This commit is contained in:
Daniil Gentili 2019-12-27 18:25:37 +01:00
parent 4f734f859b
commit 3dd0584ee7
Signed by: danog
GPG Key ID: 8C1BE3B34B230CA7
16514 changed files with 226434 additions and 223757 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
title: account.authorizationForm
description: [Telegram Passport]( authorization form
# Constructor: account.authorizationForm
[Back to constructors index](
[Telegram Passport]( authorization form
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|required\_types|Array of [SecureRequiredType](../types/ | Yes|Required types|
|values|Array of [SecureValue](../types/ | Yes|Values|
|errors|Array of [SecureValueError](../types/ | Yes|Errors|
|users|Array of [User](../types/ | Yes|Users|
|privacy\_policy\_url|[string](../types/ | Optional|URL of the service's privacy policy|
### Type: [account.AuthorizationForm](../types/
### Example:
$account.authorizationForm = ['_' => 'account.authorizationForm', 'required_types' => [SecureRequiredType, SecureRequiredType], 'values' => [SecureValue, SecureValue], 'errors' => [SecureValueError, SecureValueError], 'users' => [User, User], 'privacy_policy_url' => 'string'];
Or, if you're into Lua:
account.authorizationForm={_='account.authorizationForm', required_types={SecureRequiredType}, values={SecureValue}, errors={SecureValueError}, users={User}, privacy_policy_url='string'}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
title: account.authorizations
description: Logged-in sessions
# Constructor: account.authorizations
[Back to constructors index](
Logged-in sessions
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|authorizations|Array of [Authorization](../types/ | Yes|Authorizations|
### Type: [account.Authorizations](../types/
### Example:
$account.authorizations = ['_' => 'account.authorizations', 'authorizations' => [Authorization, Authorization]];
Or, if you're into Lua:
account.authorizations={_='account.authorizations', authorizations={Authorization}}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
title: account.autoDownloadSettings
description: Media autodownload settings
# Constructor: account.autoDownloadSettings
[Back to constructors index](
Media autodownload settings
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|low|[AutoDownloadSettings](../types/ | Yes|Low data usage preset|
|medium|[AutoDownloadSettings](../types/ | Yes|Medium data usage preset|
|high|[AutoDownloadSettings](../types/ | Yes|High data usage preset|
### Type: [account.AutoDownloadSettings](../types/
### Example:
$account.autoDownloadSettings = ['_' => 'account.autoDownloadSettings', 'low' => AutoDownloadSettings, 'medium' => AutoDownloadSettings, 'high' => AutoDownloadSettings];
Or, if you're into Lua:
account.autoDownloadSettings={_='account.autoDownloadSettings', low=AutoDownloadSettings, medium=AutoDownloadSettings, high=AutoDownloadSettings}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
title: account.password
description: Configuration for two-factor authorization
# Constructor: account.password
[Back to constructors index](
Configuration for two-factor authorization
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|has\_recovery|[Bool](../types/ | Optional|Whether the user has a recovery method configured|
|has\_secure\_values|[Bool](../types/ | Optional|Whether telegram [passport]( is enabled|
|has\_password|[Bool](../types/ | Optional|Whether the user has a password|
|current\_algo|[PasswordKdfAlgo](../types/ | Optional|The [KDF algorithm for SRP two-factor authentication]( of the current password|
|srp\_B|[bytes](../types/ | Optional|Srp B param for [SRP authorization](|
|srp\_id|[long](../types/ | Optional|Srp ID param for [SRP authorization](|
|hint|[string](../types/ | Optional|Text hint for the password|
|email\_unconfirmed\_pattern|[string](../types/ | Optional|A [password recovery email]( with the specified [pattern]( is still awaiting verification|
|new\_algo|[PasswordKdfAlgo](../types/ | Yes|The [KDF algorithm for SRP two-factor authentication]( to use when creating new passwords|
|new\_secure\_algo|[SecurePasswordKdfAlgo](../types/ | Yes|The KDF algorithm for telegram [passport](|
|secure\_random|[bytes](../types/ | Yes|Secure random string|
### Type: [account.Password](../types/
### Example:
$account.password = ['_' => 'account.password', 'has_recovery' => Bool, 'has_secure_values' => Bool, 'has_password' => Bool, 'current_algo' => PasswordKdfAlgo, 'srp_B' => 'bytes', 'srp_id' => long, 'hint' => 'string', 'email_unconfirmed_pattern' => 'string', 'new_algo' => PasswordKdfAlgo, 'new_secure_algo' => SecurePasswordKdfAlgo, 'secure_random' => 'bytes'];
Or, if you're into Lua:
account.password={_='account.password', has_recovery=Bool, has_secure_values=Bool, has_password=Bool, current_algo=PasswordKdfAlgo, srp_B='bytes', srp_id=long, hint='string', email_unconfirmed_pattern='string', new_algo=PasswordKdfAlgo, new_secure_algo=SecurePasswordKdfAlgo, secure_random='bytes'}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
title: account.passwordInputSettings
description: Settings for setting up a new password
# Constructor: account.passwordInputSettings
[Back to constructors index](
Settings for setting up a new password
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|new\_algo|[PasswordKdfAlgo](../types/ | Optional|The [SRP algorithm]( to use|
|new\_password\_hash|[bytes](../types/ | Optional|The [computed password hash](|
|hint|[string](../types/ | Optional|Text hint for the password|
|email|[string](../types/ | Optional|Password recovery email|
|new\_secure\_settings|[SecureSecretSettings](../types/ | Optional|Telegram [passport]( settings|
### Type: [account.PasswordInputSettings](../types/
### Example:
$account.passwordInputSettings = ['_' => 'account.passwordInputSettings', 'new_algo' => PasswordKdfAlgo, 'new_password_hash' => 'bytes', 'hint' => 'string', 'email' => 'string', 'new_secure_settings' => SecureSecretSettings];
Or, if you're into Lua:
account.passwordInputSettings={_='account.passwordInputSettings', new_algo=PasswordKdfAlgo, new_password_hash='bytes', hint='string', email='string', new_secure_settings=SecureSecretSettings}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
title: account.passwordSettings
description: Private info associated to the password info (recovery email, telegram [passport]( info & so on)
# Constructor: account.passwordSettings
[Back to constructors index](
Private info associated to the password info (recovery email, telegram [passport]( info & so on)
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|email|[string](../types/ | Optional|[2FA Recovery email](|
|secure\_settings|[SecureSecretSettings](../types/ | Optional|Telegram [passport]( settings|
### Type: [account.PasswordSettings](../types/
### Example:
$account.passwordSettings = ['_' => 'account.passwordSettings', 'email' => 'string', 'secure_settings' => SecureSecretSettings];
Or, if you're into Lua:
account.passwordSettings={_='account.passwordSettings', email='string', secure_settings=SecureSecretSettings}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
title: account.privacyRules
description: Privacy rules
# Constructor: account.privacyRules
[Back to constructors index](
Privacy rules
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|rules|Array of [PrivacyRule](../types/ | Yes|Rules|
|chats|Array of [Chat](../types/ | Yes|Chats allowed?|
|users|Array of [User](../types/ | Yes|Users|
### Type: [account.PrivacyRules](../types/
### Example:
$account.privacyRules = ['_' => 'account.privacyRules', 'rules' => [PrivacyRule, PrivacyRule], 'chats' => [Chat, Chat], 'users' => [User, User]];
Or, if you're into Lua:
account.privacyRules={_='account.privacyRules', rules={PrivacyRule}, chats={Chat}, users={User}}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
title: account.sentEmailCode
description: The sent email code
# Constructor: account.sentEmailCode
[Back to constructors index](
The sent email code
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|email\_pattern|[string](../types/ | Yes|The email (to which the code was sent) must match this [pattern](|
|length|[int](../types/ | Yes|The length of the verification code|
### Type: [account.SentEmailCode](../types/
### Example:
$account.sentEmailCode = ['_' => 'account.sentEmailCode', 'email_pattern' => 'string', 'length' => int];
Or, if you're into Lua:
account.sentEmailCode={_='account.sentEmailCode', email_pattern='string', length=int}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
title: account.takeout
description: Takout info
# Constructor: account.takeout
[Back to constructors index](
Takout info
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|id|[long](../types/ | Yes|Takeout ID|
### Type: [account.Takeout](../types/
### Example:
$account.takeout = ['_' => 'account.takeout', 'id' => long];
Or, if you're into Lua:
account.takeout={_='account.takeout', id=long}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
title: account.themes
description: Installed themes
# Constructor: account.themes
[Back to constructors index](
Installed themes
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|hash|[int](../types/ | Yes|[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](|
|themes|Array of [Theme](../types/ | Yes|Themes|
### Type: [account.Themes](../types/
### Example:
$account.themes = ['_' => 'account.themes', 'hash' => int, 'themes' => [Theme, Theme]];
Or, if you're into Lua:
account.themes={_='account.themes', hash=int, themes={Theme}}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
title: account.themesNotModified
description: No new themes were installed
# Constructor: account.themesNotModified
[Back to constructors index](
No new themes were installed
### Type: [account.Themes](../types/
### Example:
$account.themesNotModified = ['_' => 'account.themesNotModified'];
Or, if you're into Lua:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
title: account.tmpPassword
description: Temporary payment password
# Constructor: account.tmpPassword
[Back to constructors index](
Temporary payment password
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|tmp\_password|[bytes](../types/ | Yes|Temporary password|
|valid\_until|[int](../types/ | Yes|Validity period|
### Type: [account.TmpPassword](../types/
### Example:
$account.tmpPassword = ['_' => 'account.tmpPassword', 'tmp_password' => 'bytes', 'valid_until' => int];
Or, if you're into Lua:
account.tmpPassword={_='account.tmpPassword', tmp_password='bytes', valid_until=int}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
title: account.wallPapers
description: Installed wallpapers
# Constructor: account.wallPapers
[Back to constructors index](
Installed wallpapers
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|hash|[int](../types/ | Yes|[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](|
|wallpapers|Array of [WallPaper](../types/ | Yes|Wallpapers|
### Type: [account.WallPapers](../types/
### Example:
$account.wallPapers = ['_' => 'account.wallPapers', 'hash' => int, 'wallpapers' => [WallPaper, WallPaper]];
Or, if you're into Lua:
account.wallPapers={_='account.wallPapers', hash=int, wallpapers={WallPaper}}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
title: account.wallPapersNotModified
description: No new wallpapers were found
# Constructor: account.wallPapersNotModified
[Back to constructors index](
No new wallpapers were found
### Type: [account.WallPapers](../types/
### Example:
$account.wallPapersNotModified = ['_' => 'account.wallPapersNotModified'];
Or, if you're into Lua:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
title: account.webAuthorizations
description: Web authorizations
# Constructor: account.webAuthorizations
[Back to constructors index](
Web authorizations
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|authorizations|Array of [WebAuthorization](../types/ | Yes|Authorizations|
|users|Array of [User](../types/ | Yes|Users|
### Type: [account.WebAuthorizations](../types/
### Example:
$account.webAuthorizations = ['_' => 'account.webAuthorizations', 'authorizations' => [WebAuthorization, WebAuthorization], 'users' => [User, User]];
Or, if you're into Lua:
account.webAuthorizations={_='account.webAuthorizations', authorizations={WebAuthorization}, users={User}}

