--- title: danog\MadelineProto\Async\AsyncConstruct: Async constructor class. description: Manages asynchronous construction and wakeup of classes --- # `danog\MadelineProto\Async\AsyncConstruct` [Back to index](../../../index.md) > Author: Daniil Gentili Async constructor class. Manages asynchronous construction and wakeup of classes ## Method list: * `init(): void` * `initAsynchronously(): \Generator` * `inited(): bool` * `forceInit(bool $inited): void` ## Methods: ### `init(): void` Blockingly init. ### `initAsynchronously(): \Generator` Asynchronously init. #### See also: * `\Generator` ### `inited(): bool` Check if we've already inited. ### `forceInit(bool $inited): void` Mark instance as (de)inited forcefully. Parameters: * `$inited`: `bool` Whether to mark the instance as inited or deinited --- Generated by [danog/phpdoc](https://phpdoc.daniil.it)