|persistent\_id|[string](../types/string.md) | Yes|Persistent file identifier, if exists. Can be used across application restarts or even other devices for current logged user. If begins with "http: " or "https: ", it is HTTP URL of the file. Currently, TDLib is unable to download files if only they URL is known.-If downloadFile is called on a such file or it is sended to a secret chat TDLib starts file generation process by sending to the client updateFileGenerationStart with HTTP URL in the original_path and "#url#" as conversion string. Client supposed to generate the file by downloading it to the specified location|
|size|[int](../types/int.md) | Yes|File size, 0 if unknown|
|is\_being\_downloaded|[Bool](../types/Bool.md) | Yes|True, if the file is currently being downloaded|
|local\_size|[int](../types/int.md) | Yes|Size of locally available part of the file. If size != 0 && local_size == size, full file is available locally|
|is\_being\_uploaded|[Bool](../types/Bool.md) | Yes|True, if the file is currently being uploaded|
|remote\_size|[int](../types/int.md) | Yes|Size of remotely available part of the file. If size != 0 && remote_size == size, the file is available remotely|
|path|[string](../types/string.md) | Yes|Local path to the available file part, may be empty|