2016-06-28 03:40:31 +02:00

318 lines
15 KiB
Executable File
Raw Blame History

This file contains invisible Unicode characters

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that are indistinguishable to humans but may be processed differently by a computer. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'libpy2php');
require_once ('libpy2php.php');
require_once ('os_path.php');
require_once ('crypt.php');
require_once ('prime.php');
require_once ('TL.php');
function newcrc32($data) {
return hexdec(hash("crc32b", $data));
* Function to visualize byte streams. Split into bytes, print to console.
* :param bs: BYTE STRING
define('BIG_ENDIAN', pack('L', 1) === pack('N', 1));
function hex_dump($what) { var_dump(bin2hex($what)); };
function file_slice($data, $offset, $length) {
$packet_sliced_handle = fopen_and_write("php://memory", "w+b", $data);
$size = fstat($packet_sliced_handle)["size"];
if($offset < 0) $offset = $size + $offset;
if($length < 0) $length = $size + $length;
if($length == null) $length = $size;
fseek($packet_sliced_handle, $offset);
$packet_sliced = fread($packet_sliced_handle, $length);
return $packet_sliced;
function pack_le($format, ...$n) {
$res = "";
foreach ($n as $key => $curn) {
$res .= strrev(pack($format[$key], $curn));
} else $res .= pack($format[$key], $curn);
return $res;
function pack_be($format, ...$n) {
$res = "";
foreach ($n as $key => $curn) {
if (!BIG_ENDIAN) {
$res .= strrev(pack($format[$key], $curn));
} else $res .= pack($format[$key], $curn);
return $res;
function unpack_le($format, $data) {
return unpack(strrev($format), strrev($data));
} else return unpack($format, $data);
function unpack_be($format, $data) {
if (!BIG_ENDIAN) {
return unpack($format, strrev($data));
} else return unpack($format, $data);
function vis($bs) {
$bs = bytearray($bs);
$symbols_in_one_line = 8;
$n = floor(strlen($bs) / $symbols_in_one_line);
$i = 0;
foreach (pyjslib_range($n) as $i) {
join(pyjslib_str(($i * $symbols_in_one_line)) . ' | ' . ' ',
array_map(function($el) { return "%02X" % $el; }, array_slice($bs,$i*$symbols_in_one_line, ($i+1)*$symbols_in_one_line))
if (!(((strlen($bs) % $symbols_in_one_line) == 0))) {
pyjslib_printnl(join(pyjslib_str((($i + 1) * $symbols_in_one_line)) . ' | ' . ' ',
array_map(function($el) { return "%02X" % $el; }, array_slice($bs, ($i+1)*$symbols_in_one_line), null)
) . '
* bytes_to_long(string) : long
* Convert a byte string to a long integer.
* This is (essentially) the inverse of long_to_bytes().
function bytes_to_long($s) {
$acc = 0;
$length = strlen($s);
if (($length % 4)) {
$extra = (4 - ($length % 4));
$s = (($b('') * $extra) + $s);
$length = ($length + $extra);
foreach( pyjslib_range(0, $length, 4) as $i ) {
$acc = ($acc << 32 + unpack('I', array_slice($s, $i, ($i + 4) - $i))[0]);
return $acc;
function fread_all($handle) {
$pos = ftell($handle);
fseek($handle, 0);
$content = fread($handle, fstat($handle)["size"]);
fseek($handle, $pos);
return $content;
function fopen_and_write($filename, $mode, $data) {
$handle = fopen($filename, $mode);
fwrite($handle, $data);
return $handle;
* long_to_bytes(n:long, blocksize:int) : string
* Convert a long integer to a byte string.
