
// single iterable passed
$result = array();
foreach ($params[0] as $item){
$result[] = array($item);
return $result;
$result = call_user_func_array('array_map',array_merge(array(null),$params));
$length = min(array_map('count', $params));
return array_slice($result, 0, $length);
function pyjslib_is_assoc($arr)
return array_keys($arr) !== range(0, count($arr) - 1);
function pyjslib_dict($arg=null) {
if( $arg === null ) {
return [];
if( pyjslib_is_assoc( $arg )) {
return $arg;
$dict = [];
foreach( $arg as $a ) {
if( count($a) == 2 ) {
$dict[$a[0]] = $a[1];
return $dict;
function pyjslib_printWorker($objs, $nl, $multi_arg, $depth=1) {
$buf = '';
if( is_array( $objs ) && $multi_arg && $depth == 1) {
$cnt = 0;
foreach( $objs as $obj ) {
if( $cnt ++ > 0 ) {
$buf .= " ";
$buf .= pyjslib_printWorker( $obj, $nl, $multi_arg, $depth + 1 );
else if( is_bool( $objs )) {
$buf = $objs ? "True" : "False";
else if( is_null( $objs )) {
$buf = 'None';
else if( is_float( $objs )) {
$buf = (int)$objs;
else if( is_string( $objs ) && ($multi_arg && $depth > 2 || (!$multi_arg && $depth > 1) ) ) {
$buf = "'$objs'";
elseif( is_array( $objs )) {
$buf = '[';
$cnt = 0;
foreach( $objs as $obj ) {
$val = pyjslib_printWorker($obj, $nl, false, $depth + 1);
if( $cnt ++ > 0 ) {
$buf .= ', ';
$buf .= $val;
$buf .= "]";
// $buf = '[' . implode( ", ", $objs ) . ']';
else {
$buf = $objs;
if( $depth == 1 && (!strlen($buf) || $buf[strlen($buf)-1] != "\n") ) {
$buf .= $nl ? "\n" : " ";
return $buf;
function pyjslib_repr($obj) {
return pyjslib_printWorker($obj, false, false);
function pyjslib_print($objs, $multi_arg=false) {
echo pyjslib_printWorker($objs, false, $multi_arg);
function pyjslib_printnl($objs, $multi_arg=false) {
echo pyjslib_printWorker($objs, true, $multi_arg);
function py2php_kwargs_function_call($funcname, $ordered, $named) {
if( $funcname == 'array' || $funcname == 'pyjslib_dict' ) {
return $named;
$num_ordered = count($ordered);
$count = 1;
$refFunc = new ReflectionFunction($funcname);
foreach( $refFunc->getParameters() as $param ){
if( $param->isVariadic() ) {
$ordered[$count-1] = $named;
//invokes ReflectionParameter::__toString
if( $count > $num_ordered ) {
$name = $param->name;
$default = $param->isDefaultValueAvailable() ? $param->getDefaultValue() : null;
$ordered[] = @$named[$name] ?: $default;
$count ++;
return call_user_func_array($funcname, $ordered);
function py2php_kwargs_method_call( $obj, $method, $ordered, $named ) {
$num_ordered = count($ordered);
$count = 1;
$refFunc = new ReflectionMethod($obj, $method);
foreach( $refFunc->getParameters() as $param ){
//invokes ReflectionParameter::__toString
if( $count > $num_ordered ) {
$name = $param->name;
$default = $param->isDefaultValueAvailable() ? $param->getDefaultValue() : null;
$ordered[] = @$named[$name] ?: $default;
$count ++;
$callable = [$obj, $method];
return call_user_func_array($callable, $ordered);
class IOError extends Exception{
class ValueError extends Exception{
function pyjslib_open( $name, $mode="r", $buffering=null ) {
return new pyjslib_file( $name, $mode, $buffering );
class pyjslib_file implements Iterator {
private $fh = false;
private $current_line = null;
// public attributes of python file class.
public $closed = true;
public $encoding = null;
public $errors = [];
public $mode = null;
public $newlines = null;
public $softspace = false;
function __construct($name_or_fd, $mode="r", $buffering=null) {
if( is_resource($name_or_fd) ) {
$this->fh = $name_or_fd;
$this->closed = false;
$meta = stream_get_meta_data( $name_or_df );
$this->mode = $meta['mode'];
$name = $name_or_fd;
try {
$this->fh = fopen($name, $mode);
if( !$this->fh ) {
throw new Exception("Could not open $name");
$this->closed = false;
$this->mode = $mode;
catch( Exception $e ) {
throw new IOError( $e->getMessage(), $e->getCode() );
function close() {
if( $this->fh ) {
fclose( $this->fh );
$this->fh = null;
$this->closed = true;
function flush() {
if( !$this->fh ) {
throw new ValueError("File is closed.");
fflush( $this->fh );
function fileno() {
if( !$this->fh ) {
throw new ValueError("File is closed.");
return $this->fh;
function isatty() {
if( !$this->fh ) {
throw new ValueError("File is closed.");
return posix_isatty( $this->fh );
/* ---
* Begin PHP Iterator implementation
* ---
function rewind() {
fseek( $this->fh, 0 );
$this->line = 0;
function current() {
if( !$this->current_line ) {
$this->current_line = fgets( $this->fh );
return $this->current_line;
function key() {
return $this->line;
function next() {
$this->current(); // ensure current line has been retrieved.
$this->current_line = fgets( $this->fh );
$this->line ++;
return $this->current_line;
function valid() {
return $this->fh != false && !feof( $this->fh );
/* ---
* End PHP Iterator implementation
* ---
function read($size=null) {
if( $size !== null) {
return fread( $this->fh, $size);
return stream_get_contents( $this->fh );
function readline($size=null) {
return fgets( $this->fh, $size );
function readlines($sizehint=null) {
$len = 0;
$lines = array();
while( $line = fgets( $this->fh ) ) {
$len += strlen( $line );
$lines[] = $line;
if( $sizehint && $len >= $sizehint ) {
return $lines;
function seek($offset, $whence=SEEK_SET) {
return fseek( $this->fh, $offset, $whence);
function tell() {
return ftell($this->fh);
function truncate( $size ) {
$rc = ftruncate( $this->fh, $size );
function write( $str ) {
fwrite( $this->fh, $str );
function writelines($sequence) {
foreach($sequence as $line) {
$this->write( $line );