View File

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
title: account.authorizationForm
description: [Telegram Passport]( authorization form
# Constructor: account.authorizationForm
[Back to constructors index](
[Telegram Passport]( authorization form
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|required\_types|Array of [SecureRequiredType](../types/ | Yes|Required types|
|values|Array of [SecureValue](../types/ | Yes|Values|
|errors|Array of [SecureValueError](../types/ | Yes|Errors|
|users|Array of [User](../types/ | Yes|Users|
|privacy\_policy\_url|[string](../types/ | Optional|URL of the service's privacy policy|
### Type: [account\_AuthorizationForm](../types/
### Example:
$account_authorizationForm = ['_' => 'account.authorizationForm', 'required_types' => [SecureRequiredType, SecureRequiredType], 'values' => [SecureValue, SecureValue], 'errors' => [SecureValueError, SecureValueError], 'users' => [User, User], 'privacy_policy_url' => 'string'];
Or, if you're into Lua:
account_authorizationForm={_='account.authorizationForm', required_types={SecureRequiredType}, values={SecureValue}, errors={SecureValueError}, users={User}, privacy_policy_url='string'}

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
title: account.authorizations
description: Logged-in sessions
# Constructor: account.authorizations
[Back to constructors index](
Logged-in sessions
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|authorizations|Array of [Authorization](../types/ | Yes|Authorizations|
### Type: [account\_Authorizations](../types/
### Example:
$account_authorizations = ['_' => 'account.authorizations', 'authorizations' => [Authorization, Authorization]];
Or, if you're into Lua:
account_authorizations={_='account.authorizations', authorizations={Authorization}}

View File

@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
title: account.autoDownloadSettings
description: Media autodownload settings
# Constructor: account.autoDownloadSettings
[Back to constructors index](
Media autodownload settings
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|low|[AutoDownloadSettings](../types/ | Yes|Low data usage preset|
|medium|[AutoDownloadSettings](../types/ | Yes|Medium data usage preset|
|high|[AutoDownloadSettings](../types/ | Yes|High data usage preset|
### Type: [account\_AutoDownloadSettings](../types/
### Example:
$account_autoDownloadSettings = ['_' => 'account.autoDownloadSettings', 'low' => AutoDownloadSettings, 'medium' => AutoDownloadSettings, 'high' => AutoDownloadSettings];
Or, if you're into Lua:
account_autoDownloadSettings={_='account.autoDownloadSettings', low=AutoDownloadSettings, medium=AutoDownloadSettings, high=AutoDownloadSettings}

View File

@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
title: account.password
description: Configuration for two-factor authorization
# Constructor: account.password
[Back to constructors index](
Configuration for two-factor authorization
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|has\_recovery|[Bool](../types/ | Optional|Whether the user has a recovery method configured|
|has\_secure\_values|[Bool](../types/ | Optional|Whether telegram [passport]( is enabled|
|has\_password|[Bool](../types/ | Optional|Whether the user has a password|
|current\_algo|[PasswordKdfAlgo](../types/ | Optional|The [KDF algorithm for SRP two-factor authentication]( of the current password|
|srp\_B|[bytes](../types/ | Optional|Srp B param for [SRP authorization](|
|srp\_id|[long](../types/ | Optional|Srp ID param for [SRP authorization](|
|hint|[string](../types/ | Optional|Text hint for the password|
|email\_unconfirmed\_pattern|[string](../types/ | Optional|A [password recovery email]( with the specified [pattern]( is still awaiting verification|
|new\_algo|[PasswordKdfAlgo](../types/ | Yes|The [KDF algorithm for SRP two-factor authentication]( to use when creating new passwords|
|new\_secure\_algo|[SecurePasswordKdfAlgo](../types/ | Yes|The KDF algorithm for telegram [passport](|
|secure\_random|[bytes](../types/ | Yes|Secure random string|
### Type: [account\_Password](../types/
### Example:
$account_password = ['_' => 'account.password', 'has_recovery' => Bool, 'has_secure_values' => Bool, 'has_password' => Bool, 'current_algo' => PasswordKdfAlgo, 'srp_B' => 'bytes', 'srp_id' => long, 'hint' => 'string', 'email_unconfirmed_pattern' => 'string', 'new_algo' => PasswordKdfAlgo, 'new_secure_algo' => SecurePasswordKdfAlgo, 'secure_random' => 'bytes'];
Or, if you're into Lua:
account_password={_='account.password', has_recovery=Bool, has_secure_values=Bool, has_password=Bool, current_algo=PasswordKdfAlgo, srp_B='bytes', srp_id=long, hint='string', email_unconfirmed_pattern='string', new_algo=PasswordKdfAlgo, new_secure_algo=SecurePasswordKdfAlgo, secure_random='bytes'}

View File

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
title: account.passwordInputSettings
description: Settings for setting up a new password
# Constructor: account.passwordInputSettings
[Back to constructors index](
Settings for setting up a new password
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|new\_algo|[PasswordKdfAlgo](../types/ | Optional|The [SRP algorithm]( to use|
|new\_password\_hash|[bytes](../types/ | Optional|The [computed password hash](|
|hint|[string](../types/ | Optional|Text hint for the password|
|email|[string](../types/ | Optional|Password recovery email|
|new\_secure\_settings|[SecureSecretSettings](../types/ | Optional|Telegram [passport]( settings|
### Type: [account\_PasswordInputSettings](../types/
### Example:
$account_passwordInputSettings = ['_' => 'account.passwordInputSettings', 'new_algo' => PasswordKdfAlgo, 'new_password_hash' => 'bytes', 'hint' => 'string', 'email' => 'string', 'new_secure_settings' => SecureSecretSettings];
Or, if you're into Lua:
account_passwordInputSettings={_='account.passwordInputSettings', new_algo=PasswordKdfAlgo, new_password_hash='bytes', hint='string', email='string', new_secure_settings=SecureSecretSettings}