* If optional blocksize is given and greater than zero, pad the front of the
* byte string with binary zeros so that the length is a multiple of
* blocksize.
function long_to_bytes($n,$blocksize=0) {
$s = $b('');
$n = long($n);
while (($n > 0)) {
$s = (pack('I', $n & 4294967295) + $s);
$n = $n >> 32;
foreach( pyjslib_range(strlen($s)) as $i ) {
if (($s[$i] != $b('')[0])) {
$s = array_slice($s, $i, null);
if (($blocksize > 0) && (strlen($s) % $blocksize)) {
$s = ((($blocksize - (strlen($s) % $blocksize)) * $b('')) + $s);
return $s;
* Manages TCP Transport. encryption and message frames
class Session {
function __construct($ip, $port, $auth_key = null, $server_salt = null) {
$this->sock = fsockopen("tcp://".$ip.":".$port);
$this->number = 0;
$this->timedelta = 0;
$this->session_id = random_bytes(8);
$this->auth_key = $auth_key;
$this->auth_key_id = $this->auth_key ? array_slice(sha1($this->auth_key, true), -8, null) : null;
stream_set_timeout($this->sock, 5);
$this->MAX_RETRY = 5;
$this->AUTH_MAX_RETRY = 5;
function __destruct() {
* Forming the message frame and sending message to server
* :param message: byte string to send
function send_message($message_data) {
$message_id = pack_le('Q', (pyjslib_int(((time() + $this->timedelta) * pow(2, 30))) * 4));
if (($this->auth_key == null) || ($this->server_salt == null)) {
$message = '' . $message_id . pack_le('I', strlen($message_data)) . $message_data;
} else {
$encrypted_data = (((($this->server_salt + $this->session_id) + $message_id) + pack_le('II', $this->number, strlen($message_data))) + $message_data);
$message_key = array_slice(sha1($encrypted_data, true), -16, null);
$padding = random_bytes((-strlen($encrypted_data) % 16));
pyjslib_printnl(strlen(($encrypted_data + $padding)));
list($aes_key, $aes_iv) = $this->aes_calculate($message_key);
$message = (($this->auth_key_id + $message_key) + crypt::ige_encrypt(($encrypted_data + $padding), $aes_key, $aes_iv));
$step1 = pack_le('II', (strlen($message) + 12), $this->number) . $message;
$step2 = $step1 . pack_le('I', newcrc32($step1));
fwrite($this->sock, $step2);
$this->number+= 1;
* Reading socket and receiving message from server. Check the CRC32.
function recv_message() {
$packet_length_data = fread($this->sock, 4);
if (strlen($packet_length_data) < 4) {
throw new Exception('Nothing in the socket!');
$packet_length = unpack_le('I', $packet_length_data)[1];
$packet = fread($this->sock, ($packet_length - 4));
if (!((var_dump(newcrc32(($packet_length_data + file_slice($packet, 0, -4 - 0)))) == var_dump(unpack_le('I', file_slice($packet, -4, null))) [1]))) {
throw new Exception('CRC32 was not correct!');
$x = unpack('I', file_slice($packet, null, 4));
$auth_key_id = file_slice($packet, 4, 12 - 4);
if (($auth_key_id == '')) {
list($message_id, $message_length) = unpack('8sI', array_slice($packet, 12, 24 - 12));
$data = array_slice($packet, 24, (24 + $message_length) - 24);
} else if (($auth_key_id == $this->auth_key_id)) {
$message_key = array_slice($packet, 12, 28 - 12);
$encrypted_data = array_slice($packet, 28, -4 - 28);
list($aes_key, $aes_iv) = py2php_kwargs_method_call($this, 'aes_calculate', [$message_key], ["direction" => 'from server']);
$decrypted_data = crypt::ige_decrypt($encrypted_data, $aes_key, $aes_iv);
assert((array_slice($decrypted_data, 0, 8 - 0) == $this->server_salt));
