|nosound\_video|[Bool](../types/Bool.md) | Optional|Whether the specified document is a video file with no audio tracks (a GIF animation (even as MPEG4), for example)|
|file|[File path or InputFile](../types/InputFile.md) | Yes|The [uploaded file](https://core.telegram.org/api/files)|
|thumb|[File path or InputFile](../types/InputFile.md) | Optional|Thumbnail of the document, uploaded as for the file|
|mime\_type|[string](../types/string.md) | Optional|MIME type of document|
|attributes|Array of [DocumentAttribute](../types/DocumentAttribute.md) | Yes|Attributes that specify the type of the document (video, audio, voice, sticker, etc.)|
|stickers|Array of [MessageMedia, Message, Update or InputDocument](../types/InputDocument.md) | Optional|Attached stickers|