View File

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
title: account.passwordSettings
description: Private info associated to the password info (recovery email, telegram [passport]( info & so on)
# Constructor: account.passwordSettings
[Back to constructors index](
Private info associated to the password info (recovery email, telegram [passport]( info & so on)
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|email|[string](../types/ | Optional|[2FA Recovery email](|
|secure\_settings|[SecureSecretSettings](../types/ | Optional|Telegram [passport]( settings|
### Type: [account\_PasswordSettings](../types/
### Example:
$account_passwordSettings = ['_' => 'account.passwordSettings', 'email' => 'string', 'secure_settings' => SecureSecretSettings];
Or, if you're into Lua:
account_passwordSettings={_='account.passwordSettings', email='string', secure_settings=SecureSecretSettings}

View File

@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
title: account.privacyRules
description: Privacy rules
# Constructor: account.privacyRules
[Back to constructors index](
Privacy rules
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|rules|Array of [PrivacyRule](../types/ | Yes|Rules|
|chats|Array of [Chat](../types/ | Yes|Chats allowed?|
|users|Array of [User](../types/ | Yes|Users|
### Type: [account\_PrivacyRules](../types/
### Example:
$account_privacyRules = ['_' => 'account.privacyRules', 'rules' => [PrivacyRule, PrivacyRule], 'chats' => [Chat, Chat], 'users' => [User, User]];
Or, if you're into Lua:
account_privacyRules={_='account.privacyRules', rules={PrivacyRule}, chats={Chat}, users={User}}

View File

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
title: account.sentEmailCode
description: The sent email code
# Constructor: account.sentEmailCode
[Back to constructors index](
The sent email code
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|email\_pattern|[string](../types/ | Yes|The email (to which the code was sent) must match this [pattern](|
|length|[int](../types/ | Yes|The length of the verification code|
### Type: [account\_SentEmailCode](../types/
### Example:
$account_sentEmailCode = ['_' => 'account.sentEmailCode', 'email_pattern' => 'string', 'length' => int];
Or, if you're into Lua:
account_sentEmailCode={_='account.sentEmailCode', email_pattern='string', length=int}

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
title: account.takeout
description: Takout info
# Constructor: account.takeout
[Back to constructors index](
Takout info
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|id|[long](../types/ | Yes|Takeout ID|
### Type: [account\_Takeout](../types/
### Example:
$account_takeout = ['_' => 'account.takeout', 'id' => long];
Or, if you're into Lua:
account_takeout={_='account.takeout', id=long}

View File

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
title: account.themes
description: Installed themes
# Constructor: account.themes
[Back to constructors index](
Installed themes
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|hash|[int](../types/ | Yes|[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](|
|themes|Array of [Theme](../types/ | Yes|Themes|
### Type: [account\_Themes](../types/
### Example:
$account_themes = ['_' => 'account.themes', 'hash' => int, 'themes' => [Theme, Theme]];
Or, if you're into Lua:
account_themes={_='account.themes', hash=int, themes={Theme}}

View File

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
title: account.themesNotModified
description: No new themes were installed
# Constructor: account.themesNotModified
[Back to constructors index](
No new themes were installed
### Type: [account\_Themes](../types/
### Example:
$account_themesNotModified = ['_' => 'account.themesNotModified'];
Or, if you're into Lua:

View File

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
title: account.tmpPassword
description: Temporary payment password
# Constructor: account.tmpPassword
[Back to constructors index](
Temporary payment password
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|tmp\_password|[bytes](../types/ | Yes|Temporary password|
|valid\_until|[int](../types/ | Yes|Validity period|
### Type: [account\_TmpPassword](../types/
### Example:
$account_tmpPassword = ['_' => 'account.tmpPassword', 'tmp_password' => 'bytes', 'valid_until' => int];
Or, if you're into Lua:
account_tmpPassword={_='account.tmpPassword', tmp_password='bytes', valid_until=int}

View File

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
title: account.wallPapers
description: Installed wallpapers
# Constructor: account.wallPapers
[Back to constructors index](
Installed wallpapers
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|hash|[int](../types/ | Yes|[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](|
|wallpapers|Array of [WallPaper](../types/ | Yes|Wallpapers|
### Type: [account\_WallPapers](../types/
### Example:
$account_wallPapers = ['_' => 'account.wallPapers', 'hash' => int, 'wallpapers' => [WallPaper, WallPaper]];
Or, if you're into Lua:
account_wallPapers={_='account.wallPapers', hash=int, wallpapers={WallPaper}}

View File

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
title: account.wallPapersNotModified
description: No new wallpapers were found
# Constructor: account.wallPapersNotModified
[Back to constructors index](
No new wallpapers were found
### Type: [account\_WallPapers](../types/
### Example:
$account_wallPapersNotModified = ['_' => 'account.wallPapersNotModified'];
Or, if you're into Lua:

View File

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
title: account.webAuthorizations
description: Web authorizations
# Constructor: account.webAuthorizations
[Back to constructors index](
Web authorizations
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|authorizations|Array of [WebAuthorization](../types/ | Yes|Authorizations|
|users|Array of [User](../types/ | Yes|Users|
### Type: [account\_WebAuthorizations](../types/
### Example:
$account_webAuthorizations = ['_' => 'account.webAuthorizations', 'authorizations' => [WebAuthorization, WebAuthorization], 'users' => [User, User]];
Or, if you're into Lua:
account_webAuthorizations={_='account.webAuthorizations', authorizations={WebAuthorization}, users={User}}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
title: auth.authorization
description: Contains user authorization info.
# Constructor: auth.authorization
[Back to constructors index](
Contains user authorization info.
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|tmp\_sessions|[int](../types/ | Optional|Temporary [passport]( sessions|
|user|[User](../types/ | Optional|Info on authorized user|
### Type: [auth.Authorization](../types/
### Example:
$auth.authorization = ['_' => 'auth.authorization', 'tmp_sessions' => int, 'user' => User];
Or, if you're into Lua:
auth.authorization={_='auth.authorization', tmp_sessions=int, user=User}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
title: auth.authorizationSignUpRequired
description: An account with this phone number doesn't exist on telegram: the user has to [enter basic information and sign up](
# Constructor: auth.authorizationSignUpRequired
[Back to constructors index](
An account with this phone number doesn't exist on telegram: the user has to [enter basic information and sign up](
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|terms\_of\_service|[help.TermsOfService](../constructors/ | Optional|Telegram's terms of service: the user must read and accept the terms of service before signing up to telegram|
### Type: [auth.Authorization](../types/
### Example:
$auth.authorizationSignUpRequired = ['_' => 'auth.authorizationSignUpRequired', 'terms_of_service' => help.TermsOfService];
Or, if you're into Lua:
auth.authorizationSignUpRequired={_='auth.authorizationSignUpRequired', terms_of_service=help.TermsOfService}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
title: auth.codeTypeCall
description: Type of verification code that will be sent next if you call the resendCode method: SMS code
# Constructor: auth.codeTypeCall
[Back to constructors index](
Type of verification code that will be sent next if you call the resendCode method: SMS code
### Type: [auth.CodeType](../types/
### Example:
$auth.codeTypeCall = ['_' => 'auth.codeTypeCall'];
Or, if you're into Lua:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
title: auth.codeTypeFlashCall
description: Type of verification code that will be sent next if you call the resendCode method: SMS code
# Constructor: auth.codeTypeFlashCall
[Back to constructors index](
Type of verification code that will be sent next if you call the resendCode method: SMS code
### Type: [auth.CodeType](../types/
### Example:
$auth.codeTypeFlashCall = ['_' => 'auth.codeTypeFlashCall'];
Or, if you're into Lua:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
title: auth.codeTypeSms
description: Type of verification code that will be sent next if you call the resendCode method: SMS code
# Constructor: auth.codeTypeSms
[Back to constructors index](
Type of verification code that will be sent next if you call the resendCode method: SMS code
### Type: [auth.CodeType](../types/
### Example:
$auth.codeTypeSms = ['_' => 'auth.codeTypeSms'];
Or, if you're into Lua:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
title: auth.exportedAuthorization
description: Data for copying of authorization between data centres.
# Constructor: auth.exportedAuthorization
[Back to constructors index](
Data for copying of authorization between data centres.
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|id|[int](../types/ | Yes|Current user identifier|
|bytes|[bytes](../types/ | Yes|Authorizes key|
### Type: [auth.ExportedAuthorization](../types/
### Example:
$auth.exportedAuthorization = ['_' => 'auth.exportedAuthorization', 'id' => int, 'bytes' => 'bytes'];
Or, if you're into Lua:
auth.exportedAuthorization={_='auth.exportedAuthorization', id=int, bytes='bytes'}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
title: auth.passwordRecovery
description: Recovery info of a [2FA password](, only for accounts with a [recovery email configured](
# Constructor: auth.passwordRecovery
[Back to constructors index](
Recovery info of a [2FA password](, only for accounts with a [recovery email configured](
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|email\_pattern|[string](../types/ | Yes|The email to which the recovery code was sent must match this [pattern](|
### Type: [auth.PasswordRecovery](../types/
### Example:
$auth.passwordRecovery = ['_' => 'auth.passwordRecovery', 'email_pattern' => 'string'];
Or, if you're into Lua:
auth.passwordRecovery={_='auth.passwordRecovery', email_pattern='string'}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
title: auth.sentCode
description: Contains info about a sent verification code.
# Constructor: auth.sentCode
[Back to constructors index](
Contains info about a sent verification code.
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|type|[auth.SentCodeType](../constructors/ | Yes|Phone code type|
|phone\_code\_hash|[string](../types/ | Yes|Phone code hash, to be stored and later re-used with [auth.signIn](../methods/|
|next\_type|[auth.CodeType](../constructors/ | Optional|Phone code type that will be sent next, if the phone code is not received within `timeout` seconds: to send it use [auth.resendCode](../methods/|
|timeout|[int](../types/ | Optional|Timeout for reception of the phone code|
### Type: [auth.SentCode](../types/
### Example:
$auth.sentCode = ['_' => 'auth.sentCode', 'type' => auth.SentCodeType, 'phone_code_hash' => 'string', 'next_type' => auth.CodeType, 'timeout' => int];
Or, if you're into Lua:
auth.sentCode={_='auth.sentCode', type=auth.SentCodeType, phone_code_hash='string', next_type=auth.CodeType, timeout=int}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
title: auth.sentCodeTypeApp
description: The code was sent through the telegram app
# Constructor: auth.sentCodeTypeApp
[Back to constructors index](
The code was sent through the telegram app
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|length|[int](../types/ | Yes|Length of the code in bytes|
### Type: [auth.SentCodeType](../types/
### Example:
$auth.sentCodeTypeApp = ['_' => 'auth.sentCodeTypeApp', 'length' => int];
Or, if you're into Lua:
auth.sentCodeTypeApp={_='auth.sentCodeTypeApp', length=int}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
title: auth.sentCodeTypeCall
description: The code will be sent via a phone call: a synthesized voice will tell the user which verification code to input.
# Constructor: auth.sentCodeTypeCall
[Back to constructors index](
The code will be sent via a phone call: a synthesized voice will tell the user which verification code to input.
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|length|[int](../types/ | Yes|Length of the verification code|
### Type: [auth.SentCodeType](../types/
### Example:
$auth.sentCodeTypeCall = ['_' => 'auth.sentCodeTypeCall', 'length' => int];
Or, if you're into Lua:
auth.sentCodeTypeCall={_='auth.sentCodeTypeCall', length=int}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
title: auth.sentCodeTypeFlashCall
description: The code will be sent via a flash phone call, that will be closed immediately. The phone code will then be the phone number itself, just make sure that the phone number matches the specified pattern.
# Constructor: auth.sentCodeTypeFlashCall
[Back to constructors index](
The code will be sent via a flash phone call, that will be closed immediately. The phone code will then be the phone number itself, just make sure that the phone number matches the specified pattern.
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|pattern|[string](../types/ | Yes|[pattern]( to match|
### Type: [auth.SentCodeType](../types/
### Example:
$auth.sentCodeTypeFlashCall = ['_' => 'auth.sentCodeTypeFlashCall', 'pattern' => 'string'];
Or, if you're into Lua:
auth.sentCodeTypeFlashCall={_='auth.sentCodeTypeFlashCall', pattern='string'}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
title: auth.sentCodeTypeSms
description: The code was sent via SMS
# Constructor: auth.sentCodeTypeSms
[Back to constructors index](
The code was sent via SMS
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|length|[int](../types/ | Yes|Length of the code in bytes|
### Type: [auth.SentCodeType](../types/
### Example:
$auth.sentCodeTypeSms = ['_' => 'auth.sentCodeTypeSms', 'length' => int];
Or, if you're into Lua:
auth.sentCodeTypeSms={_='auth.sentCodeTypeSms', length=int}

View File

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
title: auth.authorization
description: Contains user authorization info.
# Constructor: auth.authorization
[Back to constructors index](
Contains user authorization info.
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|tmp\_sessions|[int](../types/ | Optional|Temporary [passport]( sessions|
|user|[User](../types/ | Optional|Info on authorized user|
### Type: [auth\_Authorization](../types/
### Example:
$auth_authorization = ['_' => 'auth.authorization', 'tmp_sessions' => int, 'user' => User];
Or, if you're into Lua:
auth_authorization={_='auth.authorization', tmp_sessions=int, user=User}

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
title: auth.authorizationSignUpRequired
description: An account with this phone number doesn't exist on telegram: the user has to [enter basic information and sign up](
# Constructor: auth.authorizationSignUpRequired
[Back to constructors index](
An account with this phone number doesn't exist on telegram: the user has to [enter basic information and sign up](
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|terms\_of\_service|[help\_TermsOfService](../types/ | Optional|Telegram's terms of service: the user must read and accept the terms of service before signing up to telegram|
### Type: [auth\_Authorization](../types/
### Example:
$auth_authorizationSignUpRequired = ['_' => 'auth.authorizationSignUpRequired', 'terms_of_service' => help_TermsOfService];
Or, if you're into Lua:
auth_authorizationSignUpRequired={_='auth.authorizationSignUpRequired', terms_of_service=help_TermsOfService}

View File

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
title: auth.codeTypeCall
description: Type of verification code that will be sent next if you call the resendCode method: SMS code
# Constructor: auth.codeTypeCall
[Back to constructors index](
Type of verification code that will be sent next if you call the resendCode method: SMS code
### Type: [auth\_CodeType](../types/
### Example:
$auth_codeTypeCall = ['_' => 'auth.codeTypeCall'];
Or, if you're into Lua:

View File

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
title: auth.codeTypeFlashCall
description: Type of verification code that will be sent next if you call the resendCode method: SMS code
# Constructor: auth.codeTypeFlashCall
[Back to constructors index](
Type of verification code that will be sent next if you call the resendCode method: SMS code
### Type: [auth\_CodeType](../types/
### Example:
$auth_codeTypeFlashCall = ['_' => 'auth.codeTypeFlashCall'];
Or, if you're into Lua:

View File

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
title: auth.codeTypeSms
description: Type of verification code that will be sent next if you call the resendCode method: SMS code
# Constructor: auth.codeTypeSms
[Back to constructors index](
Type of verification code that will be sent next if you call the resendCode method: SMS code
### Type: [auth\_CodeType](../types/
### Example:
$auth_codeTypeSms = ['_' => 'auth.codeTypeSms'];
Or, if you're into Lua:

View File

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
title: auth.exportedAuthorization
description: Data for copying of authorization between data centres.
# Constructor: auth.exportedAuthorization
[Back to constructors index](
Data for copying of authorization between data centres.
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|id|[int](../types/ | Yes|Current user identifier|
|bytes|[bytes](../types/ | Yes|Authorizes key|
### Type: [auth\_ExportedAuthorization](../types/
### Example:
$auth_exportedAuthorization = ['_' => 'auth.exportedAuthorization', 'id' => int, 'bytes' => 'bytes'];
Or, if you're into Lua:
auth_exportedAuthorization={_='auth.exportedAuthorization', id=int, bytes='bytes'}