assert((array_slice($decrypted_data, 8, 16 - 8) == $this->session_id));
$message_id = array_slice($decrypted_data, 16, 24 - 16);
$seq_no = unpack('I', array_slice($decrypted_data, 24, 28 - 24)) [0];
$message_data_length = unpack('I', array_slice($decrypted_data, 28, 32 - 28)) [0];
$data = array_slice($decrypted_data, 32, (32 + $message_data_length) - 32);
} else {
throw new Exception('Got unknown auth_key id');
return $data;
function method_call($method, $kwargs) {
foreach (pyjslib_range(1, $this->MAX_RETRY) as $i) {
try {
//var_dump(py2php_kwargs_function_call('serialize_method', [$method], $kwargs));
$this->send_message(serialize_method($method, $kwargs));
$server_answer = $this->recv_message();
catch(Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
pyjslib_printnl('Retry call method');
return deserialize(fopen_and_write("php://memory", "w+b", $server_answer));
function create_auth_key() {
$nonce = random_bytes(16);
//$nonce = "a";
pyjslib_printnl('Requesting pq');
$ResPQ = $this->method_call('req_pq', ["nonce" => $nonce]);
$server_nonce = $ResPQ['server_nonce'];
$public_key_fingerprint = $ResPQ['server_public_key_fingerprints'][0];
$pq_bytes = $ResPQ['pq'];
$pq = bytes_to_long($pq_bytes);
list($p, $q) = primefactors($pq);
if (($p > $q)) {
list($p, $q) = [$q, $p];
assert((($p * $q) == $pq) && ($p < $q));
pyjslib_printnl(sprintf('Factorization %d = %d * %d', [$pq, $p, $q]));
$p_bytes = long_to_bytes($p);
$q_bytes = long_to_bytes($q);
$f = pyjslib_open(__DIR__ . '/');
$key = RSA::importKey($f->read());
$new_nonce = random_bytes(32);
$data = py2php_kwargs_function_call('serialize_obj', ['p_q_inner_data'], ["pq" => $pq_bytes, "p" => $p_bytes, "q" => $q_bytes, "nonce" => $nonce, "server_nonce" => $server_nonce, "new_nonce" => $new_nonce]);
$sha_digest = sha($data, true);
$random_bytes = random_bytes(((255 - strlen($data)) - strlen($sha_digest)));
$to_encrypt = (($sha_digest + $data) + $random_bytes);
$encrypted_data = $key->encrypt($to_encrypt, 0) [0];
pyjslib_printnl('Starting Diffie Hellman key exchange');
$server_dh_params = $this->method_call('req_DH_params', ["nonce" => $nonce, "server_nonce" => $server_nonce, "p" => $p_bytes, "q" => $q_bytes, "public_key_fingerprint" => $public_key_fingerprint, "encrypted_data" => $encrypted_data]);
assert(($nonce == $server_dh_params['nonce']));
assert(($server_nonce == $server_dh_params['server_nonce']));
$encrypted_answer = $server_dh_params['encrypted_answer'];
$tmp_aes_key = (sha1(($new_nonce + $server_nonce), true) + array_slice(sha1(($server_nonce + $new_nonce), true), 0, 12 - 0));
$tmp_aes_iv = ((array_slice(sha1(($server_nonce + $new_nonce), true), 12, 20 - 12) + sha1(($new_nonce + $new_nonce), true)) + array_slice($new_nonce, 0, 4 - 0));
$answer_with_hash = crypt::ige_decrypt($encrypted_answer, $tmp_aes_key, $tmp_aes_iv);
$answer_hash = array_slice($answer_with_hash, null, 20);
$answer = array_slice($answer_with_hash, 20, null);
$server_DH_inner_data = deserialize(io::BytesIO($answer));
assert(($nonce == $server_DH_inner_data['nonce']));
assert(($server_nonce == $server_DH_inner_data['server_nonce']));
$dh_prime_str = $server_DH_inner_data['dh_prime'];
$g = $server_DH_inner_data['g'];
$g_a_str = $server_DH_inner_data['g_a'];
$server_time = $server_DH_inner_data['server_time'];
