--- title: pollResults description: Results of poll image: https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/favicons/android-chrome-256x256.png --- # Constructor: pollResults [Back to constructors index](index.md) Results of poll ### Attributes: | Name | Type | Required | Description | |----------|---------------|----------|-------------| |min|[Bool](../types/Bool.md) | Optional|Similar to [min](https://core.telegram.org/api/min) objects, used for poll constructors that are the same for all users so they don't have option chosen by the current user (you can use [messages.getPollResults](../methods/messages.getPollResults.md) to get the full poll results).| |results|Array of [PollAnswerVoters](../types/PollAnswerVoters.md) | Optional|Poll results| |total\_voters|[int](../types/int.md) | Optional|Total number of people that voted in the poll| |recent\_voters|Array of [int](../types/int.md) | Optional|IDs of the last users that recently voted in the poll| |solution|[string](../types/string.md) | Optional|Explanation of quiz solution| |solution\_entities|Array of [MessageEntity](../types/MessageEntity.md) | Optional|[Message entities for styled text in quiz solution](https://core.telegram.org/api/entities)| ### Type: [PollResults](../types/PollResults.md) ### Example: ```php $pollResults = ['_' => 'pollResults', 'min' => Bool, 'results' => [PollAnswerVoters, PollAnswerVoters], 'total_voters' => int, 'recent_voters' => [int, int], 'solution' => 'string', 'solution_entities' => [MessageEntity, MessageEntity]]; ``` Or, if you're into Lua: ```lua pollResults={_='pollResults', min=Bool, results={PollAnswerVoters}, total_voters=int, recent_voters={int}, solution='string', solution_entities={MessageEntity}} ```