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
title: auth.passwordRecovery
description: Recovery info of a [2FA password](, only for accounts with a [recovery email configured](
# Constructor: auth.passwordRecovery
[Back to constructors index](
Recovery info of a [2FA password](, only for accounts with a [recovery email configured](
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|email\_pattern|[string](../types/ | Yes|The email to which the recovery code was sent must match this [pattern](|
### Type: [auth\_PasswordRecovery](../types/
### Example:
$auth_passwordRecovery = ['_' => 'auth.passwordRecovery', 'email_pattern' => 'string'];
Or, if you're into Lua:
auth_passwordRecovery={_='auth.passwordRecovery', email_pattern='string'}

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
title: auth.sentCode
description: Contains info about a sent verification code.
# Constructor: auth.sentCode
[Back to constructors index](
Contains info about a sent verification code.
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|type|[auth\_SentCodeType](../types/ | Yes|Phone code type|
|phone\_code\_hash|[string](../types/ | Yes|Phone code hash, to be stored and later re-used with [auth.signIn](../methods/|
|next\_type|[auth\_CodeType](../types/ | Optional|Phone code type that will be sent next, if the phone code is not received within `timeout` seconds: to send it use [auth.resendCode](../methods/|
|timeout|[int](../types/ | Optional|Timeout for reception of the phone code|
### Type: [auth\_SentCode](../types/
### Example:
$auth_sentCode = ['_' => 'auth.sentCode', 'type' => auth_SentCodeType, 'phone_code_hash' => 'string', 'next_type' => auth_CodeType, 'timeout' => int];
Or, if you're into Lua:
auth_sentCode={_='auth.sentCode', type=auth_SentCodeType, phone_code_hash='string', next_type=auth_CodeType, timeout=int}

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
title: auth.sentCodeTypeApp
description: The code was sent through the telegram app
# Constructor: auth.sentCodeTypeApp
[Back to constructors index](
The code was sent through the telegram app
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|length|[int](../types/ | Yes|Length of the code in bytes|
### Type: [auth\_SentCodeType](../types/
### Example:
$auth_sentCodeTypeApp = ['_' => 'auth.sentCodeTypeApp', 'length' => int];
Or, if you're into Lua:
auth_sentCodeTypeApp={_='auth.sentCodeTypeApp', length=int}

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
title: auth.sentCodeTypeCall
description: The code will be sent via a phone call: a synthesized voice will tell the user which verification code to input.
# Constructor: auth.sentCodeTypeCall
[Back to constructors index](
The code will be sent via a phone call: a synthesized voice will tell the user which verification code to input.
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|length|[int](../types/ | Yes|Length of the verification code|
### Type: [auth\_SentCodeType](../types/
### Example:
$auth_sentCodeTypeCall = ['_' => 'auth.sentCodeTypeCall', 'length' => int];
Or, if you're into Lua:
auth_sentCodeTypeCall={_='auth.sentCodeTypeCall', length=int}

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
title: auth.sentCodeTypeFlashCall
description: The code will be sent via a flash phone call, that will be closed immediately. The phone code will then be the phone number itself, just make sure that the phone number matches the specified pattern.
# Constructor: auth.sentCodeTypeFlashCall
[Back to constructors index](
The code will be sent via a flash phone call, that will be closed immediately. The phone code will then be the phone number itself, just make sure that the phone number matches the specified pattern.
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|pattern|[string](../types/ | Yes|[pattern]( to match|
### Type: [auth\_SentCodeType](../types/
### Example:
$auth_sentCodeTypeFlashCall = ['_' => 'auth.sentCodeTypeFlashCall', 'pattern' => 'string'];
Or, if you're into Lua:
auth_sentCodeTypeFlashCall={_='auth.sentCodeTypeFlashCall', pattern='string'}

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
title: auth.sentCodeTypeSms
description: The code was sent via SMS
# Constructor: auth.sentCodeTypeSms
[Back to constructors index](
The code was sent via SMS
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|length|[int](../types/ | Yes|Length of the code in bytes|
### Type: [auth\_SentCodeType](../types/
### Example:
$auth_sentCodeTypeSms = ['_' => 'auth.sentCodeTypeSms', 'length' => int];
Or, if you're into Lua:
auth_sentCodeTypeSms={_='auth.sentCodeTypeSms', length=int}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
title: channels.adminLogResults
description: Admin log events
# Constructor: channels.adminLogResults
[Back to constructors index](
Admin log events
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|events|Array of [ChannelAdminLogEvent](../types/ | Yes|Events|
|chats|Array of [Chat](../types/ | Yes|Chats|
|users|Array of [User](../types/ | Yes|Users|
### Type: [channels.AdminLogResults](../types/
### Example:
$channels.adminLogResults = ['_' => 'channels.adminLogResults', 'events' => [ChannelAdminLogEvent, ChannelAdminLogEvent], 'chats' => [Chat, Chat], 'users' => [User, User]];
Or, if you're into Lua:
channels.adminLogResults={_='channels.adminLogResults', events={ChannelAdminLogEvent}, chats={Chat}, users={User}}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
title: channels.channelParticipant
description: Represents a channel participant
# Constructor: channels.channelParticipant
[Back to constructors index](
Represents a channel participant
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|participant|[ChannelParticipant](../types/ | Yes|The channel participant|
|users|Array of [User](../types/ | Yes|Users|
### Type: [channels.ChannelParticipant](../types/
### Example:
$channels.channelParticipant = ['_' => 'channels.channelParticipant', 'participant' => ChannelParticipant, 'users' => [User, User]];
Or, if you're into Lua:
channels.channelParticipant={_='channels.channelParticipant', participant=ChannelParticipant, users={User}}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
title: channels.channelParticipants
description: Represents multiple channel participants
# Constructor: channels.channelParticipants
[Back to constructors index](
Represents multiple channel participants
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|count|[int](../types/ | Yes|Total number of participants that correspond to the given query|
|participants|Array of [ChannelParticipant](../types/ | Yes|Participants|
|users|Array of [User](../types/ | Yes|Users|
### Type: [channels.ChannelParticipants](../types/
### Example:
$channels.channelParticipants = ['_' => 'channels.channelParticipants', 'count' => int, 'participants' => [ChannelParticipant, ChannelParticipant], 'users' => [User, User]];
Or, if you're into Lua:
channels.channelParticipants={_='channels.channelParticipants', count=int, participants={ChannelParticipant}, users={User}}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
title: channels.channelParticipantsNotModified
description: No new participant info could be found
# Constructor: channels.channelParticipantsNotModified
[Back to constructors index](
No new participant info could be found
### Type: [channels.ChannelParticipants](../types/
### Example:
$channels.channelParticipantsNotModified = ['_' => 'channels.channelParticipantsNotModified'];
Or, if you're into Lua:

View File

@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
title: channels.adminLogResults
description: Admin log events
# Constructor: channels.adminLogResults
[Back to constructors index](
Admin log events
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|events|Array of [ChannelAdminLogEvent](../types/ | Yes|Events|
|chats|Array of [Chat](../types/ | Yes|Chats|
|users|Array of [User](../types/ | Yes|Users|
### Type: [channels\_AdminLogResults](../types/
### Example:
$channels_adminLogResults = ['_' => 'channels.adminLogResults', 'events' => [ChannelAdminLogEvent, ChannelAdminLogEvent], 'chats' => [Chat, Chat], 'users' => [User, User]];
Or, if you're into Lua:
channels_adminLogResults={_='channels.adminLogResults', events={ChannelAdminLogEvent}, chats={Chat}, users={User}}

View File

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
title: channels.channelParticipant
description: Represents a channel participant
# Constructor: channels.channelParticipant
[Back to constructors index](
Represents a channel participant
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|participant|[ChannelParticipant](../types/ | Yes|The channel participant|
|users|Array of [User](../types/ | Yes|Users|
### Type: [channels\_ChannelParticipant](../types/
### Example:
$channels_channelParticipant = ['_' => 'channels.channelParticipant', 'participant' => ChannelParticipant, 'users' => [User, User]];
Or, if you're into Lua:
channels_channelParticipant={_='channels.channelParticipant', participant=ChannelParticipant, users={User}}

View File

@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
title: channels.channelParticipants
description: Represents multiple channel participants
# Constructor: channels.channelParticipants
[Back to constructors index](
Represents multiple channel participants
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|count|[int](../types/ | Yes|Total number of participants that correspond to the given query|
|participants|Array of [ChannelParticipant](../types/ | Yes|Participants|
|users|Array of [User](../types/ | Yes|Users|
### Type: [channels\_ChannelParticipants](../types/
### Example:
$channels_channelParticipants = ['_' => 'channels.channelParticipants', 'count' => int, 'participants' => [ChannelParticipant, ChannelParticipant], 'users' => [User, User]];
Or, if you're into Lua:
channels_channelParticipants={_='channels.channelParticipants', count=int, participants={ChannelParticipant}, users={User}}

