--- title: danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Connection\HttpWaitLoop: HttpWait loop. description: --- # `danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Connection\HttpWaitLoop` [Back to index](../../../../index.md) > Author: Daniil Gentili HttpWait loop. --- Generated by [danog/phpdoc](https://phpdoc.daniil.it). ## Method list: * `loop(): \Generator` * `pause(?int $time): \Promise Resolved when the loop is resumed` * `resume(): \Promise Resolved when the loop is paused again` * `resumeDefer(): \Promise Resolved when the loop is paused again` * `start(): bool` * `isRunning(): bool` * `signal(mixed|\Throwable $what): void` * `waitSignal(\Promise|\Generator $promise): \Promise` ## Methods: ### `loop(): \Generator` Main loop. #### See also: * `\Generator` ### `pause(?int $time): \Promise Resolved when the loop is resumed` Pause the loop. Parameters: * `$time`: `?int` For how long to pause the loop, if null will pause forever (until resume is called from outside of the loop) Return value: Resolved when the loop is resumed ### `resume(): \Promise Resolved when the loop is paused again` Resume the loop. Return value: Resolved when the loop is paused again ### `resumeDefer(): \Promise Resolved when the loop is paused again` Defer resuming the loop to next tick. Return value: Resolved when the loop is paused again ### `start(): bool` Start the loop. Returns false if the loop is already running. ### `isRunning(): bool` Check whether loop is running. ### `signal(mixed|\Throwable $what): void` Send signal to loop. Parameters: * `$what`: `mixed|\Throwable` Data to signal #### See also: * `\Throwable` ### `waitSignal(\Promise|\Generator $promise): \Promise` Resolve the promise or return|throw the signal. Parameters: * `$promise`: `\Promise|\Generator` The original promise or generator Full type: ``` \Promise<\T>|\Generator, mixed, \Promise<\T>|\T> ``` Fully typed return value: ``` \Promise<\T|mixed> ``` #### See also: * `\Promise` * `\Generator` * `\T`