--- title: danog\MadelineProto\Wrappers\Loop: Manages logging in and out. description: --- # `danog\MadelineProto\Wrappers\Loop` [Back to index](../../../index.md) > Author: Daniil Gentili Manages logging in and out. ## Method list: * `initSelfRestart(): void` * `loop(callable|null $callback): \Generator` * `stop(): void` * `restart(): void` * `loopFork(): \Amp\Promise` * `closeConnection(string $message): void` ## Methods: ### `initSelfRestart(): void` Initialize self-restart hack. ### `loop(callable|null $callback): \Generator` Start MadelineProto's update handling loop, or run the provided async callable. Parameters: * `$callback`: `callable|null` Async callable to run #### See also: * `\Generator` ### `stop(): void` Stop update loop. ### `restart(): void` Restart update loop. ### `loopFork(): \Amp\Promise` Start MadelineProto's update handling loop in background. #### See also: * `\Amp\Promise` ### `closeConnection(string $message): void` Close connection with client, connected via web. Parameters: * `$message`: `string` Message ## Properties * `$settings`: `\Settings` Settings --- Generated by [danog/phpdoc](https://phpdoc.daniil.it)