View File

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
title: channels.channelParticipantsNotModified
description: No new participant info could be found
# Constructor: channels.channelParticipantsNotModified
[Back to constructors index](
No new participant info could be found
### Type: [channels\_ChannelParticipants](../types/
### Example:
$channels_channelParticipantsNotModified = ['_' => 'channels.channelParticipantsNotModified'];
Or, if you're into Lua:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
title: contacts.blocked
description: Full list of blocked users.
# Constructor: contacts.blocked
[Back to constructors index](
Full list of blocked users.
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|blocked|Array of [ContactBlocked](../types/ | Yes|Blocked|
|users|Array of [User](../types/ | Yes|Users|
### Type: [contacts.Blocked](../types/
### Example:
$contacts.blocked = ['_' => 'contacts.blocked', 'blocked' => [ContactBlocked, ContactBlocked], 'users' => [User, User]];
Or, if you're into Lua:
contacts.blocked={_='contacts.blocked', blocked={ContactBlocked}, users={User}}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
title: contacts.blockedSlice
description: Incomplete list of blocked users.
# Constructor: contacts.blockedSlice
[Back to constructors index](
Incomplete list of blocked users.
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|count|[int](../types/ | Yes|Total number of elements in the list|
|blocked|Array of [ContactBlocked](../types/ | Yes|Blocked|
|users|Array of [User](../types/ | Yes|Users|
### Type: [contacts.Blocked](../types/
### Example:
$contacts.blockedSlice = ['_' => 'contacts.blockedSlice', 'count' => int, 'blocked' => [ContactBlocked, ContactBlocked], 'users' => [User, User]];
Or, if you're into Lua:
contacts.blockedSlice={_='contacts.blockedSlice', count=int, blocked={ContactBlocked}, users={User}}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
title: contacts.contacts
description: The current user's contact list and info on users.
# Constructor: contacts.contacts
[Back to constructors index](
The current user's contact list and info on users.
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|contacts|Array of [Contact](../types/ | Yes|Contacts|
|saved\_count|[int](../types/ | Yes|Number of contacts that were saved successfully|
|users|Array of [User](../types/ | Yes|Users|
### Type: [contacts.Contacts](../types/
### Example:
$contacts.contacts = ['_' => 'contacts.contacts', 'contacts' => [Contact, Contact], 'saved_count' => int, 'users' => [User, User]];
Or, if you're into Lua:
contacts.contacts={_='contacts.contacts', contacts={Contact}, saved_count=int, users={User}}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
title: contacts.contactsNotModified
description: Contact list on the server is the same as the list on the client.
# Constructor: contacts.contactsNotModified
[Back to constructors index](
Contact list on the server is the same as the list on the client.
### Type: [contacts.Contacts](../types/
### Example:
$contacts.contactsNotModified = ['_' => 'contacts.contactsNotModified'];
Or, if you're into Lua:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
title: contacts.found
description: Users found by name substring and auxiliary data.
# Constructor: contacts.found
[Back to constructors index](
Users found by name substring and auxiliary data.
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|my\_results|Array of [Peer](../types/ | Yes|My results|
|results|Array of [Peer](../types/ | Yes|Results|
|chats|Array of [Chat](../types/ | Yes|Chats|
|users|Array of [User](../types/ | Yes|Users|
### Type: [contacts.Found](../types/
### Example:
$contacts.found = ['_' => 'contacts.found', 'my_results' => [Peer, Peer], 'results' => [Peer, Peer], 'chats' => [Chat, Chat], 'users' => [User, User]];
Or, if you're into Lua:
contacts.found={_='contacts.found', my_results={Peer}, results={Peer}, chats={Chat}, users={User}}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
title: contacts.importedContacts
description: Info on succesfully imported contacts.
# Constructor: contacts.importedContacts
[Back to constructors index](
Info on succesfully imported contacts.
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|imported|Array of [ImportedContact](../types/ | Yes|Imported|
|popular\_invites|Array of [PopularContact](../types/ | Yes|Popular invites|
|retry\_contacts|Array of [long](../types/ | Yes|Retry importing contacts whose client IDs appear here|
|users|Array of [User](../types/ | Yes|Users|
### Type: [contacts.ImportedContacts](../types/
### Example:
$contacts.importedContacts = ['_' => 'contacts.importedContacts', 'imported' => [ImportedContact, ImportedContact], 'popular_invites' => [PopularContact, PopularContact], 'retry_contacts' => [long, long], 'users' => [User, User]];
Or, if you're into Lua:
contacts.importedContacts={_='contacts.importedContacts', imported={ImportedContact}, popular_invites={PopularContact}, retry_contacts={long}, users={User}}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
title: contacts.resolvedPeer
description: Resolved peer
# Constructor: contacts.resolvedPeer
[Back to constructors index](
Resolved peer
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|peer|[Peer](../types/ | Yes|The peer|
|chats|Array of [Chat](../types/ | Yes|Chats|
|users|Array of [User](../types/ | Yes|Users|
### Type: [contacts.ResolvedPeer](../types/
### Example:
$contacts.resolvedPeer = ['_' => 'contacts.resolvedPeer', 'peer' => Peer, 'chats' => [Chat, Chat], 'users' => [User, User]];
Or, if you're into Lua:
contacts.resolvedPeer={_='contacts.resolvedPeer', peer=Peer, chats={Chat}, users={User}}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
title: contacts.topPeers
description: Top peers
# Constructor: contacts.topPeers
[Back to constructors index](
Top peers
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|categories|Array of [TopPeerCategoryPeers](../types/ | Yes|Categories|
|chats|Array of [Chat](../types/ | Yes|Chats|
|users|Array of [User](../types/ | Yes|Users|
### Type: [contacts.TopPeers](../types/
### Example:
$contacts.topPeers = ['_' => 'contacts.topPeers', 'categories' => [TopPeerCategoryPeers, TopPeerCategoryPeers], 'chats' => [Chat, Chat], 'users' => [User, User]];
Or, if you're into Lua:
contacts.topPeers={_='contacts.topPeers', categories={TopPeerCategoryPeers}, chats={Chat}, users={User}}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
title: contacts.topPeersDisabled
description: Top peers disabled
# Constructor: contacts.topPeersDisabled
[Back to constructors index](
Top peers disabled
### Type: [contacts.TopPeers](../types/
### Example:
$contacts.topPeersDisabled = ['_' => 'contacts.topPeersDisabled'];
Or, if you're into Lua:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
title: contacts.topPeersNotModified
description: Top peer info hasn't changed
# Constructor: contacts.topPeersNotModified
[Back to constructors index](
Top peer info hasn't changed
### Type: [contacts.TopPeers](../types/
### Example:
$contacts.topPeersNotModified = ['_' => 'contacts.topPeersNotModified'];
Or, if you're into Lua:

View File

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
title: contacts.blocked
description: Full list of blocked users.
# Constructor: contacts.blocked
[Back to constructors index](
Full list of blocked users.
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|blocked|Array of [ContactBlocked](../types/ | Yes|Blocked|
|users|Array of [User](../types/ | Yes|Users|
### Type: [contacts\_Blocked](../types/
### Example:
$contacts_blocked = ['_' => 'contacts.blocked', 'blocked' => [ContactBlocked, ContactBlocked], 'users' => [User, User]];
Or, if you're into Lua:
contacts_blocked={_='contacts.blocked', blocked={ContactBlocked}, users={User}}

View File

@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
title: contacts.blockedSlice
description: Incomplete list of blocked users.
# Constructor: contacts.blockedSlice
[Back to constructors index](
Incomplete list of blocked users.
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|count|[int](../types/ | Yes|Total number of elements in the list|
|blocked|Array of [ContactBlocked](../types/ | Yes|Blocked|
|users|Array of [User](../types/ | Yes|Users|
### Type: [contacts\_Blocked](../types/
### Example:
$contacts_blockedSlice = ['_' => 'contacts.blockedSlice', 'count' => int, 'blocked' => [ContactBlocked, ContactBlocked], 'users' => [User, User]];
Or, if you're into Lua:
contacts_blockedSlice={_='contacts.blockedSlice', count=int, blocked={ContactBlocked}, users={User}}

