title: networkStatisticsEntryCall
description: Contains information about total received and sent calls data
image: https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/favicons/android-chrome-256x256.png
# Constructor: networkStatisticsEntryCall  
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Contains information about total received and sent calls data

### Attributes:

| Name     |    Type       | Required | Description |
|network\_type|[NetworkType](../types/NetworkType.md) | Yes|Type of a network the data was sent through. Call setNetworkType to maintain actual network type|
|sent\_bytes|[int53](../types/int53.md) | Yes|Total number of sent bytes|
|received\_bytes|[int53](../types/int53.md) | Yes|Total number of received bytes|
|duration|[double](../types/double.md) | Yes|Total calls duration in seconds|

### Type: [NetworkStatisticsEntry](../types/NetworkStatisticsEntry.md)