$this->timedelta = ($server_time - time());
pyjslib_printnl(sprintf('Server-client time delta = %.1f s', $this->timedelta));
$dh_prime = new bytes_to_long($dh_prime_str);
$g_a = new bytes_to_long($g_a_str);
$retry_id = 0;
$b_str = random_bytes(256);
$b = new bytes_to_long($b_str);
$g_b = pow($g, $b, $dh_prime);
$g_b_str = new long_to_bytes($g_b);
$data = py2php_kwargs_function_call('serialize_obj', ['client_DH_inner_data'], ["nonce" => $nonce, "server_nonce" => $server_nonce, "retry_id" => $retry_id, "g_b" => $g_b_str]);
$data_with_sha = (sha1($data, true) + $data);
$data_with_sha_padded = ($data_with_sha + random_bytes((-strlen($data_with_sha) % 16)));
$encrypted_data = crypt::ige_encrypt($data_with_sha_padded, $tmp_aes_key, $tmp_aes_iv);
foreach (pyjslib_range(1, $this->AUTH_MAX_RETRY) as $i) {
$Set_client_DH_params_answer = $this->method_call('set_client_DH_params', ["nonce" => $nonce, "server_nonce" => $server_nonce, "encrypted_data" => $encrypted_data]);
$auth_key = pow($g_a, $b, $dh_prime);
$auth_key_str = new long_to_bytes($auth_key);
$auth_key_sha = sha1($auth_key_str, true);
$auth_key_aux_hash = array_slice($auth_key_sha, null, 8);
$new_nonce_hash1 = array_slice(sha1($new_nonce . '' . $auth_key_aux_hash, true), -16, null);
$new_nonce_hash2 = array_slice(sha1($new_nonce . '' . $auth_key_aux_hash, true), -16, null);
$new_nonce_hash3 = array_slice(sha1($new_nonce . '' . $auth_key_aux_hash, true), -16, null);
assert(($Set_client_DH_params_answer['nonce'] == $nonce));
assert(($Set_client_DH_params_answer['server_nonce'] == $server_nonce));
if (($Set_client_DH_params_answer->name == 'dh_gen_ok')) {
assert(($Set_client_DH_params_answer['new_nonce_hash1'] == $new_nonce_hash1));
pyjslib_printnl('Diffie Hellman key exchange processed successfully');
$this->server_salt = new strxor(array_slice($new_nonce, 0, 8 - 0), array_slice($server_nonce, 0, 8 - 0));
$this->auth_key = $auth_key_str;
$this->auth_key_id = array_slice($auth_key_sha, -8, null);
pyjslib_printnl('Auth key generated');
return 'Auth Ok';
} else if (($Set_client_DH_params_answer->name == 'dh_gen_retry')) {
assert(($Set_client_DH_params_answer['new_nonce_hash2'] == $new_nonce_hash2));
pyjslib_printnl('Retry Auth');
} else if (($Set_client_DH_params_answer->name == 'dh_gen_fail')) {
assert(($Set_client_DH_params_answer['new_nonce_hash3'] == $new_nonce_hash3));
pyjslib_printnl('Auth Failed');
throw new Exception('Auth Failed');
} else {
throw new Exception('Response Error');
function aes_calculate($msg_key, $direction = 'to server') {
$x = ($direction == 'to server') ? 0 : 8;
$sha1_a = sha1(($msg_key + array_slice($this->auth_key, $x, ($x + 32) - $x)), true);
$sha1_b = sha1(((array_slice($this->auth_key, ($x + 32), ($x + 48) - ($x + 32)) + $msg_key) + array_slice($this->auth_key, (48 + $x), (64 + $x) - (48 + $x))), true);
$sha1_c = sha1((array_slice($this->auth_key, ($x + 64), ($x + 96) - ($x + 64)) + $msg_key))->digest();
$sha1_d = sha1(($msg_key + array_slice($this->auth_key, ($x + 96), ($x + 128) - ($x + 96))))->digest();
$aes_key = ((array_slice($sha1_a, 0, 8 - 0) + array_slice($sha1_b, 8, 20 - 8)) + array_slice($sha1_c, 4, 16 - 4));
$aes_iv = (((array_slice($sha1_a, 8, 20 - 8) + array_slice($sha1_b, 0, 8 - 0)) + array_slice($sha1_c, 16, 20 - 16)) + array_slice($sha1_d, 0, 8 - 0));
return [$aes_key, $aes_iv];