View File

@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
title: contacts.contacts
description: The current user's contact list and info on users.
# Constructor: contacts.contacts
[Back to constructors index](
The current user's contact list and info on users.
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|contacts|Array of [Contact](../types/ | Yes|Contacts|
|saved\_count|[int](../types/ | Yes|Number of contacts that were saved successfully|
|users|Array of [User](../types/ | Yes|Users|
### Type: [contacts\_Contacts](../types/
### Example:
$contacts_contacts = ['_' => 'contacts.contacts', 'contacts' => [Contact, Contact], 'saved_count' => int, 'users' => [User, User]];
Or, if you're into Lua:
contacts_contacts={_='contacts.contacts', contacts={Contact}, saved_count=int, users={User}}

View File

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
title: contacts.contactsNotModified
description: Contact list on the server is the same as the list on the client.
# Constructor: contacts.contactsNotModified
[Back to constructors index](
Contact list on the server is the same as the list on the client.
### Type: [contacts\_Contacts](../types/
### Example:
$contacts_contactsNotModified = ['_' => 'contacts.contactsNotModified'];
Or, if you're into Lua:

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
title: contacts.found
description: Users found by name substring and auxiliary data.
# Constructor: contacts.found
[Back to constructors index](
Users found by name substring and auxiliary data.
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|my\_results|Array of [Peer](../types/ | Yes|My results|
|results|Array of [Peer](../types/ | Yes|Results|
|chats|Array of [Chat](../types/ | Yes|Chats|
|users|Array of [User](../types/ | Yes|Users|
### Type: [contacts\_Found](../types/
### Example:
$contacts_found = ['_' => 'contacts.found', 'my_results' => [Peer, Peer], 'results' => [Peer, Peer], 'chats' => [Chat, Chat], 'users' => [User, User]];
Or, if you're into Lua:
contacts_found={_='contacts.found', my_results={Peer}, results={Peer}, chats={Chat}, users={User}}

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
title: contacts.importedContacts
description: Info on succesfully imported contacts.
# Constructor: contacts.importedContacts
[Back to constructors index](
Info on succesfully imported contacts.
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|imported|Array of [ImportedContact](../types/ | Yes|Imported|
|popular\_invites|Array of [PopularContact](../types/ | Yes|Popular invites|
|retry\_contacts|Array of [long](../types/ | Yes|Retry importing contacts whose client IDs appear here|
|users|Array of [User](../types/ | Yes|Users|
### Type: [contacts\_ImportedContacts](../types/
### Example:
$contacts_importedContacts = ['_' => 'contacts.importedContacts', 'imported' => [ImportedContact, ImportedContact], 'popular_invites' => [PopularContact, PopularContact], 'retry_contacts' => [long, long], 'users' => [User, User]];
Or, if you're into Lua:
contacts_importedContacts={_='contacts.importedContacts', imported={ImportedContact}, popular_invites={PopularContact}, retry_contacts={long}, users={User}}

View File

@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
title: contacts.resolvedPeer
description: Resolved peer
# Constructor: contacts.resolvedPeer
[Back to constructors index](
Resolved peer
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|peer|[Peer](../types/ | Yes|The peer|
|chats|Array of [Chat](../types/ | Yes|Chats|
|users|Array of [User](../types/ | Yes|Users|
### Type: [contacts\_ResolvedPeer](../types/
### Example:
$contacts_resolvedPeer = ['_' => 'contacts.resolvedPeer', 'peer' => Peer, 'chats' => [Chat, Chat], 'users' => [User, User]];
Or, if you're into Lua:
contacts_resolvedPeer={_='contacts.resolvedPeer', peer=Peer, chats={Chat}, users={User}}

View File

@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
title: contacts.topPeers
description: Top peers
# Constructor: contacts.topPeers
[Back to constructors index](
Top peers
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|categories|Array of [TopPeerCategoryPeers](../types/ | Yes|Categories|
|chats|Array of [Chat](../types/ | Yes|Chats|
|users|Array of [User](../types/ | Yes|Users|
### Type: [contacts\_TopPeers](../types/
### Example:
$contacts_topPeers = ['_' => 'contacts.topPeers', 'categories' => [TopPeerCategoryPeers, TopPeerCategoryPeers], 'chats' => [Chat, Chat], 'users' => [User, User]];
Or, if you're into Lua:
contacts_topPeers={_='contacts.topPeers', categories={TopPeerCategoryPeers}, chats={Chat}, users={User}}

View File

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
title: contacts.topPeersDisabled
description: Top peers disabled
# Constructor: contacts.topPeersDisabled
[Back to constructors index](
Top peers disabled
### Type: [contacts\_TopPeers](../types/
### Example:
$contacts_topPeersDisabled = ['_' => 'contacts.topPeersDisabled'];
Or, if you're into Lua:

