|peer|[Username, chat ID, Update, Message or InputPeer](../types/InputPeer.md) | Chat where the poll was sent | Optional|
|id|[int](../types/int.md) | Message ID | Yes|
|option|[bytes](../types/bytes.md) | Get only results for the specified poll `option` | Optional|
|offset|[string](../types/string.md) | Offset for results, taken from the `next_offset` field of [messages.votesList](../constructors/messages.votesList.md), initially an empty string. <br>Note: if no more results are available, the method call will return an empty `next_offset`; thus, avoid providing the `next_offset` returned in [messages.votesList](../constructors/messages.votesList.md) if it is empty, to avoid an infinite loop. | Optional|
|limit|[int](../types/int.md) | Number of results to return | Yes|