|ttl|[int](../types/int.md) | Yes|Message lifetime. Has higher priority than [decryptedMessageActionSetMessageTTL](../constructors/decryptedMessageActionSetMessageTTL.md).<br>Parameter added in [Layer 17](https://core.telegram.org/api/layers#layer-17).|
|via\_bot\_name|[string](../types/string.md) | Optional|Specifies the ID of the inline bot that generated the message (parameter added in layer 45)|
|reply\_to\_random\_id|[long](../types/long.md) | Optional|Random message ID of the message this message replies to (parameter added in layer 45)|
|grouped\_id|[long](../types/long.md) | Optional|Random group ID, assigned by the author of message.<br>Multiple encrypted messages with a photo attached and with the same group ID indicate an album (parameter added in layer 45)|