View File

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
title: contacts.topPeersNotModified
description: Top peer info hasn't changed
# Constructor: contacts.topPeersNotModified
[Back to constructors index](
Top peer info hasn't changed
### Type: [contacts\_TopPeers](../types/
### Example:
$contacts_topPeersNotModified = ['_' => 'contacts.topPeersNotModified'];
Or, if you're into Lua:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
title: help.appUpdate
description: An update is available for the application.
# Constructor: help.appUpdate
[Back to constructors index](
An update is available for the application.
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|can\_not\_skip|[Bool](../types/ | Optional|Unskippable, the new info must be shown to the user (with a popup or something else)|
|id|[int](../types/ | Yes|Update ID|
|version|[string](../types/ | Yes|New version name|
|text|[string](../types/ | Yes|Text description of the update|
|entities|Array of [MessageEntity](../types/ | Yes|Entities|
|document|[Document](../types/ | Optional|Attached document|
|url|[string](../types/ | Optional|Application download URL|
### Type: [help.AppUpdate](../types/
### Example:
$help.appUpdate = ['_' => 'help.appUpdate', 'can_not_skip' => Bool, 'id' => int, 'version' => 'string', 'text' => 'string', 'entities' => [MessageEntity, MessageEntity], 'document' => Document, 'url' => 'string'];
Or, if you're into Lua:
help.appUpdate={_='help.appUpdate', can_not_skip=Bool, id=int, version='string', text='string', entities={MessageEntity}, document=Document, url='string'}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
title: help.configSimple
description: Config simple
# Constructor: help.configSimple
[Back to constructors index](
Config simple
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|date|[int](../types/ | Yes|Date|
|expires|[int](../types/ | Yes|Expires|
|rules|Array of [AccessPointRule](../types/ | Yes|Rules|
### Type: [help.ConfigSimple](../types/
### Example:
$help.configSimple = ['_' => 'help.configSimple', 'date' => int, 'expires' => int, 'rules' => [AccessPointRule, AccessPointRule]];
Or, if you're into Lua:
help.configSimple={_='help.configSimple', date=int, expires=int, rules={AccessPointRule}}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
title: help.deepLinkInfo
description: Deep linking info
# Constructor: help.deepLinkInfo
[Back to constructors index](
Deep linking info
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|update\_app|[Bool](../types/ | Optional|An update of the app is required to parse this link|
|message|[string](../types/ | Yes|Message to show to the user|
|entities|Array of [MessageEntity](../types/ | Optional|Entities|
### Type: [help.DeepLinkInfo](../types/
### Example:
$help.deepLinkInfo = ['_' => 'help.deepLinkInfo', 'update_app' => Bool, 'message' => 'string', 'entities' => [MessageEntity, MessageEntity]];
Or, if you're into Lua:
help.deepLinkInfo={_='help.deepLinkInfo', update_app=Bool, message='string', entities={MessageEntity}}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
title: help.deepLinkInfoEmpty
description: Deep link info empty
# Constructor: help.deepLinkInfoEmpty
[Back to constructors index](
Deep link info empty
### Type: [help.DeepLinkInfo](../types/
### Example:
$help.deepLinkInfoEmpty = ['_' => 'help.deepLinkInfoEmpty'];
Or, if you're into Lua:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
title: help.inviteText
description: Text of a text message with an invitation to install application.
# Constructor: help.inviteText
[Back to constructors index](
Text of a text message with an invitation to install application.
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|message|[string](../types/ | Yes|Text of a message|
### Type: [help.InviteText](../types/
### Example:
$help.inviteText = ['_' => 'help.inviteText', 'message' => 'string'];
Or, if you're into Lua:
help.inviteText={_='help.inviteText', message='string'}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
title: help.noAppUpdate
description: No updates are available for the application.
# Constructor: help.noAppUpdate
[Back to constructors index](
No updates are available for the application.
### Type: [help.AppUpdate](../types/
### Example:
$help.noAppUpdate = ['_' => 'help.noAppUpdate'];
Or, if you're into Lua:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
title: help.passportConfig
description: Telegram [passport]( configuration
# Constructor: help.passportConfig
[Back to constructors index](
Telegram [passport]( configuration
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|hash|[int](../types/ | Yes|[Hash for pagination, for more info click here](|
|countries\_langs|[DataJSON](../types/ | Yes|Localization|
### Type: [help.PassportConfig](../types/
### Example:
$help.passportConfig = ['_' => 'help.passportConfig', 'hash' => int, 'countries_langs' => DataJSON];
Or, if you're into Lua:
help.passportConfig={_='help.passportConfig', hash=int, countries_langs=DataJSON}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
title: help.passportConfigNotModified
description: Password configuration not modified
# Constructor: help.passportConfigNotModified
[Back to constructors index](
Password configuration not modified
### Type: [help.PassportConfig](../types/
### Example:
$help.passportConfigNotModified = ['_' => 'help.passportConfigNotModified'];
Or, if you're into Lua:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
title: help.proxyDataEmpty
description: No proxy was used to connect to tg (or none was provided to [initConnection](../methods/, or the used proxy doesn't have a promotion channel associated to it)
# Constructor: help.proxyDataEmpty
[Back to constructors index](
No proxy was used to connect to tg (or none was provided to [initConnection](../methods/, or the used proxy doesn't have a promotion channel associated to it)
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|expires|[int](../types/ | Yes|Expiration date of proxy info, will have to be refetched in `expires` seconds|
### Type: [help.ProxyData](../types/
### Example:
$help.proxyDataEmpty = ['_' => 'help.proxyDataEmpty', 'expires' => int];
Or, if you're into Lua:
help.proxyDataEmpty={_='help.proxyDataEmpty', expires=int}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
title: help.proxyDataPromo
description: Promotion channel associated to a certain MTProxy
# Constructor: help.proxyDataPromo
[Back to constructors index](
Promotion channel associated to a certain MTProxy
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|expires|[int](../types/ | Yes|Expiration date of proxy info, will have to be refetched in `expires` seconds|
|peer|[Peer](../types/ | Yes|The promoted channel|
|chats|Array of [Chat](../types/ | Yes|Chats|
|users|Array of [User](../types/ | Yes|Users|
### Type: [help.ProxyData](../types/
### Example:
$help.proxyDataPromo = ['_' => 'help.proxyDataPromo', 'expires' => int, 'peer' => Peer, 'chats' => [Chat, Chat], 'users' => [User, User]];
Or, if you're into Lua:
help.proxyDataPromo={_='help.proxyDataPromo', expires=int, peer=Peer, chats={Chat}, users={User}}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
title: help.recentMeUrls
description: Recent URLs
# Constructor: help.recentMeUrls
[Back to constructors index](
Recent URLs
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|urls|Array of [RecentMeUrl](../types/ | Yes|URLs|
|chats|Array of [Chat](../types/ | Yes|Chats|
|users|Array of [User](../types/ | Yes|Users|
### Type: [help.RecentMeUrls](../types/
### Example:
$help.recentMeUrls = ['_' => 'help.recentMeUrls', 'urls' => [RecentMeUrl, RecentMeUrl], 'chats' => [Chat, Chat], 'users' => [User, User]];
Or, if you're into Lua:
help.recentMeUrls={_='help.recentMeUrls', urls={RecentMeUrl}, chats={Chat}, users={User}}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
description: Info on support user.
# Constructor:
[Back to constructors index](
Info on support user.
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|phone\_number|[string](../types/ | Yes|Phone number|
|user|[User](../types/ | Optional|User|
### Type: [help.Support](../types/
### Example:
$ = ['_' => '', 'phone_number' => 'string', 'user' => User];
Or, if you're into Lua:
```lua{_='', phone_number='string', user=User}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
title: help.supportName
description: Localized name for telegram support
# Constructor: help.supportName
[Back to constructors index](
Localized name for telegram support
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|name|[string](../types/ | Yes|Localized name|
### Type: [help.SupportName](../types/
### Example:
$help.supportName = ['_' => 'help.supportName', 'name' => 'string'];
Or, if you're into Lua:
help.supportName={_='help.supportName', name='string'}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
title: help.termsOfService
description: Info about the latest telegram Terms Of Service
# Constructor: help.termsOfService
[Back to constructors index](
Info about the latest telegram Terms Of Service
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|popup|[Bool](../types/ | Optional|Whether a prompt must be showed to the user, in order to accept the new terms.|
|id|[DataJSON](../types/ | Yes|ID of the new terms|
|text|[string](../types/ | Yes|Text of the new terms|
|entities|Array of [MessageEntity](../types/ | Yes|Entities|
|min\_age\_confirm|[int](../types/ | Optional|Minimum age required to sign up to telegram, the user must confirm that they is older than the minimum age.|
### Type: [help.TermsOfService](../types/
### Example:
$help.termsOfService = ['_' => 'help.termsOfService', 'popup' => Bool, 'id' => DataJSON, 'text' => 'string', 'entities' => [MessageEntity, MessageEntity], 'min_age_confirm' => int];
Or, if you're into Lua:
help.termsOfService={_='help.termsOfService', popup=Bool, id=DataJSON, text='string', entities={MessageEntity}, min_age_confirm=int}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
title: help.termsOfServiceUpdate
description: Info about an update of telegram's terms of service. If the terms of service are declined, then the [account.deleteAccount](../methods/ method should be called with the reason "Decline ToS update"
# Constructor: help.termsOfServiceUpdate
[Back to constructors index](
Info about an update of telegram's terms of service. If the terms of service are declined, then the [account.deleteAccount](../methods/ method should be called with the reason "Decline ToS update"
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|expires|[int](../types/ | Yes|New TOS updates will have to be queried using [help.getTermsOfServiceUpdate](../methods/ in `expires` seconds|
|terms\_of\_service|[help.TermsOfService](../constructors/ | Yes|New terms of service|
### Type: [help.TermsOfServiceUpdate](../types/
### Example:
$help.termsOfServiceUpdate = ['_' => 'help.termsOfServiceUpdate', 'expires' => int, 'terms_of_service' => help.TermsOfService];
Or, if you're into Lua:
help.termsOfServiceUpdate={_='help.termsOfServiceUpdate', expires=int, terms_of_service=help.TermsOfService}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
title: help.termsOfServiceUpdateEmpty
description: No changes were made to telegram's terms of service
# Constructor: help.termsOfServiceUpdateEmpty
[Back to constructors index](
No changes were made to telegram's terms of service
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|expires|[int](../types/ | Yes|New TOS updates will have to be queried using [help.getTermsOfServiceUpdate](../methods/ in `expires` seconds|
### Type: [help.TermsOfServiceUpdate](../types/
### Example:
$help.termsOfServiceUpdateEmpty = ['_' => 'help.termsOfServiceUpdateEmpty', 'expires' => int];
Or, if you're into Lua:
help.termsOfServiceUpdateEmpty={_='help.termsOfServiceUpdateEmpty', expires=int}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
title: help.userInfo
description: Internal use
# Constructor: help.userInfo
[Back to constructors index](
Internal use
### Attributes:
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
|message|[string](../types/ | Yes|Info|
|entities|Array of [MessageEntity](../types/ | Yes|Entities|
|author|[string](../types/ | Yes|Author|
|date|[int](../types/ | Yes|Date|
### Type: [help.UserInfo](../types/
### Example:
$help.userInfo = ['_' => 'help.userInfo', 'message' => 'string', 'entities' => [MessageEntity, MessageEntity], 'author' => 'string', 'date' => int];
Or, if you're into Lua:
help.userInfo={_='help.userInfo', message='string', entities={MessageEntity}, author='string', date=int}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
title: help.userInfoEmpty
description: Internal use
# Constructor: help.userInfoEmpty
[Back to constructors index](
Internal use
### Type: [help.UserInfo](../types/
### Example:
$help.userInfoEmpty = ['_' => 'help.userInfoEmpty'];
Or, if you're into Lua:

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More